You don't have to be in jail for murdering your wife, to make it in Today's GOP, but it sure did not hold back this young Maverick!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
i thinks its a combination of politics and environmental and only time will tell

just look at the way they manipulate the DNA in crops 2 feed an over crowded world

like all the new tech, its shoot first and ask questions later


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
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Two sets of morals. One for them, one for us.

Pffft! You people have no morals. If you did you wouldn't demand to sexualize kindergarteners with transexual deviancy.

Show me how I'm wrong?

Nobody is sexualizing kindergarteners. fucking moron.

Yes, you people are. Why on earth would you people want transexual ideology taught to 5-year-olds? But that IS what you people want, isn't it?

What is it with you people and sexual deviancy?

You're an idiot. You're having a shit fit and drinking the red kool aid because educators just want to let kids know that transsexuals exist. You can't fucking handle the facts. You are pathetic. It must hurt to be so frightened of the world.

Why on earth would "educators" wantto let 5-year-olds know that sexually deviant Registered Democrats exist?

They're fucking 5-years-old!

There is no good excuse you can come up with so you just call me names.

The ONLY reason vile and disgusting Leftists want to sexualize children is to GROOM them and turn them into future deviants and thus reliable Democrat votes when the little children grow up to be disgusting homosexuals or worse.

You know it's true. There's a reason nearly all disgusting sex perverts are Registered Democrats.

One does not need an excuse. Do educators need an excuse to tell children that men and women exist?

I don't believe in PLEASE ASS BOX ME! children for anything, you mental midget. Don't accuse me of shit that's a total fucking lie fabricated in your fevered, nearly empty brain pan.


Well, since you can't come up with a reason why "educators" need to teach children as young as 5 about transgender ideology and filthy homosexuality, then simple logic tells us all that you people want to sexualize young children for no other reason than to turn them into perverts when they grow up.

Why do you think there are so many young people today who "identify" as fags and lizzie's and trannies? It's a social contagion that YOU PEOPLE have unleashed.

I would let one of you people baby sit my cat.

Yeah. I suppose that could be called "simple logic," if one thing you posted were actually true.

Then you have an explanation as to why so many very young people today "identify" as transexual and/or "gender fluid?"

Do you think all these children with gender dysphoria were always there but just suppressed by evil cons? Or do you think that maybe, just maybe, all these young people are being influenced by pop culture and purple-haired Registered Democrat "educators" who feel it appropriate to tell 5-year-olds all about their personal sex lives?

Just admit you have no excuse for the filthy deviancy coming out of YOUR side of the political spectrum.

To tell you the truth, I think people's hormones have been fucked up by the 80,000 unresearched chemicals that are in our environment and food and kitchen utensils and clothing and furniture and water. But that doesn't mean I'm going to have a "moral indignation" meltdown of epic proportions and blame the victims for whatever is going on in their DNA. Get over yourself, you judgmental asshole.

So ... you're blaming the inordinate rise in percentages of very young people who "identify" as some kind of sexual or gender deviant on "chemicals in the environment" and it has nothing to do with all the "affirming" messaging regarding deviancy coming from the ideological Left?


Look, I'm not being "morally indignant," but I am judging. My kids are grown and turned out normal, so I'm good there, but I do have concern for the millions of young kids that YOU PEOPLE are fucking up to no end with your disgusting sexual ideology.

My kids are grown and cis. So? That doesn't mean there aren't thousands of people whose hormones have been fucked with by chemicals. And now people with gender issues are being allowed to talk about it and claim their own identities. That doesn't scare me. I don't know why it scares you so much.

I don't know what "cis" means so please refrain from injecting your Leftist academic jargon into this discussion.

There is such a thing as Gender Dysphoria. Before the current fad of Tranny activism, Gender Dysphoria was actually diagnosed in less than 0.0014% of the population, just above Hermaphrodism. How do you explain the ever burgeoning percentage of very young people who today are "identifying" as "gender-fluid" transexuals?

Are you going to stick with the chemicals in the environment thingie? Or do you think it just might have something to do with the affirming nature of so much of Left wing sexual identity activism from pop culture to school curricula?

If you want to know the truth, Mr "I Know Everything," I think everyone is basically, theoretically, potentially bisexual, so, yeah, I don't get all worked up about this shit like you do and I don't need to ascribe "blame" for any of it. Tell me how any of it has actually changed any aspect of your life.

And, yes, chemicals are hormone disruptors. Sorry to be the one to break it to you.

How do you explain right wing gender-different people?

And people have the right to their childhood and to figure out their own sexual identity on their own as they mature enough to process it.

Even if everyone is bisexual.....that doesnt mean children need to be mentally and emotionally abused by school staff and made to believe they were born in the wrong fucking body just because they dont fit gender stereotypes, Lotus.

Come the fuck on!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
i agree with both of u

I have a normal level of hormones in my body and I'm sure my kids do as well.

If there are hormone disruptions it typically doesnt show like this gender shit.

It shows in retarded growth and developmental delays.

There are no hormone issues at play here.
the effects r probably inconsistent like covid, some dont even notice they have it while others die or suffer long term effects

True. There is not enough research to point directly to effects. But, ffs, there are 80,000 of these chemicals. They are everywhere. And it is a fact that they disrupt hormones. Of course the effects won't be consistent. Just like drugs have an array of side effects, and some people will get none of them, or one of them, or several, the effects of these chemicals probably come in a huge array.

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An Claidheam Anam
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Two sets of morals. One for them, one for us.

Pffft! You people have no morals. If you did you wouldn't demand to sexualize kindergarteners with transexual deviancy.

Show me how I'm wrong?

Nobody is sexualizing kindergarteners. fucking moron.

Yes, you people are. Why on earth would you people want transexual ideology taught to 5-year-olds? But that IS what you people want, isn't it?

What is it with you people and sexual deviancy?

You're an idiot. You're having a shit fit and drinking the red kool aid because educators just want to let kids know that transsexuals exist. You can't fucking handle the facts. You are pathetic. It must hurt to be so frightened of the world.

Why on earth would "educators" wantto let 5-year-olds know that sexually deviant Registered Democrats exist?

They're fucking 5-years-old!

There is no good excuse you can come up with so you just call me names.

The ONLY reason vile and disgusting Leftists want to sexualize children is to GROOM them and turn them into future deviants and thus reliable Democrat votes when the little children grow up to be disgusting homosexuals or worse.

You know it's true. There's a reason nearly all disgusting sex perverts are Registered Democrats.

One does not need an excuse. Do educators need an excuse to tell children that men and women exist?

I don't believe in PLEASE ASS BOX ME! children for anything, you mental midget. Don't accuse me of shit that's a total fucking lie fabricated in your fevered, nearly empty brain pan.


Well, since you can't come up with a reason why "educators" need to teach children as young as 5 about transgender ideology and filthy homosexuality, then simple logic tells us all that you people want to sexualize young children for no other reason than to turn them into perverts when they grow up.

Why do you think there are so many young people today who "identify" as fags and lizzie's and trannies? It's a social contagion that YOU PEOPLE have unleashed.

I would let one of you people baby sit my cat.

Yeah. I suppose that could be called "simple logic," if one thing you posted were actually true.

Then you have an explanation as to why so many very young people today "identify" as transexual and/or "gender fluid?"

Do you think all these children with gender dysphoria were always there but just suppressed by evil cons? Or do you think that maybe, just maybe, all these young people are being influenced by pop culture and purple-haired Registered Democrat "educators" who feel it appropriate to tell 5-year-olds all about their personal sex lives?

Just admit you have no excuse for the filthy deviancy coming out of YOUR side of the political spectrum.

To tell you the truth, I think people's hormones have been fucked up by the 80,000 unresearched chemicals that are in our environment and food and kitchen utensils and clothing and furniture and water. But that doesn't mean I'm going to have a "moral indignation" meltdown of epic proportions and blame the victims for whatever is going on in their DNA. Get over yourself, you judgmental asshole.

So ... you're blaming the inordinate rise in percentages of very young people who "identify" as some kind of sexual or gender deviant on "chemicals in the environment" and it has nothing to do with all the "affirming" messaging regarding deviancy coming from the ideological Left?


Look, I'm not being "morally indignant," but I am judging. My kids are grown and turned out normal, so I'm good there, but I do have concern for the millions of young kids that YOU PEOPLE are fucking up to no end with your disgusting sexual ideology.

My kids are grown and cis. So? That doesn't mean there aren't thousands of people whose hormones have been fucked with by chemicals. And now people with gender issues are being allowed to talk about it and claim their own identities. That doesn't scare me. I don't know why it scares you so much.

I don't know what "cis" means so please refrain from injecting your Leftist academic jargon into this discussion.

There is such a thing as Gender Dysphoria. Before the current fad of Tranny activism, Gender Dysphoria was actually diagnosed in less than 0.0014% of the population, just above Hermaphrodism. How do you explain the ever burgeoning percentage of very young people who today are "identifying" as "gender-fluid" transexuals?

Are you going to stick with the chemicals in the environment thingie? Or do you think it just might have something to do with the affirming nature of so much of Left wing sexual identity activism from pop culture to school curricula?

If you want to know the truth, Mr "I Know Everything," I think everyone is basically, theoretically, potentially bisexual, so, yeah, I don't get all worked up about this shit like you do and I don't need to ascribe "blame" for any of it. Tell me how any of it has actually changed any aspect of your life.

And, yes, chemicals are hormone disruptors. Sorry to be the one the break it to you.

How do you explain right wing gender-different people?

Bwa Hahaha! My wife calls me the same thing. I always tell her "I don't know everything, just a lot of things."

And I am neither theoretically or potentially bisexual. The very thought is revolting to me. But I would enjoy watching you and Poarka go at it in a blow up pool filled with green jello.

I give you a 4.5 on the dismount. That's a higher score than Levon has ever gotten on a dismount.


Factory Bastard
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Two sets of morals. One for them, one for us.

Pffft! You people have no morals. If you did you wouldn't demand to sexualize kindergarteners with transexual deviancy.

Show me how I'm wrong?

Nobody is sexualizing kindergarteners. fucking moron.

Yes, you people are. Why on earth would you people want transexual ideology taught to 5-year-olds? But that IS what you people want, isn't it?

What is it with you people and sexual deviancy?

You're an idiot. You're having a shit fit and drinking the red kool aid because educators just want to let kids know that transsexuals exist. You can't fucking handle the facts. You are pathetic. It must hurt to be so frightened of the world.

Why on earth would "educators" wantto let 5-year-olds know that sexually deviant Registered Democrats exist?

They're fucking 5-years-old!

There is no good excuse you can come up with so you just call me names.

The ONLY reason vile and disgusting Leftists want to sexualize children is to GROOM them and turn them into future deviants and thus reliable Democrat votes when the little children grow up to be disgusting homosexuals or worse.

You know it's true. There's a reason nearly all disgusting sex perverts are Registered Democrats.

One does not need an excuse. Do educators need an excuse to tell children that men and women exist?

I don't believe in PLEASE ASS BOX ME! children for anything, you mental midget. Don't accuse me of shit that's a total fucking lie fabricated in your fevered, nearly empty brain pan.


Well, since you can't come up with a reason why "educators" need to teach children as young as 5 about transgender ideology and filthy homosexuality, then simple logic tells us all that you people want to sexualize young children for no other reason than to turn them into perverts when they grow up.

Why do you think there are so many young people today who "identify" as fags and lizzie's and trannies? It's a social contagion that YOU PEOPLE have unleashed.

I would let one of you people baby sit my cat.

Yeah. I suppose that could be called "simple logic," if one thing you posted were actually true.

Then you have an explanation as to why so many very young people today "identify" as transexual and/or "gender fluid?"

Do you think all these children with gender dysphoria were always there but just suppressed by evil cons? Or do you think that maybe, just maybe, all these young people are being influenced by pop culture and purple-haired Registered Democrat "educators" who feel it appropriate to tell 5-year-olds all about their personal sex lives?

Just admit you have no excuse for the filthy deviancy coming out of YOUR side of the political spectrum.

To tell you the truth, I think people's hormones have been fucked up by the 80,000 unresearched chemicals that are in our environment and food and kitchen utensils and clothing and furniture and water. But that doesn't mean I'm going to have a "moral indignation" meltdown of epic proportions and blame the victims for whatever is going on in their DNA. Get over yourself, you judgmental asshole.

So ... you're blaming the inordinate rise in percentages of very young people who "identify" as some kind of sexual or gender deviant on "chemicals in the environment" and it has nothing to do with all the "affirming" messaging regarding deviancy coming from the ideological Left?


Look, I'm not being "morally indignant," but I am judging. My kids are grown and turned out normal, so I'm good there, but I do have concern for the millions of young kids that YOU PEOPLE are fucking up to no end with your disgusting sexual ideology.

My kids are grown and cis. So? That doesn't mean there aren't thousands of people whose hormones have been fucked with by chemicals. And now people with gender issues are being allowed to talk about it and claim their own identities. That doesn't scare me. I don't know why it scares you so much.

I don't know what "cis" means so please refrain from injecting your Leftist academic jargon into this discussion.

There is such a thing as Gender Dysphoria. Before the current fad of Tranny activism, Gender Dysphoria was actually diagnosed in less than 0.0014% of the population, just above Hermaphrodism. How do you explain the ever burgeoning percentage of very young people who today are "identifying" as "gender-fluid" transexuals?

Are you going to stick with the chemicals in the environment thingie? Or do you think it just might have something to do with the affirming nature of so much of Left wing sexual identity activism from pop culture to school curricula?

If you want to know the truth, Mr "I Know Everything," I think everyone is basically, theoretically, potentially bisexual, so, yeah, I don't get all worked up about this shit like you do and I don't need to ascribe "blame" for any of it. Tell me how any of it has actually changed any aspect of your life.

And, yes, chemicals are hormone disruptors. Sorry to be the one the break it to you.

How do you explain right wing gender-different people?

Bwa Hahaha! My wife calls me the same thing. I always tell her "I don't know everything, just a lot of things."

And I am neither theoretically or potentially bisexual. The very thought is revolting to me. But I would enjoy watching you and Poarka go at it in a blow up pool filled with green jello.

I give you a 4.5 on the dismount. That's a higher score than Levon has ever gotten on a dismount.

OMG. No, you don't even know a "lot of things." And, yes, you are potentially bisexual. A lot of closeted gays are repulsed by the very idea of their true selves. LMAO. And, no, I will never go at anything in a blow up pool with Oak or anyone else. And that wasn't a dismount. Face facts, pal.
Last edited:


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
i thinks its a combination of politics and environmental and only time will tell

just look at the way they manipulate the DNA in crops 2 feed an over crowded world

like all the new tech, its shoot first and ask questions later

When I was a kid I was what these people would call "gender nonconforming".

I played soccer with boys. I didnt do dresses and ribbons. I was rough. Mouthy. Masculine and I was always dirty. I got in fights and rode dirt bikes.

If someone had started telling me I could be a boy inside? I would have believed it and had a crisis and been pushed on puberty blockers. I would be one of those poor girls on a youtube video talking about my detransition.

Telling this to children who naturally defy gender roles is going to cause "trans kids". My day when a kid went through the whole "I'm a boy/girl" thing they grew out of it. No one made a fuss. It's pretty well normal for kids to do this.

It's a fact of medical science 97 percent of children who experience any level of gender dysphoria or confusion will grow right out of it when they hit puberty. So why the fuck give them puberty blockers and go along with it? You wait and see if it's going to be a persistent issue.

Expect to see more suicides from these supposed "trans kids" who were never even trans but were pushed down the medical pathway. It's all so unethical and unhinged I cant even believe it's happening.

Oh and now "transgender" is also applied to autogynophiliacs. Men who cross dress and act as women as a sexual fetish. So there is that. We are now validating predators and holding down victims for them.


Domestically feral
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United states
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Two sets of morals. One for them, one for us.

Pffft! You people have no morals. If you did you wouldn't demand to sexualize kindergarteners with transexual deviancy.

Show me how I'm wrong?

Nobody is sexualizing kindergarteners. fucking moron.

Yes, you people are. Why on earth would you people want transexual ideology taught to 5-year-olds? But that IS what you people want, isn't it?

What is it with you people and sexual deviancy?

You're an idiot. You're having a shit fit and drinking the red kool aid because educators just want to let kids know that transsexuals exist. You can't fucking handle the facts. You are pathetic. It must hurt to be so frightened of the world.

Why on earth would "educators" wantto let 5-year-olds know that sexually deviant Registered Democrats exist?

They're fucking 5-years-old!

There is no good excuse you can come up with so you just call me names.

The ONLY reason vile and disgusting Leftists want to sexualize children is to GROOM them and turn them into future deviants and thus reliable Democrat votes when the little children grow up to be disgusting homosexuals or worse.

You know it's true. There's a reason nearly all disgusting sex perverts are Registered Democrats.

One does not need an excuse. Do educators need an excuse to tell children that men and women exist?

I don't believe in PLEASE ASS BOX ME! children for anything, you mental midget. Don't accuse me of shit that's a total fucking lie fabricated in your fevered, nearly empty brain pan.


Well, since you can't come up with a reason why "educators" need to teach children as young as 5 about transgender ideology and filthy homosexuality, then simple logic tells us all that you people want to sexualize young children for no other reason than to turn them into perverts when they grow up.

Why do you think there are so many young people today who "identify" as fags and lizzie's and trannies? It's a social contagion that YOU PEOPLE have unleashed.

I would let one of you people baby sit my cat.

Yeah. I suppose that could be called "simple logic," if one thing you posted were actually true.

Then you have an explanation as to why so many very young people today "identify" as transexual and/or "gender fluid?"

Do you think all these children with gender dysphoria were always there but just suppressed by evil cons? Or do you think that maybe, just maybe, all these young people are being influenced by pop culture and purple-haired Registered Democrat "educators" who feel it appropriate to tell 5-year-olds all about their personal sex lives?

Just admit you have no excuse for the filthy deviancy coming out of YOUR side of the political spectrum.

To tell you the truth, I think people's hormones have been fucked up by the 80,000 unresearched chemicals that are in our environment and food and kitchen utensils and clothing and furniture and water. But that doesn't mean I'm going to have a "moral indignation" meltdown of epic proportions and blame the victims for whatever is going on in their DNA. Get over yourself, you judgmental asshole.

So ... you're blaming the inordinate rise in percentages of very young people who "identify" as some kind of sexual or gender deviant on "chemicals in the environment" and it has nothing to do with all the "affirming" messaging regarding deviancy coming from the ideological Left?


Look, I'm not being "morally indignant," but I am judging. My kids are grown and turned out normal, so I'm good there, but I do have concern for the millions of young kids that YOU PEOPLE are fucking up to no end with your disgusting sexual ideology.

My kids are grown and cis. So? That doesn't mean there aren't thousands of people whose hormones have been fucked with by chemicals. And now people with gender issues are being allowed to talk about it and claim their own identities. That doesn't scare me. I don't know why it scares you so much.

I don't know what "cis" means so please refrain from injecting your Leftist academic jargon into this discussion.

There is such a thing as Gender Dysphoria. Before the current fad of Tranny activism, Gender Dysphoria was actually diagnosed in less than 0.0014% of the population, just above Hermaphrodism. How do you explain the ever burgeoning percentage of very young people who today are "identifying" as "gender-fluid" transexuals?

Are you going to stick with the chemicals in the environment thingie? Or do you think it just might have something to do with the affirming nature of so much of Left wing sexual identity activism from pop culture to school curricula?

If you want to know the truth, Mr "I Know Everything," I think everyone is basically, theoretically, potentially bisexual, so, yeah, I don't get all worked up about this shit like you do and I don't need to ascribe "blame" for any of it. Tell me how any of it has actually changed any aspect of your life.

And, yes, chemicals are hormone disruptors. Sorry to be the one the break it to you.

How do you explain right wing gender-different people?

Bwa Hahaha! My wife calls me the same thing. I always tell her "I don't know everything, just a lot of things."

And I am neither theoretically or potentially bisexual. The very thought is revolting to me. But I would enjoy watching you and Poarka go at it in a blow up pool filled with green jello.

I give you a 4.5 on the dismount. That's a higher score than Levon has ever gotten on a dismount.

OMG. No, you don't even know a "lot of things." And, yes, you are potentially bisexual. A lot of closeted gays are repulsed by the very idea of their true selves. LMAO. And, no, I will never go at anything in a blow up pool with Oak or anyone else. And that wasn't a dismount. Face facts, pal.

Would you say this to a gay man? That he is potentially Bi and would totally fuck a woman even when he is telling you he is not and would not?


Factory Bastard
Sotsialisticheskaya Respublika Kanada
For hundreds of thousands of years, humans have lived under certain societal rules and norms that have allowed us to remain successful inhabitants of this Earth to this very day.

Yet very recently, for some strange reason, sewing a tube dick onto a woman like below, now makes her a man... If that woman drops her pants and flops out her new tube dick, I am supposed to accept this Frankenstein-like being as a man?



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
For hundreds of thousands of years, humans have lived under certain societal rules and norms that have allowed us to remain successful inhabitants of this Earth to this very day.

Yet very recently, for some strange reason, sewing a tube dick onto a woman like below, now makes her a man... If that woman drops her pants and flops out her new tube dick, I am supposed to accept this Frankenstein-like being as a man?


You haven't noticed how many fails humanity is dealing with right now? The least of our problems have to do with gender issues. We're killing the fucking planet, and hence the entire human race.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
For hundreds of thousands of years, humans have lived under certain societal rules and norms that have allowed us to remain successful inhabitants of this Earth to this very day.

Yet very recently, for some strange reason, sewing a tube dick onto a woman like below, now makes her a man... If that woman drops her pants and flops out her new tube dick, I am supposed to accept this Frankenstein-like being as a man?


You haven't noticed how many fails humanity is dealing with right now? The least of our problems have to do with gender issues. We're killing the fucking planet, and hence the entire human race.

Tell that to people who were raped. Or people permanently altered because of being transed as a child. People who suffer serious medical problems due to medical abuse.

This is a VERY big problem that is doing serious harm.


Factory Bastard
Sotsialisticheskaya Respublika Kanada
You haven't noticed how many fails humanity is dealing with right now? The least of our problems have to do with gender issues. We're killing the fucking planet, and hence the entire human race.
It's the third world countries that are doing most of the damage though... Nuking China would instantly lead to improvements globally. May as well nuke Africa too, since that'll solve many problems also.


An Claidheam Anam
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Two sets of morals. One for them, one for us.

Pffft! You people have no morals. If you did you wouldn't demand to sexualize kindergarteners with transexual deviancy.

Show me how I'm wrong?

Nobody is sexualizing kindergarteners. fucking moron.

Yes, you people are. Why on earth would you people want transexual ideology taught to 5-year-olds? But that IS what you people want, isn't it?

What is it with you people and sexual deviancy?

You're an idiot. You're having a shit fit and drinking the red kool aid because educators just want to let kids know that transsexuals exist. You can't fucking handle the facts. You are pathetic. It must hurt to be so frightened of the world.

Why on earth would "educators" wantto let 5-year-olds know that sexually deviant Registered Democrats exist?

They're fucking 5-years-old!

There is no good excuse you can come up with so you just call me names.

The ONLY reason vile and disgusting Leftists want to sexualize children is to GROOM them and turn them into future deviants and thus reliable Democrat votes when the little children grow up to be disgusting homosexuals or worse.

You know it's true. There's a reason nearly all disgusting sex perverts are Registered Democrats.

One does not need an excuse. Do educators need an excuse to tell children that men and women exist?

I don't believe in PLEASE ASS BOX ME! children for anything, you mental midget. Don't accuse me of shit that's a total fucking lie fabricated in your fevered, nearly empty brain pan.


Well, since you can't come up with a reason why "educators" need to teach children as young as 5 about transgender ideology and filthy homosexuality, then simple logic tells us all that you people want to sexualize young children for no other reason than to turn them into perverts when they grow up.

Why do you think there are so many young people today who "identify" as fags and lizzie's and trannies? It's a social contagion that YOU PEOPLE have unleashed.

I would let one of you people baby sit my cat.

Yeah. I suppose that could be called "simple logic," if one thing you posted were actually true.

Then you have an explanation as to why so many very young people today "identify" as transexual and/or "gender fluid?"

Do you think all these children with gender dysphoria were always there but just suppressed by evil cons? Or do you think that maybe, just maybe, all these young people are being influenced by pop culture and purple-haired Registered Democrat "educators" who feel it appropriate to tell 5-year-olds all about their personal sex lives?

Just admit you have no excuse for the filthy deviancy coming out of YOUR side of the political spectrum.

To tell you the truth, I think people's hormones have been fucked up by the 80,000 unresearched chemicals that are in our environment and food and kitchen utensils and clothing and furniture and water. But that doesn't mean I'm going to have a "moral indignation" meltdown of epic proportions and blame the victims for whatever is going on in their DNA. Get over yourself, you judgmental asshole.

So ... you're blaming the inordinate rise in percentages of very young people who "identify" as some kind of sexual or gender deviant on "chemicals in the environment" and it has nothing to do with all the "affirming" messaging regarding deviancy coming from the ideological Left?


Look, I'm not being "morally indignant," but I am judging. My kids are grown and turned out normal, so I'm good there, but I do have concern for the millions of young kids that YOU PEOPLE are fucking up to no end with your disgusting sexual ideology.

My kids are grown and cis. So? That doesn't mean there aren't thousands of people whose hormones have been fucked with by chemicals. And now people with gender issues are being allowed to talk about it and claim their own identities. That doesn't scare me. I don't know why it scares you so much.

I don't know what "cis" means so please refrain from injecting your Leftist academic jargon into this discussion.

There is such a thing as Gender Dysphoria. Before the current fad of Tranny activism, Gender Dysphoria was actually diagnosed in less than 0.0014% of the population, just above Hermaphrodism. How do you explain the ever burgeoning percentage of very young people who today are "identifying" as "gender-fluid" transexuals?

Are you going to stick with the chemicals in the environment thingie? Or do you think it just might have something to do with the affirming nature of so much of Left wing sexual identity activism from pop culture to school curricula?

If you want to know the truth, Mr "I Know Everything," I think everyone is basically, theoretically, potentially bisexual, so, yeah, I don't get all worked up about this shit like you do and I don't need to ascribe "blame" for any of it. Tell me how any of it has actually changed any aspect of your life.

And, yes, chemicals are hormone disruptors. Sorry to be the one the break it to you.

How do you explain right wing gender-different people?

Bwa Hahaha! My wife calls me the same thing. I always tell her "I don't know everything, just a lot of things."

And I am neither theoretically or potentially bisexual. The very thought is revolting to me. But I would enjoy watching you and Poarka go at it in a blow up pool filled with green jello.

I give you a 4.5 on the dismount. That's a higher score than Levon has ever gotten on a dismount.

OMG. No, you don't even know a "lot of things." And, yes, you are potentially bisexual. A lot of closeted gays are repulsed by the very idea of their true selves. LMAO. And, no, I will never go at anything in a blow up pool with Oak or anyone else. And that wasn't a dismount. Face facts, pal.

Wait! So if I am repulsed by the thought of Admin sucking my cock that means I'm a closeted homosexual, but you being repulsed by the thought of scissoring with Poarka in a blow up pool full of green jello doesn't mean any such thing. I see.

Did you happen to catch that "cognitive dissonance" thingie I was talking about the other day?

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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Two sets of morals. One for them, one for us.

Pffft! You people have no morals. If you did you wouldn't demand to sexualize kindergarteners with transexual deviancy.

Show me how I'm wrong?

Nobody is sexualizing kindergarteners. fucking moron.

Yes, you people are. Why on earth would you people want transexual ideology taught to 5-year-olds? But that IS what you people want, isn't it?

What is it with you people and sexual deviancy?

You're an idiot. You're having a shit fit and drinking the red kool aid because educators just want to let kids know that transsexuals exist. You can't fucking handle the facts. You are pathetic. It must hurt to be so frightened of the world.

Why on earth would "educators" wantto let 5-year-olds know that sexually deviant Registered Democrats exist?

They're fucking 5-years-old!

There is no good excuse you can come up with so you just call me names.

The ONLY reason vile and disgusting Leftists want to sexualize children is to GROOM them and turn them into future deviants and thus reliable Democrat votes when the little children grow up to be disgusting homosexuals or worse.

You know it's true. There's a reason nearly all disgusting sex perverts are Registered Democrats.

One does not need an excuse. Do educators need an excuse to tell children that men and women exist?

I don't believe in PLEASE ASS BOX ME! children for anything, you mental midget. Don't accuse me of shit that's a total fucking lie fabricated in your fevered, nearly empty brain pan.


Well, since you can't come up with a reason why "educators" need to teach children as young as 5 about transgender ideology and filthy homosexuality, then simple logic tells us all that you people want to sexualize young children for no other reason than to turn them into perverts when they grow up.

Why do you think there are so many young people today who "identify" as fags and lizzie's and trannies? It's a social contagion that YOU PEOPLE have unleashed.

I would let one of you people baby sit my cat.

Yeah. I suppose that could be called "simple logic," if one thing you posted were actually true.

Then you have an explanation as to why so many very young people today "identify" as transexual and/or "gender fluid?"

Do you think all these children with gender dysphoria were always there but just suppressed by evil cons? Or do you think that maybe, just maybe, all these young people are being influenced by pop culture and purple-haired Registered Democrat "educators" who feel it appropriate to tell 5-year-olds all about their personal sex lives?

Just admit you have no excuse for the filthy deviancy coming out of YOUR side of the political spectrum.

To tell you the truth, I think people's hormones have been fucked up by the 80,000 unresearched chemicals that are in our environment and food and kitchen utensils and clothing and furniture and water. But that doesn't mean I'm going to have a "moral indignation" meltdown of epic proportions and blame the victims for whatever is going on in their DNA. Get over yourself, you judgmental asshole.

So ... you're blaming the inordinate rise in percentages of very young people who "identify" as some kind of sexual or gender deviant on "chemicals in the environment" and it has nothing to do with all the "affirming" messaging regarding deviancy coming from the ideological Left?


Look, I'm not being "morally indignant," but I am judging. My kids are grown and turned out normal, so I'm good there, but I do have concern for the millions of young kids that YOU PEOPLE are fucking up to no end with your disgusting sexual ideology.

My kids are grown and cis. So? That doesn't mean there aren't thousands of people whose hormones have been fucked with by chemicals. And now people with gender issues are being allowed to talk about it and claim their own identities. That doesn't scare me. I don't know why it scares you so much.

I don't know what "cis" means so please refrain from injecting your Leftist academic jargon into this discussion.

There is such a thing as Gender Dysphoria. Before the current fad of Tranny activism, Gender Dysphoria was actually diagnosed in less than 0.0014% of the population, just above Hermaphrodism. How do you explain the ever burgeoning percentage of very young people who today are "identifying" as "gender-fluid" transexuals?

Are you going to stick with the chemicals in the environment thingie? Or do you think it just might have something to do with the affirming nature of so much of Left wing sexual identity activism from pop culture to school curricula?

If you want to know the truth, Mr "I Know Everything," I think everyone is basically, theoretically, potentially bisexual, so, yeah, I don't get all worked up about this shit like you do and I don't need to ascribe "blame" for any of it. Tell me how any of it has actually changed any aspect of your life.

And, yes, chemicals are hormone disruptors. Sorry to be the one the break it to you.

How do you explain right wing gender-different people?

Bwa Hahaha! My wife calls me the same thing. I always tell her "I don't know everything, just a lot of things."

And I am neither theoretically or potentially bisexual. The very thought is revolting to me. But I would enjoy watching you and Poarka go at it in a blow up pool filled with green jello.

I give you a 4.5 on the dismount. That's a higher score than Levon has ever gotten on a dismount.

OMG. No, you don't even know a "lot of things." And, yes, you are potentially bisexual. A lot of closeted gays are repulsed by the very idea of their true selves. LMAO. And, no, I will never go at anything in a blow up pool with Oak or anyone else. And that wasn't a dismount. Face facts, pal.
Are you repulsed by the fact that secretly, you lust after Orange man's cock?


Factory Bastard
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Two sets of morals. One for them, one for us.

Pffft! You people have no morals. If you did you wouldn't demand to sexualize kindergarteners with transexual deviancy.

Show me how I'm wrong?

Nobody is sexualizing kindergarteners. fucking moron.

Yes, you people are. Why on earth would you people want transexual ideology taught to 5-year-olds? But that IS what you people want, isn't it?

What is it with you people and sexual deviancy?

You're an idiot. You're having a shit fit and drinking the red kool aid because educators just want to let kids know that transsexuals exist. You can't fucking handle the facts. You are pathetic. It must hurt to be so frightened of the world.

Why on earth would "educators" wantto let 5-year-olds know that sexually deviant Registered Democrats exist?

They're fucking 5-years-old!

There is no good excuse you can come up with so you just call me names.

The ONLY reason vile and disgusting Leftists want to sexualize children is to GROOM them and turn them into future deviants and thus reliable Democrat votes when the little children grow up to be disgusting homosexuals or worse.

You know it's true. There's a reason nearly all disgusting sex perverts are Registered Democrats.

One does not need an excuse. Do educators need an excuse to tell children that men and women exist?

I don't believe in PLEASE ASS BOX ME! children for anything, you mental midget. Don't accuse me of shit that's a total fucking lie fabricated in your fevered, nearly empty brain pan.


Well, since you can't come up with a reason why "educators" need to teach children as young as 5 about transgender ideology and filthy homosexuality, then simple logic tells us all that you people want to sexualize young children for no other reason than to turn them into perverts when they grow up.

Why do you think there are so many young people today who "identify" as fags and lizzie's and trannies? It's a social contagion that YOU PEOPLE have unleashed.

I would let one of you people baby sit my cat.

Yeah. I suppose that could be called "simple logic," if one thing you posted were actually true.

Then you have an explanation as to why so many very young people today "identify" as transexual and/or "gender fluid?"

Do you think all these children with gender dysphoria were always there but just suppressed by evil cons? Or do you think that maybe, just maybe, all these young people are being influenced by pop culture and purple-haired Registered Democrat "educators" who feel it appropriate to tell 5-year-olds all about their personal sex lives?

Just admit you have no excuse for the filthy deviancy coming out of YOUR side of the political spectrum.

To tell you the truth, I think people's hormones have been fucked up by the 80,000 unresearched chemicals that are in our environment and food and kitchen utensils and clothing and furniture and water. But that doesn't mean I'm going to have a "moral indignation" meltdown of epic proportions and blame the victims for whatever is going on in their DNA. Get over yourself, you judgmental asshole.

So ... you're blaming the inordinate rise in percentages of very young people who "identify" as some kind of sexual or gender deviant on "chemicals in the environment" and it has nothing to do with all the "affirming" messaging regarding deviancy coming from the ideological Left?


Look, I'm not being "morally indignant," but I am judging. My kids are grown and turned out normal, so I'm good there, but I do have concern for the millions of young kids that YOU PEOPLE are fucking up to no end with your disgusting sexual ideology.

My kids are grown and cis. So? That doesn't mean there aren't thousands of people whose hormones have been fucked with by chemicals. And now people with gender issues are being allowed to talk about it and claim their own identities. That doesn't scare me. I don't know why it scares you so much.

I don't know what "cis" means so please refrain from injecting your Leftist academic jargon into this discussion.

There is such a thing as Gender Dysphoria. Before the current fad of Tranny activism, Gender Dysphoria was actually diagnosed in less than 0.0014% of the population, just above Hermaphrodism. How do you explain the ever burgeoning percentage of very young people who today are "identifying" as "gender-fluid" transexuals?

Are you going to stick with the chemicals in the environment thingie? Or do you think it just might have something to do with the affirming nature of so much of Left wing sexual identity activism from pop culture to school curricula?

If you want to know the truth, Mr "I Know Everything," I think everyone is basically, theoretically, potentially bisexual, so, yeah, I don't get all worked up about this shit like you do and I don't need to ascribe "blame" for any of it. Tell me how any of it has actually changed any aspect of your life.

And, yes, chemicals are hormone disruptors. Sorry to be the one the break it to you.

How do you explain right wing gender-different people?

Bwa Hahaha! My wife calls me the same thing. I always tell her "I don't know everything, just a lot of things."

And I am neither theoretically or potentially bisexual. The very thought is revolting to me. But I would enjoy watching you and Poarka go at it in a blow up pool filled with green jello.

I give you a 4.5 on the dismount. That's a higher score than Levon has ever gotten on a dismount.

OMG. No, you don't even know a "lot of things." And, yes, you are potentially bisexual. A lot of closeted gays are repulsed by the very idea of their true selves. LMAO. And, no, I will never go at anything in a blow up pool with Oak or anyone else. And that wasn't a dismount. Face facts, pal.
Are you repulsed by the fact that secretly, you lust after Orange man's cock?
Put that one in the "THATS DIFFERENT THO!" catalog of libtard hypocrisy.