You cannot be a Christian

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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Come on, please. There are very, very few abortions performed at 5 months. That is a rare situation, and usually happens because there is some kind of serious medical problem with the mother or child. I never said a zygote was a 5-month fetus. I never defended abortion whenever a woman wants. Never. Please don't put words in my mouth.

Again, this thread is about racism.
If it's so fucking rare why are you so vested in making sure it's as readily available as fucking fast food drive through you disingenuous douchebag fucking hag.

Oliver Shagnasty

Honky Tonk Nigger
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Yeah, but then you get a guy like seamajor who comes from a lengthy history of cousin fucking down syndrome victims and look how he turned out

Strong case for a abortion. Strong case for nuking his entire blood line and even the country he lives in. just to be sure
I've been gone for far too long I forgot why people hate Gaymajor lol

Oliver Shagnasty

Honky Tonk Nigger
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Come on, please. There are very, very few abortions performed at 5 months. That is a rare situation, and usually happens because there is some kind of serious medical problem with the mother or child. I never said a zygote was a 5-month fetus. I never defended abortion whenever a woman wants. Never. Please don't put words in my mouth.

Again, this thread is about racism.
There are crazy far left wing nut jobs that support late term abortions even to the point the child is already born which is most definitely murder. It's best not to support abortion whatsoever its a life developing no matter how you look at it. I personally don't spend much time thinking or protesting abortion because I really don't care but I can't support it because I do believe it's murder however I do not blame the mothers that have it done because I would guess they are probably for the most part young and scared and don't realize what they are doing, I blame the doctors that swore the hypacraticle oath (or whatever it is I'm not educated so sue me) to protect their patients and do what's best for them. They know damn well abortion is murder and if their patient is pregnant then they also have that unborn patient in their care as well.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
that fucking cretin and the other douchebags like her act like poor little innocent women catch pregnancies like you catch a fucking cold


If you don't want to get pregnant dont fuck. Or use protection you fucking selfish slut. End of.

Cry me a fucking river about it being their body their choice. Especially after the shit show we saw with COVID

Oliver Shagnasty

Honky Tonk Nigger
Site Supporter
that fucking cretin and the other douchebags like her act like poor little innocent women catch pregnancies like you catch a fucking cold


If you don't want to get pregnant dont fuck. Or use protection you fucking selfish slut. End of.

Cry me a fucking river about it being their body their choice. Especially after the shit show we saw with COVID
You make a good point it's sad to think that most abortions are unnecessary and just a bad choice of a hook up yet they pretend that every unwanted pregnancy is the result of rape.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
You make a good point it's sad to think that most abortions are unnecessary and just a bad choice of a hook up yet they pretend that every unwanted pregnancy is the result of rape.
Exactly. They use the 0.00001% of the abortion cases which involve actual rape and incest to justify disposing of human beings like used toilet paper. Something to the tune of 80 million since Roe V Wade made murder legal? I know women who have had 8 or 9 abortions in their lives. Others who disposed of their babies simply because the timing of the pregancy interfered with a tummy tuck or BBL.

and there are states, RIGHT NOW, which allow for abortion up until the day of birth. If that's so fucking rare why are there legislatures wasting their time signing such measures into law?

That's like says, we need a law that outlines what should happen on a piece of property if lightning strikes the same 10 square foot spot twice in one evening. FUcking dumb cunt thinks we're all as dumb as she is.
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Oliver Shagnasty

Honky Tonk Nigger
Site Supporter
Go ahead and hate your neighbor
Go ahead and cheat a friend
Do it in the name of heaven
You can justify it in the end
There won't be any trumpets blowing
Come the judgment day
On the bloody morning after
One tin soldier rides away
I gotta admit none of that made any sense whatsoever

Lotte Skoring

Factory Bastard
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Center Court
Wait, @Lotte Skoring don't answer yet

Who do you want it to be?
Someone....someone I've never been before. Brent? can I be Brent?
Now listen you me @Oliver Shagnasty I was checking out that Blew Cashew which turned out not to be the Christian values family board I have been looking for but I noticed another very juvenile Oliver named poster over there and made a comment about that poster's 8 year old mentality but a certain Erika Meanie deleted it. Well THINGS AREN'T THE SAME HERE MISTER.

Oliver Shagnasty

Honky Tonk Nigger
Site Supporter
Someone....someone I've never been before. Brent? can I be Brent?
Now listen you me @Oliver Shagnasty I was checking out that Blew Cashew which turned out not to be the Christian values family board I have been looking for but I noticed another very juvenile Oliver named poster over there and made a comment about that poster's 8 year old mentality but a certain Erika Meanie deleted it. Well THINGS AREN'T THE SAME HERE MISTER.
Huh?? Make sense will you?


Domestically feral
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United states
And support the right to choose? Yes. Mainly because a zygote is not a human being. There is absolutely nothing in the Bible about protecting zygotes.

But the topic of this thread is racism, so plase, no hijacking.

Except it factually IS a human being.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Is that what the drugs and booze and venereal diseases tell you? O you poor thing.

No. That's what every single reputable scientific medical source states. And it should be common sense.

If it isn't human it's not pregnancy. If it's not alive....that is called a miscarriage

But when you are ignorant and stuck in hyper partisan politcal ideology you will focus on everything except facts. So by all means.....hide behind someone else's drug addiction and pretend it's a shield for your lack of knowledge.

You don't support choice. Neither of you do. Until you condemn lies and misinfo about abortion you don't agree that women deserve the facts and full disclosure and thusly make the choice YOU support. Not the best one for them based upon facts. You are pro left....not pro choice. You probably can't be honest about that either.

Just liars. Manipulative liars who only care about your stupid ass politics. Nothing worse than fake ass feminists who actually hate women and will attack other women because God forbid anyone states facts about the ghoulish shit you promote.

Oliver Shagnasty

Honky Tonk Nigger
Site Supporter
The life that gets snuffed out never had a voice to protest and even if you believe it's not life if it's not a human being yet well news flash IT WILL BE if you let nature run it's course it will be a person just like you and me and to end it before it has a chance to live is murder