Is there a Middle/Political Centre in US politics anymore?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Seems ta be you choose this among the Mjaor parties.

The Democrats: The farther left you go, the more totalitarian you are

The Republicans: Today's GOP, a gutless Personality Cult, afraid of their own ethics and principals.

Is this the current state of American politics these days?

The Democrats are in no way far left. They are center-right and the cons are mostly far right. There's is no left wing party in the US any more.

Economically, I agree with you. But culturally the Democrats are extremely far left. There is no idea so absurd or insane that they will not embrace it.

Those are just wedge issues. The only thing that really counts, on either side, is economics. Follow the money, and vote accordingly.

You people get all fucking worked up about things like transgender rights, which will have zero impact on your lives. And the immigration shit. First off, BOTH parties want cheap labor in the country, and they both allow millions of undocumented workers. But the other thing is, the immigrants who actually may impact your lives are the ones who get the H1B, H2B, etc visas. THEY are taking people's jobs, not really the illegal immigrants, who mostly take minimum and below minimum wage jobs.

And you get all worked up about taxes, without understanding that both sides, but especially cons, pass laws to put the tax burden mostly on the working class, while giving the rich a free pass.

The economic issues affect us all, and you all choose to ignore the fucked up shit that both parties are doing to all working Americans every single time they pass a law.

If tranny rights and such don't really matter, quit insisting on it.

They don't make a difference in your life. They do in the lives of transexuals, and you need to stop worrying abuot other people not living the way you think they should live. It's none of your business. Economics are what you should be expending energy on, not random stuff that offends your perverted religious sensibilities.

I would support someone economically to the left of Stalin himself if it he were anti-woke and anti-PC and anti-LIB culture in general. That is really the only issue I care about.

Also, TRUMP is the only President who ever gave me cash money anyway. For the dems people like me are way at the back of the line.

These modern day SJW's with their LGBT and feminist garbage would ironically not have been tolerated by their idol Stalin...

They've completely distorted the meaning of Communism to suit their agenda.

Please post a link to anyone, anyone at all, in the 21st century praising STALIN, you fuckwit.
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Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Seems ta be you choose this among the Mjaor parties.

The Democrats: The farther left you go, the more totalitarian you are

The Republicans: Today's GOP, a gutless Personality Cult, afraid of their own ethics and principals.

Is this the current state of American politics these days?

The Democrats are in no way far left. They are center-right and the cons are mostly far right. There's is no left wing party in the US any more.

Where do get this? Conservatives are not "far right"

What does that even mean, Lotus? Please explain to me what you think far right is and how conservatives are far right.

And what of the republicans? Because Republicans and conservatives are not exactly the same thing.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
People who elevate the use of particular pronouns to the level of a hate crime cannot talk about extremism.

Its creepy how the landscape went so left that basic, regular conservative views are considered far right.

I dont even know what "far right" means to the ones who say it.

Here in the US far right right would be anarchy. Jmo.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Seems ta be you choose this among the Mjaor parties.

The Democrats: The farther left you go, the more totalitarian you are

The Republicans: Today's GOP, a gutless Personality Cult, afraid of their own ethics and principals.

Is this the current state of American politics these days?

The Democrats are in no way far left. They are center-right and the cons are mostly far right. There's is no left wing party in the US any more.

Economically, I agree with you. But culturally the Democrats are extremely far left. There is no idea so absurd or insane that they will not embrace it.

Those are just wedge issues. The only thing that really counts, on either side, is economics. Follow the money, and vote accordingly.

You people get all fucking worked up about things like transgender rights, which will have zero impact on your lives. And the immigration shit. First off, BOTH parties want cheap labor in the country, and they both allow millions of undocumented workers. But the other thing is, the immigrants who actually may impact your lives are the ones who get the H1B, H2B, etc visas. THEY are taking people's jobs, not really the illegal immigrants, who mostly take minimum and below minimum wage jobs.

And you get all worked up about taxes, without understanding that both sides, but especially cons, pass laws to put the tax burden mostly on the working class, while giving the rich a free pass.

The economic issues affect us all, and you all choose to ignore the fucked up shit that both parties are doing to all working Americans every single time they pass a law.

If tranny rights and such don't really matter, quit insisting on it.

They don't make a difference in your life. They do in the lives of transexuals, and you need to stop worrying abuot other people not living the way you think they should live. It's none of your business. Economics are what you should be expending energy on, not random stuff that offends your perverted religious sensibilities.

I would support someone economically to the left of Stalin himself if it he were anti-woke and anti-PC and anti-LIB culture in general. That is really the only issue I care about.

Also, TRUMP is the only President who ever gave me cash money anyway. For the dems people like me are way at the back of the line.

The world is a fucking mess because of economics. Billions of people live in states of abject suffering because of economics. It's great that you only worry about you yoruself feeling forced to be PC, when millions of children die from poverty. Jesus Christ. You can't stand to be around people who don't think like you, so you're happy to see people die in order for you to avoid such horrible suffering.

Sorry but this PC shit is everywhere these days. They never leave us alone for even a second.

Please post about the last thing you were forced to do because of PC.

See constant race-mixing propaganda and faggotry on TV.

Be forced to accept gay marriage and homos adopting kids.

Witness LGBTQP Pride events in our home towns where queers are basically given a green light to commit public indecency.

Drag Queen story hour.

I could go on, but I'm sure you get the picture.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
People who elevate the use of particular pronouns to the level of a hate crime cannot talk about extremism.

Its creepy how the landscape went so left that basic, regular conservative views are considered far right.

I dont even know what "far right" means to the ones who say it.

Here in the US far right right would be anarchy. Jmo.

People like me and Lokmar are considered 'far right', depending on who you ask of course. :LOL1:

According to the establishment, anyone with an aversion to leftist PC shite and mass immigration deserves that label.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Please post a link to anyone, anyone at all, in the 21st century praising Stalin, you fuckwit.

What are you talking about? The far left is full of Communist sympathisers. :Crazy:

You do realize that Stalin was a person and communism is an economic philosophy modeled after Marx, not Stalin, right? Please post a link to any prominent actual communist praising Stalin in the 21st, or even late 20th century.
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Seems ta be you choose this among the Mjaor parties.

The Democrats: The farther left you go, the more totalitarian you are

The Republicans: Today's GOP, a gutless Personality Cult, afraid of their own ethics and principals.

Is this the current state of American politics these days?

The Democrats are in no way far left. They are center-right and the cons are mostly far right. There's is no left wing party in the US any more.

Economically, I agree with you. But culturally the Democrats are extremely far left. There is no idea so absurd or insane that they will not embrace it.

Those are just wedge issues. The only thing that really counts, on either side, is economics. Follow the money, and vote accordingly.

You people get all fucking worked up about things like transgender rights, which will have zero impact on your lives. And the immigration shit. First off, BOTH parties want cheap labor in the country, and they both allow millions of undocumented workers. But the other thing is, the immigrants who actually may impact your lives are the ones who get the H1B, H2B, etc visas. THEY are taking people's jobs, not really the illegal immigrants, who mostly take minimum and below minimum wage jobs.

And you get all worked up about taxes, without understanding that both sides, but especially cons, pass laws to put the tax burden mostly on the working class, while giving the rich a free pass.

The economic issues affect us all, and you all choose to ignore the fucked up shit that both parties are doing to all working Americans every single time they pass a law.

If tranny rights and such don't really matter, quit insisting on it.

They don't make a difference in your life. They do in the lives of transexuals, and you need to stop worrying abuot other people not living the way you think they should live. It's none of your business. Economics are what you should be expending energy on, not random stuff that offends your perverted religious sensibilities.

I would support someone economically to the left of Stalin himself if it he were anti-woke and anti-PC and anti-LIB culture in general. That is really the only issue I care about.

Also, TRUMP is the only President who ever gave me cash money anyway. For the dems people like me are way at the back of the line.

The world is a fucking mess because of economics. Billions of people live in states of abject suffering because of economics. It's great that you only worry about you yoruself feeling forced to be PC, when millions of children die from poverty. Jesus Christ. You can't stand to be around people who don't think like you, so you're happy to see people die in order for you to avoid such horrible suffering.

Sorry but this PC shit is everywhere these days. They never leave us alone for even a second.

Please post about the last thing you were forced to do because of PC.

See constant race-mixing propaganda and faggotry on TV.

Be forced to accept gay marriage and homos adopting kids.

Witness LGBTQP Pride events in our home towns where queers are basically given a green light to commit public indecency.

Drag Queen story hour.

I could go on, but I'm sure you get the picture.

Someone forced you to be transgender? Well, I agree. That's just wrong.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Please post a link to anyone, anyone at all, in the 21st century praising Stalin, you fuckwit.

What are you talking about? The far left is full of Communist sympathisers. :Crazy:

You do realize that Stalin was a person and communism is an economic philosophy modeled after Marx, not Stalin, right? Please post a link to any prominent actual communist praising Stalin in the 21st, or even late 20th century.

Do you realise that the Soviet Union was a Communist empire?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Seems ta be you choose this among the Mjaor parties.

The Democrats: The farther left you go, the more totalitarian you are

The Republicans: Today's GOP, a gutless Personality Cult, afraid of their own ethics and principals.

Is this the current state of American politics these days?

The Democrats are in no way far left. They are center-right and the cons are mostly far right. There's is no left wing party in the US any more.

Economically, I agree with you. But culturally the Democrats are extremely far left. There is no idea so absurd or insane that they will not embrace it.

Those are just wedge issues. The only thing that really counts, on either side, is economics. Follow the money, and vote accordingly.

You people get all fucking worked up about things like transgender rights, which will have zero impact on your lives. And the immigration shit. First off, BOTH parties want cheap labor in the country, and they both allow millions of undocumented workers. But the other thing is, the immigrants who actually may impact your lives are the ones who get the H1B, H2B, etc visas. THEY are taking people's jobs, not really the illegal immigrants, who mostly take minimum and below minimum wage jobs.

And you get all worked up about taxes, without understanding that both sides, but especially cons, pass laws to put the tax burden mostly on the working class, while giving the rich a free pass.

The economic issues affect us all, and you all choose to ignore the fucked up shit that both parties are doing to all working Americans every single time they pass a law.

If tranny rights and such don't really matter, quit insisting on it.

They don't make a difference in your life. They do in the lives of transexuals, and you need to stop worrying abuot other people not living the way you think they should live. It's none of your business. Economics are what you should be expending energy on, not random stuff that offends your perverted religious sensibilities.

I would support someone economically to the left of Stalin himself if it he were anti-woke and anti-PC and anti-LIB culture in general. That is really the only issue I care about.

Also, TRUMP is the only President who ever gave me cash money anyway. For the dems people like me are way at the back of the line.

The world is a fucking mess because of economics. Billions of people live in states of abject suffering because of economics. It's great that you only worry about you yoruself feeling forced to be PC, when millions of children die from poverty. Jesus Christ. You can't stand to be around people who don't think like you, so you're happy to see people die in order for you to avoid such horrible suffering.

Sorry but this PC shit is everywhere these days. They never leave us alone for even a second.

Please post about the last thing you were forced to do because of PC.

See constant race-mixing propaganda and faggotry on TV.

Be forced to accept gay marriage and homos adopting kids.

Witness LGBTQP Pride events in our home towns where queers are basically given a green light to commit public indecency.

Drag Queen story hour.

I could go on, but I'm sure you get the picture.

I dont really view those things on their own as far left cultural PCism.

Its HOW those things are used against people. When so much effort is put into making sure you have a homosexual love plot in stories where it doesnt really fit.

Americans have been "race mixing" for decades so that's not weird. It gets weird and racist when emphasis gets placed on it.

No one should be "forced" to accept anything. Homosexuals are legally allowed to get married. No one is stopping them and they dont need approval to live their trying to force people to accept it is really just gaystappo shit. It's the opposite of tolerance.

Drag queen story hour is completely innapropriate and unessesary and disgusting. And even drag queens will tell you that. Drag is adult entertainment. It's a lifestyle just like being a showgirl/stripper is a lifestyle....I have no clue whose idea that was, but they need to be publically flogged and shamed.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Please post a link to anyone, anyone at all, in the 21st century praising Stalin, you fuckwit.

What are you talking about? The far left is full of Communist sympathisers. :Crazy:

You do realize that Stalin was a person and communism is an economic philosophy modeled after Marx, not Stalin, right? Please post a link to any prominent actual communist praising Stalin in the 21st, or even late 20th century.

Do you realise that the Soviet Union was a Communist empire?

Do you realize that there aren't many fans of the totalitarian lunatic Stalin? Do you also realize that Obama is a capitalist who was president of a Demcoracy? Does that mean you're a supporter of Obama? Fucking low IQ tool.
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Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Please post a link to anyone, anyone at all, in the 21st century praising Stalin, you fuckwit.

What are you talking about? The far left is full of Communist sympathisers. :Crazy:

You do realize that Stalin was a person and communism is an economic philosophy modeled after Marx, not Stalin, right? Please post a link to any prominent actual communist praising Stalin in the 21st, or even late 20th century.

Do you realise that the Soviet Union was a Communist empire?

Do you realize that there aren't many fans of the totalitarian lunatic Stalin? Do you also realize that Obama is a capitalist who was president of a Demcoracy? Does that mean you're a supporter of Obama? Fucking low IQ tool.





Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
According to Lotusberg, not many lefties support Communism. :facepalm:

Learn to read. I said almost zero lefties support STALIN, you lying POS.

Furthermore, almost no US Democrats support communism. Communism is very much a dirty word in the US.

Plus, who are those people, and what do those pics supposedly prove?

Gaslight me on this Stalin crap again and you go back on ignore, you ignorant twat.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
According to Lotusberg, not many lefties support Communism. :facepalm:

Learn to read. I said almost zero lefties support STALIN, you lying POS.

Furthermore, almost no US Democrats support communism. Communism is very much a dirty word in the US.

Plus, who are those people, and what do those pics supposedly prove?

Gaslight me on this Stalin crap again and you go back on ignore, you ignorant twat.

Stalin was a Communist.

Care to provide evidence to support that claim?

They're ANTIFA clowns, you know, the Jewish far left Anarchist group who you donate to?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
According to Lotusberg, not many lefties support Communism. :facepalm:

Learn to read. I said almost zero lefties support STALIN, you lying POS.

Furthermore, almost no US Democrats support communism. Communism is very much a dirty word in the US.

Plus, who are those people, and what do those pics supposedly prove?

Gaslight me on this Stalin crap again and you go back on ignore, you ignorant twat.

Stalin was a Communist.

Care to provide evidence to support that claim?

They're ANTIFA clowns, you know, the Jewish far left Anarchist group who you donate to?

And Obama is a capitalist. Why do you worship him?

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
According to Lotusberg, not many lefties support Communism. :facepalm:

Learn to read. I said almost zero lefties support STALIN, you lying POS.

Furthermore, almost no US Democrats support communism. Communism is very much a dirty word in the US.

Plus, who are those people, and what do those pics supposedly prove?

Gaslight me on this Stalin crap again and you go back on ignore, you ignorant twat.

Stalin was a Communist.

Care to provide evidence to support that claim?

They're ANTIFA clowns, you know, the Jewish far left Anarchist group who you donate to?

And Obama is a capitalist. Why do you worship him?

What are you talking about?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
People who elevate the use of particular pronouns to the level of a hate crime cannot talk about extremism.

Its creepy how the landscape went so left that basic, regular conservative views are considered far right.

I dont even know what "far right" means to the ones who say it.

Here in the US far right right would be anarchy. Jmo.

People like me and Lokmar are considered 'far right', depending on who you ask of course. :LOL1:

According to the establishment, anyone with an aversion to leftist PC shite and mass immigration deserves that label.

Have you nailed down what "far right" even means?


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
Seems ta be you choose this among the Mjaor parties.

The Democrats: The farther left you go, the more totalitarian you are

The Republicans: Today's GOP, a gutless Personality Cult, afraid of their own ethics and principals.

Is this the current state of American politics these days?

The Democrats are in no way far left. They are center-right and the cons are mostly far right. There's is no left wing party in the US any more.

Economically, I agree with you. But culturally the Democrats are extremely far left. There is no idea so absurd or insane that they will not embrace it.

Those are just wedge issues. The only thing that really counts, on either side, is economics. Follow the money, and vote accordingly.

You people get all fucking worked up about things like transgender rights, which will have zero impact on your lives. And the immigration shit. First off, BOTH parties want cheap labor in the country, and they both allow millions of undocumented workers. But the other thing is, the immigrants who actually may impact your lives are the ones who get the H1B, H2B, etc visas. THEY are taking people's jobs, not really the illegal immigrants, who mostly take minimum and below minimum wage jobs.

And you get all worked up about taxes, without understanding that both sides, but especially cons, pass laws to put the tax burden mostly on the working class, while giving the rich a free pass.

The economic issues affect us all, and you all choose to ignore the fucked up shit that both parties are doing to all working Americans every single time they pass a law.

If tranny rights and such don't really matter, quit insisting on it.

They don't make a difference in your life. They do in the lives of transexuals, and you need to stop worrying abuot other people not living the way you think they should live. It's none of your business. Economics are what you should be expending energy on, not random stuff that offends your perverted religious sensibilities.

I would support someone economically to the left of Stalin himself if it he were anti-woke and anti-PC and anti-LIB culture in general. That is really the only issue I care about.

Also, TRUMP is the only President who ever gave me cash money anyway. For the dems people like me are way at the back of the line.

The world is a fucking mess because of economics. Billions of people live in states of abject suffering because of economics. It's great that you only worry about you yoruself feeling forced to be PC, when millions of children die from poverty. Jesus Christ. You can't stand to be around people who don't think like you, so you're happy to see people die in order for you to avoid such horrible suffering.

Die in a fire.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
People who elevate the use of particular pronouns to the level of a hate crime cannot talk about extremism.

Its creepy how the landscape went so left that basic, regular conservative views are considered far right.

I dont even know what "far right" means to the ones who say it.

Here in the US far right right would be anarchy. Jmo.

People like me and Lokmar are considered 'far right', depending on who you ask of course. :LOL1:

According to the establishment, anyone with an aversion to leftist PC shite and mass immigration deserves that label.
God is far right because He says all faggits should die.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Please post a link to anyone, anyone at all, in the 21st century praising Stalin, you fuckwit.

What are you talking about? The far left is full of Communist sympathisers. :Crazy:

You do realize that Stalin was a person and communism is an economic philosophy modeled after Marx, not Stalin, right? Please post a link to any prominent actual communist praising Stalin in the 21st, or even late 20th century.

Do you realise that the Soviet Union was a Communist empire?

Do you realize that there aren't many fans of the totalitarian lunatic Stalin? Do you also realize that Obama is a capitalist who was president of a Demcoracy? Does that mean you're a supporter of Obama? Fucking low IQ tool.



LMFAO is someone tossed a dozen hand grenades in that crowd! Better yet, if someone packed all the garbage cans these cunts dont use with Tanerite and shot em as they were prancing by! :LOL2: :LOL2: :LOL2: :LOL2:

"WHITE POWER TERIZM!" ....on white people! :ROFL3:


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Please post a link to anyone, anyone at all, in the 21st century praising Stalin, you fuckwit.

What are you talking about? The far left is full of Communist sympathisers. :Crazy:

You do realize that Stalin was a person and communism is an economic philosophy modeled after Marx, not Stalin, right? Please post a link to any prominent actual communist praising Stalin in the 21st, or even late 20th century.

Do you realise that the Soviet Union was a Communist empire?

Do you realize that there aren't many fans of the totalitarian lunatic Stalin? Do you also realize that Obama is a capitalist who was president of a Demcoracy? Does that mean you're a supporter of Obama? Fucking low IQ tool.

Dude Obama is a corporate crony capitalist. And he was president of a Republic. I dont see any right wing capitalists or anarcho capitalists supporting Obama OR anything Obama did. He is supported, and tongue bathed and gushed over by those left of center/democrats.

What made Stalin a totalitarian monster was his if someone his beliefs, it doesnt really matter if they him or not. It is still supporting Stalin to support his beliefs.

It doesnt make sense. Okay so which communist/socailist dictator is bad and which is good? I mean if people are supporting their ideology and methods, I dont really see the difference. Are we just gonna hope a nice empathetic person runs the reeducation camps?

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Please post a link to anyone, anyone at all, in the 21st century praising Stalin, you fuckwit.

What are you talking about? The far left is full of Communist sympathisers. :Crazy:

You do realize that Stalin was a person and communism is an economic philosophy modeled after Marx, not Stalin, right? Please post a link to any prominent actual communist praising Stalin in the 21st, or even late 20th century.

Do you realise that the Soviet Union was a Communist empire?

Do you realize that there aren't many fans of the totalitarian lunatic Stalin? Do you also realize that Obama is a capitalist who was president of a Demcoracy? Does that mean you're a supporter of Obama? Fucking low IQ tool.



LMFAO is someone tossed a dozen hand grenades in that crowd! Better yet, if someone packed all the garbage cans these cunts dont use with Tanerite and shot em as they were prancing by! :LOL2: :LOL2: :LOL2: :LOL2:

"WHITE POWER TERIZM!" ....on white people! :ROFL3:

Student soy army, brought to us by the Lotusbergstein's in our glorious education system.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Seems ta be you choose this among the Mjaor parties.

The Democrats: The farther left you go, the more totalitarian you are

The Republicans: Today's GOP, a gutless Personality Cult, afraid of their own ethics and principals.

Is this the current state of American politics these days?

The Democrats are in no way far left. They are center-right and the cons are mostly far right. There's is no left wing party in the US any more.

Economically, I agree with you. But culturally the Democrats are extremely far left. There is no idea so absurd or insane that they will not embrace it.

Those are just wedge issues. The only thing that really counts, on either side, is economics. Follow the money, and vote accordingly.

You people get all fucking worked up about things like transgender rights, which will have zero impact on your lives. And the immigration shit. First off, BOTH parties want cheap labor in the country, and they both allow millions of undocumented workers. But the other thing is, the immigrants who actually may impact your lives are the ones who get the H1B, H2B, etc visas. THEY are taking people's jobs, not really the illegal immigrants, who mostly take minimum and below minimum wage jobs.

And you get all worked up about taxes, without understanding that both sides, but especially cons, pass laws to put the tax burden mostly on the working class, while giving the rich a free pass.

The economic issues affect us all, and you all choose to ignore the fucked up shit that both parties are doing to all working Americans every single time they pass a law.

If tranny rights and such don't really matter, quit insisting on it.

They don't make a difference in your life. They do in the lives of transexuals, and you need to stop worrying abuot other people not living the way you think they should live. It's none of your business. Economics are what you should be expending energy on, not random stuff that offends your perverted religious sensibilities.

I would support someone economically to the left of Stalin himself if it he were anti-woke and anti-PC and anti-LIB culture in general. That is really the only issue I care about.

Also, TRUMP is the only President who ever gave me cash money anyway. For the dems people like me are way at the back of the line.

The world is a fucking mess because of economics. Billions of people live in states of abject suffering because of economics. It's great that you only worry about you yoruself feeling forced to be PC, when millions of children die from poverty. Jesus Christ. You can't stand to be around people who don't think like you, so you're happy to see people die in order for you to avoid such horrible suffering.

Die in a fire.

Die in a whirlwind of forced, non-stop PC behaviors, you fucking snowflake.