Drugs recriminalized in Oregon


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The Oregon gov is recriminalizing drugs thanks to fentanyl deaths.

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Portugal hopes to avoid doing that, should fentanyl come here. So far, it's not a problem.

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I think it was people hanging out in public smoking fentanyl that pushed us over the edge.


Apparatus Of Satan
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Rockford, IL
That's my point. Portugal found a way, but no one will look to their success for answers.
Portugal is not similar to the US in any way shape or form. To think that their approach to the issue could be replicated in the US is madness.


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Injecting drugs is just really bad.

Fentanyl is successfully used in medicine. The problem with streets drugs is that people that don't know what they're doing are distributing it.
I was given Fentynal by EMS a couple times in the last couple years for my Ambulance adventures.


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As I understand the recriminalization, they rescheduled the drugs as misdemeanors so Law can do something to get the flagrant drug use off of city streets and try to steer addicts to treatment etc as it was a cop can watch someone smoke up some fentynal and were unable to do anything


Queenie Weenie
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La La Land
I thought it was WILD AF when they legalized narcotics there… but the street pharmacists are cutting narcotics with fentanyl since before that.

It’s alarming how many stories I’ve read about people who party recreationally (not your typical drug addict homeless people) and are being found dead because they thought they were doing cocaine and it was fentanyl.


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I thought it was WILD AF when they legalized narcotics there… but the street pharmacists are cutting narcotics with fentanyl since before that.

It’s alarming how many stories I’ve read about people who party recreationally (not your typical drug addict homeless people) and are being found dead because they thought they were doing cocaine and it was fentanyl.
At the time Fentynal had yet exploded into the scourge on city streets it was around but, the "legalization" was voted for and passed by a healthy margin, the thinking being why screw with people getting caught with a gram of coke on them etc


Queenie Weenie
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La La Land
At the time Fentynal had yet exploded into the scourge on city streets it was around but, the "legalization" was voted for and passed by a healthy margin, the thinking being why screw with people getting caught with a gram of coke on them etc

I presumed it was because the courts were so backed up. Most of the misdemeanor crimes we would have been charged with as kids are no longer crimes here. I enjoyed being able to take my dog on the beach more recently…. and watching young people drinking a beer and playing in the water. We would have been ticketed and fines for that before.

I attribute the decline in the traditional American family unit to this current epidemic. Neglect causes complex PTSD. If you don’t treat the underlying PTSD, any injury/pain condition is going to be magnified.


Who am I? I am over Two Billion in Saudi Cash!
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I presumed it was because the courts were so backed up. Most of the misdemeanor crimes we would have been charged with as kids are no longer crimes here. I enjoyed being able to take my dog on the beach more recently…. and watching young people drinking a beer and playing in the water. We would have been ticketed and fines for that before.

I attribute the decline in the traditional American family unit to this current epidemic. Neglect causes complex PTSD. If you don’t treat the underlying PTSD, any injury/pain condition is going to be magnified.
Court and Jail crowding was certainly a part of the calculus.