Lets talk about left wing hate



Domestically feral
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United states
ur talking 2 a brick wall

Yeah....I mean...this is more towards the other nonleftists to share.

I dont think the leftists really care how hateful they are. They are convinced they are on the "right side of history" so its permissible for them.
i cant even tell if they r serious or just looking 2 wind ppl up, and some on the right do it too - like lokmar mentioning how he just shot some small animals whenever anyone talks about how cute they r lol

I'm talking about in general, how people on the left respond with rage and hate in the face of other view points.

This is actually a really good video about how when people start cognitive dissonance you cant use logic anymore. A lot of the points made in this video you see them doing here.

You see 3, 5 and 6 all the time from them just here.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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They never left the 1950s....

And if you ever see that lying phony left-winged movie called Rabbit Proof Fence, the woman who the movie is about, walked out of the movie saying, "that is not my story."

Yeah. Not exactly.

The film stirred controversy in Australia relating to the government's historical policy of removing part-Aboriginal children, who became known as the
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, from Aboriginal communities and placing them in state institutions.
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, a government official, announced the publishing of a leaflet criticising the film's portrayal of the treatment of indigenous Australians, and demanded an apology from the filmmakers. Director
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suggested instead that the government apologize to the indigenous people affected by the removal policy.
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Conservative commentators such as
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also attacked the historical accuracy of the film. Bolt criticized the numerous disparities between the film and Pilkington Garimara's novel, a fact that angered Pilkington Garimara, who said that Bolt had misquoted her.
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The academic
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in turn accused Bolt of historical denialism, and scriptwriter Christine Olsen wrote a detailed response to Bolt's claims.
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Olsen attributed the angry response among some of the public to the fact that it was based in events that were "demonstrably true" and well-documented.
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However, the filmmaker said that the film was meant primarily as a drama rather than a political or historical statement. Noyce stated, "If drama comes from conflict, there's no greater conflict in Australian history than the conflict between indigenous Australians and white settlers."
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The historian
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also disputed the film's depiction of events, stating in his work The Fabrication of Aboriginal History that Molly and the two other girls had been removed for their own welfare, and that the two older girls had been sexually involved with white men. Noyce and Olsen rejected these criticisms, stating that Windschuttle's research was incomplete.
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Pilkington Garimara denied Windschuttle's claims of sexual activity between her mother and local whites, stating that the claims were a distortion of history.
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lol... you looking to keep Aidsmin preoccupied

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
listen up Lotus, you serial dingbat,.... try not calling me a liar.... I do not take kindly to being called a liar.... I know more about Abos than you ever will or any rewriting of history you put up. Abos have demanded all library books about their history to be removed. Too late for them though... people have historical copies like me for instance.

History WILL NOT be rewritten under my watch.
"serial dingbat" bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

she's right, you are a fucking liar tho.

Just sayin.



Factory Bastard
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ur talking 2 a brick wall

Yeah....I mean...this is more towards the other nonleftists to share.

I dont think the leftists really care how hateful they are. They are convinced they are on the "right side of history" so its permissible for them.
i cant even tell if they r serious or just looking 2 wind ppl up, and some on the right do it too - like lokmar mentioning how he just shot some small animals whenever anyone talks about how cute they r lol

I'm talking about in general, how people on the left respond with rage and hate in the face of other view points.

This is actually a really good video about how when people start cognitive dissonance you cant use logic anymore. A lot of the points made in this video you see them doing here.

You see 3, 5 and 6 all the time from them just here.

that made me think of this lol


Factory Bastard
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Zechariah 8:17

Also let none of you devise evil in your heart against another, and do not love perjury; for all these are what I hate,’ declares the Lord.”
Amos 5:21

“I hate, I reject your festivals,
Nor do I delight in your solemn assemblies.
Malachi 2:16

For I hate divorce,” says the Lord, the God of Israel, “and him who covers his garment with wrong,” says the Lord of hosts. “So take heed to your spirit, that you do not deal treacherously.”

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Factory Bastard
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listen up Lotus, you serial dingbat,.... try not calling me a liar.... I do not take kindly to being called a liar.... I know more about Abos than you ever will or any rewriting of history you put up. Abos have demanded all library books about their history to be removed. Too late for them though... people have historical copies like me for instance.

History WILL NOT be rewritten under my watch.
"serial dingbat" bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

she's right, you are a fucking liar tho.

Just sayin.


I hate abos because they sexually abuse children as part of their, "culture." Daisy Bates, (a pioneer female on our $5.00 bill) tried to rescue the kids from that abomination.

The left turds try to cover up those parts of "culture," like it didn't/doesn't happen and because they are made aware of it, they dismiss it as, "oh well, its part of their culture." It's 'part of their culture,' is not a good enough excuse for me.
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Domestically feral
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United states

This belongs in the leftwing hate thread. I've recently dived down the rabbit hole of radical gender ideology and trans activists. I stumbled upon this youtuber who is awesone....sadly she died of a brain tumor a year ago.

If we think regular leftists are hateful? Holy fuck. The hatred of trans activists is fucking off the hook.

And those of us safely outside of the left and their movements dont really see this in hatred that's seeped into the LGB....T.

Basically transactivists are men attacking womens rights and ruthlessly labeling and going after anyone who isnt comfortable with biological men having unfettered access to womens spaces. Transacitivists openly call for violence for male violence against women.

If you are female and do not want a male in a female space whipping his junk out around women and little girls......you are a "terf" and they want violence, deplatforming and harrassment. Even getting fired. We dont get to hear from these women much at all. Once they get labeled "terfs" they are now pariahs and they get knocked really far off the mainstream and suppressed.

Unless you agree that "transwomen are women" this is how they deal with you.

I will definately be including transactivist foaming and psychotic hatred with all the rest of the psychotic left wing hate as I come across it.

It takes serious cognitive dissonance for them to continue to claim conservatives....or those of us who believe in the fundamental liberal values (true liberal values of individual civil rights and liberties) are the hatefilled ones. They keep claiming this and they use that lie to justify all the vile and irrational anger and hatred seething from the entire left wing.

It always gives a bit of hope when someone on the left starts to see this, and questions it, and comes out of it. There has be some point in which someone will realize they've become everything they claim to oppose and get a grip.

It's like no matter what you say or what your points are, left wingers are always raging. Always using insults. If you disagree at all you just get labeled and attacked. It's all they do. Even here.

They have no credibility calling anyone else hateful.
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Factory Bastard
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Ponto from another board claimed the trans are really just chauvinistic or chauvinists.

They want domination over women.


Factory Bastard
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Ponto from another board claimed the trans are really just chauvinistic or chauvinists.

They want domination over women.
I realize there's always gonna be a craving to understand these degenerates but the best thing to do is just exterminate them. They're evil.


Domestically feral
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United states
Ponto from another board claimed the trans are really just chauvinistic or chauvinists.

They want domination over women.

They do really seem to hate women when you engage them on convos about women's sex based rights. They are VERY dismissive of the valid concerns women have for their safety and they will go to aggression very quickly.

You can tell they are still VERY much MALE by how fast they resort to aggression. Like yelling, getting the finger out and getting in faces like men do.

Women dont do this.....even when angry, we typically will not get up in eachothers faces with our chests out. That's a male move.


Domestically feral
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United states
This is an excellent article!

"Solzhenitsyn suggested if all mankind’s needs were somehow met, and his troubles eliminated, he would invent needs and troubles. Everyone needs a dragon to slay; obstacles to overcome so that we can find meaning within the drudgery we call existence. When people are struggling to get by, the demagogue peddling cultist beliefs finds his ideas hard to sell, but when the sun is shining and crops are bountiful, is when men without troubles seek the same. Similarly, it is no coincidence that cults target the middle class and the wealthy. It is those living spoiled and aimless lives for whom a glimmer of purpose is an easy sell. For the same reason, intellectuals are prone to embrace the absurd; also inventing dragons that they then might slay. In a society more and more divorced from the ethos that gave its people purpose, it is not just the ivory tower denizens who find sanity hard to hold onto, but those under their tutelage as well.

The modern revolt against reason, seen among leftist intelligentsia, is not the first time this has been attempted. Marx tried in vain to get the working classes to revolt, seeing in the end their religion inoculated them from his lies. For practicing Jews and Christians, meaning is found in the edicts of God. Jews interpret it as Tikkun Olam, or repair the world, for Christians the command is in the form of bringing the kingdom of heaven to earth. In either case, the meaning is essentially the same, through love, compassion, and self-sacrifice bring harmony and peace. In a broken world, it is a task that is never ending, and gives purpose to the lives of the faithful. For those without such an overarching theme to guide them, their search for purpose leaves them vulnerable to the inane and perverse.

Where the motivation of Judeo-Christian ethos is love and compassion, the leftists rely on fear, envy, anger and hate. In the modern world, where old ways and the Judeo-Christian ethos have waned in influence, and increases in wealth have left minions without personal challenges, the left is finding the field of potential revolutionaries plentiful and ready for harvest. Seeking purpose, the potential recruit is an empty vessel waiting to be filled. By evoking negative emotions, the leftist is able to tap into the primitive fight or flight part of mankind’s being. The combination is a one-two punch, both eliciting positive feelings of purpose, while evoking negative one’s that relieve them of their full faculties.

The left see boogeymen hiding behind every corner, people who by their economic status, skin color, religion or just because they oppose the leftist agenda are seen as evil enemies. There is also always some catastrophe waiting to envelop mankind, chemicals like DDT, Global Cooling, and acid rain all took on that role, now it is Climate Change. On university campuses, free speech has become a source of fear as well. Young men and women run to prepared safe rooms less they are forced to their senses, groveling in a fear inspired by those entrusted to help them develop into productive adults. By inspiring rage and fear in its followers, the left’s True Believers are turned into men and women without a will of their own. Mindless minions prone to form mobs and destroy all that made the world in which they live. A cult in every sense of the word."

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"Anger is their default emotion, a deep-seated rage that is beyond reason. Committed to the dark path, they are exiles from what Edmond Burke called “the world of reason, and order, and peace, and virtue, and fruitful penitence,” and fallen “into the antagonist world of madness discord, vice confusion, and unavailing sorrow.”"
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Domestically feral
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United states

Good lord.

She talks about the viscious hate she gets and towards the end, plays some voicemails from rabid transactivists.


Domestically feral
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"In January, a woman was photographed
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at the Vancouver Women’s March that included the words, “Trans ideology is misogyny.” This might be viewed as a hyperbolic message for those who consider themselves good, liberal people and who care about a group they have been informed are in extreme danger, and particularly marginalized. And perhaps, if you were unfamiliar with the way women and feminists are addressed by trans activists, you might wonder what statements like this are rooted in. A few years ago, I might have questioned this as well, thinking, “well that’s a bit much, isn’t it.” But as trans activism has gained ground and as I myself — as well as many other women — have begun questioning and speaking out about the aims, ideology, and policies supported in the name of “trans rights,” it has become impossible to deny what is being supported through trans activism: violence against women.

Last week, photographs of an exhibit currently on display at the
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emerged online, depicting bloody shirts with the words, “I punch TERFs,” alongside baseball bats and axes, painted pink and blue to reference the gender ideology being touted, some covered in barbed wire, in order to amplify the grotesqueness of the threatened beating. The exhibit was set up by “Scout Tran,” a trans-identified male and founding member of the
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, a group that now has chapters throughout the United States. The group attends queer and feminist events, including the Dyke March, the
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, and the
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, carrying these weapons, which they claim as defensible activism, but is undeniably a visible threat and incitement to violence against women."

"The threats attached to slogans like “I punch TERFs” are not theoretical. Earlier this month, a trans-identified male who goes by the name “Tara Wolf” was
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of assault after beating 60-year-old Maria MacLauchlan, who had gathered with other women in Hyde Park to attend a meeting discussing gender identity ideology and legislation. Wolf had posted on Facebook about his desire to attend this gathering in order to “fuck up some TERFs.” In what other circumstance would anyone — self-identified progressives, in particular — defend viable threats of violence against women? Sadly, lots."

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The more I read about this issue and these leftwing transactivist violent hatred of women who are JUST trying to defend the safety and rights of women and girls....I mean it's just psychotic hatred.

These people are NOT oppressed. They ARE oppressors. Police have harrassed women who tweet things that are just facts because its "transphobia". POLICE have gotten involved over "transphobic tweets"

Police have NEVER gotten involved over rape and death threats sent women, btw. That is all tolerated but say "transwomen are not women" and it's some high crime that subjects you to threats and harrassment. Oh and police.

Obviously the left embraces this and passionately participates in it. Male violence against women.

"Liberals and the left have broadly defended violence against women as “art” or “sex,” though perhaps in a less overt way than they have outright threats of violence to feminists who wish to question or discuss the notion of gender identity. Pornography, for example, is one area where violence and abuse is consistently defended on account of it being “sex,” “fantasy,” or “free speech.” The ability of men and their allies to avoid viewing a woman being
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, hit, or gang-raped as “real violence” because it is connected to men’s desire and masturbation is without bounds. Similarly, the notion that a man offering a women financial compensation in exchange for
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time and time again as
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regardless of the impact on that woman and the broader message this practice sends to all men and women, everywhere."


Domestically feral
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United states

OMG. You people are so ignorant. It's stunning.

We need a "the sky is falling" emoji.

Hey @LotusBud can you tell me when openly calling for violence and murder of women was ever on the right side of history?

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Do you think this is okay? That if we dont STFU about violent men being able to be transferred to womens prisons where women are trapped with rapists and getting beaten and raped and even impregnated, that if we speak out against men being able to come into womens spaces and expose themselves that these biological men should be able to engage in this psychotic hatred and incitement of violence against women?

Dont avoid this.

These are blatantly clear examples of left wing HATE and you wont be able to dodge around it and deny it forever.

Is all this "blow back" and acceptable? You better not say yes.


Domestically feral
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United states
The American left wing communist "idea".....antifa....attacking women for speaking out against a voyuer pervert who claimed to be a woman, went into a womans spa, got buck naked with his semi erect dick out and got into a hot tub next to a 9 year old little girl and REFUSED to leave.

And the spa and police had to take his side due to gender identity legislation.

So far left antifa crashed the protest and incited VIOLENCE against WOMEN.

Is this blow back? Is this because of the oppression we forced onto men by fighting for our own rights and safety?

Btw shes wrong about the start of antifa. Maybe if she knew the truth about antifa it would not confuse her why they are going after women defending their rights and safety.....because I'm not one bit surprised. antifa ARE fascists, who function like fascists, and who are more violent and authoritarian than the punk sub culture shes calling fascists ever were. That's a bullshit narrative to legitimize a fascist group of domestic terrorists. People who have no problem brutalizing, murdering and terrorizing innocent people.


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"There is no campaign of violence by women against males or people who identify as trans. There are just arguments about the impact on women of gender self-ID politics and how best to fight sexism. There is no justification whatsoever for violence or threats against women holding placards or wearing T-shirts just because you don’t like the message. When you use violence against people just because you don’t like their opinions, YOU become the fascist. You are trying to dictate and control what other people are allowed to say and think."

Yes. It's actually the SAME regarding EVERYONE antifa and leftwing activist target and go after. This applies to Trump supporters and conservatives. All they want is to live in peace, not be taxed too death and to live by their values and preserve their civil liberties. They want this for everyone. This woman hasnt realized yet the massive propaganda campaign against the right.. who are now the defenders of the liberal order......is exactly what shes saying is being done to feminists to challenge the gender cult for the rights and safety of women.

But left wingers viscious smear literally everyone who doesnr agree with them or want left wing demands imposed on them. This lady is a sort of sweet summer child regarding the nasty sharp turn into violent hatred and totalitarianism the left has embraced.

Thry ARE the fascists and use threats and violence and smears to silence any dissent. THIS is the reality.

Antifa was not on the right side of history when they started. They are not on the right side of history today.

I wish you open your eyes and look your "side" in it's true ugly face and SEE what they are actually doing. Our civil rights and liberties are being chipped away. Our sex based rights are gone and we cant even talk about it.

The left has become everything they say they oppose, everything they call others they are the only ones doing.

Eventually you'll have to have a reckoning with the reality of what they've become.
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Domestically feral
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United states
"The right-wing are now trying to capitalise on this false framing of gender-critical feminism as right-wing and are now building their groups off the back of what actually was a struggle against sexism launched by left-wing feminists. Those who spread lies and smears about women resisting GI are responsible for this growth. Take a long hard think about what you are trying to achieve because you are actually empowering the right. And you are simultaneously weakening the left by creating polarisation and division and intolerance of other opinions. You are also creating fear among younger trans-identifying people who believe your lies that feminists hate them, rather than the reality that we want everyone to be free from sexist expectations about how people should behave"

SO funny. Because the majority of us being labeled the "right wing" are just regular people who want to defend and preserve our civil liberties and ability to make a living for ourselves. We are all "alt right".....even those of us who used to vote left.

Whether she realizes it or not.....shes labeled right wing and she may as well accept it. Because these feminists and lesbians are going to be considered right wing violent terrorists to the new left. Just like all of us who challenge the left dogma surrounding race. Well any left dogma.

In fact this is exactly what the left is doing to black people. Brainwashing them that they are violently hated, rejected and oppressed by all of us right of Stalin. They are spreading fear and hatred and inciting violence all over the country.

And you would have to be willfully blind to not see it.

There is no point in her trying to assert that shes not right and they are "empowering" the right. Because most of the right are just classical liberals. No point in playing their Orwellian words games and getting tripped on labels when our rights and liberties are being attacked and stomped right in front of us while we get mobs of hateful authoritarians harassing and threatening anyone who speaks against them.

The values this women is speaking from and defending is the modern right wing. She may as well embrace it.
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Domestically feral
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United states
I'd like an example of any single movement that was on the right side of history that refused to engage in civil discourse, that encouraged eachother not speak to or listen to their opposition, who engaged in and called for violence against their opposition(especailly male violence against women), who launch viscious smear campaigns against anyone who disagrees with them and silenced and censored anyone out of line of their religion? And who did all this with legislative power and massive corporate and political support?,

Who did this on the right side of history? Who?

The LEFT are the oppressors. The violent, hateful oppressors. You WILL have to acknowledge this eventually and make a choice whether you will continue to throw your support behind this hateful authoritarian movement that fights for men's rights to rape even. Hopefully you can ultimately be stronger than the emotional manipulation you've had pushed on you about the people who speak out from the other side. You need to be willing to hear people out and let your beliefs be challenged. So you can see there are no white supremacists oppressing black people, minorities are not hated(by us at least), there are no transphobic bigots. All these accusations and excuses for hate are 200 percent propaganda designed to help the elites strip our rights, subvert our country and subjugate the people.

I wish you would follow the money and look at the relationship between grossly wealthy pharma owners and this gender identity movement. There has been billions put into pushing this ideology. It's on PURPOSE. Young girls and children are being encouraged to transition and they are detransitioning later because they regret it.

Anytime a movement uses this kind of hatred there are bigger more reaching agendas. And you know it's well funded.
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Domestically feral
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United states

Look at this. Antifa cornering and attacking a WOMAN, by herself, who was using her constitutional RIGHT to peacefully protest against predators coming into womens spaces to victimize women and little girls.

That's why they are cussing at and bullying and threatening her. Because shes protesting for the safety of women.

These fucking fascist thugs are trying to stomp on her rights, silence her voice, make her fear for her safety because they are defending actual fucking predators. Antifa and leftwing activists showed up like a brute squad to shut those women up. Stomp out their right to protest and silence their defense of womens sex based rights and our ability to be safe from rapists and predators.

Are our rights trivial to you @LotusBud ? If one day you are in CA and a man....who looks like a man....comes into the target dressing room to jerk off and no one stops him(this is happening)....and he victimizes you, your own leftwing side will throw your ass under the bus so fast and literally threaten you with violence to shut you up. Do you have daughters? I do.

I wont bother asking H or Admin because I already know they are misogynist with how they speak to and treat me completely unprovoked because they couldnt reasonable address my points.

Left wingers come out swinging over abortion calling it "womens rights" when it helps traffickers and rapists and degrades our bodies as "slavery". But now womens sex based rights are being taken and women are being violently attacked for speaking out.

This is infuriating, terrifying and not okay by any stretch.

Since the left only speaks violence, that may be all they understand. How do you think blow back against this will go?
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Domestically feral
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United states

These psychotic savages show up at a peaceful protest to defend womens safety and rights for the purpose of intimidation and silencing the voices of women and incite violence......and then they LIE.

And then they have the ironic audacity to call the people they were trying to silence and attack FASCIST.

You know who doest do this? The right. The modern right. All they have ever done is show up to help protect the private property and businesses of citizens and provide first aid. And clean up destruction.

Because left wing activists are violent, hateful tyrants to leave nothing but pain and destruction everywhere they fucking go.

And you KNOW I'm right.

And Rooftop Koreans are heros and will be remembered as heroes ♡


This is exactly what Kyle Rittenhouse was doing along with other community members in Kenosha. Defending small business from rioters. When he was attacked by leftwing terrorists who would have killed him for putting out a fucking fire.
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Domestically feral
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United states
Well people are seeing more and more how the modern left doesnt care about women....black people....education....civil liberties....human rights....workers ....free speech.

They shit on every one of these. With no end in sight.