I am stunned how many people refuse to see


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Just last night they had a Governorship debate in Virginia and the left wing Democrat said parents should have no say in theor children's education. Parents had been protesting transsexuals indoctrination for 8 year olds.

The parents MUST have the deciding vote on their children's education not politicians nor the corrupt unions who prop them up. The working people pay the taxes these parasites live off of and they work for the people not the other way around.

I don't believe you. Link.

A link was already provided, you non-reading turd.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
And the American ethos is to idolize people with lots of money and condemn those with little.

Yeah, we see this a lot with people idolizing Hollywood actors and actresses.

It is weird how people think they "really know" people who pretend to be other people for a living. Whether in a movie or in front of any camera, actors and actresses are only playing a role.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
The US is the only developed country in the world without universal healthcare.

Does Canada have it?

If you have a cavity in Canada, is it covered? How about any routine dental work? Or more complex dental work?

How about prescription drugs?

How about physiotherapy?

Equipment like wheelchairs...?

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Here ya go TEACH, let me SCHOOL YOU!!!!

Brave mom Stacy Langton revealed porn + PLEASE ASS BOX ME! in school library

Bullshit. I want the names of the books and evidence that they were actually in the library and not put there by some CON.

Plus, wrong thread, fuckwit.

"I am STUNNED how many people refuse to see"

Eat your own words CUNT!!!!

You didnt even watch it!!!! The names of the books are in the video!!! AND FUCKING DISGUSTING PICS YOU PEOPLE APPROVE OF!!!!!

I watched it. I have no evidence those were actually purchased and placed in the library by the school district. None.

I don't approve of those books. You need help.

You are embarrassing yourself again.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
And the American ethos is to idolize people with lots of money and condemn those with little.

Yeah, we see this a lot with people idolizing Hollywood actors and actresses.

It is weird how people think they "really know" people who pretend to be other people for a living. Whether in a movie or in front of any camera, actors and actresses are only playing a role.

Hollywood actresses and actors are rich. They are paid by the wealthy. There is no billionaire that I hold in any esteem. You haven't got it figured out yet, cheese head.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
And the American ethos is to idolize people with lots of money and condemn those with little.

Yeah, we see this a lot with people idolizing Hollywood actors and actresses.

It is weird how people think they "really know" people who pretend to be other people for a living. Whether in a movie or in front of any camera, actors and actresses are only playing a role.

Hollywood actresses and actors are rich. They are paid by the wealthy. There is no billionaire that I hold in any esteem. You haven't got it figured out yet, cheese head.

Is there something that I actually said that you disagree with, you absolute brain-dead retard?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
And the American ethos is to idolize people with lots of money and condemn those with little.

Yeah, we see this a lot with people idolizing Hollywood actors and actresses.

It is weird how people think they "really know" people who pretend to be other people for a living. Whether in a movie or in front of any camera, actors and actresses are only playing a role.

That is true, but not what I was talking about. I am talking about people who think anyone with money -- you know, like Strapon -- is an accomplished person just because they have money, and that people without money are losers who deserve to suffer. It's an epidemic of stupidity that has spread across the US and infected almost everyone.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Trump was a major failure. I got vaccinated back in March because I wanted to travel. Oh bad me. Maybe you can expand on the wonderful thing Trump accomplished. Sorry I do t share your point of view. Why do you care, It’s not your country
Maintaining a strong allegiance with America and the UK will help Australia defeat communism. I realise you liberals will never understand this glaringly obvious fact or reason. If things were left solely up to the bleeding liberals, we would all be speaking fucking Mandarin by now.

LMAO. Defeat communism? You still think that's the thing you have to worry about, when the world is falling down around you due to malignant capitalism and 21st century feudalism, and there is precious little communism in the world right now? You need a reality check.

Communism? Cuba is a real threat. So is Albania.

Albania hasn't been communist since 1991. China and North Korea are the big communist threat and the Chinese Communist Party is currently hell bent on trying to prepare for war. If you don't understand how that is a major threat to world peace then I don't know what to tell you.

China is a capitalist country. There are hardly any traces of communism left there. Please name a single liberal in favor of North Korean policy. Get a grip. The problem there is totalitarianism, not communism.

China is literally the perfect example of what REALLY happens when you have communism.

No SHIT it's not actually communism how people buy into it. Do you understand it NEVER works? That it always.....ALWAYS leads to authoritarianism?

It's a lie. A power grab. Something NOT POSSIBLE this side of heaven.

So yes it is. It's the true face of communism. See you think we just dont know what communism is, because China doesnt look like the fantasy.

I need one of you to answer the question, once we go ahead and create more centralized power.....who is gonna over see it and what do you do when THEY go bad? THAT is the problem.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Portugal, for instance

Comparing Portugal to USA is beyond stupid.

If every country were like Portugal in WWII, for instance, we would all be Nazis right now.

A little, selfish "do nothing for the world" country.

Fuck off with that comparison.

You're an idiot, and so are all the morons who rec'd your ignorant post. During WWII, Portugal was run by a dictator. They had a revolution in the 70s, and it is a completely different place now. It's big of you to completely disregard the Portuguese revolution, and all that those people sacrificed to make it happen. SMDH


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
And the American ethos is to idolize people with lots of money and condemn those with little.

Yeah, we see this a lot with people idolizing Hollywood actors and actresses.

It is weird how people think they "really know" people who pretend to be other people for a living. Whether in a movie or in front of any camera, actors and actresses are only playing a role.

That is true, but not what I was talking about. I am talking about people who think anyone with money -- you know, like Strapon -- is an accomplished person just because they have money, and that people without money are losers who deserve to suffer. It's an epidemic of stupidity that has spread across the US and infected almost everyone.

No one thinks that though.

They just oppose more centralized power and government theft.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I'm watching this slow red pilling of all the actual fair and genuine lefties who have platforms and how they are SEEING what is happening. And it's awesome lol.

I dont think people need to stop being left and agree with all my views to respect them. But we really to pause this left/right shit and deal with the actual fascism and the monoparty authoritarian cancer in the country and THEN resume our squabbling over how much healthcare the public should pay for. And issue both sides have valuable insight on that we could progress with if we can get rid of this establishment cancer.

We wont though, because the division phase was too successful and its lefties who would would rather align with authoritarianism than the actual people. Becsuse they bought the Trump slamming and they LIKE it. It's an ego thing.

Did you see Jimmy's face when Brand said "with respect to those of you who are"(trump supporting Republicans)......you just dont hear that anymore. Bridges being built wont be tolerated. They know this.

Now Brand is getting hate because he told the truth and these mindless establishment shills who NEED to hate Trump are all assfucking hurt, ignoring the actual corruption. How dare Brand tell the truth during Covid 1984! As soon as I saw that video.....i knew he was going to be turned on. SMDH.

These people WANT to believe the lies that let them mindlessly hate. Now Russel Brand is labeled "far right"... the Scarlet A of everyone who calls out the monoparty. From people who have labeling everyone far right for years and cant even define it lol.

Mass psychosis. Brand wants the same things we want... so yeah that makes him a far right villain like Nicki who JUST said dont let ourselves be bullied into taking a vaccine. Anyone with a platform who speaks of LESS power of these institutions is villanized.
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
I'm watching this slow red pilling of all the actual fair and genuine lefties who have platforms and how they are SEEING what is happening. And it's awesome lol.

I dont think people need to stop being left and agree with all my views to respect them. But we really to pause this left/right shit and deal with the actual fascism and the monoparty authoritarian cancer in the country and THEN resume our squabbling over how much healthcare the public should pay for. And issue both sides have valuable insight on that we could progress with if we can get rid of this establishment cancer.

We wont though, because the division phase was too successful and its lefties who would would rather align with authoritarianism than the actual people. Becsuse they bought the Trump slamming and they LIKE it. It's an ego thing.

You should take your own advice, @Dove. I have been watching Dore and Brand for years, and as you know, I am not a Democrat. Who do you watch on the right that criticizes Mitch and Trump and the other righties who are out to destroy workers' rights? I don't apologize for Biden the way you apologize for Trump on a daily basis, and I don't do screeds about the right the way you do your multiple daily screeds against the left. You don't recognize when people on the right are pure corporatists, while I recognize this huge failing on the left. I know that Hillary and Biden and Obama and Pelosi are all corporatists who are not fighting for workers' rights. I look forward to the day when you admit it about politicians on the right.

Reread the last paragraph of your post. It's pure partisan hackery. Dore and Brand are far lefties who are willing to criticize the bullshit that comes from the pretend left. I have never seen you do that about the fuckers on the right. NEVER.
Last edited:


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Trump was a major failure. I got vaccinated back in March because I wanted to travel. Oh bad me. Maybe you can expand on the wonderful thing Trump accomplished. Sorry I do t share your point of view. Why do you care, It’s not your country
Maintaining a strong allegiance with America and the UK will help Australia defeat communism. I realise you liberals will never understand this glaringly obvious fact or reason. If things were left solely up to the bleeding liberals, we would all be speaking fucking Mandarin by now.

LMAO. Defeat communism? You still think that's the thing you have to worry about, when the world is falling down around you due to malignant capitalism and 21st century feudalism, and there is precious little communism in the world right now? You need a reality check.

The CCP loves stupid people like you.

The CCP is a capitalist organization. And you call me stupid.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Our education system is broken because of corrupt unions who own politicians. Charter schools do a better job, kids in charter schools get better test scores, and charters get the same job while costing $4000 less per student per year. Parents line up by the thousands to get their children into Charter schools but the unions hate competition and always try to kill them.

You do not know what you are talking about. Charter schools do not do a better job. None of what you claimed about charter schools is true. Yes, parents want their kids in charter schools, because they don't understand what they will actually get from one. Most charter schools are abysmal failures. It's just replacing one kind of corruption with another. YES, US schools need help. No one on this forum knows this better than I do. But you CONs are coming up with solutions that are antithetical to improving education. And most of you know jackshit about what really goes on in education, but you all think you're so damn smart that you can solve all its problems without any fundamental knowledge of education.

Stossel is a hack.
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Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I'm watching this slow red pilling of all the actual fair and genuine lefties who have platforms and how they are SEEING what is happening. And it's awesome lol.

I dont think people need to stop being left and agree with all my views to respect them. But we really to pause this left/right shit and deal with the actual fascism and the monoparty authoritarian cancer in the country and THEN resume our squabbling over how much healthcare the public should pay for. And issue both sides have valuable insight on that we could progress with if we can get rid of this establishment cancer.

We wont though, because the division phase was too successful and its lefties who would would rather align with authoritarianism than the actual people. Becsuse they bought the Trump slamming and they LIKE it. It's an ego thing.

You should take your own advice, Dove. I have been watching Dore and Brand for years, and as you know, I am not a Democrat. Who do you watch on the right that criticizes Mitch and Trump and the other righties who are out to destroy workers' rights? I don't apologize for Biden the way you apologize for Trump on a daily basis, and I don't do screeds about the right the way you do your multiple daily screeds against the left. You don't recognize when people on the right are pure corporatists, while I recognize this huge failing on the left. I know that Hillary and Biden and Obama and Pelosi are all corporatists who are not fighting for workers' rights. I look forward to the day when you admit it about politicians on the right.

Reread the last paragraph of your post. It's pure partisan hackery. Dore and Brand are far lefties who are willing to criticize the bullshit that comes from the pretend left. I have never seen you do that about the fuckers on the right. NEVER.

There you go again.

You seriously label EVERYONE "right wing" and "partisan hack".

Lotus you just do not listen to anyone. You are so stuck in the paradigm yourself that you project it out on everyone else.

Do you think russiagate is the ONLY lie the media spread about Trump?

I have always slammed establishment Republicans. I've done it here. I have said blatantly to all of you that most of these Republicans are controlled opposition and there are not two parties in there.

But you guys literally IGNORE everything that doesnt fall into whatever narrative you are on that makes you feel good.

You have this NEED to focus on Republicans exclusively.

This is exactly why you guys should NOT be giving the government more money and power. Because when they go BAD, you guys wont call them out or hold them accountable. And then everyone suffers. People on the left are showing us constantly that they will defend shitbag totalitarians to the detriment of the people....and turn on the people who challange this and call it out.

Do you understand the Republicans you guys hate are all on your side regarding Trump and Trump supporters? That we were called "extremists"? That the patriot act president called us extremists?

I think you should take sometime. Clear your mind and approach this entire topic in a more objective manner. When you start immediately ALWAYS pointing the finger OUT at other people.....aggressively misrepresenting them, accusing them, et.....you really need to ask yourself if YOU are being fair.

You can call me partisan hack all day, that doesnt make it true. You are clinging to some comfort zone that's been propagated to you that everyone who disagrees with your political stances is a "con", is a "partisan hack".....or you can try having an open mind and stop the bad faith nonsense. You guys generally are VERY one sided.

To the point where Admin can ask to see my tits, call me an ignorant slut, act like a complete hateful fuckwad.....and you never say anything to him for that but you'll try to check people for firing back on him. Your attitude is those you call "cons" are always wrong no matter what and those you see as allies are always right no matter what.
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Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

We have actual political PRISONERS.....in fucking America.

All those people who were arrested and labeled terrorists when all they did was tresspass? Those are political prisoners.

This man? A political prisoner.

This shit is happening here, and those of you who support it or ignore it because it's happening to people who are not "left"? Who support the blatant lies that build this "insurrection" narrative? This is what useful idiots ARE.

The very LAST thing you guys need to do is give MORE money and power to these fucktarded authoritarian politicians. M4A? From people who are literally hysterical over a vaccine and outright saying that people who didnt get it shouldnt get medical care? Oh hell no.

You guys are so intensely partisan you've dehumanized entire groups of people and dont think twice about human rights violations.

You guys cant even muster empathy for victims of political violence when you think the ones committing it are on the side you prefer. Victims btw who likely voted against Trump.

When it comes down to it, you lefties are more invested in hating people with different ideas and will align with blatant tyranny and fascism and demonize the people who just dont support all of your partisan positions.

This is why we can NEVER put ourselves in the vulnerable position of further centralizing everything, giving the government more, and allowing ourselves to be disarmed. Because you guys are okay with tyranny if its against your political opposition.

You cant put this partisan pettiness aside to unify against cancerous evil and a lot of you are enjoying the hate and attacks against your political opposition. It just shows a lot of true colors.

Its not even left vs right anymore. Its tyrants vs people who want to live freely.....who want truth, accountability, and liberty.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
I'm watching this slow red pilling of all the actual fair and genuine lefties who have platforms and how they are SEEING what is happening. And it's awesome lol.

I dont think people need to stop being left and agree with all my views to respect them. But we really to pause this left/right shit and deal with the actual fascism and the monoparty authoritarian cancer in the country and THEN resume our squabbling over how much healthcare the public should pay for. And issue both sides have valuable insight on that we could progress with if we can get rid of this establishment cancer.

We wont though, because the division phase was too successful and its lefties who would would rather align with authoritarianism than the actual people. Becsuse they bought the Trump slamming and they LIKE it. It's an ego thing.

You should take your own advice, Dove. I have been watching Dore and Brand for years, and as you know, I am not a Democrat. Who do you watch on the right that criticizes Mitch and Trump and the other righties who are out to destroy workers' rights? I don't apologize for Biden the way you apologize for Trump on a daily basis, and I don't do screeds about the right the way you do your multiple daily screeds against the left. You don't recognize when people on the right are pure corporatists, while I recognize this huge failing on the left. I know that Hillary and Biden and Obama and Pelosi are all corporatists who are not fighting for workers' rights. I look forward to the day when you admit it about politicians on the right.

Reread the last paragraph of your post. It's pure partisan hackery. Dore and Brand are far lefties who are willing to criticize the bullshit that comes from the pretend left. I have never seen you do that about the fuckers on the right. NEVER.

There you go again.

You seriously label EVERYONE "right wing" and "partisan hack".

Lotus you just do not listen to anyone. You are so stuck in the paradigm yourself that you project it out on everyone else.

Do you think russiagate is the ONLY lie the media spread about Trump?

I have always slammed establishment Republicans. I've done it here. I have said blatantly to all of you that most of these Republicans are controlled opposition and there are not two parties in there.

But you guys literally IGNORE everything that doesnt fall into whatever narrative you are on that makes you feel good.

You have this NEED to focus on Republicans exclusively.

This is exactly why you guys should NOT be giving the government more money and power. Because when they go BAD, you guys wont call them out or hold them accountable. And then everyone suffers. People on the left are showing us constantly that they will defend shitbag totalitarians to the detriment of the people....and turn on the people who challange this and call it out.

Do you understand the Republicans you guys hate are all on your side regarding Trump and Trump supporters? That we were called "extremists"? That the patriot act president called us extremists?

I think you should take sometime. Clear your mind and approach this entire topic in a more objective manner. When you start immediately ALWAYS pointing the finger OUT at other people.....aggressively misrepresenting them, accusing them, et.....you really need to ask yourself if YOU are being fair.

You can call me partisan hack all day, that doesnt make it true. You are clinging to some comfort zone that's been propagated to you that everyone who disagrees with your political stances is a "con", is a "partisan hack".....or you can try having an open mind and stop the bad faith nonsense. You guys generally are VERY one sided.

To the point where Admin can ask to see my tits, call me an ignorant slut, act like a complete hateful fuckwad.....and you never say anything to him for that but you'll try to check people for firing back on him. Your attitude is those you call "cons" are always wrong no matter what and those you see as allies are always right no matter what.

All I ever see you do is slam liberals. Over and over. Next time you slam a Republican, tag me, will you?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I'm watching this slow red pilling of all the actual fair and genuine lefties who have platforms and how they are SEEING what is happening. And it's awesome lol.

I dont think people need to stop being left and agree with all my views to respect them. But we really to pause this left/right shit and deal with the actual fascism and the monoparty authoritarian cancer in the country and THEN resume our squabbling over how much healthcare the public should pay for. And issue both sides have valuable insight on that we could progress with if we can get rid of this establishment cancer.

We wont though, because the division phase was too successful and its lefties who would would rather align with authoritarianism than the actual people. Becsuse they bought the Trump slamming and they LIKE it. It's an ego thing.

You should take your own advice, Dove. I have been watching Dore and Brand for years, and as you know, I am not a Democrat. Who do you watch on the right that criticizes Mitch and Trump and the other righties who are out to destroy workers' rights? I don't apologize for Biden the way you apologize for Trump on a daily basis, and I don't do screeds about the right the way you do your multiple daily screeds against the left. You don't recognize when people on the right are pure corporatists, while I recognize this huge failing on the left. I know that Hillary and Biden and Obama and Pelosi are all corporatists who are not fighting for workers' rights. I look forward to the day when you admit it about politicians on the right.

Reread the last paragraph of your post. It's pure partisan hackery. Dore and Brand are far lefties who are willing to criticize the bullshit that comes from the pretend left. I have never seen you do that about the fuckers on the right. NEVER.

There you go again.

You seriously label EVERYONE "right wing" and "partisan hack".

Lotus you just do not listen to anyone. You are so stuck in the paradigm yourself that you project it out on everyone else.

Do you think russiagate is the ONLY lie the media spread about Trump?

I have always slammed establishment Republicans. I've done it here. I have said blatantly to all of you that most of these Republicans are controlled opposition and there are not two parties in there.

But you guys literally IGNORE everything that doesnt fall into whatever narrative you are on that makes you feel good.

You have this NEED to focus on Republicans exclusively.

This is exactly why you guys should NOT be giving the government more money and power. Because when they go BAD, you guys wont call them out or hold them accountable. And then everyone suffers. People on the left are showing us constantly that they will defend shitbag totalitarians to the detriment of the people....and turn on the people who challange this and call it out.

Do you understand the Republicans you guys hate are all on your side regarding Trump and Trump supporters? That we were called "extremists"? That the patriot act president called us extremists?

I think you should take sometime. Clear your mind and approach this entire topic in a more objective manner. When you start immediately ALWAYS pointing the finger OUT at other people.....aggressively misrepresenting them, accusing them, et.....you really need to ask yourself if YOU are being fair.

You can call me partisan hack all day, that doesnt make it true. You are clinging to some comfort zone that's been propagated to you that everyone who disagrees with your political stances is a "con", is a "partisan hack".....or you can try having an open mind and stop the bad faith nonsense. You guys generally are VERY one sided.

To the point where Admin can ask to see my tits, call me an ignorant slut, act like a complete hateful fuckwad.....and you never say anything to him for that but you'll try to check people for firing back on him. Your attitude is those you call "cons" are always wrong no matter what and those you see as allies are always right no matter what.

All I ever see you do is slam liberals. Over and over. Next time you slam a Republican, tag me, will you?

Well first off Lotus I have said MANY times these leftists are NOT liberals. Liberals stand on liberty and small government. Todays leftists are not about that. They are cheering on coerced medical interventions and imprisoning of their political opposition ffs.

And the leftists come on here everyday and spew at us. Do you not see that?

They pick these random Republicans who may have said something they dont like and then proceed to slam US all......while spewing corporate media propaganda.

EVEN Dore criticized the left for being the ones thumping the establishment narratives and pushing that whole agenda.

You are not seeing it because you dont want to. Its predominantly democrats and some republican "controlled opposition" screwing us ALL over. We have all slammed Republicans several times and how often have we even listed who have voted for over the years? There are mostly libertarians here. You are completely stuck on this idea we are all republican partisans just because we are slamming establishment politicains.

It was actual Admin who was on here defending fucking CHENEY slamming US for "turning on our own". ....the fuck why would he even think that?

You guys dont listen to us. You come in here in an oppositional mindset and project all your anti "con" biases all over us. Mostly based on what corporate media says. You guys aggressively and I'm sure intentionally malign our positions.

Admin and H outright call us liars when we argue our actual views and will TELL us what we think and support according to their echo chambers and media fed bullshit.

So what do we do with THAT? It's like trying to talk to programmed bots who are only wired to label and hate everyone outside their hive. So yeah we slam these people. If these were all "righties" we would STILL be slamming them.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I'm watching this slow red pilling of all the actual fair and genuine lefties who have platforms and how they are SEEING what is happening. And it's awesome lol.

I dont think people need to stop being left and agree with all my views to respect them. But we really to pause this left/right shit and deal with the actual fascism and the monoparty authoritarian cancer in the country and THEN resume our squabbling over how much healthcare the public should pay for. And issue both sides have valuable insight on that we could progress with if we can get rid of this establishment cancer.

We wont though, because the division phase was too successful and its lefties who would would rather align with authoritarianism than the actual people. Becsuse they bought the Trump slamming and they LIKE it. It's an ego thing.

You should take your own advice, Dove. I have been watching Dore and Brand for years, and as you know, I am not a Democrat. Who do you watch on the right that criticizes Mitch and Trump and the other righties who are out to destroy workers' rights? I don't apologize for Biden the way you apologize for Trump on a daily basis, and I don't do screeds about the right the way you do your multiple daily screeds against the left. You don't recognize when people on the right are pure corporatists, while I recognize this huge failing on the left. I know that Hillary and Biden and Obama and Pelosi are all corporatists who are not fighting for workers' rights. I look forward to the day when you admit it about politicians on the right.

Reread the last paragraph of your post. It's pure partisan hackery. Dore and Brand are far lefties who are willing to criticize the bullshit that comes from the pretend left. I have never seen you do that about the fuckers on the right. NEVER.

There you go again.

You seriously label EVERYONE "right wing" and "partisan hack".

Lotus you just do not listen to anyone. You are so stuck in the paradigm yourself that you project it out on everyone else.

Do you think russiagate is the ONLY lie the media spread about Trump?

I have always slammed establishment Republicans. I've done it here. I have said blatantly to all of you that most of these Republicans are controlled opposition and there are not two parties in there.

But you guys literally IGNORE everything that doesnt fall into whatever narrative you are on that makes you feel good.

You have this NEED to focus on Republicans exclusively.

This is exactly why you guys should NOT be giving the government more money and power. Because when they go BAD, you guys wont call them out or hold them accountable. And then everyone suffers. People on the left are showing us constantly that they will defend shitbag totalitarians to the detriment of the people....and turn on the people who challange this and call it out.

Do you understand the Republicans you guys hate are all on your side regarding Trump and Trump supporters? That we were called "extremists"? That the patriot act president called us extremists?

I think you should take sometime. Clear your mind and approach this entire topic in a more objective manner. When you start immediately ALWAYS pointing the finger OUT at other people.....aggressively misrepresenting them, accusing them, et.....you really need to ask yourself if YOU are being fair.

You can call me partisan hack all day, that doesnt make it true. You are clinging to some comfort zone that's been propagated to you that everyone who disagrees with your political stances is a "con", is a "partisan hack".....or you can try having an open mind and stop the bad faith nonsense. You guys generally are VERY one sided.

To the point where Admin can ask to see my tits, call me an ignorant slut, act like a complete hateful fuckwad.....and you never say anything to him for that but you'll try to check people for firing back on him. Your attitude is those you call "cons" are always wrong no matter what and those you see as allies are always right no matter what.

All I ever see you do is slam liberals. Over and over. Next time you slam a Republican, tag me, will you?

Well first off Lotus I have said MANY times these leftists are NOT liberals. Liberals stand on liberty and small government. Todays leftists are not about that. They are cheering on coerced medical interventions and imprisoning of their political opposition ffs.

And the leftists come on here everyday and spew at us. Do you not see that?

They pick these random Republicans who may have said something they dont like and then proceed to slam US all......while spewing corporate media propaganda.

EVEN Dore criticized the left for being the ones thumping the establishment narratives and pushing that whole agenda.

You are not seeing it because you dont want to. Its predominantly democrats and some republican "controlled opposition" screwing us ALL over. We have all slammed Republicans several times and how often have we even listed who have voted for over the years? There are mostly libertarians here. You are completely stuck on this idea we are all republican partisans just because we are slamming establishment politicains.

It was actual Admin who was on here defending fucking CHENEY slamming US for "turning on our own". ....the fuck why would he even think that?

You guys dont listen to us. You come in here in an oppositional mindset and project all your anti "con" biases all over us. Mostly based on what corporate media says. You guys aggressively and I'm sure intentionally malign our positions.

Admin and H outright call us liars when we argue our actual views and will TELL us what we think and support according to their echo chambers and media fed bullshit.

So what do we do with THAT? It's like trying to talk to programmed bots who are only wired to label and hate everyone outside their hive. So yeah we slam these people. If these were all "righties" we would STILL be slamming them.

Its a waste of time. Its better if we just kill each other and get it over with.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Trump was a major failure. I got vaccinated back in March because I wanted to travel. Oh bad me. Maybe you can expand on the wonderful thing Trump accomplished. Sorry I do t share your point of view. Why do you care, It’s not your country
Maintaining a strong allegiance with America and the UK will help Australia defeat communism. I realise you liberals will never understand this glaringly obvious fact or reason. If things were left solely up to the bleeding liberals, we would all be speaking fucking Mandarin by now.

LMAO. Defeat communism? You still think that's the thing you have to worry about, when the world is falling down around you due to malignant capitalism and 21st century feudalism, and there is precious little communism in the world right now? You need a reality check.

The CCP loves stupid people like you.

The CCP is a capitalist organization. And you call me stupid.

And WHO is gonna make and enforce them doing the advertised version of communism YOU guys are dumb enough to think is doable and sustainable?

Communism IS just capitalism with no free market and centralized power. Good fuck....again, when the ones with all the power go bad, WTF do you think happens?

Its capitalism alright. Croney ass capitalism where only the powerful get more powerful and wealthier while subjugating the public.

So please explain how these corrupt systems.....who are already full of shit, lying and scamming, are going to suddenly become fair and altruistic enough to be trusted that much? We have cronyism WITH our checks and balances. You guys want to remove all that and then what? Just hope for the best?

How many more times do we repeat these mistakes before people accept the fact that there is no such thing as an economic system that promises NO corruption or cronyism? The BEST and SAFEST most liberty affirming way is the free market. That thing people in these heavy communist countries rely upon in the form of a black market.

What hairbrained thinking less you guys to believe that if we just give these wealthy liars more control over our lives they will suddenly do the right thing? They are DYING to upend our rights and get more control. WHY do you think the wealthy elites support it? Because they really give more but just cant cuz.....capitalism?

"The road to hell is paved with good intentions" is a bit of wisdom for a reason. It's not a joke.
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Trump was a major failure. I got vaccinated back in March because I wanted to travel. Oh bad me. Maybe you can expand on the wonderful thing Trump accomplished. Sorry I do t share your point of view. Why do you care, It’s not your country
Maintaining a strong allegiance with America and the UK will help Australia defeat communism. I realise you liberals will never understand this glaringly obvious fact or reason. If things were left solely up to the bleeding liberals, we would all be speaking fucking Mandarin by now.

LMAO. Defeat communism? You still think that's the thing you have to worry about, when the world is falling down around you due to malignant capitalism and 21st century feudalism, and there is precious little communism in the world right now? You need a reality check.

The CCP loves stupid people like you.

The CCP is a capitalist organization. And you call me stupid.

And WHO is gonna make and enforce them doing the advertised version of communism YOU guys are dumb enough to think is doable and sustainable?

Communism IS just capitalism with no free market and centralized power. Good fuck....again, when the ones with all the power go bad, WTF do you think happens?

Its capitalism alright. Croney ass capitalism where only the powerful get more powerful and wealthier while subjugating the public.

So please explain how these corrupt systems.....who are already full of shit, lying and scamming, are going to suddenly become fair and altruistic enough to be trusted that much? We have cronyism WITH our checks and balances. You guys want to remove all that and then what? Just hope for the best?

How many more times do we repeat these mistakes before people accept the fact that there is no such thing as an economic system that promises NO corruption or cronyism? The BEST and SAFEST most liberty affirming way is the free market. That thing people in these heavy communist countries rely upon in the form of a black market.

What hairbrained thinking less you guys to believe that if we just give these wealthy liars more control over our lives they will suddenly do the right thing? They are DYING to upend our rights and get more control. WHY do you think the wealthy elites support it? Because they really give more but just cant cuz.....capitalism?

"The road to hell is paved with good intentions" is a bit of wisdom for a reason. It's not a joke.

Please link to where I ever suggested giving more power to the wealthy. I do not support this is any way. I 100% believe the government systems should be returned to actual people and there should be ZERO corporate or rich-people dollars allowed in government. ZERO.

You still do not know what communism is.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
The CCP is a capitalist organization. And you call me stupid.

It is STATE capitalism... the masses are "communists" but the suppressive jerks running the joint are indeed capitalists.

The masses may be communists. How would anyone know anymore. It is indeed a very suppressive capitalist government.

We have a lot to do with China. A LOT.... they buy our Iron Ore and atm, we have serious disputes because we dared to ask for an investigation into the Wuhan virus escaping the lab 2 yrs ago... 2 years ago, they stopped buying our coal among other things to punish us,....now they are having blackouts so they want our coal back again.

The ruling classes are so rich because they really do screw their slave workers to bits... like 5,000 miners or more die in mine accidents per year.... it is absolutely outrageous how that country abuses workers. Life/lives are nothing over there.