There is a great future in plastics. Think about it. Will you think about it? Human's now contain 25% more plastics!


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“Our study is the first indication that we have polymer particles in our blood — it’s a breakthrough result,” Dick Vethaak, an ecotoxicologist at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam in the Netherlands, told The Guardian

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Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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I'm thankful I never caved and got that jab. I can deal with some plastic tho

anyone ever had to use them stupid paper straws?


Domestically feral
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United states
I cleansed plastic from my life a long time ago. We are a very low waste household. We use a lot of glass, beeswax food wrap, every alternative to plastic possible and have been for a while now.

Water sold in plastic bottles is horrible. Get a good water filter system and get these. I love ours


Here in Traverse City MI we get this laundry wash and rinse...and other house hold products that have ecofriendly packaging, no toxins, work better than store bought stuff and importantly....the containers are reusable. So when you first order a product you get the container. After that you get the product in a biodegradable package and you mix it in the container itself. I get all purpose cleaner like this and use essential oil to make it smell good.

Get reusable shopping bags and produce bags. And glass containers for food. You can get food wrap that isnt plastic as well....its pricey but reusable. I also use shampoo and conditioner bars and only buy hygiene products in glass containers.

It's not as hard to switch and get plastic out of your life as youd think. It takes some effort for somethings but it's worth it.

And most importantly.....never take green washed advice from politicains who drink bottled water and eat individually wrapped snacks and shit with tons of plastic bags everywhere like the "squad" did.


Ceedoobie's #1 Fan
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Well, many humans today are acting a lot less human that what you would expect

So having artificial particles in our bodies is par with that

And after all, with all the crap that we already put into our bodies, what's the difference?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
All ya'll need to take my advice.

And dont talk about it because people will feel like you are one of those preachy eco cultists. I've gotten a few hairy eyeballs from other moms while I'm at Aldi using my cloth bags.


Factory Bastard
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If we burned our garbage, everything would be great. Make electricity from it FFS! Hell, I'd even build a plastics powered powerplant in california and simply run the bastard off all the free plastic that floats over from the chanks!!!!!