Ultimatum: Ban Breakfall or I'll mail my testicles to the POTUS


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
Flynn is repetitive at the best of times but she's really gone off the deep end lately...

As opposed to you posting a picture of your moldy feet with cigarettes tucked in between the toes?

Get lost tard.

Here's a pic of my kid watching a movie inside a tent!


Eat shit, fucktard...

Rukia Kuchiki

Factory Bastard


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
Flynn is repetitive at the best of times but she's really gone off the deep end lately...

As opposed to you posting a picture of your moldy feet with cigarettes tucked in between the toes?

Get lost tard.

Here's a pic of my kid watching a movie inside a tent!


Eat shit, fucktard...

where the backpack?

Me backpack has the ark of the motherfucking in it... no room for mere leisure tents.


missing siamese eyes.
Site Supporter
in my radio ..
Keep trolling and see where it gets you.

That's like telling you to limit your daily caloric intake.

Translation: You only need to eat one cupcake, not the whole box of 12.
She’s hot though Flynn...she could afford to eat the whole box and flaunt it. I heard you were a bit of a looker too but need a few more calories. True? Bastard Factory has been inundated with some good looking chicks lately...except for Lotusbud.

Lmao i can only imagine "it" said something about me being a whale or fat. "It's" repetitious lol. "It" knows nothing else to say. Broken record. "It" is not a pro at flaming. "It" is an amateur at best. I have "it" on ignore. Hahahahaha
whales are cool too ... lol ...
being a bit obese can suit your personality which innitially doesn't mean you are a bad person ... didn't we all have a female girlfriend who was a bit out of proportion while growing up, i had .. she was even african .. long ago .. not the real specific type i look for as to african or larger or curvy .. but take it that some look cute .. and away from curvy shapes or simply being called "fat" some male have that preference and most females or people aren't ugly in personality.. for that matter if not outside than pretty on the inside .. and she's cute as she is ... bitty curvy maybe but i'm sure succubus can pussywh*p many more males than flynn will ever see females in his bed let alone his life .. nothing personal @Flynn .. i hope we just didn't ruin your day with an ugly truth ..

nothing personal ..

Rukia Kuchiki

Factory Bastard
Flynn is repetitive at the best of times but she's really gone off the deep end lately...

As opposed to you posting a picture of your moldy feet with cigarettes tucked in between the toes?

Get lost tard.

Here's a pic of my kid watching a movie inside a tent!


Eat shit, fucktard...

where the backpack?

Me backpack has the ark of the motherfucking in it... no room for mere leisure tents.

is breaky's cock pic going into your "saved pricks of online people" file?

he could have used better lighting and softened up some of that metallica metal with a black lacey ball wrap

do you think when he clangs his two penis piercings together it sounds like cowbell?


Entertain me you boring fucks.....
Site Supporter
No where you'd like to be......
I am curvy but I'm not a whale as Flynn states. I picture it as an anorexic meth head in dire need of some type of nourishment. Definitely needs to increase its caloric intake to that of a whales proportion. You shouldn't be able to count your rib bones. That's just beyond unhealthy. So ...if it takes me being a whale to Flynn to make it happy then so be it. I shall be a healthy whale and it shall be an unhealthy flea. Is what it is. Hahahaha


Cold as Ice
Site Supporter
East of the Rockies West of the rest
I am curvy but I'm not a whale as Flynn states. I picture it as an anorexic meth head in dire need of some type of nourishment. Definitely needs to increase its caloric intake to that of a whales proportion. You shouldn't be able to count your rib bones. That's just beyond unhealthy. So ...if it takes me being a whale to Flynn to make it happy then so be it. I shall be a healthy whale and it shall be an unhealthy flea. Is what it is. Hahahaha

Only a dog wants a bone..

As for me I like some cushion for the pushin' :Grin3: :Hello:


Entertain me you boring fucks.....
Site Supporter
No where you'd like to be......
I am curvy but I'm not a whale as Flynn states. I picture it as an anorexic meth head in dire need of some type of nourishment. Definitely needs to increase its caloric intake to that of a whales proportion. You shouldn't be able to count your rib bones. That's just beyond unhealthy. So ...if it takes me being a whale to Flynn to make it happy then so be it. I shall be a healthy whale and it shall be an unhealthy flea. Is what it is. Hahahaha

Only a dog wants a bone..

As for me I like some cushion for the pushin' :Grin3: :Hello:

Lol. Awww don't hurt Flynn's feelings now....it might go into meltdown mode and attempt to flame you. Bless its heart.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Keep trolling and see where it gets you.

That's like telling you to limit your daily caloric intake.

Translation: You only need to eat one cupcake, not the whole box of 12.
She’s hot though Flynn...she could afford to eat the whole box and flaunt it. I heard you were a bit of a looker too but need a few more calories. True? Bastard Factory has been inundated with some good looking chicks lately...except for Lotusbud.

What is it with you, "men?"

Why is a "female" such a polarizing figure to you geeks?

Something I wanted to go over with you. I had the unfortunate luck at looking at a picture of your pecker. Why would you actually post a picture of your genitals for all to see? Are you proud that there's so much metal down there that it looks like you swapped out your penis and balls for a fucking socket set? I mean seriously, an industrial sized magnet can literally fuck your shit up in a big way.

Are you vying to be the first person to have a cybernetic cock that weighs 19 stones?

So with your sissy meltdown and your vomit inducing candid photo, all this makes you look like what is poured out after Seamajor and Q are put into a bottle and shaken up, but not stirred. Then poured out into a very pink Martini glass.
Now listen Flynn...listen. I started piercing myself at the tender age of 18 years old, and pierced nearly every single serious girlfriend since then almost equally with genital jewellery.They all wanted their genitals pierced for two reasons. I’m a very symmetrical piercer and basically I was their own private piercer. Many chicks would get a hood or labia piercings, but they simple don’t want to expose their holiest of holies to a complete stranger.

I’m good at my art and I admit...I flaunted it. The guiche ring between my anus and scrotum is functional. It’s heavy gauge at 12mm thick. When I’m fucking, the weight and momentum is not only arousing for me, but it pendulates and slaps my balls into her clitorial area during doggy-style and her anus in missionary.

Every single piercing has functionality as well as aestheticism. Take the apadravya for example. 10mm is gauge thickness straight through my helmet and urethra. It stimulates her clit during foreplay and stimulates her both inside her vagina and clitorial wings throughout.

I’m a master at what I do, not some geek that is scared of arousing a women in all areas of her sensual being.

Just bow down and know that you’re in the company of greatness.
Stick with me and I’ll make you famous!


PS: all my jewellery is titanium so I have to remove it during oral or she may crack and flaw her teeth in the long run. I’m like a surgical mechanic before and after removal of my jewellery.
Now bow down...you’ll never meet another member quite like mine!

Did I ask you for an essay titled, "Breakfall's idiot self mutilation and all the stupid crap that goes with it?"

No...but you have also helped create an audience with your initial questioning about my dick exposure and would-be geekism. I needed to set the record straight. I’m sorry if my explanation seemed a tad long-winded, I’m not as talented as you in encapsulating verse.
My bad...

May I? Offer a little friendly critique?

STOP PROVING to everyone that you're a fucking moron. Stop posting. And go shine that metal with lemon juice.

Jesus on a fuckstick...you’re on my fucking forum idiot!

So that means everyone knows your stupid?

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, even you. Just a little friendly advice: try not to be overly opinionated about everything. Your feistiness is a somewhat redeeming quality of yours. Without that...you’re just like Lotusbud. Heheheheheheheeeeeeeeeeeeeee...

I'm actually Lotusbud on steroids.

P.S.-You're still stupid and a drama queen.

Don’t mistake my 5 day long public holiday weekend binge as dramatical or stupid. Australia Day needs celebrating and getting drunk is simply being Australian. My ultimatum served its purpose, although between you and me, it wasn’t really an ultimatum. I expected Bastard Factory to login, but he slept in! Time difference between is almost 19 hrs.

Give me a fucking break won’t ya? We got rid of a dodgy troll that pissed many members off! Who’s side are you on anyway?

"Sides?" This is what this boils down to? "Sides?"

For you thin skinned troglodytes to be bothered by a "dodgy troll" and to bring out your pitchforks and lanterns shows that you creeps are probably scared of loud noises as well as a mouthy troll.

The person in question has never "pissed me off." The "side" that i'm on is my "side." I could care less about your little petty squabbles and your juvenile accusations...it just makes you look like a very weak bitch. Like BEnzo and Freud.

“Sides” as in contributing positively to the whole of Bastard Factory or just being an irritating blown-in that has multiple forum accounts, and just wants to bide time with irrelevant posts while their mainstay forum picks up on traffic. It’s pretty simple. This is my only forum and I’ve been a part of Bastard Factory for over a decade.

This is my home and I don’t tolerate shitty trolls from defunct or dying forums that have created that other-forum attrition because of their own crappy behaviour and selfish agenda. Just assimilate and behave. You’ll still be considered a noob for at least another 12 months. Elementary...

See. Again, this is what i'm talking about. As for your agitated opinion on "contributing," it would perhaps be more helpful if you led by example? If you posted like you want other these others brain dead mouth breathers to then you would have an adequate gripe. From what i've seen of your posting style and your flair for the dramatic, you have no business demanding anything even if this is "your forum." You posted a picture of your alleged junk. Again, who does that kind of shit?

You want others to adhere to what you think is "contributing" yet at the same time you're one of the shittiest posters out here. I saw your sad attempt at "trolling" @ FT. Funny thing is, you did exactly what you are now bitching about. You made several redundant threads that were "irrelevant" as fuck. Yet, CW didn't come waddling out while chomping on a turkey leg to yell at you about "shitty trolls" and have you thrown into purgatory until you came to your senses, did she? Oh another thing, FT considers themselves a "think tank" with all their 3 members that dabble in the study of being as fucking boring as one can be.

As far as the "multiple accounts" go, that would depend on the TOS. As far as I am concerned I could care less that a fucking twit wants to make multiple sock accounts just to irritate people. I just usually clothesline their funky ass back to which they came. If you can't even handle a few low brow trolls, how the fuck are you going to defend your forum when a real attack happens? So far you've had your ass kicked by Maxis. How many fucking threads did you dedicate to "him" in your drunken wine cooler stupor wanting him banished?

If "this is your home" then act like it. Stop posting your cookie cutter garbage that stinks up the fucking place and quit making excuses on why you fucking suck.


missing siamese eyes.
Site Supporter
in my radio ..
I am curvy but I'm not a whale as Flynn states. I picture it as an anorexic meth head in dire need of some type of nourishment. Definitely needs to increase its caloric intake to that of a whales proportion. You shouldn't be able to count your rib bones. That's just beyond unhealthy. So ...if it takes me being a whale to Flynn to make it happy then so be it. I shall be a healthy whale and it shall be an unhealthy flea. Is what it is. Hahahaha

Only a dog wants a bone..

As for me I like some cushion for the pushin' :Grin3: :Hello:

Lol. Awww don't hurt Flynn's feelings now....it might go into meltdown mode and attempt to flame you. Bless its heart.
he can flame all he wants toots .., i got this ..

for the rest, carry on flynn .. i'll be watching you .. :ROFL3:


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I am curvy but I'm not a whale as Flynn states. I picture it as an anorexic meth head in dire need of some type of nourishment. Definitely needs to increase its caloric intake to that of a whales proportion. You shouldn't be able to count your rib bones. That's just beyond unhealthy. So ...if it takes me being a whale to Flynn to make it happy then so be it. I shall be a healthy whale and it shall be an unhealthy flea. Is what it is. Hahahaha

It is a Brawl Hall thing. BH was a "flame board" where posters would have insult competitions called flame matches. In between they would just insult eachother.

Much was pretty repetitive and basic, like everyone would pretend they were financially well off and their opponent was always a welfare recipient. Women were always fat, poor sluts. Stuff like this over and over.

Flyn is very much still stuck in that pattern. And if he/she/it thinks it has something that "gets to" you(we used to call BH bawl hall....because they were sensitive, insecure and easy to troll) it will hammer on it and spam because it really thinks you are upset.

They(these remaining flamers) really glorify the bawl hall days. They had like a week in 2009 where they had some really good content....but those people dipped out and left a mess of porn and tears. They would also dox eachother and at one point the owner (I think it was the owner) legit showed up uninvited to a posters incompetence hearing and fucking recorded it....apparently for content. So ethics were not really a thing there.

There were a few decent people but the majority were a bunch of miscreant scum bags who were there to take their "inner demons" out on others and try to pretend they were not complete failures in life....which is were the repetitive "ur fat, ur on welfare, blah blah" comes from.

I spent like 10 or 15 minutes on Bawl Hall and all I saw was text walls of nonsense, a picture of one of the female members pissing in her kitchen sink, and some bitchfight where two female posters were phone harassing eachother by leaving psychotic voicemails and putting the recordings on the board.

And bunch of porn....some of which was likely illegal. Not sure if its true, but I heard one of the owners went to prison because of content on that shit heap.

But yeah these guys(flynn and poopitini and such) really glorify "flaming" and genuinely think it's some envious talent and that they are famous. Lmaoooo


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Keep trolling and see where it gets you.

That's like telling you to limit your daily caloric intake.

Translation: You only need to eat one cupcake, not the whole box of 12.
She’s hot though Flynn...she could afford to eat the whole box and flaunt it. I heard you were a bit of a looker too but need a few more calories. True? Bastard Factory has been inundated with some good looking chicks lately...except for Lotusbud.

What is it with you, "men?"

Why is a "female" such a polarizing figure to you geeks?

Something I wanted to go over with you. I had the unfortunate luck at looking at a picture of your pecker. Why would you actually post a picture of your genitals for all to see? Are you proud that there's so much metal down there that it looks like you swapped out your penis and balls for a fucking socket set? I mean seriously, an industrial sized magnet can literally fuck your shit up in a big way.

Are you vying to be the first person to have a cybernetic cock that weighs 19 stones?

So with your sissy meltdown and your vomit inducing candid photo, all this makes you look like what is poured out after Seamajor and Q are put into a bottle and shaken up, but not stirred.

so much jealous LOL

Post up that FOREHEAD BABY !!



Yeah. That was soooo fucking funny that you haven't run that into the ground for the last 7 fucking days.

Get some new material you ass bandit.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Keep trolling and see where it gets you.

That's like telling you to limit your daily caloric intake.

Translation: You only need to eat one cupcake, not the whole box of 12.
She’s hot though Flynn...she could afford to eat the whole box and flaunt it. I heard you were a bit of a looker too but need a few more calories. True? Bastard Factory has been inundated with some good looking chicks lately...except for Lotusbud.

Lmao i can only imagine "it" said something about me being a whale or fat. "It's" repetitious lol. "It" knows nothing else to say. Broken record. "It" is not a pro at flaming. "It" is an amateur at best. I have "it" on ignore. Hahahahaha

Shut up, you fat pig.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Flynn is repetitive at the best of times but she's really gone off the deep end lately...

As opposed to you posting a picture of your moldy feet with cigarettes tucked in between the toes?

Get lost tard.

Here's a pic of my kid watching a movie inside a tent!


Eat shit, fucktard...

That's your "back yard?" What are you? A Beduin nomad? WTF?

You mean to tell me that your back yard is the Gobi Desert? Look at that fucking soil. Did they test atomic bombs there during the 60's?

You really are a real life goat fucker.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I do well enough in my own thoughts without some shit for brains adding content to them. I'm certified. I don't need anyone else to contribute to it. Hahahahaha!!!

Everything these flame lifers post at you is either projection or basic bullshit.

Flynn has made me laugh a few times but considering this persons entire presence.....that ratio of funny:unfunny isnt very good.

It's fine though as long as it doesnt trigger and go into the bot level spamming.


Site Supporter
Keep trolling and see where it gets you.

That's like telling you to limit your daily caloric intake.

Translation: You only need to eat one cupcake, not the whole box of 12.
She’s hot though Flynn...she could afford to eat the whole box and flaunt it. I heard you were a bit of a looker too but need a few more calories. True? Bastard Factory has been inundated with some good looking chicks lately...except for Lotusbud.

What is it with you, "men?"

Why is a "female" such a polarizing figure to you geeks?

Something I wanted to go over with you. I had the unfortunate luck at looking at a picture of your pecker. Why would you actually post a picture of your genitals for all to see? Are you proud that there's so much metal down there that it looks like you swapped out your penis and balls for a fucking socket set? I mean seriously, an industrial sized magnet can literally fuck your shit up in a big way.

Are you vying to be the first person to have a cybernetic cock that weighs 19 stones?

So with your sissy meltdown and your vomit inducing candid photo, all this makes you look like what is poured out after Seamajor and Q are put into a bottle and shaken up, but not stirred.

so much jealous LOL

Post up that FOREHEAD BABY !!



Yeah. That was soooo fucking funny that you haven't run that into the ground for the last 7 fucking days.

Get some new material you ass bandit.

But you have the same FOREHEAD !!

Until I see a pic that proves you don't have a helipad for flies atop your brow I shall never cease ..

Put some show curtains on the fucking thing and let's have the big reveal



Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Flynn is repetitive at the best of times but she's really gone off the deep end lately...

As opposed to you posting a picture of your moldy feet with cigarettes tucked in between the toes?

Get lost tard.

Here's a pic of my kid watching a movie inside a tent!


Eat shit, fucktard...

where the backpack?

Me backpack has the ark of the motherfucking in it... no room for mere leisure tents.


What language is that?!


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Keep trolling and see where it gets you.

That's like telling you to limit your daily caloric intake.

Translation: You only need to eat one cupcake, not the whole box of 12.
She’s hot though Flynn...she could afford to eat the whole box and flaunt it. I heard you were a bit of a looker too but need a few more calories. True? Bastard Factory has been inundated with some good looking chicks lately...except for Lotusbud.

Lmao i can only imagine "it" said something about me being a whale or fat. "It's" repetitious lol. "It" knows nothing else to say. Broken record. "It" is not a pro at flaming. "It" is an amateur at best. I have "it" on ignore. Hahahahaha
whales are cool too ... lol ...
being a bit obese can suit your personality which innitially doesn't mean you are a bad person ... didn't we all have a female girlfriend who was a bit out of proportion while growing up, i had .. she was even african .. long ago .. not the real specific type i look for as to african or larger or curvy .. but take it that some look cute .. and away from curvy shapes or simply being called "fat" some male have that preference and most females or people aren't ugly in personality.. for that matter if not outside than pretty on the inside .. and she's cute as she is ... bitty curvy maybe but i'm sure succubus can pussywh*p many more males than flynn will ever see females in his bed let alone his life .. nothing personal @Flynn .. i hope we just didn't ruin your day with an ugly truth ..

nothing personal ..

Who are you?


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
I do well enough in my own thoughts without some shit for brains adding content to them. I'm certified. I don't need anyone else to contribute to it. Hahahahaha!!!

So. You're a fat bitch with mental issues? No wonder you and Dovey are hitting it off.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Keep trolling and see where it gets you.

That's like telling you to limit your daily caloric intake.

Translation: You only need to eat one cupcake, not the whole box of 12.
She’s hot though Flynn...she could afford to eat the whole box and flaunt it. I heard you were a bit of a looker too but need a few more calories. True? Bastard Factory has been inundated with some good looking chicks lately...except for Lotusbud.

What is it with you, "men?"

Why is a "female" such a polarizing figure to you geeks?

Something I wanted to go over with you. I had the unfortunate luck at looking at a picture of your pecker. Why would you actually post a picture of your genitals for all to see? Are you proud that there's so much metal down there that it looks like you swapped out your penis and balls for a fucking socket set? I mean seriously, an industrial sized magnet can literally fuck your shit up in a big way.

Are you vying to be the first person to have a cybernetic cock that weighs 19 stones?

So with your sissy meltdown and your vomit inducing candid photo, all this makes you look like what is poured out after Seamajor and Q are put into a bottle and shaken up, but not stirred.

so much jealous LOL

Post up that FOREHEAD BABY !!



Yeah. That was soooo fucking funny that you haven't run that into the ground for the last 7 fucking days.

Get some new material you ass bandit.

7 days isnt bad. Imagine it being run into the ground on several threads and 3 forums for over a year.


Site Supporter
I do well enough in my own thoughts without some shit for brains adding content to them. I'm certified. I don't need anyone else to contribute to it. Hahahahaha!!!

So. You're a fat bitch with mental issues? No wonder you and Dovey are hitting it off.

Uh oh
Two attractive woman with human sized foreheads

MUST .... MAKE ..... FUN !!




Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Keep trolling and see where it gets you.

That's like telling you to limit your daily caloric intake.

Translation: You only need to eat one cupcake, not the whole box of 12.
She’s hot though Flynn...she could afford to eat the whole box and flaunt it. I heard you were a bit of a looker too but need a few more calories. True? Bastard Factory has been inundated with some good looking chicks lately...except for Lotusbud.

What is it with you, "men?"

Why is a "female" such a polarizing figure to you geeks?

Something I wanted to go over with you. I had the unfortunate luck at looking at a picture of your pecker. Why would you actually post a picture of your genitals for all to see? Are you proud that there's so much metal down there that it looks like you swapped out your penis and balls for a fucking socket set? I mean seriously, an industrial sized magnet can literally fuck your shit up in a big way.

Are you vying to be the first person to have a cybernetic cock that weighs 19 stones?

So with your sissy meltdown and your vomit inducing candid photo, all this makes you look like what is poured out after Seamajor and Q are put into a bottle and shaken up, but not stirred.

so much jealous LOL

Post up that FOREHEAD BABY !!



Yeah. That was soooo fucking funny that you haven't run that into the ground for the last 7 fucking days.

Get some new material you ass bandit.

But you have the same FOREHEAD !!

Until I see a pic that proves you don't have a helipad for flies atop your brow I shall never cease ..

Put some show curtains on the fucking thing and let's have the big reveal


Do I seem like the type of person that gives one flying fuck about what you think?

You're preaching to the choir, sister.

If I gave you any indication that I give one dickless Freud fuck then I apologize in advance.
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