The first time I ever got a flu shot was in 2009... I was going back to South America for a year and the Swine Flu was going off... my GP insisted I had to get the flu shot, and I eventually gave in.
Better to be protected from influenza than get both influenza AND the swine flu, eh?
So I arrived and went to a remote area that had no swine flu and within a couple weeks, couldn't lift my head, I shat and puked on myself.... I took a plastic balcony chair into the shower and sat there nude spraying a combination of hot and cold water on myself for nearly a week. I shat/vomited nearly 35 pounds off my body.
I had a course of Relenza in my bag, but this shit came on too quick to matter.
...and then every worker around me started coming down with similar symptoms.
I was the carrier pigeon.
It took weeks to feel right again and many more months to be normal, but then I read an online article about the correlation between the flu shot and increased severity of the swine flu....
Then I got home and found out one of my coworkers wives got a new injection, had a stroke, and was partially paralysed.
And these are supposed to be the tested DNA vaccines, not the new exploratory RNA vaccines.
Anyway.....there was a correlation between those that got that the influenza shot that year and later got the swine flu. The influenza shot helped the swine flu.
Fuck all needles...