The Next Stage of Capitalism is Coming


Factory Bastard
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...according to this article:

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At this point, capitalism is doing almost nothing for human well-being. It's destroying the planet, it's forcing people to work their lives away at meangingless and soul crushing jobs, it's at the heart of brutal political divides around the world, and it's mudering millions of people in wars for profit. It fucking sucks for everyone except the billionaires.


Factory Bastard
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This is what people who vote for the Trumps and Bidens of the world refuse to get (from the op article):

Perhaps most significantly, in many developed nations late-20th Century capitalism has contributed to a significant gap between the wealth of the richest and poorest people, as measured by the Gini Index. And in some countries, that gap is growing ever-wider. It's particularly stark in the US, where the poorest individuals have seen no real income growth since 1980, while the ultra-rich at the top have seen their income grow by around 6% per year. The richest billionaires in the world are almost all based in the US, and have amassed staggering fortunes, while at the same time the median US household income has risen only modestly since the turn of the century [and many workers have seen losses].

As a result of rising inequality, "people have less trust in institutions and experience a sense of injustice", according to the Edelman report. But the impact on people's lives may go deeper. Capitalism in its current form is destroying the lives of many working-class people, argue the economists Anne Case and Sir Angus Deaton in their book Deaths of Despair and the Future of Capitalism. Over "the past two decades, deaths of despair from suicide, drug overdose, and alcoholism have risen dramatically, and now claim hundreds of thousands of American lives each year", they write.


Such is life...
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Great Southern Land
...according to this article:

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At this point, capitalism is doing almost nothing for human well-being. It's destroying the planet, it's forcing people to work their lives away at meangingless and soul crushing jobs, it's at the heart of brutal political divides around the world, and it's mudering millions of people in wars for profit. It fucking sucks for everyone except the billionaires.


Factory Bastard
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...according to this article:

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The far left BBC strikes again. Thet can't defund that garbage fast enough. End the TV license and make the BBC compete in the market instead of simply remaining a bloated propaganda outlet people are forced to subsidize.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
josephine, worry more about cucknadia and less about America.

Lokmeer, I never said/indicated that I agree with the POV expressed iin the article.

I just posted it because it seemed interesting.

But even from the POV of the Elites/Wealthy, they often indicate that change is coming in some form.

ie Ray Dalio, American hedge fund manager, the ultimate Capitalist, who's made and is worth billions:

So, he says we're in for a drastic change as well.

So you oughta listen to what he has to say too...Lokmeer!


Factory Bastard
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The power elites understand that capitalism is so out of balance now it cannot possibly sustain itself.


Factory Bastard
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The power elites understand that capitalism is so out of balance now it cannot possibly sustain itself.
You should be more concerned about impending communism than being a middle class earner!

OMG. You see boogeymen everywhere, don't you? LMAO



Domestically feral
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United states
The power elites understand that capitalism is so out of balance now it cannot possibly sustain itself.
You should be more concerned about impending communism than being a middle class earner!

They do not understand that we are not a full on capitalist country and if we were......we wouldnt have all this cronyism.

They constantly bash capitalism as a human rights violation while completely ignoring all the brutal consistent failures of socialism and communism.

They wont even have an honest conversation about it. They just wanna impose this on all of us with no dialog whatsoever about what could and likely will go wrong. So no safeguards either.

You either agree with them or you are a souless uncaring greedy person. It's just gaslighting.

You almost want to let them have it......but too many innocent people would suffer and unlike our current modern left.....I actually care about innocent people suffering.

Our current socailist programs are mismanaged garbage. They aren't even interested in looking at that and fixing it before they go expanding it.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
The power elites understand that capitalism is so out of balance now it cannot possibly sustain itself.
You should be more concerned about impending communism than being a middle class earner!

OMG. You see boogeymen everywhere, don't you? LMAO


Kinda like seeing "CONS!" and white supremacists everywhere.

Only difference is we actually have mobs of communists destroying communities and killing innocent people and white supremacists are no where to be found.