Oh come on. You too lazy to learn coding or something?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Yeah it sucks for America to have a president that cares more about the environment than fucking Canada lmao.

That oil is just gonna go to Asia instead. You can always move to northern alberta and get a job in the oil sands and smoke crack in the trailer with the bosses, they make the big bux. Fuck computers, that's for pussy boys. I'm a born roughneck, my heart pumps carcinogenic fracking fluid.

Pleases me to know the environment is more important. :rightON:

There isnt't much of an environment to save up in the Tar Sands, SeaMajor.
It's cold tundra 8 months of the year, goes down to -40 in the Wnter and is frightfully ugly much of the year.
I should know. I was born there
Mosquitoes are the National Bird of that region during the Spring/Summer & they bite till you're dripping with blood - bright red.
It's not like some sunny California paradise up there.

The environmentalists want to save something which isn't really worth it & has little Natural beauty.
Other than that, today it's a desolate basin for deceased dinosaurs which lived millions of years ago.
The Tar Sands were created out of a prehistoric tropical lake.
So it may as well be useful for something.
josephines of America dont like fracking in areas here that literally look like the surface of the fukin moon.

They must be creating a lot of geological instability in those regions where fracking is prevalent..

ie - sinkholes, future earthquakes..

South Dakota must bea real shithole, eh?
And they got all that COVID too.

Scrawny The Ghost

Interdimensional UltraMegaRich Luxury BLTQ+ Banker
Dimension-1218 19.20363 E 50.0266 N
China is in the business of devouring every nation which is fertile with natural resources wherever they have the opportunity to.

Canada is in the business of bending over and spreading their cheeks for the highest bidder. They are gonna take Alaska and yoink the oil.




Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
i.e., democRATs will fuck everything up, just like I told you. But hey, you supported the election theft. ENJOY!

I didn't vote in your election, Lokmeer!

You had more control than me who became yer Prez, Bud.

Just an innocent bystanded i yam i yam!
Poor cuck josephine.....dumb twat cheered for the video documented coup of Trump, the legitimate winner of the 2020 election, winds up supporting his country getting ass rammed by the dems and sold off to the chinkx.

Actually Lokmeer, I thought the USA should have an official recount of the 2020 election observed by other democracies to ensure every vote was properly emunerated. I said this before in previous posts and SG.

And perhaps the USA should drop the Dominion voting machines and adopt alternate methods instead

It's self-evident that the US election system is broken, needs a massive overhaul and greater oversight.

If the conservative/Republican leaning Wall Street Journal stated this 20 years ago and in 2020, then there must be some truth in this opinion.

Anyways, the final result wasn't my fault. I had no bearing on it. I just predicted the outcome correctly , that's all.

And if Trump had run a better election campaign and done a better job of addressing the pandemic, he might still bePresident today, Lokmeer.

I agree with this post until the last point.

Trump did do a good job addressing the pandemic. And everytime I ask anyone who slams Trumps pandemic handling... literally all they point to is a very exaggerated mask complaint. Trump didnt take masks "seriously" and thusly "murdered 400k people". Which is one of the most ignorant and partisan comments I've seen on this.

No one has been able to provide a valid complaint on what Trump could have done that he did not do, and no one is interested in holding anyone else accountable for actual fuck ups that caused death.

If Trump had somehow stopped a single case even showing up here, the media and democrats would be yelling about Trump "fear mongering".

His campaigns involved going out and talking to regular people.

It doesnt how good anyone does if the whole establishment is against them. The media pumped so much anti Trump bullshit to make sure as many people hated him AND now his base as possible so getting him out and restoring business as usual was possible.

The pandemic narratives are a great example. And it's so effective that even you show people its wrong, they still just double down.

That's why our country is fucked today. And it's just the beginning of the fuckery. You could say the Fuckening is in full swing. Unless we either start only allowing people who take tests showing they understand the issues to vote(and with ID and with a more secure system), or we stop allowing the media to spred slanted falsehoods and propaganda and force them to report only facts and report them objectively.

Most of the bias was in what wasnt reported at all. Its sick how the people can be openly manipulated and influenced to vote a certain way and people are so full of themselves to go along with it.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Yeah it sucks for America to have a president that cares more about the environment than fucking Canada lmao.

That oil is just gonna go to Asia instead. You can always move to northern alberta and get a job in the oil sands and smoke crack in the trailer with the bosses, they make the big bux. Fuck computers, that's for pussy boys. I'm a born roughneck, my heart pumps carcinogenic fracking fluid.

Pleases me to know the environment is more important. :rightON:

There isnt't much of an environment to save up in the Tar Sands, SeaMajor.
It's cold tundra 8 months of the year, goes down to -40 in the Wnter and is frightfully ugly much of the year.
I should know. I was born there
Mosquitoes are the National Bird of that region during the Spring/Summer & they bite till you're dripping with blood - bright red.
It's not like some sunny California paradise up there.

The environmentalists want to save something which isn't really worth it & has little Natural beauty.
Other than that, today it's a desolate basin for deceased dinosaurs which lived millions of years ago.
The Tar Sands were created out of a prehistoric tropical lake.
So it may as well be useful for something.
josephines of America dont like fracking in areas here that literally look like the surface of the fukin moon.

They must be creating a lot of geological instability in those regions where fracking is prevalent..

ie - sinkholes, future earthquakes..

South Dakota must bea real shithole, eh?
And they got all that COVID too.
COVID's a joke. 99.6% survivable. Masks are like screen doors on a submarine. Faggits like you cry over nothing. You hate energy independence. You hate guns. You hate freedom. You should die in a gulag of your own making.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Yeah it sucks for America to have a president that cares more about the environment than fucking Canada lmao.

That oil is just gonna go to Asia instead. You can always move to northern alberta and get a job in the oil sands and smoke crack in the trailer with the bosses, they make the big bux. Fuck computers, that's for pussy boys. I'm a born roughneck, my heart pumps carcinogenic fracking fluid.

Pleases me to know the environment is more important. :rightON:

There isnt't much of an environment to save up in the Tar Sands, SeaMajor.
It's cold tundra 8 months of the year, goes down to -40 in the Wnter and is frightfully ugly much of the year.
I should know. I was born there
Mosquitoes are the National Bird of that region during the Spring/Summer & they bite till you're dripping with blood - bright red.
It's not like some sunny California paradise up there.

The environmentalists want to save something which isn't really worth it & has little Natural beauty.
Other than that, today it's a desolate basin for deceased dinosaurs which lived millions of years ago.
The Tar Sands were created out of a prehistoric tropical lake.
So it may as well be useful for something.
josephines of America dont like fracking in areas here that literally look like the surface of the fukin moon.

They must be creating a lot of geological instability in those regions where fracking is prevalent..

ie - sinkholes, future earthquakes..

South Dakota must bea real shithole, eh?
And they got all that COVID too.
COVID's a joke. 99.6% survivable. Masks are like screen doors on a submarine. Faggits like you cry over nothing. You hate energy independence. You hate guns. You hate freedom. You should die in a gulag of your own making.

Still, there's over 400,000 dead in the USA along in less than year, Lokmeer.

The total death toll for your country during the Second World War was 405,000 in four years.

COVID has killed more Americans in 1/4 of that time.

That was the combined total of all the soldiers who died in all those battles your grandfather and his friends fought in, Lokmeer.

Think about that.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Yeah it sucks for America to have a president that cares more about the environment than fucking Canada lmao.

That oil is just gonna go to Asia instead. You can always move to northern alberta and get a job in the oil sands and smoke crack in the trailer with the bosses, they make the big bux. Fuck computers, that's for pussy boys. I'm a born roughneck, my heart pumps carcinogenic fracking fluid.

Pleases me to know the environment is more important. :rightON:

There isnt't much of an environment to save up in the Tar Sands, SeaMajor.
It's cold tundra 8 months of the year, goes down to -40 in the Wnter and is frightfully ugly much of the year.
I should know. I was born there
Mosquitoes are the National Bird of that region during the Spring/Summer & they bite till you're dripping with blood - bright red.
It's not like some sunny California paradise up there.

The environmentalists want to save something which isn't really worth it & has little Natural beauty.
Other than that, today it's a desolate basin for deceased dinosaurs which lived millions of years ago.
The Tar Sands were created out of a prehistoric tropical lake.
So it may as well be useful for something.
josephines of America dont like fracking in areas here that literally look like the surface of the fukin moon.

They must be creating a lot of geological instability in those regions where fracking is prevalent..

ie - sinkholes, future earthquakes..

South Dakota must bea real shithole, eh?
And they got all that COVID too.
COVID's a joke. 99.6% survivable. Masks are like screen doors on a submarine. Faggits like you cry over nothing. You hate energy independence. You hate guns. You hate freedom. You should die in a gulag of your own making.

Still, there's over 400,000 dead in the USA along in less than year, Lokmeer.

The total death toll for your country during the Second World War was 405,000 in four years.

COVID has killed more Americans in 1/4 of that time.

That was the combined total of all the soldiers who died in all those battles your grandfather and his friends fought in, Lokmeer.

Think about that.
We didnt send 400,000 70 and 80 year olds with die-a-beetus to fight in WW2 josephine. We count car crash victims who test positive for COVID as COVID deaths josephine. PWN3D! faggit.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Yeah it sucks for America to have a president that cares more about the environment than fucking Canada lmao.

That oil is just gonna go to Asia instead. You can always move to northern alberta and get a job in the oil sands and smoke crack in the trailer with the bosses, they make the big bux. Fuck computers, that's for pussy boys. I'm a born roughneck, my heart pumps carcinogenic fracking fluid.

Pleases me to know the environment is more important. :rightON:

There isnt't much of an environment to save up in the Tar Sands, SeaMajor.
It's cold tundra 8 months of the year, goes down to -40 in the Wnter and is frightfully ugly much of the year.
I should know. I was born there
Mosquitoes are the National Bird of that region during the Spring/Summer & they bite till you're dripping with blood - bright red.
It's not like some sunny California paradise up there.

The environmentalists want to save something which isn't really worth it & has little Natural beauty.
Other than that, today it's a desolate basin for deceased dinosaurs which lived millions of years ago.
The Tar Sands were created out of a prehistoric tropical lake.
So it may as well be useful for something.
josephines of America dont like fracking in areas here that literally look like the surface of the fukin moon.

They must be creating a lot of geological instability in those regions where fracking is prevalent..

ie - sinkholes, future earthquakes..

South Dakota must bea real shithole, eh?
And they got all that COVID too.
COVID's a joke. 99.6% survivable. Masks are like screen doors on a submarine. Faggits like you cry over nothing. You hate energy independence. You hate guns. You hate freedom. You should die in a gulag of your own making.

Still, there's over 400,000 dead in the USA along in less than year, Lokmeer.

The total death toll for your country during the Second World War was 405,000 in four years.

COVID has killed more Americans in 1/4 of that time.

That was the combined total of all the soldiers who died in all those battles your grandfather and his friends fought in, Lokmeer.

Think about that.
We didnt send 400,000 70 and 80 year olds with die-a-beetus to fight in WW2 josephine. We count car crash victims who test positive for COVID as COVID deaths josephine. PWN3D! faggit.

Funny thing tho - for all your tough talk abou the guns/weapons you own and the wars you advocate - you don't appear every to have signed up for military service for your nation. I mean, it's not as if the USA has a shortage of wars for young men to fight in, Lokmeer.

If you had the opportunity to serve, why didn't you Lokmeer?

Seems a bit chickenhawkish of you my friend.

Master Pu

I'll Funk You Up!
i.e., democRATs will fuck everything up, just like I told you. But hey, you supported the election theft. ENJOY!

I didn't vote in your election, Lokmeer!

You had more control than me who became yer Prez, Bud.

Just an innocent bystanded i yam i yam!
Poor cuck josephine.....dumb twat cheered for the video documented coup of Trump, the legitimate winner of the 2020 election, winds up supporting his country getting ass rammed by the dems and sold off to the chinkx.

Actually Lokmeer, I thought the USA should have an official recount of the 2020 election observed by other democracies to ensure every vote was properly emunerated. I said this before in previous posts and SG.

And perhaps the USA should drop the Dominion voting machines and adopt alternate methods instead

It's self-evident that the US election system is broken, needs a massive overhaul and greater oversight.

If the conservative/Republican leaning Wall Street Journal stated this 20 years ago and in 2020, then there must be some truth in this opinion.

Anyways, the final result wasn't my fault. I had no bearing on it. I just predicted the outcome correctly , that's all.

And if Trump had run a better election campaign and done a better job of addressing the pandemic, he might still bePresident today, Lokmeer.

I agree with this post until the last point.

Trump did do a good job addressing the pandemic. And everytime I ask anyone who slams Trumps pandemic handling... literally all they point to is a very exaggerated mask complaint. Trump didnt take masks "seriously"

His campaigns involved going out and talking to regular people.
Trump's administration had no vaccination plan, which only became apparent when Biden's administration took control.

Trump's administration didn't take masks seriously, and hosted and encouraged superspreader events.

His campaign involved talking to White people. Some of whom tried to overthrow the government. Thus the impeachment.

I'm so glad he's GONE!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Yeah it sucks for America to have a president that cares more about the environment than fucking Canada lmao.

That oil is just gonna go to Asia instead. You can always move to northern alberta and get a job in the oil sands and smoke crack in the trailer with the bosses, they make the big bux. Fuck computers, that's for pussy boys. I'm a born roughneck, my heart pumps carcinogenic fracking fluid.

Pleases me to know the environment is more important. :rightON:

There isnt't much of an environment to save up in the Tar Sands, SeaMajor.
It's cold tundra 8 months of the year, goes down to -40 in the Wnter and is frightfully ugly much of the year.
I should know. I was born there
Mosquitoes are the National Bird of that region during the Spring/Summer & they bite till you're dripping with blood - bright red.
It's not like some sunny California paradise up there.

The environmentalists want to save something which isn't really worth it & has little Natural beauty.
Other than that, today it's a desolate basin for deceased dinosaurs which lived millions of years ago.
The Tar Sands were created out of a prehistoric tropical lake.
So it may as well be useful for something.
josephines of America dont like fracking in areas here that literally look like the surface of the fukin moon.

They must be creating a lot of geological instability in those regions where fracking is prevalent..

ie - sinkholes, future earthquakes..

South Dakota must bea real shithole, eh?
And they got all that COVID too.
COVID's a joke. 99.6% survivable. Masks are like screen doors on a submarine. Faggits like you cry over nothing. You hate energy independence. You hate guns. You hate freedom. You should die in a gulag of your own making.

Still, there's over 400,000 dead in the USA along in less than year, Lokmeer.

The total death toll for your country during the Second World War was 405,000 in four years.

COVID has killed more Americans in 1/4 of that time.

That was the combined total of all the soldiers who died in all those battles your grandfather and his friends fought in, Lokmeer.

Think about that.
We didnt send 400,000 70 and 80 year olds with die-a-beetus to fight in WW2 josephine. We count car crash victims who test positive for COVID as COVID deaths josephine. PWN3D! faggit.

Funny thing tho - for all your tough talk abou the guns/weapons you own and the wars you advocate - you don't appear every to have signed up for military service for your nation. I mean, it's not as if the USA has a shortage of wars for young men to fight in, Lokmeer.

If you had the opportunity to serve, why didn't you Lokmeer?

Seems a bit chickenhawkish of you my friend.
As I've previously stated, I spent my time working for the Navy via General Dynamics in Pomona California.....building missiles and other implements of death.

As far as advocating for war, I advocate for civil war mostly. As far as killing people, I advocate for killing faggits and murderers here.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
i.e., democRATs will fuck everything up, just like I told you. But hey, you supported the election theft. ENJOY!

I didn't vote in your election, Lokmeer!

You had more control than me who became yer Prez, Bud.

Just an innocent bystanded i yam i yam!
Poor cuck josephine.....dumb twat cheered for the video documented coup of Trump, the legitimate winner of the 2020 election, winds up supporting his country getting ass rammed by the dems and sold off to the chinkx.

Actually Lokmeer, I thought the USA should have an official recount of the 2020 election observed by other democracies to ensure every vote was properly emunerated. I said this before in previous posts and SG.

And perhaps the USA should drop the Dominion voting machines and adopt alternate methods instead

It's self-evident that the US election system is broken, needs a massive overhaul and greater oversight.

If the conservative/Republican leaning Wall Street Journal stated this 20 years ago and in 2020, then there must be some truth in this opinion.

Anyways, the final result wasn't my fault. I had no bearing on it. I just predicted the outcome correctly , that's all.

And if Trump had run a better election campaign and done a better job of addressing the pandemic, he might still bePresident today, Lokmeer.

I agree with this post until the last point.

Trump did do a good job addressing the pandemic. And everytime I ask anyone who slams Trumps pandemic handling... literally all they point to is a very exaggerated mask complaint. Trump didnt take masks "seriously"

His campaigns involved going out and talking to regular people.
Trump's administration had no vaccination plan, which only became apparent when Biden's administration took control.

Trump's administration didn't take masks seriously, and hosted and encouraged superspreader events.

His campaign involved talking to White people. Some of whom tried to overthrow the government. Thus the impeachment.

I'm so glad he's GONE!
Meanwhile in realville, dumb ugly bitch Psaki thought Florida only allocated/used half of their Saint Trump vaccine doses. They could at least find a stupid bitch that was more pleasing to the eye.
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Don't worry folks under the Biden administration someday you'll see more jobs available to replace those Biden just destroyed

but for now, let them eat cake



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I have heard Democraps say the 70,000 people Biden put out of work could get a job installing solar panels. Solar panel installers make an average of $28,000 per year where as a pipeline crew working on a prevailing wage contract, like the ones Biden killed, get paid an average of $90,000 per year. This is why Democraps always fail. They are too stupid to do math.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
A POV on the Biden Energy Plan from the Average Man in the Street in America:

Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I have heard Democraps say the 70,000 people Biden put out of work could get a job installing solar panels. Solar panel installers make an average of $28,000 per year where as a pipeline crew working on a prevailing wage contract, like the ones Biden killed, get paid an average of $90,000 per year. This is why Democraps always fail. They are too stupid to do math.
Solar panels. Right. Because when an ENTIRE geographic area is suddenly and drastically decimated financially the first thing residents are looking to do is make an investment in solar energy at a 15K minimum

Cause you know the ROI is amortized over a 10 year span and saving money on your utility bill is always a blessing.

And hey, what's the first thing that goes through your mind when you cannot pay the mortgage this month? I know what would go through mine. THe ENVIRONMENT and the fate of my great great great grandkids of course!!!

11,000 people suddenly unemployed means a ripple effect that goes through the entire local economy like a soldering iron through a stick of butter.

these fucks are so stupid and backward it makes my head hurt.


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
Yeah it sucks for America to have a president that cares more about the environment than fucking Canada lmao.

That oil is just gonna go to Asia instead. You can always move to northern alberta and get a job in the oil sands and smoke crack in the trailer with the bosses, they make the big bux. Fuck computers, that's for pussy boys. I'm a born roughneck, my heart pumps carcinogenic fracking fluid.

Pleases me to know the environment is more important. :rightON:

There isnt't much of an environment to save up in the Tar Sands, SeaMajor.
It's cold tundra 8 months of the year, goes down to -40 in the Wnter and is frightfully ugly much of the year.
I should know. I was born there
Mosquitoes are the National Bird of that region during the Spring/Summer & they bite till you're dripping with blood - bright red.
It's not like some sunny California paradise up there.

The environmentalists want to save something which isn't really worth it & has little Natural beauty.
Other than that, today it's a desolate basin for deceased dinosaurs which lived millions of years ago.
The Tar Sands were created out of a prehistoric tropical lake.
So it may as well be useful for something.
josephines of America dont like fracking in areas here that literally look like the surface of the fukin moon.

They must be creating a lot of geological instability in those regions where fracking is prevalent..

ie - sinkholes, future earthquakes..

South Dakota must bea real shithole, eh?
And they got all that COVID too.
COVID's a joke. 99.6% survivable. Masks are like screen doors on a submarine. Faggits like you cry over nothing. You hate energy independence. You hate guns. You hate freedom. You should die in a gulag of your own making.

Still, there's over 400,000 dead in the USA along in less than year, Lokmeer.

The total death toll for your country during the Second World War was 405,000 in four years.

COVID has killed more Americans in 1/4 of that time.

That was the combined total of all the soldiers who died in all those battles your grandfather and his friends fought in, Lokmeer.

Think about that.

What was the population in the 1940's and now?

And the 400k deaths now don't represent people who died directly of COVID. The PCR test is faulty and even authorities are begrudgingly admitting that now.
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Dont worry about COVID folks

our feeble leader has a plan.

wear TWO masks instead of ONE. :facepalm:


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
Nappy up, motherfuckers!

Butch Fauci-ty and the Hairsniff Gimp are gonna ride COVID hard and put it up wet....
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Nappy up, motherfuckers!

Butch Fauci-ty and the Hairsniff Gimp are gonna ride COVID hard and put it up wet....
DO you think Peaches has left his bathroom since this hysteria began?

He has to wear a paper bag over his head in public. I'm thinking THAT might be pretty effective at blocking the VID if you only pop out the eye holes


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
Nappy up, motherfuckers!

Butch Fauci-ty and the Hairsniff Gimp are gonna ride COVID hard and put it up wet....
DO you think Peaches has left his bathroom since this hysteria began?

He has to wear a paper bag over his head in public. I'm thinking THAT might be pretty effective at blocking the VID if you only pop out the eye holes

A HEPA filter from a Kirby over his head and a reversing camera and monitor glued to the inside and outside would be more effective..

And the neighbourhood kids wouldn't run away either...
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Nappy up, motherfuckers!

Butch Fauci-ty and the Hairsniff Gimp are gonna ride COVID hard and put it up wet....
DO you think Peaches has left his bathroom since this hysteria began?

He has to wear a paper bag over his head in public. I'm thinking THAT might be pretty effective at blocking the VID if you only pop out the eye holes

A HEPA filter from a Kirby over his head and a reversing camera and monitor glued to the inside and outside would be more effective..

And the neighbourhood kids wouldn't run away either...


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
Though it wouldn't work at his job...

Sitting at the end of a car wash and sneeze drying vehicles requires no obstructions to air flow or the pepper spray atomiser around his neck...


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Don't worry folks under the Biden administration someday you'll see more jobs available to replace those Biden just destroyed

but for now, let them eat cake

Yeah, it's a shortsighted move.

Biden could have the line completed, & then say that it will eventually be converted into a clean energy conduit.

Democrats need a transition plan to gradually move over to alternative energy sources.

The infrastructure does not currently exist to make green energy a reality yet.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Don't worry folks under the Biden administration someday you'll see more jobs available to replace those Biden just destroyed

but for now, let them eat cake

Yeah, it's a shortsighted move.

Biden could have the line completed, & then say that it will eventually be converted into a clean energy conduit.

Democrats need a transition plan to gradually move over to alternative energy sources.

The infrastructure does not currently exist to make green energy a reality yet.

Well tard, you rooted for em as much as any American lib did. Read it and weep, josephine!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Don't worry folks under the Biden administration someday you'll see more jobs available to replace those Biden just destroyed

but for now, let them eat cake

Yeah, it's a shortsighted move.

Biden could have the line completed, & then say that it will eventually be converted into a clean energy conduit.

Democrats need a transition plan to gradually move over to alternative energy sources.

The infrastructure does not currently exist to make green energy a reality yet.

Well tard, you rooted for em as much as any American lib did. Read it and weep, josephine!

Biden's not my President, Lokmeer.

He's yours. The laws he makes affect you the most, not me.

You pay the taxes to fund his rent at the White House, eh?

I can't vote in your election nor make political campaign contributions.

But you can. And from what I remember, you contributed to Trump's campaign.

But any way you look at it, America'll need to turn ta Canada to power its economy, Lokmeer.

If Biden wants to use less oil, then he's gotta turn to more Hydro power.

Places like Califonria don't have enough of it, but Canada has plenty.

Most electrical power comes from dams so we'll be supplying much it for you, eh?
Last edited:


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Don't worry folks under the Biden administration someday you'll see more jobs available to replace those Biden just destroyed

but for now, let them eat cake

Yeah, it's a shortsighted move.

Biden could have the line completed, & then say that it will eventually be converted into a clean energy conduit.

Democrats need a transition plan to gradually move over to alternative energy sources.

The infrastructure does not currently exist to make green energy a reality yet.

Well tard, you rooted for em as much as any American lib did. Read it and weep, josephine!

Biden's not my President, Lokmeer.

He's yours. The laws he makes affect you the most, not me.

You pay the taxes to fund his rent at the White House, eh?

I can't vote in your election nor make political campaign contributions.

But you can. And from what I remember, you contributed to Trump's campaign.

But any way you look at it, America'll need to turn ta Canada to power its economy, Lokmeer.

If Biden wants to use less oil, then he's gotta turn to more Hydro power.

Places like Califonria don't have enough of it, but Canada has plenty.

Most electrical power comes from dams so we'll be supplying much it for you, eh?

josephine, I seriously doubt Canduhduh is gonna be doing anything other than sukin china dix. If Trump wasnt libtards president, cheater mcbiden aint mine. Hopefully, he dies soon.


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
Don't worry folks under the Biden administration someday you'll see more jobs available to replace those Biden just destroyed

but for now, let them eat cake

Yeah, it's a shortsighted move.

Biden could have the line completed, & then say that it will eventually be converted into a clean energy conduit.

Democrats need a transition plan to gradually move over to alternative energy sources.

The infrastructure does not currently exist to make green energy a reality yet.

Well tard, you rooted for em as much as any American lib did. Read it and weep, josephine!

Biden's not my President, Lokmeer.

He's yours. The laws he makes affect you the most, not me.

You pay the taxes to fund his rent at the White House, eh?

I can't vote in your election nor make political campaign contributions.

But you can. And from what I remember, you contributed to Trump's campaign.

But any way you look at it, America'll need to turn ta Canada to power its economy, Lokmeer.

If Biden wants to use less oil, then he's gotta turn to more Hydro power.

Places like Califonria don't have enough of it, but Canada has plenty.

Most electrical power comes from dams so we'll be supplying much it for you, eh?

josephine, I seriously doubt Canduhduh is gonna be doing anything other than sukin china dix. If Trump wasnt libtards president, cheater mcbiden aint mine. Hopefully, he dies soon.

Canada will literally allow China to station their troops there... they've already done it for so-called cold weather training...


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Don't worry folks under the Biden administration someday you'll see more jobs available to replace those Biden just destroyed

but for now, let them eat cake

Yeah, it's a shortsighted move.

Biden could have the line completed, & then say that it will eventually be converted into a clean energy conduit.

Democrats need a transition plan to gradually move over to alternative energy sources.

The infrastructure does not currently exist to make green energy a reality yet.

Well tard, you rooted for em as much as any American lib did. Read it and weep, josephine!

Biden's not my President, Lokmeer.

He's yours. The laws he makes affect you the most, not me.

You pay the taxes to fund his rent at the White House, eh?

I can't vote in your election nor make political campaign contributions.

But you can. And from what I remember, you contributed to Trump's campaign.

But any way you look at it, America'll need to turn ta Canada to power its economy, Lokmeer.

If Biden wants to use less oil, then he's gotta turn to more Hydro power.

Places like Califonria don't have enough of it, but Canada has plenty.

Most electrical power comes from dams so we'll be supplying much it for you, eh?

josephine, I seriously doubt Canduhduh is gonna be doing anything other than sukin china dix. If Trump wasnt libtards president, cheater mcbiden aint mine. Hopefully, he dies soon.

Canada will literally allow China to station their troops there... they've already done it for so-called cold weather training...

Actually harry/Dinky, isn't Australi more beholden to China than Canada?

You guys are much closer to China geographically than we are, and China has a greater financial interest in Australia than it does Canada.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Don't worry folks under the Biden administration someday you'll see more jobs available to replace those Biden just destroyed

but for now, let them eat cake

Yeah, it's a shortsighted move.

Biden could have the line completed, & then say that it will eventually be converted into a clean energy conduit.

Democrats need a transition plan to gradually move over to alternative energy sources.

The infrastructure does not currently exist to make green energy a reality yet.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Don't worry folks under the Biden administration someday you'll see more jobs available to replace those Biden just destroyed

but for now, let them eat cake

Yeah, it's a shortsighted move.

Biden could have the line completed, & then say that it will eventually be converted into a clean energy conduit.

Democrats need a transition plan to gradually move over to alternative energy sources.

The infrastructure does not currently exist to make green energy a reality yet.

Well tard, you rooted for em as much as any American lib did. Read it and weep, josephine!

Biden's not my President, Lokmeer.

He's yours. The laws he makes affect you the most, not me.

You pay the taxes to fund his rent at the White House, eh?

I can't vote in your election nor make political campaign contributions.

But you can. And from what I remember, you contributed to Trump's campaign.

But any way you look at it, America'll need to turn ta Canada to power its economy, Lokmeer.

If Biden wants to use less oil, then he's gotta turn to more Hydro power.

Places like Califonria don't have enough of it, but Canada has plenty.

Most electrical power comes from dams so we'll be supplying much it for you, eh?

josephine, I seriously doubt Canduhduh is gonna be doing anything other than sukin china dix. If Trump wasnt libtards president, cheater mcbiden aint mine. Hopefully, he dies soon.

Canada will literally allow China to station their troops there... they've already done it for so-called cold weather training...

Actually harry/Dinky, isn't Australi more beholden to China than Canada?

You guys are much closer to China geographically than we are, and China has a greater financial interest in Australia than it does Canada.

Australia certainly trades more with Communist China as was therefore more dependent upon communist purchases of raw materials but that was before Communist China decided to punish them for daring to point out who caused the global shutdown with Covid 19. Canada's extremely weak and stupid PM actually wanted to host Communist Chinese soldiers, to train them, and to allow them to observe how NATO forces operate. That is absolutely unforgivable as it teaches the communists how to fight NATO and how to exploit NATO's weaknesses.


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
Don't worry folks under the Biden administration someday you'll see more jobs available to replace those Biden just destroyed

but for now, let them eat cake

Yeah, it's a shortsighted move.

Biden could have the line completed, & then say that it will eventually be converted into a clean energy conduit.

Democrats need a transition plan to gradually move over to alternative energy sources.

The infrastructure does not currently exist to make green energy a reality yet.

Well tard, you rooted for em as much as any American lib did. Read it and weep, josephine!

Biden's not my President, Lokmeer.

He's yours. The laws he makes affect you the most, not me.

You pay the taxes to fund his rent at the White House, eh?

I can't vote in your election nor make political campaign contributions.

But you can. And from what I remember, you contributed to Trump's campaign.

But any way you look at it, America'll need to turn ta Canada to power its economy, Lokmeer.

If Biden wants to use less oil, then he's gotta turn to more Hydro power.

Places like Califonria don't have enough of it, but Canada has plenty.

Most electrical power comes from dams so we'll be supplying much it for you, eh?

josephine, I seriously doubt Canduhduh is gonna be doing anything other than sukin china dix. If Trump wasnt libtards president, cheater mcbiden aint mine. Hopefully, he dies soon.

Canada will literally allow China to station their troops there... they've already done it for so-called cold weather training...

Actually harry/Dinky, isn't Australi more beholden to China than Canada?

You guys are much closer to China geographically than we are, and China has a greater financial interest in Australia than it does Canada.

Australia certainly trades more with Communist China as was therefore more dependent upon communist purchases of raw materials but that was before Communist China decided to punish them for daring to point out who caused the global shutdown with Covid 19. Canada's extremely weak and stupid PM actually wanted to host Communist Chinese soldiers, to train them, and to allow them to observe how NATO forces operate. That is absolutely unforgivable as it teaches the communists how to fight NATO and how to exploit NATO's weaknesses.

Trudeau was already hosting them on an island in BC and in the Midwest.