Should blacks be barred from US jury service?


Domestically feral
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United states
So the Jews were trash?
They were incompatible with his vision for Germany. I guess the ideal scenario would've been for the Jews to leave when he told them to (and many did in fact leave).

You see, Jews were behind everything that Hitler viewed as degenerate in the Weimar era. They had to go, one way or another.

Which is a lot the same as dems/progs view oppositing political parties. They have decided on a vision for America and we dont fit or belong in it so there is now a cold civil war and "unrest" and a violent hatred towards "cOnS"(everyone right of Stalin).

They use race to demonize and dehumanize everyone standing between them and their "vision".

And you gotta appreciate how dems/progs warp everything to make it about race and accuse their opposition of what they themselves do. Poor black Americans commit the most violent crime. However......its "white people"(the white monolith) who "fears" being "treated as badly as they treat others".

I didnt know as a white person I was afraid of that. In fact people are individuals and are perfectly capable of communicating their views and fears and concerns. But since the race obsessed dems/progs cannot actually address these real concerns.... they just unilaterally decide to assign you the "fears" and concerns they want you to have, to fuel their disgusting narratives.

They really should be afraid of being treated the horrible way THEY treat people. The way they dismiss political violence and manipulate and spew racist garbage is revolting.
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Factory Bastard
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This is idiotic. You don't eliminate blacks from the jury pool because of this. The lawyers need to do a better job during jury selection.


Factory Bastard
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Yes, criminals are bad people by definition.

Where my family lives in SoCal, they are surrounded by snow bird Canadians. The ones that can afford to have a second home in a warm climate.

They're surrounded there and yet have purchased property. Maybe the lesson is not fearing new people, things or situations.
I wouldn't call it fear. I think it's just natural to want to be around your own people. I mean, I'm sure as hell not going to move into Chinatown, or Little India. Here, we like to move to neighbourhoods where we are around our own people.

That's called being narrow minded. Try living outside your comfort zone for a minute. It's liberating.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
So the Jews were trash?
They were incompatible with his vision for Germany. I guess the ideal scenario would've been for the Jews to leave when he told them to (and many did in fact leave).

You see, Jews were behind everything that Hitler viewed as degenerate in the Weimar era. They had to go, one way or another.

Which is a lot the same as dems/progs view oppositing political parties. They have decided on a vision for America and we dont fit or belong in it so there is now a cold civil war and "unrest" and a violent hatred towards "cOnS"(everyone right of Stalin).

They use race to demonize and dehumanize everyone standing between them and their "vision".

OMG. Really?
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Factory Bastard
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Hitler was a major league fukbag. Had he been allowed to take over Europe, he'd have murdered as many people as Stalin did. Thankfully, he was so damned stupid that he attacked Russia and pushed Stalin into an alliance with up. Even then, had he not fucked up by waging war that ran into the winter, he might have had a chance. Even then, had he retreated from Russia to save his men from extermination, he might have had a chance. Fuk up after fuk up after fuk up. The worst though was allowing the Japs to attack us. He should have shot himself in the head on Dec. 8th, 1941 and saved a hundred million lives and Germany too.
Hitler should have listened better to some of his Generals, and I'll agree that Operation Barbarossa was a big mistake. I think Hitler believed that if he didn't strike first, the Russians would've attacked anyhow, which they very well may have. We can only speculate now.

What is sad, is that many civilian Slavs welcomed the Nazi regime into territories they were pushing forth into. Life was so shitty for them under their own communist Bolshevist regime at the time, that any change was good change.

I wish that didn't happen as it did.

And to address the Japs and Pearl Harbor: That wasn't really anything that was under Hitler's control. The US and the Japs had a long standing problem between themselves, a completely separate issue going on. It was like it's own separate war, and to be honest I don't think Hitler gave two fucks about what the US and the Japs did to each other, since it didn't affect Germany at that point.

Again, two sides to every story. Were the Japs wrong to fuck up Pearl Harbor? Probably, but tensions were evident for many years prior.

And was the US faultless for dropping Nukes on Jap civilians? Absolutely not. Nuking innocent civilians goes against most general agreed upon 'rules' of modern warfare.
The Japs got way less than what they deserved. We were absolutely right to have nuked them cunts. My dads dad was all over the Pacific and witness what they did. He was also part of the occupation force after the war that made Japan what it is today. America is the most benevolent nation that has ever existed on this planet and we'll be sorely missed when we're gone.


Factory Bastard
Sotsialisticheskaya Respublika Kanada
My daughter says Canadians are upset with Americans currently because of the immigration and how its impacting Canada.
This isn't really true. US immigration laws don't really affect us for the most part, so we'd have no reason to be upset. The exception is Roxham Road, where some of your immigrants are illegally crossing into Canada, but that is our fault for not kicking their asses immediately back across the border, not yours.

Contrary to popular belief, Canadians have a much higher percentage of the population believing that illegals should be booted out than the US does. And they do regularly get booted, and we don't give a shit when they do. Unfortunately they get their "due process," so they leech around in the country for a while before they get tossed.

Canada has never viewed illegals as being "vital" to the economy or workforce like the US does, nor do we believe that they're important because they "do jobs that nobody else wants to do." All they do is undercut wages and put locals out of work.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
My daughter says Canadians are upset with Americans currently because of the immigration and how its impacting Canada.
This isn't really true. US immigration laws don't really affect us for the most part, so we'd have no reason to be upset. The exception is Roxham Road, where some of your immigrants are illegally crossing into Canada, but that is our fault for not kicking their asses immediately back across the border, not yours.

Contrary to popular belief, Canadians have a much higher percentage of the population believing that illegals should be booted out than the US does. And they do regularly get booted, and we don't give a shit when they do. Unfortunately they get their "due process," so they leech around in the country for a while before they get tossed.

Canada has never viewed illegals as being "vital" to the economy or workforce like the US does, nor do we believe that they're important because they "do jobs that nobody else wants to do." All they do is undercut wages and put locals out of work.

Well WE dont see illegals as vital to do jobs no one else wants. That's a big part of what we want to see stopped.

Thats more a dem/prog thing and they hate America and want to fundamentally change it. Into what looks like a socailist shit hole with unchecked human trafficking.

I would gladly pay a bit more knowing my product was obtained ethically. I do not agree illegal immigration labor is ethical at all. That's a stance that is considered "conservative". Dems are fine to slave drive illegals.


Factory Bastard
Sotsialisticheskaya Respublika Kanada
Well WE dont see illegals as vital to do jobs no one else wants. That's a big part of what we want to see stopped.

Thats more a dem/prog thing and they hate America and want to fundamentally change it. Into what looks like a socailist shit hole with unchecked human trafficking.
The problem is the left wants illegals because "no one is illegal," and the right wants illegals because an unending supply of cheap labour is great for business. And the people that sit in the middle want illegals because they can get their lawns cut for nice and cheap, instead of mowing their own damn lawn.

Too many people want them, which is why they're there to stay.

I've spent a lot of time in the US, and the first time I went to a Home Depot I saw something I'd never seen before: A bunch of illegal beaners looking for work. You wouldn't see that here, ever.

But, Americans like their cheap labour. They want those cheap beaners available when they need them for a home project.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Well WE dont see illegals as vital to do jobs no one else wants. That's a big part of what we want to see stopped.

Thats more a dem/prog thing and they hate America and want to fundamentally change it. Into what looks like a socailist shit hole with unchecked human trafficking.
The problem is the left wants illegals because "no one is illegal," and the right wants illegals because an unending supply of cheap labour is great for business. And the people that sit in the middle want illegals because they can get their lawns cut for nice and cheap, instead of mowing their own damn lawn.

Too many people want them, which is why they're there to stay.

I've spent a lot of time in the US, and the first time I went to a Home Depot I saw something I'd never seen before: A bunch of illegal beaners looking for work. You wouldn't see that here, ever.

But, Americans like their cheap labour. They want those cheap beaners available when they need them for a home project.

None of people considered right wing want ANY illegal immigration. We want secure borders and for people to feel welcome to come in legally and assimilate.

The quest for cheap labor is what has caused so many problems for the regular average American worker.


Factory Bastard
Sotsialisticheskaya Respublika Kanada
None of people considered right wing want ANY illegal immigration. We want secure borders and for people to feel welcome to come in legally and assimilate.

The quest for cheap labor is what has caused so many problems for the regular average American worker.
Don't fool yourself. The right in power certainly does want cheap labour. It's why it's a problem that will never get solved.


Vape Nation
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Halfway Up Ben Nevis
The shit we put up with lol

I think this guy made the Witcher 3 game


Factory Bastard
Sotsialisticheskaya Respublika Kanada
Most of my views could be considered right wing, but not all: I am not pro-unchecked capitalism (a right wing thing) when it comes to business and the workforce.

I know exactly what business would do if they had the absolute freedom to do it, and the results wouldn't be pretty. They would be happy if their entire workforce slaved away for 72 hours/week for $0.75/hour.

And to make that happen, the more illegals the better.
Adam Hitler

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
But I will add that I'm so very grateful that the US sits below us, and acts as one giant tampon, one giant sponge, to absorb most of the illegal immigrants and other trash entering. It's a nice buffer to have!

Why has the yellow peril infested Canada rather than the US?

I know there are Chinks in America, but there doesn't seem anywhere near as many as you guys have.


Factory Bastard
Sotsialisticheskaya Respublika Kanada
Why has the yellow peril infested Canada rather than the US?

I know there are Chinks in America, but there doesn't seem anywhere near as many as you guys have.
The US has roughly double the Chinese population than Canada does, but you are correct in that we have more per capita.

It comes down to different immigration policies really. All Western countries are fixated on population growth. The US gets their population growth mainly from Mexico.

Canada has different immigration policies, and works on a points based system instead. This means Canada prefers educated immigrants instead of Mexicans, and wealthy immigrants that can 'buy' their way in. For this reason we have a lot of Chinese and East Indian immigrants, as opposed to Mexican immigrants. Mexicans are an absolute rarity here.

That said, our total immigration numbers are far too high, and it's leading to problems.


Factory Bastard
Sotsialisticheskaya Respublika Kanada
Yeah Mexicans are basically non-existent in the UK too.
Yup. Canada is actually far more choosy than the US when it comes to immigration, contrary to popular belief. Hell, we told the Jews to fuck off when they fled Germany and tried to come here in WWII (they ended up going to New York instead).

It's not a perfect system, and would work better if the total numbers of approved immigrants were reduced though... It's too many, too fast. The demographics are changing too fast, and it's also fucking up our housing costs: Many young people here will never own their own home if this pace keeps up.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
None of people considered right wing want ANY illegal immigration. We want secure borders and for people to feel welcome to come in legally and assimilate.

The quest for cheap labor is what has caused so many problems for the regular average American worker.
Don't fool yourself. The right in power certainly does want cheap labour. It's why it's a problem that will never get solved.

Yes establishment politicains....the monoparty....wants that.

I'm saying the voting people on the right do NOT want that.

The monoparty isnt really right or left. That's a fake paradigm they use to manipulate the public. You know when someone is in there who represents the people because the whole establishment will slam them. Like Trump....they all hated him. But the establishment Republicans are just controlled opposition.....they are all on the same team.

The people though directly do not want this and it's one of the problems we want dealt with. We want a more secure border.