Short War Story


It's Always 5:55, bitch.
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The platoon I was in arrived at a small German town in 1945. The men were all gone, the only ones remaining were ancient, or very young children. An old man walked out of a shop with his hands in the air with white clothes wrapped around his arms, and didn't seem to really care if somebody killed him. None of us did.

All of a sudden, children came running out of what must have been a school, or war-time babysitting. No older than 7. I opened fire and murdered all eleven of the future Nazis in what would be considered in cold blood if it weren't done in a world war. All the screams I heard after the children were slaughtered came from my fellow Americans.

Then a soldier-aged man came out of that building holding a crying woman, yelling demands. No one knew what do, except for me of course. One of ours knew German and was negotiating with the man when I started shooting again, killing the hostage and the heartless coward behind her. The man had to die, so I simply made it happen. War is war.

My company commander was pondering what punishments fit my crimes. Then a soldier rushed to the bodies to see the havoc I'd wrought. He was very upset, what can I say? He then searched the adult corpses, then looked back at the CO like he just heard his own mother died from something sudden and excruciating.

"Well?", shouted the CO.

"They have the same last names!", replied the horrified sleuth.

(my Army grad pic)

- War parties are a blast!