Seamajor can get fucked with a pineapple


Queenie Weenie
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La La Land
So, a family friend, he was just 2 when I met him when I was a senior in college, is irreverent as his father taught him to be. His childhood dog died years ago and was cremated. Dog's remains remained in the trunk of the car for several years. Can't remember dog's name. My kids and this young man are like siblings. Their fathers were bff's. My kids would razz him about dog in the trunk. When and where are you going to put the dog...? He'd take the jokes and make more jokes about the situation.

This young man's father died about 8 months before my kid's dad died too. Both from cancer. His dad was cremated too, and yep, he was put in the trunk. The joke my kids made was about the dog and the dad being reunited. All in humor, probably to mask the pain, but nevertheless these jokes continue back and forth.

And my daughter has her dad in her closet. She is thinking about taking spreading some of his ashes at his parents grave, but taking the rest to Chile to release them into the Pacific in the port city where he was from.

There is no rush, process the pain first.

That sounds lovely.

There are so many options. With the landscaping of my yard still on the distant horizon, I might have to make a memorial tree for my father.

There was a large tree on the patio of the rehab facility. We used to sit out there during visiting hours so he could get sun and fresh air.

Thank you for your kind words and for sharing. I think you should all go when she does that in Chili. Just a thought xoxo


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Lol, thats cute on "reunited" lol.

When I got my lil Sis's tiny urn with her ashes in it, I let her ride with me in the Jeep, in my cupholder, for a month lol. "Lil Sis riding with me" lol.
Nothing wrong with that. It's a wound that never fully heals, isn't it?

I know "Joe" and "Miguel" would get a laugh about their kids' irreverence.

At his dad's memorial, let's call this young man Matt, Matt put together a tri-fold brochure "memorial program". It had pictures of the important people in his life. It had some highlights of his life as well. Then it had a page that said something like "A devoted Catholic"...but he left the page blank. LMFAO See Matt's dad came from an Irish-German Catholic family and he'd been raised completing all the sacraments, etc...but was very definitely a lapsed Catholic if not a non-believer as an adult. He hadn't gone to Mass in

It was the funniest shit ever...


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
That sounds lovely.

There are so many options. With the landscaping of my yard still on the distant horizon, I might have to make a memorial tree for my father.

There was a large tree on the patio of the rehab facility. We used to sit out there during visiting hours so he could get sun and fresh air.

Thank you for your kind words and for sharing. I think you should all go when she does that in Chili. Just a thought xoxo
Planting a tree is a lovely idea. They sell plaques on stakes you can add. We did that for a co-worker once, got her a tree and plaque. "In loving memory of ..."

Yeah, we're all going to go on this trip. My kids already asked me to be there with them.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
You got a 27 year old? Hell, I thought you were younger than me lol. Im proud of my Son too.

I would be pissed haha!!! I dont wanna be forgotten about lol, or hidden away. Im not someone to be ashamed of damn it!!! lol

My friend lost her Dad last year, they have him on the mantle. Its a HUGE urn too, cause dude was a Sportsman at Scottish games, and hurl those huge ass boulders lol.

I dont think it would be depressing. To me, it comforted me, to see my Mom, and be able to talk to her in a sense.

I've had many thoughts of where I would want to be. I got a special spot, way up on the mountain, beside a stream, that I backpack to every year. I've thought of having some of my ashes spread there. I've also thought about being buried in an urn, beside my Great Great Grandpa. He was an honorable Southern Man. And I like where he is buried, in the old section, where most my old family is buried, and it seems like there is room for me beside him lolol. Though, I doubt I could get away with it lol.

"But my dishes" hahahaha. Dont overthink it. His proper place will come to you, when you are ready. Just honor him, and dont cast him aside lol.

"Flush her down the toilet" hahahahaha. Awwww blow bubbles on the ride back.

My daughter put her dad in the closet because of the cats. She don't want him to be litter or get knocked off a shelf.



Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Planting a tree is a lovely idea. They sell plaques on stakes you can add. We did that for a co-worker once, got her a tree and plaque. "In loving memory of ..."

Yeah, we're all going to go on this trip. My kids already asked me to be there with them.

Such a beautiful memory for you all.

I’m taking mine to Ireland and England eventually to see the castles and show them where my ancestors are buried and where mummy got her surname.

One of my best friends since 3rd grade is from Ireland and she came over that grade year. She just happened to be in Dublin when my father had the stroke. She lit candles at every cathedral in her path for him and I will be forever grateful.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Damn, I gave up sex until I was in my early 20s...lmao

It was catholic school…. our other friend and also the leader of our pack gave her boyfriend a hand job during mass.

I’m so looking forward to seeing her in hell. Can wait to see the looks on our faces when the elevator starts going DOWN bwa haha


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
It was catholic school…. our other friend and also the leader of our pack gave her boyfriend a hand job during mass.

I’m so looking forward to seeing her in hell. Can wait to see the looks on our faces when the elevator starts going DOWN bwa haha

I was sheltered growing up. Then I went off to college and all the freedom. It was an interesting time in my life. If only it had lasted longer. *sigh*


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
This motherfucker.

@Oerdin watch your back, Seamolester is browsing your profile. He has been harvesting all kinds of imagery on folks, and anything else he can find, and saving it all to his lil Photobucket account.

Even from other forums, which is a no no here, but evidently allowed.

The Left go unpunished, as always.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
This motherfucker.

@Oerdin watch your back, Seamolester is browsing your profile. He has been harvesting all kinds of imagery on folks, and anything else he can find, and saving it all to his lil Photobucket account.

Even from other forums, which is a no no here, but evidently allowed.

The Left go unpunished, as always.

Fuck dude. Why don’t to check with Hershel the other loser. Please don’t cry. Might get your tutu wet.


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
Fuck dude. Why don’t to check with Hershel the other loser. Please don’t cry. Might get your tutu wet.

Speaking of crying, aint that what you do, every time you take a screen shot over yonder, and come back here to bitch about it, like the rat you are?
