You cannot be a Christian


Domestically feral
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United states
The life that gets snuffed out never had a voice to protest and even if you believe it's not life if it's not a human being yet well news flash IT WILL BE if you let nature run it's course it will be a person just like you and me and to end it before it has a chance to live is murder

No it factually IS a living human. Just not developed into a neonate. Its a human from the beginning until death.

Women deserve to know the reality of the situation before agreeing to do it. These bitches don't care. They don't care who suffers. They need to "fight teh right!" and if that means predatory exploitation of vulnerable women to help a big corp make money and get piece of shit men off the hook for child support and obligation....well so be it.

They WANT women ignorant about their own bodies and about pregnancy.

There are rare people who admit what it is and still support it....I have much more respect for them and they make better opponents. These asswipes just spew insults while parroting talking points.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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The life that gets snuffed out never had a voice to protest and even if you believe it's not life if it's not a human being yet well news flash IT WILL BE if you let nature run it's course it will be a person just like you and me and to end it before it has a chance to live is murder
You write real purdy like...



Factory Bastard
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Just because the kid has downs syndrome doesn't mean it won't be happy and healthy I knew a guy with downs he lived to be 63 everybody loved him he drove around in a golf cart spreading his cheer

None of them are born with healthy hearts and 25% die during heart surgery. She still has a tube down her throat for feeding. Still has to endure and survive heart surgery in the near future.

Of course everybody loves them and that is what makes it 100 times harder when things go wrong.

Oliver Shagnasty

Honky Tonk Nigger
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You write real purdy like...

Thats a cute little doggy lol but
None of them are born with healthy hearts and 25% die during heart surgery. She still has a tube down her throat for feeding. Still has to endure and survive heart surgery in the near future.

Of course everybody loves them and that is what makes it 100 times harder when things go wrong.
Don't give up hope


Factory Bastard
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There are crazy far left wing nut jobs that support late term abortions even to the point the child is already born which is most definitely murder. It's best not to support abortion whatsoever its a life developing no matter how you look at it. I personally don't spend much time thinking or protesting abortion because I really don't care but I can't support it because I do believe it's murder however I do not blame the mothers that have it done because I would guess they are probably for the most part young and scared and don't realize what they are doing, I blame the doctors that swore the hypacraticle oath (or whatever it is I'm not educated so sue me) to protect their patients and do what's best for them. They know damn well abortion is murder and if their patient is pregnant then they also have that unborn patient in their care as well.
Oh, come on. There are right wingers who believe in slavery. Don't base your political choices on a few nutjobs. Sperm is life developing, too. Have you ever jerked off, you murderer?

You are a murderer also if you believe you should force someone to have a child that they cannot take care of, and you've condemned that child to the kind of poverty that will kill it.

Fuck off. I mean that in the nicest way.


Factory Bastard
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So, has this turned into a thread about abortion because all you rightwingers are guilty, guilty,guilty of racism and you know you're not a true Christian?
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Factory Bastard
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The life that gets snuffed out never had a voice to protest and even if you believe it's not life if it's not a human being yet well news flash IT WILL BE if you let nature run it's course it will be a person just like you and me and to end it before it has a chance to live is murder
So will all of your sperms, if you'd quit fucking jerking off, jerk off.

Oh, and Dove took Plan B. Murderer.

Oliver Shagnasty

Honky Tonk Nigger
Site Supporter
Oh, come on. There are right wingers who believe in slavery. Don't base your political choices on a few nutjobs. Sperm is life developing, too. Have you ever jerked off, you murderer?

You are a murderer also if you believe you should force someone to have a child that they cannot take care of, and you've condemned that child to the kind of poverty that will kill it.

Fuck off. I mean that in the nicest way.
Ever heard of welfare?? Those kids that you think should've been aborted get taken care of this isn't the 1800s anymore but you crazy liberals live in the past and still blame us for slavery. Why don't you spend a weekend in downtown Chicago and show your support to the "less than fortunate community"? You won't because you are racist yourself and you are gonna keep the burrheads at arms length and pretend you care about them by blaming conservatives.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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Except it factually IS a human being.
Unless a "zygote" can ultimately turn out to be a fucking door knob after several months it IS a human being. A human being that is in the process of growing inside a womb

but these stupid libtards really cannot grasp that simple concept, because, well, they are morons.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Oh, come on. There are right wingers who believe in slavery. Don't base your political choices on a few nutjobs. Sperm is life developing, too. Have you ever jerked off, you murderer?

You are a murderer also if you believe you should force someone to have a child that they cannot take care of, and you've condemned that child to the kind of poverty that will kill it.

Fuck off. I mean that in the nicest way.
Sperm is not a "developing human life" you dumb fucking imbecile. Good lord, no wonder you buy into this trans crapola. You don't even understand basic biology

you were a fucking teacher? What did you teach "inhaling and exhaling exercises" to Ferns in the basement?


And, by the way, asshole, there are a good PLENTY of women who destroy life simply because it is an inconvenience to their social lives. So again, you are just talking out of your crusty matted asshole.


> you
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. o O

Now watch his husband get pissy
Fixed that for ya.


Factory Bastard
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Ever heard of welfare?? Those kids that you think should've been aborted get taken care of this isn't the 1800s anymore but you crazy liberals live in the past and still blame us for slavery. Why don't you spend a weekend in downtown Chicago and show your support to the "less than fortunate community"? You won't because you are racist yourself and you are gonna keep the burrheads at arms length and pretend you care about them by blaming conservatives.
You live in a fantasy world if you think welfare actually takes care of children. Honey, I taught very poor people in Los Angeles for decades. I am sure I did more to help them than you've ever done to help poor people.


Factory Bastard
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What do you think you are, some sort of fucking missionary?
Did I say that?

I know the value education holds, and I know when a teacher cares about their students, it can have a huge impact on their lives. I did it for love of students, obviously not for money. Not that many people can say that about their careers. I get sick of people trying to tell me I have done nothing for the world, when I dedicated my life to helping others rather than working so I could brag about how many bedrooms and how many cars I have. Fuck off. Shallow people suck.
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Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Did I say that?

I know the value education holds,
THen why are you so fucking stupid?

And by the way, Oak told a very different story about what you really loved. Said you complained ALL the time about not making enough money and that your job was far more important than most others - blah blah blah


Factory Bastard
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Unless a "zygote" can ultimately turn out to be a fucking door knob after several months it IS a human being. A human being that is in the process of growing inside a womb

but these stupid libtards really cannot grasp that simple concept, because, well, they are morons.
You don't give a crap about actual born people, so anything you say about zygotes or embryos or fetuses is completely invalidated by your cold, hard, shriveled soul. Don't talk to me. Wanker.


Factory Bastard
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THen why are you so fucking stupid?

And by the way, Oak told a very different story about what you really loved. Said you complained ALL the time about not making enough money and that your job was far more important than most others - blah blah blah
Oak? Now you're quoting Oak, as if she knows jackshit about me? Okay, Tiny Soul.


Factory Bastard
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No it factually IS a living human. Just not developed into a neonate. Its a human from the beginning until death.

Women deserve to know the reality of the situation before agreeing to do it. These bitches don't care. They don't care who suffers. They need to "fight teh right!" and if that means predatory exploitation of vulnerable women to help a big corp make money and get piece of shit men off the hook for child support and obligation....well so be it.

They WANT women ignorant about their own bodies and about pregnancy.

There are rare people who admit what it is and still support it....I have much more respect for them and they make better opponents. These asswipes just spew insults while parroting talking points.
Why did you do Plan B if you believe this?

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
You don't give a crap about actual born people, so anything you say about zygotes or embryos or fetuses is completely invalidated by your cold, hard, shriveled soul. Don't talk to me. Wanker.
How do you know what I give a shit about and what I don't

I don't give a shit about demented perverts who target children. that's true. But that's a pretty normal reaction for a normal minded person


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
In the old days you had to be married to get pregnant and have children but now we have tolerated fornication and desertion so pay for it because that is what you all wanted, so suck it up.