Wow. Talk about not even cleaning up your own backyard

Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
"Pro-Choice Pastor" OMG! That cunt is a heretic of the highest order!
He got so badly exposed in that video

The Social Justice Wormy tards will be silent on the relevant facts included in this video. Watch


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
The homeless epidemic isn’t people down on their luck. It’s a drug epidemic and you can see that from the trash that is being accumulated in these tent cities.

The courts are overran, so they aren’t even ticketing these people for camping out literally everywhere. You can’t put them in shelters because there are curfews and sobriety rules. They also refuse rehabilitation.

What are we supposed to do with them?
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
The homeless epidemic isn’t people down on their luck. It’s a drug epidemic and you can see that from the trash that is being accumulated in these tent cities.

The courts are overran, so they aren’t even ticketing these people for camping out literally everywhere. You can’t put them in shelters because there are curfews and rules. They also refuse rehabilitation.

What are we supposed to do with them?
If that cocksucker Warnock cannot clean up a park right next door to his church he is unfit to hold any type of office.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
The homeless epidemic isn’t people down on their luck. It’s a drug epidemic and you can see that from the trash that is being accumulated in these tent cities.

The courts are overran, so they aren’t even ticketing these people for camping out literally everywhere. You can’t put them in shelters because there are curfews and rules. They also refuse rehabilitation.

What are we supposed to do with them?
If that cocksucker Warnock cannot clean up a park right next door to his church he is unfit to hold any type of office.

you’re talking about cleanup efforts that will cost over $70,000 for a 1/2 city block

senator or not... where does he get the money to clean it up?
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
The homeless epidemic isn’t people down on their luck. It’s a drug epidemic and you can see that from the trash that is being accumulated in these tent cities.

The courts are overran, so they aren’t even ticketing these people for camping out literally everywhere. You can’t put them in shelters because there are curfews and rules. They also refuse rehabilitation.

What are we supposed to do with them?
If that cocksucker Warnock cannot clean up a park right next door to his church he is unfit to hold any type of office.

you’re talking about cleanup efforts that will cost over $70,000 for a 1/2 city block

senator or not... where does he get the money to clean it up?
he could start by trimming some of those contributions he fleeces off his mentally vulnerable sheep and redirecting them to more honorable purposes

Seriously, you're a ""pastor"" and you can pass THAT everyday on your way to work and not do a single thing? Nah, there's no excuse for that.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
exploiting religion has always been a great grift


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
I love watching minorities bag Democrat hopefuls...

I get wood!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
There's a lot of options to this problem, NONE of which involve liberals.

First off, you cant solve this without the death penalty. Some of these people, maybe 25% or more need to be executed eventually. LOL! I aint gonna lie, the number's actually over 50%!

The chances of a heroin addict getting clean are crazy low. For the 3, THATS THREE, I know of that got clean and STAYED clean, I know of dozens that are dead or still using. Hell, I know a guy that was in prison who got out, went right back on it, and eventually killed himself when he was facing prison again for testing dirty.

I've told all 4 of my kids, if you get on that shit or crack, come see me and I'll give you a gun and you can blow your fucking brains out right there or I can give you 3 grand and we'll get you enough shit to guarantee you'll die. It'll be much, much cheaper for me! Otherwise, I'm gonna kill you myself when I catch you stealing my shit.

If anyone close to you is on that shit, they're gonna bleed you fukin dry if they can. FACT!!!


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
The homeless epidemic isn’t people down on their luck. It’s a drug epidemic and you can see that from the trash that is being accumulated in these tent cities.

The courts are overran, so they aren’t even ticketing these people for camping out literally everywhere. You can’t put them in shelters because there are curfews and rules. They also refuse rehabilitation.

What are we supposed to do with them?
If that cocksucker Warnock cannot clean up a park right next door to his church he is unfit to hold any type of office.

you’re talking about cleanup efforts that will cost over $70,000 for a 1/2 city block

senator or not... where does he get the money to clean it up?
he could start by trimming some of those contributions he fleeces off his mentally vulnerable sheep and redirecting them to more honorable purposes

Seriously, you're a ""pastor"" and you can pass THAT everyday on your way to work and not do a single thing? Nah, there's no excuse for that.

there is no excuse for any of it tbh

but there isn’t anything he can do as a pastor or a senator without police and court enforcement

you should see LA... my girlfriend’s house is worth $1.25 and there are tents on every street in her neighborhood... she couldn’t even get the cops to come to arrest a naked woman running down the street with a knife the other day


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
There's a lot of options to this problem, NONE of which involve liberals.

First off, you cant solve this without the death penalty. Some of these people, maybe 25% or more need to be executed eventually. LOL! I aint gonna lie, the number's actually over 50%!

The chances of a heroin addict getting clean are crazy low. For the 3, THATS THREE, I know of that got clean and STAYED clean, I know of dozens that are dead or still using. Hell, I know a guy that was in prison who got out, went right back on it, and eventually killed himself when he was facing prison again for testing dirty.

I've told all 4 of my kids, if you get on that shit or crack, come see me and I'll give you a gun and you can blow your fucking brains out right there or I can give you 3 grand and we'll get you enough shit to guarantee you'll die. It'll be much, much cheaper for me! Otherwise, I'm gonna kill you myself when I catch you stealing my shit.

If anyone close to you is on that shit, they're gonna bleed you fukin dry if they can. FACT!!!

what you’re proposing will result in the UN getting involved


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
what you’re proposing will result in the UN getting involved

Interestingly enough, China does this and the UN doesnt get involved. Not saying you're wrong though.

I’m not saying that you’re wrong either... I would like them all evacuated to another planet...

Not many solutions to this epidemic and it’s only getting worse. I’m guessing the market crashing in 2008 was a lot worse than anyone would like to admit and marijuana wasn’t legalized quickly enough to escape the opioid epidemic.

I’ll end up getting almost raped by one of these drug zombies walking to work *rolls eyes*


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
At the very LEAST, if they wont get clean and stay clean, they should be locked away for life. I dont wanna pay for that though.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
At the very LEAST, if they wont get clean and stay clean, they should be locked away for life. I dont wanna pay for that though.

locking away drug offenders who are otherwise nonviolent is extreme to me... but I also do not want to pay for that either


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
At the very LEAST, if they wont get clean and stay clean, they should be locked away for life. I dont wanna pay for that though.

locking away drug offenders who are otherwise nonviolent is extreme to me... but I also do not want to pay for that either

If you dont lock em away, they'll ALWAYS be on the street. Hell, they've even tried giving them hotel rooms and they tear em up and STILL wind up on the street where they can be close to their fix!!! See, liberalism NEVER fixes the problem!


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
At the very LEAST, if they wont get clean and stay clean, they should be locked away for life. I dont wanna pay for that though.

locking away drug offenders who are otherwise nonviolent is extreme to me... but I also do not want to pay for that either

If you dont lock em away, they'll ALWAYS be on the street. Hell, they've even tried giving them hotel rooms and they tear em up and STILL wind up on the street where they can be close to their fix!!! See, liberalism NEVER fixes the problem!

I mean I get why they wanted to use the empty hotels to keep the most vulnerable people off the streets during the fall/winter months of this pandemic... but at what cost? How is ruining a hotel with filth who doesn’t want to participate in society an option?


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
Fuck the UN...

that’s great... and then what?

we still have tent cities everywhere.. the infestation of rats, bedbugs and lice alone is enough to keep my skin crawling for the next century

Don't vote for career politicians...

I’ve never voted. I took this stance when I was 15 and the war for oil in the Middle East started. I knew then our government was corrupt AF then.

Not voting can be as bad as voting for career politicians though.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I mean I get why they wanted to use the empty hotels to keep the most vulnerable people off the streets during the fall/winter months of this pandemic... but at what cost? How is ruining a hotel with filth who doesn’t want to participate in society an option?
Even I could get behind the idea if I thought it would do some good but I could already see the feces on the wall from a mile away and it went EXACTLY as I knew it would. I lived in cali when they started the needle exchange program. They swore that they would make the junkies give a needle back to get a new needle. Well, that shit went right out the door. And you know what? A junkie is too fukin lazy to swap a needle when the cravings are jonezing so the idiots STILL share needles!!!!


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Fuck the UN...

that’s great... and then what?

we still have tent cities everywhere.. the infestation of rats, bedbugs and lice alone is enough to keep my skin crawling for the next century

Don't vote for career politicians...

I’ve never voted. I took this stance when I was 15 and the war for oil in the Middle East started. I knew then our government was corrupt AF then.

Not voting can be as bad as voting for career politicians though.

I know... but I’m not going to vote until an independent has a chance and that probably won’t happen in my lifetime.


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
Fuck the UN...

that’s great... and then what?

we still have tent cities everywhere.. the infestation of rats, bedbugs and lice alone is enough to keep my skin crawling for the next century

Don't vote for career politicians...

I’ve never voted. I took this stance when I was 15 and the war for oil in the Middle East started. I knew then our government was corrupt AF then.

Not voting can be as bad as voting for career politicians though.

I know... but I’m not going to vote until an independent has a chance and that probably won’t happen in my lifetime.

Don't put the horse before the cart, or nobody is ever getting anywhere and we'll still have the same arseholes.

It took a billionaire outsider with a big following to break the cycle in 2016...


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
I mean I get why they wanted to use the empty hotels to keep the most vulnerable people off the streets during the fall/winter months of this pandemic... but at what cost? How is ruining a hotel with filth who doesn’t want to participate in society an option?
Even I could get behind the idea if I thought it would do some good but I could already see the feces on the wall from a mile away and it went EXACTLY as I knew it would. I lived in cali when they started the needle exchange program. They swore that they would make the junkies give a needle back to get a new needle. Well, that shit went right out the door. And you know what? A junkie is too fukin lazy to swap a needle when the cravings are jonezing so the idiots STILL share needles!!!!

I’m originally from LA/Cali. I’m in Seattle now where straws are illegal.... but there is a plastic water gallon jug hanging from a mangled wire coat hanger in the alley behind my job. It’s filled with used drug needles. Safe injection sites are all the rage up here.

I get why... if a heroin addict loses an arm due to infection and the county pays for that surgery.


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
I mean I get why they wanted to use the empty hotels to keep the most vulnerable people off the streets during the fall/winter months of this pandemic... but at what cost? How is ruining a hotel with filth who doesn’t want to participate in society an option?
Even I could get behind the idea if I thought it would do some good but I could already see the feces on the wall from a mile away and it went EXACTLY as I knew it would. I lived in cali when they started the needle exchange program. They swore that they would make the junkies give a needle back to get a new needle. Well, that shit went right out the door. And you know what? A junkie is too fukin lazy to swap a needle when the cravings are jonezing so the idiots STILL share needles!!!!

I’m originally from LA/Cali. I’m in Seattle now where straws are illegal.... but there is a plastic water gallon jug hanging from a mangled wire coat hanger in the alley behind my job. It’s filled with used drug needles. Safe injection sites are all the rage up here.

I get why... if a heroin addict loses an arm due to infection and the county pays for that surgery.

Most sane Californians completely abandon the West Coast....
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Can we just set all the tent cities on fire and call it a do over?

Like a cheat code

We'll only use it once