Trump is Toast


Republicans (see - I didn't even call them Repoolickins) now calling for Trump's removal from office.
Even Barr calling Trump a disgrace to the office. ...and it's all on video tape.

He will be tried and executed for his crimes - that may be the one way for him to avoid the legal consequence for his lesser crimes. Fucking coward, like that Epstein, and Ken Lay.

...and let me tell you
anyone who voted for, or in any way supported Trump is an accomplice to his crimes
.. because who and what he was was never a secret.

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·Reporter, HuffPost
Thu, January 7, 2021, 11:10 AM EST

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of Illinois became the first Republican member of Congress to openly call for President Donald Trump’s removal using the 25th Amendment, saying it was necessary to “end this nightmare” following Wednesday’s deadly insurrection on Capitol Hill.
Vice President Mike Pence should begin initiating the removal process, Kinzinger said in a video statement Thursday, “to ensure the next few weeks are safe for the American people, and that we have a sane captain on the ship.”
“Sadly, yesterday it became evident that not only did the president abdicate his duty to protect the American people and the People’s House, he invoked and inflamed passions that only gave fuel to the insurrection that we saw,” Kinzinger said. “When pressed to move and denounce the violence he barely did so, while of course victimizing himself and seeming to give a wink and a nod to those doing it. All are indications are that the president has become unmoored, not just from his duty, but from reality itself.”
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His staff is bailing on him too.
Not his internet trolls though - they're to stupid to see the writing on the wall.

Trump's long and lonely night after being banned from Twitter and isolated by allies

Josie Ensor
Thu, January 7, 2021, 10:45 AM EST

President Donald J. Trump addressing his supporters, after supporters stormed the US Capitol in Washington, DC - Twitter
Wednesday night was a lonely one for Donald Trump.
Cut off from Twitter and Facebook - the social media platforms the president has used to communicate with supporters - and increasingly politically isolated, Mr Trump was left to stew alone.
He had started the day in a combative mood. Whether he truly believed Vice President Mike Pence could help decertify the vote in Congress is unclear, but he was clearly buoyed by the prospect.
An exhilarated Mr Trump urged the tens of thousands gathered in Washington DC for a "Save America" rally to march to the Capitol. “Let’s go together!,” he told them.

President Donald Trumps supporters who breached security and entered the Capitol building - Anadolu

He did not join them, however, instead returning to the White House, where he spent the rest of the day fixed on the large screen TV in the West Wing, watching the carnage play out in real time.
A person close to the president told the Telegraph it was almost impossible to get through to Mr Trump for the rest of the day. “He didn’t want to speak to anyone, and when he did, none of what he was saying made much sense,” they said.
Mr Trump returned furious with Mr Pence, who had told him he just could not do what his boss was asking. The president, a senior adviser told the New York Times’ Maggie Haberman, "lost it."
As the mob outside the Capitol began breaking through the police’s flimsy barriers, his aides began panicking. They pleaded with him to send in the National Guard, as he had done for the Black Lives Matter protesters over the summer.
Mr Trump resisted the calls for some time, sources say, apparently revelling in the chaos he had been able to unleash. According to some reports, staffers got the impression Mr Trump wanted to burn the whole place down on his way out.
In the meantime, staff worked on convincing him to put out a video address telling his supporters to go home, the only thing they believed could help put an end to what had now become a full-blown siege.
According to Vanity Fair, Pat Cipollone, White House Counsel, spent the afternoon urging officials not to speak to Mr Trump or offer any words of support for his “coup attempt”, so they could reduce the chance they could be prosecuted later for treason under the Sedition Act.

President Trump told supporters "you will never take our country back with weakness" at a rally near the White House, before urging them to march on the Capitol - Shutterstock
The list of staff resignations grew by the hour, compounding Mr Trump’s isolation. First came Stephanie Grisham, First Lady Melania Trump’s Chief of Staff, followed shortly by Matt Pottinger, Deputy National Security Adviser, Rickie Niceta, Social Secretary, Sarah Matthews, Deputy Press Secretary, and finally Mick Mulvaney, special envoy to Northern Ireland.
“I can’t do it, I can’t stay,” Mr Mulvaney, the president’s former chief of staff, wrote in a letter.
Fuelled by a deepening paranoia, Mr Trump began ordering out “disloyal” White House staff, including Mark Short, Mr Pence’s chief of staff, believing he had wronged him by giving advice to the vice president to follow the Constitution as he presided over the Electoral College certification session.
Mr Trump would have been most disappointed by his own appointees, with whom he is still considered to be close.
Alyssa Farah, until recently a White House spokesperson, tweeted “Dear MAGA- I am one of you (...) But I need you to hear me: the Election was NOT stolen. We lost.”
Ms Farah was joined in condemnation by longtime Trump adviser, Kelly Anne Conway, and Chris Christie, the former New Jersey mayor who had been on his election debate prep team.
Mr Trump returned to Twitter once again to address his loyal army of fans. His words were considered incendiary by the social media giant, which issued an unprecedented temporary lock on his account.
For the first time, the world was forced to guess what the US president may be thinking.
With Mr Trump unable to communicate directly to the nation, a statement was put out overnight by Dan Scavino, Deputy Chief of Staff, announcing that Mr Trump would now begin a peaceful transition of power.
By Thursday morning, Mr Trump was desperate to get the message out that he was not to be silenced. He called into a Republican National Committee breakfast in Florida and apologised for his absence.
Back at the White House, remaining staffers were quietly resigned. The time had passed to quit in protest, they would now be riding out the storm until January 20.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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No Doc, the US is toast

Iran, China and Russia, who pretty much have been financing all the enemies within, are laughing their asses off

It amazes me how history teaches nothing to you people.

The US decadence into a 3rd world country is now pretty much on an unstoppable track.
He was our last hope. Biden can barely manage a 2 minute speech.


Ceedoobie's #1 Fan
Site Supporter ☠️
He was our last hope. Biden can barely manage a 2 minute speech.

Now you can expect terror attacks all over the world again, Iran getting nukes within 2 years or less, wars starting again

Israel will start seeing attacks again and the enemies of the US will be bolder than ever

China will pretty much take over everything they can


No Doc, the US is toast

Iran, China and Russia, who pretty much have been financing all the enemies within, are laughing their asses off

It amazes me how history teaches nothing to you people.

The US decadence into a 3rd world country is now pretty much on an unstoppable track. I pointed out earlier today, the US has been on a fast track to toast for over 50 years.
Conservatism destroys everything.
Yesterday was an attempt to overthrown the government and establish a dictatorship.
We still have a chance to avoid that fate, but it will require the annihilation of conservatism
..and embracing Liberal Democracy.


He should have gone to the Capitol. I'm not sure he'll get a chance like that again.
Maybe someone can bake him a cake with a file in it.

Oh and PS: Thanks for the thumbs down earlier.
As you know I always enjoy knowing who the PWn'T are. :Wink:


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
No Doc, the US is toast

Iran, China and Russia, who pretty much have been financing all the enemies within, are laughing their asses off

It amazes me how history teaches nothing to you people.

The US decadence into a 3rd world country is now pretty much on an unstoppable track.

And your country Brazil is becoming beholden to China, Rancid.

China buys more more from Brazil than the USA.

But be warned, as you can see with this COVID pandemic raging through your country, there's a high price to pay for alighning yourself with China. China will use pandemics as means to control your country, as it has done with Italy and Iran, two other nations which are indebted to or have high amounts of investment of China. They have also been hit hard by the coronavirus.

China will wag free trinkets and free infrastructure in the face of Brazilians.

But this ties come at a cost.


Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Regarding Trump, from a White Nationalist's perspective, his Presidency hasn't done a great deal for white Americans.

Sure there may have been some minor tax breaks and a half assed attempt at constructing a border wall/fence, but other than that? Very little indeed and the demographic-changing levels of mass immigration into the US have continued, along with the stomach churning Israel worship and Zionist pandering.

Are the Republicans preferable to the batshit crazy anti-white Communists in the Democrat party? Sure they are, but Trump isn't and never was some kind of God-like saviour for right wing Americans, he was just the best choice of a thoroughly rotten bunch.

There's barely any difference between modern day Democrats and Republicans, much like the UK Tory and Labour party....

Voting Democrat = white decline at 80mph.
Voting Republican = white decline at 70mph

What you guys need is a viable third politcal party to get behind, just like us Brits. The trouble is though, money talks and should one emerge, the usual big nosed suspects will inevitably start greasing palms with shekels in the form of 'donations' on the condition that said party doesn't talk about the banks....

At this point in time, the ballot box really isn't the way forward and more direct action is required, because as we have seen during this election, the enemy will stoop to the lowest levels imaginable in order to steal victory.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
What you guys need is a viable third politcal party to get behind,

Never going to be a viable option.

Biden and the democratic party rallied around going after Wall St and Top billionaires

Top billionaires carried his fund raising efforts and Wall Street has been rallying ever since dems took control of the senate

that right there tells you all you need to know about who and what is really running things in he US

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Yeah, the little hats.

No country has a chance in hell of prosperity, other than of course the 1%, while those nation-wrecking fucks are calling the shots from behind the scenes.
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Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Executed? Seriously? For being a clueless, overtly competitive jackass in way over his head hellbent on beating Obama’s numbers?

That’s way extreme... and I don’t think I want to live in a country that supports killing people for being a bad president. He was also faced with a lot... like every president before him.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
He already lost, retards.
Oh these TDS lemmings will be keeping tabs on his every move for years to come

2 years from now we'll be reading threads constructed in fits of frothing rage about how Trump neglected to flush a urinal at some obscure restaurant he attended


Regarding Trump, from a White Nationalist's perspective, his Presidency hasn't done a great deal for white Americans.

Sure there may have been some minor tax breaks and a half assed attempt at constructing a border wall/fence, but other than that? Very little indeed and the demographic-changing levels of mass immigration into the US have continued, along with the stomach churning Israel worship and Zionist pandering.

Are the Republicans preferable to the batshit crazy anti-white Communists in the Democrat party? Sure they are, but Trump isn't and never was some kind of God-like saviour for right wing Americans, he was just the best choice of a thoroughly rotten bunch.

There's barely any difference between modern day Democrats and Republicans, much like the UK Tory and Labour party....

Voting Democrat = white decline at 80mph.
Voting Republican = white decline at 70mph

What you guys need is a viable third politcal party to get behind, just like us Brits. The trouble is though, money talks and should one emerge, the usual big nosed suspects will inevitably start greasing palms with shekels in the form of 'donations' on the condition that said party doesn't talk about the banks....

At this point in time, the ballot box really isn't the way forward and more direct action is required, because as we have seen during this election, the enemy will stoop to the lowest levels imaginable in order to steal victory.
If TRUMP had just followed his own instincts and not listened to kushner etc we would be much better. Unfortunately he is lazy...if not for the TDS libs I would be done with him by now too.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Regarding Trump, from a White Nationalist's perspective, his Presidency hasn't done a great deal for white Americans.

Sure there may have been some minor tax breaks and a half assed attempt at constructing a border wall/fence, but other than that? Very little indeed and the demographic-changing levels of mass immigration into the US have continued, along with the stomach churning Israel worship and Zionist pandering.

Are the Republicans preferable to the batshit crazy anti-white Communists in the Democrat party? Sure they are, but Trump isn't and never was some kind of God-like saviour for right wing Americans, he was just the best choice of a thoroughly rotten bunch.

There's barely any difference between modern day Democrats and Republicans, much like the UK Tory and Labour party....

Voting Democrat = white decline at 80mph.
Voting Republican = white decline at 70mph

What you guys need is a viable third politcal party to get behind, just like us Brits. The trouble is though, money talks and should one emerge, the usual big nosed suspects will inevitably start greasing palms with shekels in the form of 'donations' on the condition that said party doesn't talk about the banks....

At this point in time, the ballot box really isn't the way forward and more direct action is required, because as we have seen during this election, the enemy will stoop to the lowest levels imaginable in order to steal victory.
If TRUMP had just followed his own instincts and not listened to kushner etc we would be much better. Unfortunately he is lazy...if not for the TDS libs I would be done with him by now too.

Marrying his daughter off to a Jew says it all really about the guy and his loyalties.


Regarding Trump, from a White Nationalist's perspective, his Presidency hasn't done a great deal for white Americans.

Sure there may have been some minor tax breaks and a half assed attempt at constructing a border wall/fence, but other than that? Very little indeed and the demographic-changing levels of mass immigration into the US have continued, along with the stomach churning Israel worship and Zionist pandering.

Are the Republicans preferable to the batshit crazy anti-white Communists in the Democrat party? Sure they are, but Trump isn't and never was some kind of God-like saviour for right wing Americans, he was just the best choice of a thoroughly rotten bunch.

There's barely any difference between modern day Democrats and Republicans, much like the UK Tory and Labour party....

Voting Democrat = white decline at 80mph.
Voting Republican = white decline at 70mph

What you guys need is a viable third politcal party to get behind, just like us Brits. The trouble is though, money talks and should one emerge, the usual big nosed suspects will inevitably start greasing palms with shekels in the form of 'donations' on the condition that said party doesn't talk about the banks....

At this point in time, the ballot box really isn't the way forward and more direct action is required, because as we have seen during this election, the enemy will stoop to the lowest levels imaginable in order to steal victory.
If TRUMP had just followed his own instincts and not listened to kushner etc we would be much better. Unfortunately he is lazy...if not for the TDS libs I would be done with him by now too.

Marrying his daughter off to a Jew says it all really about the guy and his loyalties.
New York real estate...of course it was funny seeing libs call him antisemetic.


Site Supporter
CNN Just tolded me Trump is gonna quit .. and Pence will pardon Trump and his Fam Jam
'zis true ?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Los Angeles
I'll have some statistics for you soon, regarding who the king of ankle droolers is.