Okay people, the idea is to confess ur stupid moments.
The heart stoppingly, jaw droppingly crazy mistakes that will always b remembered. The idea is to 'fess up to the fact that we're all human, or all fall foul of the system at some stage. My father told me yesterday, we all screw up. Hopefully we can all learn from the mistakes as well as having a laugh at someone elses expense for a change!!
I'll go. Last night I went thru the Taco Bell drive thru and started talking to the trash can. I could hear her voice faintly coming out so I continued to ask her to please "speak up", the lady actually came outside and told me to move forward a few more feet. oh man
The heart stoppingly, jaw droppingly crazy mistakes that will always b remembered. The idea is to 'fess up to the fact that we're all human, or all fall foul of the system at some stage. My father told me yesterday, we all screw up. Hopefully we can all learn from the mistakes as well as having a laugh at someone elses expense for a change!!
I'll go. Last night I went thru the Taco Bell drive thru and started talking to the trash can. I could hear her voice faintly coming out so I continued to ask her to please "speak up", the lady actually came outside and told me to move forward a few more feet. oh man