Poetry for the masses


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Some Blue tick verified twatter Jews caught before posts were deleted...

God, I truly hate those Kike fucks.

We know this. And yet everyone else are the racists.

Try reading the shit these people write. They hate white people.

Why wouldn't they? Look at how you treat others who are not fully Anglo.

Right, because Jews are horribly persecuted in this day and age. :Crazy:

What does that have to do with your own bigoted beliefs?

You implied that Jews hate whites because they treat them badly, which is utter bs.

No. I "implied" that you're a dipshit.

Well, at least this dipshit knows what gender he is. :LOL3:

But not your sexuality, that's already been proven.

Proven by who exactly? May I remind your fruity ass that you are the creepy cross-dresser, not me.

By you own posts. You're only interested in talking about "fags" and " tranny's."

Now you're ashamed of this?

Master Pu

I'll Funk You Up!
I met a traveller from an antique land,
Who said—“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. . . . Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal, these words appear:
My name is Biggie Smiles, King of Kings;
Look on my Stuff, ye Mighty, and despair!
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.”

(with apologies to Percy Bysshe Shelley)

You're a piece of subhuman scum posting pictures like that... I'd get you institutionalised for posting that..... fucking wake up to yourself meta-moron.
How are you gonna get me institutionalised big shot? I'm merely reminding the fahg defenders what the untermensch get up to in the bedroom... I'm sub human for what exaclty? Seeing it on the internet and thinking about Blurt? It's not my fault is it? These people need reminding exactly what being a homo involves, funny how they curl and squak when shown reality

you posted extreme BDSM WHICH ILLEGAL nutjob.
"ILLEGAL?" eh? lol

Yes, EXTREME BDSM IS ILLEGAL. you posted an illegal image.

So SHAMPAIN posted another picture of his face?!

If you call fisting and then perforating the rectums of two queers, then yes, his face indeed.

What an appalling excuse for a human being he is. And he mods this place. Shocking.
I'd take offence if I was actually ugly, didn't have a fit GF and it wasn't coming from a person who looks like this...
I think you closer resemble a prolapsed anus than me...

There are 2 sides to ugly... outside and inside, Peckerhead...

you are ugly on the inside.... clean yourself up.
I'm a very pleasant fellow, I donate to the dogs trust every month and I do all kinds of things for my grandparents, so there! =P

You should share your fisting fetish with your grandparents.
Get help, brah-


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
I met a traveller from an antique land,
Who said—“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. . . . Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal, these words appear:
My name is Biggie Smiles, King of Kings;
Look on my Stuff, ye Mighty, and despair!
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.”

(with apologies to Percy Bysshe Shelley)

You're a piece of subhuman scum posting pictures like that... I'd get you institutionalised for posting that..... fucking wake up to yourself meta-moron.
How are you gonna get me institutionalised big shot? I'm merely reminding the fahg defenders what the untermensch get up to in the bedroom... I'm sub human for what exaclty? Seeing it on the internet and thinking about Blurt? It's not my fault is it? These people need reminding exactly what being a homo involves, funny how they curl and squak when shown reality

you posted extreme BDSM WHICH ILLEGAL nutjob.
"ILLEGAL?" eh? lol

Yes, EXTREME BDSM IS ILLEGAL. you posted an illegal image.

So SHAMPAIN posted another picture of his face?!

If you call fisting and then perforating the rectums of two queers, then yes, his face indeed.

What an appalling excuse for a human being he is. And he mods this place. Shocking.
I'd take offence if I was actually ugly, didn't have a fit GF and it wasn't coming from a person who looks like this...
I think you closer resemble a prolapsed anus than me...

There are 2 sides to ugly... outside and inside, Peckerhead...

you are ugly on the inside.... clean yourself up.
I'm a very pleasant fellow, I donate to the dogs trust every month and I do all kinds of things for my grandparents, so there! =P

You should share your fisting fetish with your grandparents.
Get help, brah-

He's a degenerate swine

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Some Blue tick verified twatter Jews caught before posts were deleted...

God, I truly hate those Kike fucks.

We know this. And yet everyone else are the racists.

Try reading the shit these people write. They hate white people.

Why wouldn't they? Look at how you treat others who are not fully Anglo.

Right, because Jews are horribly persecuted in this day and age. :Crazy:

What does that have to do with your own bigoted beliefs?

You implied that Jews hate whites because they treat them badly, which is utter bs.

No. I "implied" that you're a dipshit.

Well, at least this dipshit knows what gender he is. :LOL3:

But not your sexuality, that's already been proven.

Proven by who exactly? May I remind your fruity ass that you are the creepy cross-dresser, not me.

By you own posts. You're only interested in talking about "fags" and " tranny's."

Now you're ashamed of this?

What can I say, whenever you're around faggotry and cross-dressing are the first things which spring to mind.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Some Blue tick verified twatter Jews caught before posts were deleted...

God, I truly hate those Kike fucks.

We know this. And yet everyone else are the racists.

Try reading the shit these people write. They hate white people.

Why wouldn't they? Look at how you treat others who are not fully Anglo.

Right, because Jews are horribly persecuted in this day and age. :Crazy:

What does that have to do with your own bigoted beliefs?

You implied that Jews hate whites because they treat them badly, which is utter bs.

No. I "implied" that you're a dipshit.

Well, at least this dipshit knows what gender he is. :LOL3:

But not your sexuality, that's already been proven.

Proven by who exactly? May I remind your fruity ass that you are the creepy cross-dresser, not me.

By you own posts. You're only interested in talking about "fags" and " tranny's."

Now you're ashamed of this?

What can I say, whenever you're around faggotry and cross-dressing are the first things which spring to mind.

Yet. No one is making you think those thoughts. Now it's my fault you swing side ways?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Some Blue tick verified twatter Jews caught before posts were deleted...

God, I truly hate those Kike fucks.

We know this. And yet everyone else are the racists.

Try reading the shit these people write. They hate white people.

Why wouldn't they? Look at how you treat others who are not fully Anglo.

Right, because Jews are horribly persecuted in this day and age. :Crazy:

What does that have to do with your own bigoted beliefs?

You implied that Jews hate whites because they treat them badly, which is utter bs.

No. I "implied" that you're a dipshit.

Well, at least this dipshit knows what gender he is. :LOL3:

But not your sexuality, that's already been proven.

Proven by who exactly? May I remind your fruity ass that you are the creepy cross-dresser, not me.

By you own posts. You're only interested in talking about "fags" and " tranny's."

Now you're ashamed of this?

What can I say, whenever you're around faggotry and cross-dressing are the first things which spring to mind.

Who are you kidding? Flynn doesn't have to be around for you to start talking about gay topics. It's always on your mind.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Some Blue tick verified twatter Jews caught before posts were deleted...

God, I truly hate those Kike fucks.

We know this. And yet everyone else are the racists.

Try reading the shit these people write. They hate white people.

Why wouldn't they? Look at how you treat others who are not fully Anglo.

Right, because Jews are horribly persecuted in this day and age. :Crazy:

What does that have to do with your own bigoted beliefs?

You implied that Jews hate whites because they treat them badly, which is utter bs.

No. I "implied" that you're a dipshit.

Well, at least this dipshit knows what gender he is. :LOL3:

But not your sexuality, that's already been proven.

Proven by who exactly? May I remind your fruity ass that you are the creepy cross-dresser, not me.

By you own posts. You're only interested in talking about "fags" and " tranny's."

Now you're ashamed of this?

What can I say, whenever you're around faggotry and cross-dressing are the first things which spring to mind.

Yet. No one is making you think those thoughts. Now it's my fault you swing side ways?

You're a cross-dressing fag, so naturally that kind of shit is going to be on people's minds when you post.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Some Blue tick verified twatter Jews caught before posts were deleted...

God, I truly hate those Kike fucks.

We know this. And yet everyone else are the racists.

Try reading the shit these people write. They hate white people.

Why wouldn't they? Look at how you treat others who are not fully Anglo.

Right, because Jews are horribly persecuted in this day and age. :Crazy:

What does that have to do with your own bigoted beliefs?

You implied that Jews hate whites because they treat them badly, which is utter bs.

No. I "implied" that you're a dipshit.

Well, at least this dipshit knows what gender he is. :LOL3:

But not your sexuality, that's already been proven.

Proven by who exactly? May I remind your fruity ass that you are the creepy cross-dresser, not me.

By you own posts. You're only interested in talking about "fags" and " tranny's."

Now you're ashamed of this?

What can I say, whenever you're around faggotry and cross-dressing are the first things which spring to mind.

Who are you kidding? Flynn doesn't have to be around for you to start talking about gay topics. It's always on your mind.

You accuse every guy who you don't like of being a homo. It's your main form of insult....


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Some Blue tick verified twatter Jews caught before posts were deleted...

God, I truly hate those Kike fucks.

We know this. And yet everyone else are the racists.

Try reading the shit these people write. They hate white people.

Why wouldn't they? Look at how you treat others who are not fully Anglo.

Right, because Jews are horribly persecuted in this day and age. :Crazy:

What does that have to do with your own bigoted beliefs?

You implied that Jews hate whites because they treat them badly, which is utter bs.

No. I "implied" that you're a dipshit.

Well, at least this dipshit knows what gender he is. :LOL3:

But not your sexuality, that's already been proven.

Proven by who exactly? May I remind your fruity ass that you are the creepy cross-dresser, not me.

By you own posts. You're only interested in talking about "fags" and " tranny's."

Now you're ashamed of this?

What can I say, whenever you're around faggotry and cross-dressing are the first things which spring to mind.

Yet. No one is making you think those thoughts. Now it's my fault you swing side ways?

You're a cross-dressing fag, so naturally that kind of shit is going to be on people's minds when you post.

If you truly believe that, why are you always talking to Flynn? I mean since you're all disgusted and all


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Some Blue tick verified twatter Jews caught before posts were deleted...

God, I truly hate those Kike fucks.

We know this. And yet everyone else are the racists.

Try reading the shit these people write. They hate white people.

Why wouldn't they? Look at how you treat others who are not fully Anglo.

Right, because Jews are horribly persecuted in this day and age. :Crazy:

What does that have to do with your own bigoted beliefs?

You implied that Jews hate whites because they treat them badly, which is utter bs.

No. I "implied" that you're a dipshit.

Well, at least this dipshit knows what gender he is. :LOL3:

But not your sexuality, that's already been proven.

Proven by who exactly? May I remind your fruity ass that you are the creepy cross-dresser, not me.

By you own posts. You're only interested in talking about "fags" and " tranny's."

Now you're ashamed of this?

What can I say, whenever you're around faggotry and cross-dressing are the first things which spring to mind.

Who are you kidding? Flynn doesn't have to be around for you to start talking about gay topics. It's always on your mind.

You accuse every guy who you don't like of being a homo. It's your main form of insult....

Not true. All the guys I don't like happen to be constantly talking about cock.

I'm not too enamored of @Reggie_Essent and I don't call him gay. Of course, he rarely talks about the cock.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Some Blue tick verified twatter Jews caught before posts were deleted...

God, I truly hate those Kike fucks.

We know this. And yet everyone else are the racists.

Try reading the shit these people write. They hate white people.

Why wouldn't they? Look at how you treat others who are not fully Anglo.

Right, because Jews are horribly persecuted in this day and age. :Crazy:

What does that have to do with your own bigoted beliefs?

You implied that Jews hate whites because they treat them badly, which is utter bs.

No. I "implied" that you're a dipshit.

Well, at least this dipshit knows what gender he is. :LOL3:

But not your sexuality, that's already been proven.

Proven by who exactly? May I remind your fruity ass that you are the creepy cross-dresser, not me.

By you own posts. You're only interested in talking about "fags" and " tranny's."

Now you're ashamed of this?

What can I say, whenever you're around faggotry and cross-dressing are the first things which spring to mind.

Yet. No one is making you think those thoughts. Now it's my fault you swing side ways?

You're a cross-dressing fag, so naturally that kind of shit is going to be on people's minds when you post.

If you truly believe that, why are you always talking to Flynn? I mean since you're all disgusted and all

Because he humps my ankle like a yappy chihuahua and blows my notifications up every time he logs in.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Some Blue tick verified twatter Jews caught before posts were deleted...

God, I truly hate those Kike fucks.

We know this. And yet everyone else are the racists.

Try reading the shit these people write. They hate white people.

Why wouldn't they? Look at how you treat others who are not fully Anglo.

Right, because Jews are horribly persecuted in this day and age. :Crazy:

What does that have to do with your own bigoted beliefs?

You implied that Jews hate whites because they treat them badly, which is utter bs.

No. I "implied" that you're a dipshit.

Well, at least this dipshit knows what gender he is. :LOL3:

But not your sexuality, that's already been proven.

Proven by who exactly? May I remind your fruity ass that you are the creepy cross-dresser, not me.

By you own posts. You're only interested in talking about "fags" and " tranny's."

Now you're ashamed of this?

What can I say, whenever you're around faggotry and cross-dressing are the first things which spring to mind.

Yet. No one is making you think those thoughts. Now it's my fault you swing side ways?

You're a cross-dressing fag, so naturally that kind of shit is going to be on people's minds when you post.

If you truly believe that, why are you always talking to Flynn? I mean since you're all disgusted and all

Because he humps my ankle like a yappy chihuahua and blows my notifications up every time he logs in.

You can't resist Flynn can you? What do you find most alluring? Is it when Flynn pegs you with a dildo or kicks your twat?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Lardita on a plus rep spree again now the e-trannie is online LOL.

Yep, funny is funny. You, on the other hand, are funny looking in that gay way...creepy

You look like Danny Devito ffs.....

And look at you dissing gays again. :LOL3:

Like I said, I can explain it to you but I can't understand it for you.

One thing I will say, I don't have gay offspring and post "Admin sucks cock" hundreds of times.

Your Hippocrisy knows absolutely no bounds.

So, am I more of a hypocrite than a woman with a gay child that posts "Admin sucks cock"? Answer the question, twat.

I'm not speaking on Dove's behalf, she's a big girl and perfectly capable of bashing you on the snout herself.

No. She's not. She got fucked up for the last 4 days, all anyone has to do is reread any of those threads.

You mean I poked you while you spazzed, as always.

You always get this weird sense of empowerment when you are being made fun of.

Fucking retard.

Fake til you make it, though!


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Lardita on a plus rep spree again now the e-trannie is online LOL.

Yep, funny is funny. You, on the other hand, are funny looking in that gay way...creepy

You look like Danny Devito ffs.....

And look at you dissing gays again. :LOL3:

Like I said, I can explain it to you but I can't understand it for you.

One thing I will say, I don't have gay offspring and post "Admin sucks cock" hundreds of times.

Your Hippocrisy knows absolutely no bounds.

So, am I more of a hypocrite than a woman with a gay child that posts "Admin sucks cock"? Answer the question, twat.

I'm not speaking on Dove's behalf, she's a big girl and perfectly capable of bashing you on the snout herself.

No. She's not. She got fucked up for the last 4 days, all anyone has to do is reread any of those threads.

This must be like your "The holocaust didn't happen" excuses based on your own meaningless opinions again.

You don't like her so obviously your summary of what happened isn't reliable due to your bias.

I could drop some red pills about the Hollowco$$t for you to examine but there's no point because you're too fucking close minded and stubborn.

Nice try.

She's a proven liar, user, and ignorant bitch. She knows nothing abo

I was isolating this sentence but this whole first paragraph is all about you, you dumb fuck. Project much? This takes a specail level of delusional.

Yeah this is what happens when you devote 3 years to defending a liar and a scammer who made bad decisions and tried to blame other people.

Fuckinf idiot lmao


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Some Blue tick verified twatter Jews caught before posts were deleted...

God, I truly hate those Kike fucks.

We know this. And yet everyone else are the racists.

Try reading the shit these people write. They hate white people.

Why wouldn't they? Look at how you treat others who are not fully Anglo.

Right, because Jews are horribly persecuted in this day and age. :Crazy:

What does that have to do with your own bigoted beliefs?

You implied that Jews hate whites because they treat them badly, which is utter bs.

No. I "implied" that you're a dipshit.

Well, at least this dipshit knows what gender he is. :LOL3:

But not your sexuality, that's already been proven.

Proven by who exactly? May I remind your fruity ass that you are the creepy cross-dresser, not me.

By you own posts. You're only interested in talking about "fags" and " tranny's."

Now you're ashamed of this?

What can I say, whenever you're around faggotry and cross-dressing are the first things which spring to mind.

Yet. No one is making you think those thoughts. Now it's my fault you swing side ways?

You're a cross-dressing fag, so naturally that kind of shit is going to be on people's minds when you post.

And you're a fake picture posting racist.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Some Blue tick verified twatter Jews caught before posts were deleted...

God, I truly hate those Kike fucks.

We know this. And yet everyone else are the racists.

Try reading the shit these people write. They hate white people.

Why wouldn't they? Look at how you treat others who are not fully Anglo.

Right, because Jews are horribly persecuted in this day and age. :Crazy:

What does that have to do with your own bigoted beliefs?

You implied that Jews hate whites because they treat them badly, which is utter bs.

No. I "implied" that you're a dipshit.

Well, at least this dipshit knows what gender he is. :LOL3:

But not your sexuality, that's already been proven.

Proven by who exactly? May I remind your fruity ass that you are the creepy cross-dresser, not me.

By you own posts. You're only interested in talking about "fags" and " tranny's."

Now you're ashamed of this?

What can I say, whenever you're around faggotry and cross-dressing are the first things which spring to mind.

Who are you kidding? Flynn doesn't have to be around for you to start talking about gay topics. It's always on your mind.

You accuse every guy who you don't like of being a homo. It's your main form of insult....

She just accuses you, which is spot on.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Some Blue tick verified twatter Jews caught before posts were deleted...

God, I truly hate those Kike fucks.

We know this. And yet everyone else are the racists.

Try reading the shit these people write. They hate white people.

Why wouldn't they? Look at how you treat others who are not fully Anglo.

Right, because Jews are horribly persecuted in this day and age. :Crazy:

What does that have to do with your own bigoted beliefs?

You implied that Jews hate whites because they treat them badly, which is utter bs.

No. I "implied" that you're a dipshit.

Well, at least this dipshit knows what gender he is. :LOL3:

But not your sexuality, that's already been proven.

Proven by who exactly? May I remind your fruity ass that you are the creepy cross-dresser, not me.

By you own posts. You're only interested in talking about "fags" and " tranny's."

Now you're ashamed of this?

What can I say, whenever you're around faggotry and cross-dressing are the first things which spring to mind.

Yet. No one is making you think those thoughts. Now it's my fault you swing side ways?

You're a cross-dressing fag, so naturally that kind of shit is going to be on people's minds when you post.

If you truly believe that, why are you always talking to Flynn? I mean since you're all disgusted and all

Because he humps my ankle like a yappy chihuahua and blows my notifications up every time he logs in.

And you don't do the same?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.

Because a video purporting that the holocaust never happened is going to be believed by people with an education?

Try again.

People with an education have an open and critical mind and will typically hear things out, understand the arguments and take the time to debunk them.

Wise of you to stay in your lane.


You couldn't be more unaware if someone paid you $3500 to be unaware.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Some Blue tick verified twatter Jews caught before posts were deleted...

God, I truly hate those Kike fucks.

We know this. And yet everyone else are the racists.

Try reading the shit these people write. They hate white people.

Why wouldn't they? Look at how you treat others who are not fully Anglo.

Right, because Jews are horribly persecuted in this day and age. :Crazy:

What does that have to do with your own bigoted beliefs?

You implied that Jews hate whites because they treat them badly, which is utter bs.

No. I "implied" that you're a dipshit.

Well, at least this dipshit knows what gender he is. :LOL3:

But not your sexuality, that's already been proven.

Proven by who exactly? May I remind your fruity ass that you are the creepy cross-dresser, not me.

By you own posts. You're only interested in talking about "fags" and " tranny's."

Now you're ashamed of this?

What can I say, whenever you're around faggotry and cross-dressing are the first things which spring to mind.

Yet. No one is making you think those thoughts. Now it's my fault you swing side ways?

You're a cross-dressing fag, so naturally that kind of shit is going to be on people's minds when you post.

And you're a fake picture posting racist.

Fake pics? No. Racist? Sure.... it's necessary in this anti-white day and age.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Some Blue tick verified twatter Jews caught before posts were deleted...

God, I truly hate those Kike fucks.

We know this. And yet everyone else are the racists.

Try reading the shit these people write. They hate white people.

Why wouldn't they? Look at how you treat others who are not fully Anglo.

Right, because Jews are horribly persecuted in this day and age. :Crazy:

What does that have to do with your own bigoted beliefs?

You implied that Jews hate whites because they treat them badly, which is utter bs.

No. I "implied" that you're a dipshit.

Well, at least this dipshit knows what gender he is. :LOL3:

But not your sexuality, that's already been proven.

Proven by who exactly? May I remind your fruity ass that you are the creepy cross-dresser, not me.

By you own posts. You're only interested in talking about "fags" and " tranny's."

Now you're ashamed of this?

What can I say, whenever you're around faggotry and cross-dressing are the first things which spring to mind.

Yet. No one is making you think those thoughts. Now it's my fault you swing side ways?

You're a cross-dressing fag, so naturally that kind of shit is going to be on people's minds when you post.

And you're a fake picture posting racist.

Fake pics? No. Racist? Sure.... it's necessary in this anti-white day and age.

No. Both are you.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Some Blue tick verified twatter Jews caught before posts were deleted...

God, I truly hate those Kike fucks.

We know this. And yet everyone else are the racists.

Try reading the shit these people write. They hate white people.

Why wouldn't they? Look at how you treat others who are not fully Anglo.

Right, because Jews are horribly persecuted in this day and age. :Crazy:

What does that have to do with your own bigoted beliefs?

You implied that Jews hate whites because they treat them badly, which is utter bs.

No. I "implied" that you're a dipshit.

Well, at least this dipshit knows what gender he is. :LOL3:

But not your sexuality, that's already been proven.

Proven by who exactly? May I remind your fruity ass that you are the creepy cross-dresser, not me.

By you own posts. You're only interested in talking about "fags" and " tranny's."

Now you're ashamed of this?

What can I say, whenever you're around faggotry and cross-dressing are the first things which spring to mind.

Yet. No one is making you think those thoughts. Now it's my fault you swing side ways?

You're a cross-dressing fag, so naturally that kind of shit is going to be on people's minds when you post.

And you're a fake picture posting racist.

Fake pics? No. Racist? Sure.... it's necessary in this anti-white day and age.

You need a hanky, little twat?

Boo Hoo, everyone is so mean and nasty to us white people. We haven't ever done anything wrong.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Some Blue tick verified twatter Jews caught before posts were deleted...

God, I truly hate those Kike fucks.

We know this. And yet everyone else are the racists.

Try reading the shit these people write. They hate white people.

Why wouldn't they? Look at how you treat others who are not fully Anglo.

Right, because Jews are horribly persecuted in this day and age. :Crazy:

What does that have to do with your own bigoted beliefs?

You implied that Jews hate whites because they treat them badly, which is utter bs.

No. I "implied" that you're a dipshit.

Well, at least this dipshit knows what gender he is. :LOL3:

But not your sexuality, that's already been proven.

Proven by who exactly? May I remind your fruity ass that you are the creepy cross-dresser, not me.

By you own posts. You're only interested in talking about "fags" and " tranny's."

Now you're ashamed of this?

What can I say, whenever you're around faggotry and cross-dressing are the first things which spring to mind.

Who are you kidding? Flynn doesn't have to be around for you to start talking about gay topics. It's always on your mind.

You accuse every guy who you don't like of being a homo. It's your main form of insult....

She just accuses you, which is spot on.

Nah her go to is saying the men shes trying to argue with have small dicks and are closet gays.

She says it to every male who challenges her.

It's pretty much the fat spamming is happening. Since she says the same two stupid "insults" over and over to everyone.

You'll be ripping on her again soon enough and probably using the fat jokes because you cant think of your own funny material.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!