I own multiple luxury cars a 6 bedroom luxury home, and I am obsessed with homosexual coupling. Who am I?

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I was under the impression that him and Swallowscockallday lived in the same LGBT retirement home.
I know him and Peaches sucked cock together in the Navy while they hid behind a bush as real soldiers fought to defend this great country

You fucking kill me :LOL3:

Isnt he brilliant?

Intelligent for sure!!!! He has me laughing so hard sometimes I piss myself a little.....that's bad....lmao.

How is his hatred intelligent? He's just an angry, hate-filled moron who never runs out of insults. The epitome of dumb cuck humor.

But, wait, it's you calling him intelligent.

Never mind.
nothing like saying someone isn't intelligent because they insult others and then go on to insult the very person you are talking to in the same breath.

you truly are the dumbest cunt ever to infect a forum
^^^And he's not the least aware of the self pwnge. Grab a step ladder Sparky, catch that irony!
go catch that cock you fairy frothing faggot


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Do you think these open minded, deep thinking people will ever reflect on themselves and how they directly contribute to the hostility?

Of course not. They falsely and ruthlessly judge and mischaracterize anyone who doesnt think like them or jump on their bumper sticker slogan bandwagons.

That's what all the open minded kids are doing these days you know.

We live in backwards times.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Why was comment funny Admin?

I was always nice and civil to you guys. You are the ones who started on me first.

Do you guys ever self reflect?


I'm in jail, send hamberders
Site Supporter ☠️
Your Feng Shui gives me ennui.
11 pages of liberal frothing and butthurt



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
I was under the impression that him and Swallowscockallday lived in the same LGBT retirement home.
I know him and Peaches sucked cock together in the Navy while they hid behind a bush as real soldiers fought to defend this great country

You fucking kill me :LOL3:
Why was comment funny Admin?

I was always nice and civil to you guys. You are the ones who started on me first.

Do you guys ever self reflect?

No, you weren't, Dove. I turned on you about the 200th time I read one of your "Libs are such awful people who always do this and always do that" posts that was full of complete lies. I tried over and over and over to reason with you, and you always came back with a post full of hatred and insults toward liberals. Since you know full well I am a liberal, I took that as an offense. And you have never stopped doing it. Don't claim that that is 'nice' or 'civil.' I'ts not. It's ugly.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Do you think these open minded, deep thinking people will ever reflect on themselves and how they directly contribute to the hostility?

Of course not. They falsely and ruthlessly judge and mischaracterize anyone who doesnt think like them or jump on their bumper sticker slogan bandwagons.

That's what all the open minded kids are doing these days you know.

We live in backwards times.

100% pot/kettle hypocrisy.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Lotus I was absolutely ALWAYS civil to you. You are the one who starts calling me insane or stupid.

And I'm usually a very civil person.

And are you just forgetting that you always did that same thing about Trump voters? Really?

If you find my attitude "hateful" what do you call what you do? We have never had one single exchange where I didnt try and you didnt end up getting pissed and name calling. Not one.

You get pissed when people disagree with you and engage you even when they are being totally civil. Leftist do this, it's a pretty serious problem. The shooting down, accusations, censorship. Smearing. It's truly awful. Civil discourse is dead.
Last edited:


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Lotus is legitimately one of the most stupid females on this forum, which is even more amusing because she regards herself as some kind of superior intellctual figure who looks down her snotty, wart-encrusted, hook nose on everybody else.
Technically anyone who looks at you is by definition "looking down" Amirite?


That would be Biggie Lies. Though, you'd have to be on your knees to really get "eye level" with him and you'd still be "looking down at it."


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
The irony in Lotus calling me stupid.

I'm not gonna take that seriously from a grown woman who has angry tantrums and name calls because she cannot explain or defend her own political stances.
As the irony soars waay over your empty head, whooosh.

No it doesnt.

Again, when you guys do nothing but insult and name call, you shouldn't expect to be treated differently.

I'm constantly defending my positions. And how do you guys respond?

Knock it off. Again....the irony.

Its kinder level to learn to treat others the way you want to be treated. You guys chose shit flinging.


Of all people. YOU are all of a sudden the one who judges who is "smart?"

Wasn't it YOU DOVEY that couldn't even spell, "empiracle?" Let alone use it in the RIGHT context.

Also, wasn't it you that also incorrectly spelled, "potato?,

You're here again at a forum complaining about what you perceive are those you can't, "debate." Isn't YOU that doesn't include any kind of "proof" or sources when you fucking talk out your childless ass?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Lotus I was absolutely ALWAYS civil to you. You are the one who starts calling me insane or stupid.

And I'm usually a very civil person.

And are you just forgetting that you always did that same thing about Trump voters? Really?

If you find my attitude "hateful" what do you call what you do? We have never had one single exchange where I didnt try and you didnt end up getting pissed and name calling. Not one.

You get pissed when people disagree with you and engage you even when they are being totally civil. Leftist do this, it's a pretty serious problem. The shooting down, accusations, censorship. Smearing. It's truly awful. Civil discourse is dead.

Utter bullshit. You have a demented self image.


I'm in jail, send hamberders
Site Supporter ☠️
Your Feng Shui gives me ennui.
Lotus is legitimately one of the most stupid females on this forum, which is even more amusing because she regards herself as some kind of superior intellctual figure who looks down her snotty, wart-encrusted, hook nose on everybody else.
Technically anyone who looks at you is by definition "looking down" Amirite?


That would be Biggie Lies. Though, you'd have to be on your knees to really get "eye level" with him and you'd still be "looking down at it."
All I have ever tried to do was lift Stubby up to where he belongs, where the eagles fly, on the mountain high, so let's say at least, 5'10" ? waddya thingk, oer donchuo?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Lotus I was absolutely ALWAYS civil to you. You are the one who starts calling me insane or stupid.

And I'm usually a very civil person.

And are you just forgetting that you always did that same thing about Trump voters? Really?

If you find my attitude "hateful" what do you call what you do? We have never had one single exchange where I didnt try and you didnt end up getting pissed and name calling. Not one.

You get pissed when people disagree with you and engage you even when they are being totally civil. Leftist do this, it's a pretty serious problem. The shooting down, accusations, censorship. Smearing. It's truly awful. Civil discourse is dead.

Maybe you should discuss this with Stubby and that goat fucker Loobtain.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Lotus I was absolutely ALWAYS civil to you. You are the one who starts calling me insane or stupid.

And I'm usually a very civil person.

And are you just forgetting that you always did that same thing about Trump voters? Really?

If you find my attitude "hateful" what do you call what you do? We have never had one single exchange where I didnt try and you didnt end up getting pissed and name calling. Not one.

You get pissed when people disagree with you and engage you even when they are being totally civil. Leftist do this, it's a pretty serious problem. The shooting down, accusations, censorship. Smearing. It's truly awful. Civil discourse is dead.

Utter bullshit. You have a demented self image.

No, Lotus, I dont. I know what kind of person I am AND how those who know me best would describe me.

It's all out there. I HAVE made a point to always enter discussions about politics and religion very civily. Its something I have always made a point to do.

The way you just responded to me here is pretty much how you've always spoken to me. The minute we disagree on something I will respectfully present my arguement you respond with "bullshit" or degrading my sanity or intelligence.

You know if anyone has a demented view of themselves, you might want to check yourself.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Lotus I was absolutely ALWAYS civil to you. You are the one who starts calling me insane or stupid.

And I'm usually a very civil person.

And are you just forgetting that you always did that same thing about Trump voters? Really?

If you find my attitude "hateful" what do you call what you do? We have never had one single exchange where I didnt try and you didnt end up getting pissed and name calling. Not one.

You get pissed when people disagree with you and engage you even when they are being totally civil. Leftist do this, it's a pretty serious problem. The shooting down, accusations, censorship. Smearing. It's truly awful. Civil discourse is dead.

Maybe you should discuss this with Stubby and that goat fucker Loobtain.

I have. They both tell me I'm wasting my time because there is no way to have civil conversations with leftists.


Philosopher King
Site Supporter
West Coast
This thread has become more Trumptard self pwning than even I imagined. Ty you all for the failed attempts.:ThumbsUp1:
why you calling youself a trumptard you testicle clutching fairy?

You're soooooooooooooo gay.
your IQ is sooooooooooooo low
This from the guy who's been punked from the beginning of this thread, who still thinks by getting on it and prancing around saying dumb shit he will prove it wrong.
And now he's talking about IQs.

He needs the Asperger Society, not Mensa ...FFS.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
This thread has become more Trumptard self pwning than even I imagined. Ty you all for the failed attempts.:ThumbsUp1:
why you calling youself a trumptard you testicle clutching fairy?

You're soooooooooooooo gay.
your IQ is sooooooooooooo low
This from the guy who's been punked from the beginning of this thread, who still thinks by getting on it and prancing around saying dumb shit he will prove it wrong.
And now he's talking about IQs.

He needs the Asperger Society, not Mensa ...FFS.
And you need a real nose

Just sayin