Todays abortion is brought to you by organ harvesting


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Silence. Where is the pro baby killers now?

Not a simple slice and dice and flush down the toilet is it?

If its got organs, its ALIVE! Murdering motherfuckers!


Domestically feral
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United states
Silence. Where is the pro baby killers now?

Not a simple slice and dice and flush down the toilet is it?

If its got organs, its ALIVE! Murdering motherfuckers!

They move right into philosophical beliefs when it comes to when life begins.

They preach about science, how people shouldnt legislate their "morality" or their religious beliefs.

But they are only ones who actually fight to legislate THEIR "morality" and religious beliefs.

It's a scientific fact that a new human life begins at fertilization. That's just the fact according to science. They dont like that so they rush in with all this philosophical woo woo quackery and demand that science be replaced with their beliefs. To the extent where its straight up manufactured consent because there are thousands of women who agreed to abort only because they believed it was really "not developed into a human yet".

And they really dont care or spare a single thought for how gutted and suicidal woman have become upon learning the truth. So....we dont get to make our own choices based on raw facts. They need to insert their philosophical spin and manipulate.

And this gender fuckery. There is literally ZERO science supporting that something beyond our biology makes us male or female. It isnt science to say we even have souls. But they push this cult ideology that claims we have GENDERED souls and brains. Gender doesnt even truly EXIST. It's a socail construct. But their gender beliefs are so rigid, dogmatic and severe that they are supporting actual medical experiments on MINORS.

And again....they have NO problem legislating their cult religious beliefs onto all of us and aggressively demanding we participate in this religion. Because that's what it is. A religion. They legislate this and now women are not even clearly defined in law now. The rest of us are forced to participate and be harmed and put in harms way so they can force this cult onto society.

It makes more sense, Blaze.....when you realize they are pushing their philosophical and religious beliefs onto all of us. Theyve decided what religion should be legally enforced. CRT is no different either. Their "anti racist" cult has to also be pushed on matter how untrue or manipulative it is. They are fighting to replace history with their cult beliefs and work it into everything.

And it's how they are going to "save" and "redeem" America.

Considering dems/progs have pretty much total control of every major institution in the country....this is beyond dangerous for everyone. It's not "democracy". Its an authoritarian cult that has no issue teaching their beliefs as fact and passing laws rooted in it.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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But would now be a bad time to reemphasize the very prudent Idea that we all surrender our guns to responsible gun owners like admin and levon because, you know, they are gun owners who are against owning guns and think owning a gun is only for a pussy?

would it be a bad time to say this?