Will the AI Economy Crash?

The Prowler

Factory Bastard

Efficiency is always good as long as it produces an acceptable quality of product/service.

It is up to people to understand how to implement more efficient processes so that it is not harmful, but beneficial.

Shorter work weeks.

Followed by...

Earlier retirement.

All while enjoying...

More "life enhancing" activities.

These are things that I have embraced and implemented into my life.

It is too bad that more people do not see the potential.

Too many people depend on the government to implement these changes.

I did it myself.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard

This is good stuff, Senile @Joe.

Because I know that if people around here actually watch that and process what they are hearing, they will be very uncomfortable.

I think it would be really funny to hear from @Lily and @Admin. to hear their thoughts on that video.

The world is overpopulated. There should be about 1/10 of the population. It is too bad that we got ourselves into this predicament, but we did. Allowing mass immigration from places like India and Africa where they do not control their birth rates was idiotic, but most people cannot put two and two together. That is one problem with democracy. Stupid people get as much of a say as incredibly intelligent people.

So now it falls upon intelligent people to fix it. And because we are talking about a drastic population reduction, it is going to be people who can get behind the culling of the masses.

Most people, like the lady in the video, are going to dislike the people who are taking it upon themselves to kill 90% of the population.

But, what choice do they have?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
This is good stuff, Senile @Joe.

The world is overpopulated. There should be about 1/10 of the population. It is too bad that we got ourselves into this predicament, but we did.

Most people, like the lady in the video, are going to dislike the people who are taking it upon themselves to kill 90% of the population.

But, what choice do they have?

...in which case as a good NeoCon, why don't you do us all a favor and kindly exterminate yourself @The Prowler? You should have died yesterday.

After all, you're a useless over-the-hill retired lazy old fart who contributes nothing of value to our world. Way I look at it, you're just excess capacity and your produce nothing. Therefore, you are a burden to our society and waste far too much time on these forums for your own good especially with your frequent disability laden flare ups.

IMHO, you don't make efficient and productive use of your time @The Prowler.

If yer gonna make yourself useful and not burden society so much, you should at least get a job a clearing tables at McDonald's clearing tables like that 92 year old guy named Ike in Ohio. Do something meaningful with you life instead of acting like such an immature pest.

You should model yourself after that guy, not the overgrown man-child you've become. At least that guy does something, makes himself useful.

Anyways, what makes you feel so privileged that you can decide who lives or dies?

You typically fulfill that NeoCon dictum that bit of pain is all good for us, as long as it isn't YOU.

"Dying & Genocide are good for the planet. As long as someone else does & it ISN'T ME!" , says @The Prowler

Just like these fuckin' assholes who think shaving the workforce by 50% is good, just as long as they get to line their pockets will others swallow the pain & it isn't them.

Geez no wonder you had no apprehension about profiting from the Pandemic. You have no conscience Prowler. You're just a modern day Judas.
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The Prowler

Factory Bastard
I should have known Senile @Joe could not have a rationale discussion about a serious subject.

This is one of the many reasons that Senile @Joe is a PCC.

*Prime Culling Candidate


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I should have known Senile @Joe could not have a rationale discussion about a serious subject.

This is one of the many reasons that Senile @Joe is a PCC.

*Prime Culling Candidate
Well, it's as relevant as your eugenicist tendencies @The Prowler.

Seems you wanna exterminate 90% of the human race.

Interestingly, that doesn't include you.

I wonder why you make an exception for yourself.

What makes you so fit to exist and others are not Prowler?

You have a development disability plus you're bald and ugly so you're not fit to survive IMHO.

Measured by your standard the Nazis would have rejected you for their Master Race.
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Somebody needs to put Senile @Joe on Suicide Watch.

Actually, just let it happen....he is a PCC, after all.
...and yet...it doth gladden mine heart that as your overpriced cars continue to depreciate my gold investments keep appreciating dumb Prowler. Gold has gone up $70 in 2 days eh.

For a 'senile' guy my acquisitions outperform yours @The Prowler.

I can hardly wait for the day when my gold is worth far more than your car, dumb Prowler!

Moral of the story...buy smart not dumb, dumb Prowler!

You bought dumb & yer overpriced cars continue to depreciate in value eh.

How delicious it is knowing that you overpaid for overpriced low quality overhyped cars dumb Prowler!

I'm so delighted you threw your money down the toilet like that!

You should have bought a Shelby instead when ya had the chance! But you blew it! You blew it!

Remember Prowler a car is an investment. Buy only those cars which appreciate in value. Expensive cars should never depreciate in value like yours.
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The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Remember Prowler a car is an investment.

No, you dumb cunt, it is not.

It is a mode of transportation. You buy one, drive it for a while, then get rid of it for much less than you bought it, and buy another.

I just happen to be able to afford to buy one that is really really fun to drive!!!

And remember the last time you asked how my investments were doing?

Should I remind you?


You know what company paid me on March 1 over $1100 in dividends for holding their stock?

Your favourite.



I can hardly wait for the day when my gold is worth far more than your car, dumb Prowler!

That is pathetic.

If I sold my stock, I could buy over 90 brand new Corvettes.

It is really sad that you are so jealous over a car, Senile @Joe.

And I love it!!!!