You cannot be a Christian

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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You and Dove should make a Bible study thread. :Happy5:
Honestly, that wouldn't be a bad idea if @Bastard Factory could make a separate section and deny access to complete spastic libtarded imbeciles like seamajor and that other dripping snot dispenser I have on ignore. They offer NOTHING to any serious discussions

A religion section.

I'd contribute to it


Factory Bastard
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Do you hold the same views for other neo-religious or religious belief systems? That they should just shut up? Or is you advise to "just shut up" one way?
I do not recall ever seeing a Muslim, Buddhist, Zoroastrianist, or Hebrew knocking on my door wanting to tell me about their undead deity.
If Christians are comfortable worshipping a draugr that's on them, just keep it over there.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I kind have to believe in Jesus in order to be a Christain. So yeah there is some gatekeeping there. Why would a nonChristain claim Christ?

Also He isnt undead or a zombie. He resurrected. The point is that He is the source of life itself and death cannot even defeat Him.

Under the sacrificial system the Hebrews were given they had to be circumcised in order to be set apart. That's been replaced with baptism.

Life came from that whole it makes sense to see Abrahamic religions come from there. A lot of people think Muslims are the cursed heresy of Ishmael....the son of the flesh and sin, and Judaism/Christianity (the completion of the old Covenant) comes from Isaac....the child of promise.
Gatekeeping. Lol

Must be a thing with libtards

Aren’t women doing things like gatekeeping child birth and menstrual cycles? Because men can do those things too and it was all just Orange Man convincing white racists otherwise?

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
And support the right to choose? Yes. Mainly because a zygote is not a human being. There is absolutely nothing in the Bible about protecting zygotes.

But the topic of this thread is racism, so plase, no hijacking.
Yes there is but you’re too stupid and hardheaded to understand it

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Imagine being so utterly stupid that you could not google something like that for yourself?

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
^^^^ says that while admin’s pecker is thrust deeply up his greasy asshole

Libtards. No self awareness whatsoever


Ceedoobie's #1 Fan
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And support the right to choose? Yes. Mainly because a zygote is not a human being. There is absolutely nothing in the Bible about protecting zygotes.

But the topic of this thread is racism, so plase, no hijacking.

WHo put you in charge of saying who's a human being and who's not?

And should I post some of those videos that disprove your "zygote" bs?

I don't think it's a zygote being sucked down a tube at 5 months like we see

And I'm pretty sure I remember some defending abortion "whenever a woman wanted"

And the thread has already been hijacked, deal with it.

Oliver Shagnasty

Honky Tonk Nigger
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BTW. My niece had her down syndrome baby on the 2nd of Feb.... she didn't find out she was having a downs until she was over 5 months in gestation.
Just because the kid has downs syndrome doesn't mean it won't be happy and healthy I knew a guy with downs he lived to be 63 everybody loved him he drove around in a golf cart spreading his cheer

Oliver Shagnasty

Honky Tonk Nigger
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He actually rode a four wheeler for years but one day he got hit by a car and almost died so he got downgraded to a golf cart lol


Ceedoobie's #1 Fan
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Just because the kid has downs syndrome doesn't mean it won't be happy and healthy I knew a guy with downs he lived to be 63 everybody loved him he drove around in a golf cart spreading his cheer

I've got a little 2nd cousin who has Down's too, he's a happy little boy who's loved by his parents

He goes to a special school and these days, they can accomplish a lot more if they have special education since they're young.


Mr. Excitement
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Yes they are not as handicapped as most people will believe and it's definitely no excuse for abortion
I once saw a man on TV who had Down's. He was a competitive weightlifter. He was focused, had excellent technique and was muscular. That dude was big enough to hoist me over his head probably. lol


Factory Bastard
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WHo put you in charge of saying who's a human being and who's not?

And should I post some of those videos that disprove your "zygote" bs?

I don't think it's a zygote being sucked down a tube at 5 months like we see

And I'm pretty sure I remember some defending abortion "whenever a woman wanted"

And the thread has already been hijacked, deal with it.
Come on, please. There are very, very few abortions performed at 5 months. That is a rare situation, and usually happens because there is some kind of serious medical problem with the mother or child. I never said a zygote was a 5-month fetus. I never defended abortion whenever a woman wants. Never. Please don't put words in my mouth.

Again, this thread is about racism.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Just because the kid has downs syndrome doesn't mean it won't be happy and healthy I knew a guy with downs he lived to be 63 everybody loved him he drove around in a golf cart spreading his cheer
Yeah, but then you get a guy like seamajor who comes from a lengthy history of cousin fucking down syndrome victims and look how he turned out

Strong case for a abortion. Strong case for nuking his entire blood line and even the country he lives in. just to be sure

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
WHo put you in charge of saying who's a human being and who's not?

And should I post some of those videos that disprove your "zygote" bs?

I don't think it's a zygote being sucked down a tube at 5 months like we see

And I'm pretty sure I remember some defending abortion "whenever a woman wanted"

And the thread has already been hijacked, deal with it.
Someone with a doctor's degree proclaimed they were in the seat of the almighty, said something consistent with what she WANTS to believe anyway and so she runs with it as if it were absolute fact.

that's how these selfish narcissist parasites are.

Honestly, I'm 100% in favor of a abortion just as long as they are exclusively performed on liberals and in states like Cali, oregon, Washington, Conn, NJ and NY. The less of these rodents the better.