Woke or fact?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Okay so here is the thing.....is this the whole tick tock thing?

I dont see how this is "woke". She very well may be woke.....but what she said is true. She absolutely didnt say she was gonna "round up citizens and shoot them". She just said failure to listen to orders from the military makes you the enemy.

If ML is declared in American and our troops are deployed in America? Shes fucking CORRECT.

What was the context? Was she telling us this as some authoritarian flex.....or making sure we understood this?

Please dont think that if American troops are deployed here that they wont fucking kill you if you dont listen to them. This is why civil war talk isnt really cute. That's not to say all of them would attack us on our soil.

Why do you think Biden said the government IS the people and that we would need a nuke?

Do you guys factor in the US Military when you talk about civil war or do you think we just be left to kill eachother with no government intervention? Honest question. Because this would be a reality if the country did cross into the hot zone. The military will take over and we would be a police state....even if temporarily.
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Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Btw here is the National Guard shooting bean bags or paint at people who failed to get in their house when told



Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

We would definately go through a period like this. IF we have a hot civil war. Who knows maybe even we will have it as a result of bad democrat leaders.

So we end up in hot civil war and martail law is declared and THEN what? We gonna fight our own military?

Lol just doesnt sound like a very good idea guys lol

I know the urge when you see riots and our own country being essentially attacked by woke as fuck retards and nothing is really being done....the urge to just civil war the fuck out of it is strong. But really the only thing keeping the "fabric" together is the fact that we are not fighting them. If we went out there and started.. well. Martail law would get declared and at that point it isnt about right or wrong but restoring order.

Let's just check all the boxes before our froggies leap lol
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