Natures 7 Doctors


Here's something we all can play.

What's you favorite of natures doctors?
Dr Sunshine
Dr Fresh Air
Dr Clean Water
Dr Food
Dr Exercise
Dr Sleep
..aaand that other Dr which I can't recall at the moment.
Maybe it was Dr Ginko, but they were on the wall of my childhood doctor's office
and he wasn't the seventh Dr because he sucked - didn't care for him at all.

...anyway maybe you can think of what that seventh one is.

So, what is your favorite of Nature's Doctors and why
and then try to predict what the poster below will say their favorite is.

I'll go first since no one is posting ahead of me. the moment - Dr Sleep is my favorite because that's what I need most at this time.
Dr Bourbon is second and in command just now.

Okay - I predict the next poster will say food - probably chips
or some greasy fried stuff that goes well with depression.


If my dog doesn't like you, I probably won'teither
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Dr Clean water to keep my kidneys flushed and drink 1 gallon plus a day - - - - -

Rigor 79 will post next and say Dr Sunshine cause he wants out of his room - - - -