Did you ever think that if you put all of your posts together, you'd have a book-length manuscript?
You should try to publish it, and call it a memoir, because all of the posts you make whinging about liberals actually describe you perfectly. I mean, every. single. one. sounds like you are describing your own behaviors. It's uncanny.
Don't believe me? Read your posts.
This code for:
She is younger and prettier than me, so my old cranky jealous ass automatically hates her.
Actually, it's code for: Her hypocrisy is stunning. I would be saying the same damn thing if she looked like Oak.
Yes I'm a hypocrite because I dont graciously accept every rude and uncalled for response to every point I make.
It's okay for the leftwing men to call the not left woman a "disgusting pig", an "ignorant slut", for them to respond to a respectful post by saying "I despise your kind" and for you to respond to any points made by post "bullshit", or some variation of "you are out of your mind"
I cant imagine anyone getting fed up with all the anger and insults.....for no reason....except a difference of opinion.
You guys are extremely blind to your own behaviour. The only hypocrisy here comes from you guys.
I'm sorry you have hard time understanding that people stop being nice when you are consistently shitty to them. All you guys do is slam. So when we slam back and point out why we do... its "hypocrisy" now.
Lmao okay, Lotus. You guys have no self awareness. People cant even ask you guys questions about whatever the fuck you are talking about without you guys insulting them.
Of COURSE pointing this out is whining. You see yourselves as above everyone so you dont think you should be expected to be respectful and attack points...not the ones making them.