Playstation 5 Pro


Factory Bastard
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Reactions have been mostly negative...700 for a boost in FPS when playing games in quality mode, certain games, mainly the ones sony made, having improved graphics, and no disc drive.

If your PS5 is not hooked up to a 4K tv, there is no point in getting a Ps5 pro you aint gonna see any improvement and if you are using 4k why waste 700 dollars for a slight graphical upgrade and no disc drive. On social media Sony is getting roasted for releasing this overpriced console that probably only the rich Twitch streamers will buy.


Mr. Excitement
Moderator ☠️

Reactions have been mostly negative...700 for a boost in FPS when playing games in quality mode, certain games, mainly the ones sony made, having improved graphics, and no disc drive.

If your PS5 is not hooked up to a 4K tv, there is no point in getting a Ps5 pro you aint gonna see any improvement and if you are using 4k why waste 700 dollars for a slight graphical upgrade and no disc drive. On social media Sony is getting roasted for releasing this overpriced console that probably only the rich Twitch streamers will buy.

No disk drive, I never understood that. Why buy a digital console?