Slow down


Let's meAT...hehe!!!
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MeNs tOiLEts
Things move too fast in this modern era.

We are manipulated with fake news and globohomo propaganda at every turn.

Big box stores seem to be putting out their various holiday/seasonal items earlier and earlier.

Everything is a cheap afterthought. Gifts are last minute impulse buys at the checkout.

Nothing is handmade or home cooked.

Nothing is preserved or passed down.

We want instant results. We don’t want to struggle or suffer.

We fail to make the necessary sacrifices, or to properly discipline ourselves. So we project our guilt and frustration onto others.

We are therefore quick to anger.

We trivialize the achievements and attack the character of great men.

We are stuck in a politics/culture of resentment.

We are continually being bombarded with software updates, so the $2000 laptop we purchased only a few years ago can still function properly.

We love the “current thing”

Not knowing how to fix things, we endlessly consume poor quality, disposable items specifically designed to break…only to be replaced with items of even lesser quality.

We have dwindling attention spans due to smart phones and more screens per person than ever before.

A restless energy possesses most people. We constantly scans things like Netflix for the “top ten” movies or Twitter for what’s “trending.” Everything is pre-approved, pre-packaged, and mass-produced. People’s choices of where to dine or how to spend their leisure time are mostly empty performances for social media cred. There are no real risks, no real discoveries, no integration of greatness or excellence into the broader culture.

We encourage victimhood and celebrate mental illness.

We live in a completely simulated, inverted world.

People don’t seem as brave, as honest, or as curious. We’ve lost conviction. We've lost faith.

We move mindlessly from one impulsive pleasure to the next – junk food, cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, sexual misbehaviour, crude humor, violence, excess sleep, and so on. We sleep but we do not deeply rest. We talk but we don’t honestly communicate. There’s more noise than signal. This all works to delude our senses, dull our instincts, darken our minds and poison our souls.

Even eastern spirituality, in the absence of logos, understands this via tranquility and quiet reflection. Being calm and centered rather than anxious and disordered.

I’m sure our Orthodox brothers and sisters understand that fasting brings them closer to God. Satan rules indulgence, while God rules abstinence, and spiritual growth cannot happen if we remain paralyzed in a warm cocoon of slovenly comfort.

Slow down -- conversations, moments, movements. Reflect on your gratitude for the true beauty of God’s creation. Shine with the light of Christ.

“Every act of beauty is a revolt against the modern world” -- Jean-Léon Gérôme


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
BEST POST you ever made Uncle!!!! Fuck!!! All true! Cause I know it is too, and it has bothered me a long while. I've already ditched Netflix, Cable TV long ago too. Im ready to ditch the cell phone, go back to a land line. This "modernism" is bringing about the NWO, and we have to prevent that at all costs.

So indeed, SLOW DOWN!!!

Enjoy life's moments, have fun with family and friends, hike that mountain, camp under the stars, light that fire, that is genetically encoded in you. Only you, can prevent Globohomo wildfires.


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
This thread is just fantastic, that is really what I know, oh by the way, which one is Slow?

Admin, you need to slow down sucking cocks. Those blisters on your lip are gonna fester.

Why not slow down, use your hand a lil, talk dirty some, make them WANT your lips. Then you wont have to use them as much.


An Claidheam Anam
Is this thread about asshole dumb motherfuckers who don't know how to drive on an expressway during rush hour?

I agree. They are all dumbasses and are probably Registered Democrats.