Vaccinate or be Outcast

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
@Bastard Factory , can you change the thread title to "Vaccinate and be Outcast" ?

It would be a more accurate representation of the present situation, because these pro vaxx cucks have become unbearable with their CNN Covid rhetoric.
Did you know that everyone in FLorida dieded from the VID?

like, everyone. THe whole state is a barren wasteland right now

… except you left out the part where you decided to work remotely from FloriDUH before the pandemic… so you’re going to have to get the vaccine to board a plane. Unless you produce a bootleg vaccine card, but then you’re going to infect everyone in your fam with the delta variant or be proven a fraud online with this absurd political fanatic stance you’ve taken…. Oooohhh noes!

Or you could always drive through Jersey rush hour traffic *gigglesnortz*

Let me guess, you've voluntarily had at least 4 or 5 doses of the magical mystery globohomo vaxx and are eagerly awaiting your next fix?


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
@Bastard Factory , can you change the thread title to "Vaccinate and be Outcast" ?

It would be a more accurate representation of the present situation, because these pro vaxx cucks have become unbearable with their CNN Covid rhetoric.
Did you know that everyone in FLorida dieded from the VID?

like, everyone. THe whole state is a barren wasteland right now

… except you left out the part where you decided to work remotely from FloriDUH before the pandemic… so you’re going to have to get the vaccine to board a plane. Unless you produce a bootleg vaccine card, but then you’re going to infect everyone in your fam with the delta variant or be proven a fraud online with this absurd political fanatic stance you’ve taken…. Oooohhh noes!

Or you could always drive through Jersey rush hour traffic *gigglesnortz*

Let me guess, you've voluntarily had at least 4 or 5 doses of the magical mystery globohomo vaxx already and are eagerly awaiting your next fix?

I had scarlet fever as a child and have been sheltering in place because my immune system was damaged. I have not had the vaccine.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
@Bastard Factory , can you change the thread title to "Vaccinate and be Outcast" ?

It would be a more accurate representation of the present situation, because these pro vaxx cucks have become unbearable with their CNN Covid rhetoric.
Did you know that everyone in FLorida dieded from the VID?

like, everyone. THe whole state is a barren wasteland right now

… except you left out the part where you decided to work remotely from FloriDUH before the pandemic… so you’re going to have to get the vaccine to board a plane. Unless you produce a bootleg vaccine card, but then you’re going to infect everyone in your fam with the delta variant or be proven a fraud online with this absurd political fanatic stance you’ve taken…. Oooohhh noes!

Or you could always drive through Jersey rush hour traffic *gigglesnortz*
Actually, I left NYC DURING the pandemic.

And thus far no plane boarding is necessary nor do I see it coming to fruition any time in the near future. But see, that's what happens when you are talented enough to dictate the terms of your employment :CooL:

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
@Bastard Factory , can you change the thread title to "Vaccinate and be Outcast" ?

It would be a more accurate representation of the present situation, because these pro vaxx cucks have become unbearable with their CNN Covid rhetoric.
Did you know that everyone in FLorida dieded from the VID?

like, everyone. THe whole state is a barren wasteland right now

… except you left out the part where you decided to work remotely from FloriDUH before the pandemic… so you’re going to have to get the vaccine to board a plane. Unless you produce a bootleg vaccine card, but then you’re going to infect everyone in your fam with the delta variant or be proven a fraud online with this absurd political fanatic stance you’ve taken…. Oooohhh noes!

Or you could always drive through Jersey rush hour traffic *gigglesnortz*

Let me guess, you've voluntarily had at least 4 or 5 doses of the magical mystery globohomo vaxx already and are eagerly awaiting your next fix?

I had scarlet fever as a child and have been sheltering in place because my immune system was damaged. I have not had the vaccine.

Lol ok, well unless you're over 70 or your immune system is truly on it's last legs, you'll most likely be fine if you venture outside, so you should go and live your life as normal,instead of listening to ZOG propaganda and sheltering like a hermit.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
@Bastard Factory , can you change the thread title to "Vaccinate and be Outcast" ?

It would be a more accurate representation of the present situation, because these pro vaxx cucks have become unbearable with their CNN Covid rhetoric.
Did you know that everyone in FLorida dieded from the VID?

like, everyone. THe whole state is a barren wasteland right now

… except you left out the part where you decided to work remotely from FloriDUH before the pandemic… so you’re going to have to get the vaccine to board a plane. Unless you produce a bootleg vaccine card, but then you’re going to infect everyone in your fam with the delta variant or be proven a fraud online with this absurd political fanatic stance you’ve taken…. Oooohhh noes!

Or you could always drive through Jersey rush hour traffic *gigglesnortz*

Let me guess, you've voluntarily had at least 4 or 5 doses of the magical mystery globohomo vaxx already and are eagerly awaiting your next fix?

I had scarlet fever as a child and have been sheltering in place because my immune system was damaged. I have not had the vaccine.

Lol ok, well unless you're over 70 or your immune system is truly on it's last legs, you'll most likely be fine if you venture outside, so you should go and live your life as normal,instead of listening to ZOG propaganda and sheltering like a hermit.

what can I say… I’m SHOOK


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
@Bastard Factory , can you change the thread title to "Vaccinate and be Outcast" ?

It would be a more accurate representation of the present situation, because these pro vaxx cucks have become unbearable with their CNN Covid rhetoric.
Did you know that everyone in FLorida dieded from the VID?

like, everyone. THe whole state is a barren wasteland right now

… except you left out the part where you decided to work remotely from FloriDUH before the pandemic… so you’re going to have to get the vaccine to board a plane. Unless you produce a bootleg vaccine card, but then you’re going to infect everyone in your fam with the delta variant or be proven a fraud online with this absurd political fanatic stance you’ve taken…. Oooohhh noes!

Or you could always drive through Jersey rush hour traffic *gigglesnortz*
Actually, I left NYC DURING the pandemic.

And thus far no plane boarding is necessary nor do I see it coming to fruition any time in the near future. But see, that's what happens when you are talented enough to dictate the terms of your employment :CooL:

You’re talking to someone who has worked in 3 jurisdictions in the past 10 years… this is your first rodeo out of your home state…. and the purchase was prior to covid if memory serves me correct, which it typically does.

I still think travel to NYC is inevitable regardless of how you try to spin that….


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
If people would have just sheltered in place as initially mandated we never would have needed the vaccine….

But but what about peacefully protesting and stuff? You know, for St George?

Looking back some might call it irresponsible to crowd by the thousands while getting up close and personal with the pigs but, think of all the really really cool things that happened as that shelter in place mandate were ignored? why, we had us a 7 week insurgency in one our biggest cities where an entire police station was abandoned, sacked and turned into something out of Escape from New York, endless fires and property destruction in others... and.. and... lets not forget the looting... ah yes... the really cool looting.

you know, cause nothing screams black lives matter more than black grandma from the south side of chicago not being able to get her live saving medicine the day after nearly every pharmacy and shopping center in a 10 mile radius was either destroyed or looted bare.

Looking back at it all I can see clearly now why we could truthfully blame citizens in Wyoming who live a minimum of 10 miles apart and enjoy human to human contact with outsiders for maybe 12 minutes out of their entire life spans for all those shelter in place mandates that were ignored.

They did it!!! it was them, the red states did it, the red states did it!!!!!

Have you lost your fucking mind? Someone is going way too hard in the kool-aid these days. No one said shit about red states being to blame. I actually blamed the lab in China…. and that shit was shipped to Washington via sex trafficked container ship.

I protested for due process when the media spun that shit as a routine traffic stop. I am an officer of the court and that is my right to protest peacefully, wannabe whitey.

Did I strike a nerve? lol?

not even close to one of the 8,000 I wish you would:SmokeBreak1:


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Oh fuk! One of the libtard motherships has gone off the resi! RED ALERT!

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July 30 (Reuters) - Three-quarters of people infected with COVID-19 at July public events in a town on Cape Cod in Massachusetts were fully vaccinated, a study by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) showed.
The study, published on Friday, suggested the Delta variant of the virus was highly contagious. The outbreak occurred in Provincetown on Cape Cod, according to Barnstable County health authorities.
The CDC study found vaccinated individuals had a similar amount of virus presence as the unvaccinated, suggesting that, unlike with other variants, vaccinated people infected with the Delta variant could transmit the virus, the CDC said.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Wondering why Professor Lotusdumbfuck didn't critique the grammar in the title of this thread

dumb fucking witch

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Oh fuk! One of the libtard motherships has gone off the resi! RED ALERT!

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July 30 (Reuters) - Three-quarters of people infected with COVID-19 at July public events in a town on Cape Cod in Massachusetts were fully vaccinated, a study by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) showed.
The study, published on Friday, suggested the Delta variant of the virus was highly contagious. The outbreak occurred in Provincetown on Cape Cod, according to Barnstable County health authorities.
The CDC study found vaccinated individuals had a similar amount of virus presence as the unvaccinated, suggesting that, unlike with other variants, vaccinated people infected with the Delta variant could transmit the virus, the CDC said.

Turns out the vaccine ain't doing much good. Chances are that it's going to do a lot of bad by the end of this....

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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Oh fuk! One of the libtard motherships has gone off the resi! RED ALERT!

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July 30 (Reuters) - Three-quarters of people infected with COVID-19 at July public events in a town on Cape Cod in Massachusetts were fully vaccinated, a study by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) showed.
The study, published on Friday, suggested the Delta variant of the virus was highly contagious. The outbreak occurred in Provincetown on Cape Cod, according to Barnstable County health authorities.
The CDC study found vaccinated individuals had a similar amount of virus presence as the unvaccinated, suggesting that, unlike with other variants, vaccinated people infected with the Delta variant could transmit the virus, the CDC said.

Turns out the vaccine ain't doing much good. Chances are that it's going to do a lot of bad by the end of this....

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Yea, the vaccines are as much a waste of time as the shitty surgical masks. We're constantly lied to.


Domestically feral
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United states
Goobernor DuhSantis springs into action signing a law allowing parents to expose their precious babbies to the Rona's
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Right. So a policy that makes masks an option for kids instead of a requirement, in leftard psychodrama land that's a law saying parents can expose their child to Covid. This gaslighting is why I called leftists narcissists.

Listen to your doctors.....unless what they say contradicts leftwing politics. Because leftwing politics are more authoritative than doctors.

And reframing peoples positions and points like this is what makes you guys liars. It's not a law that allows parents to expose their kids to Covid. Saying that is a complete lie.

YOU guys are operating under a false belief that masks protect you from Covid. Because the media and politicains told you this. Other people that dont buy into this and know what actual medical professionals say about forcing children to wear masks all day have decided the perceived benefit doesnt outweigh risks.

You guys and your constant sanctimonious attitude and lying for the purpose of demonizing people that make decisions for their own kids outside of your media/political cult is pathetic. It shows what your real intentions are.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
The vaccine was developed and authorized under a Republican administration.. and was distributed and administered under a democratic one.

This isn’t political. It’s a global pandemic. Get a grip.


Domestically feral
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United states
"Many governments have made nose and mouth covering or face masks compulsory for schoolchildren. The evidence base for this is weak.
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The question whether nose and mouth covering increases carbon dioxide in inhaled air is crucial. A large-scale survey
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in Germany of adverse effects in parents and children using data of 25 930 children has shown that 68% of the participating children had problems when wearing nose and mouth coverings."

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So since Admin wants to play leftwing games with words....I can just as easily say that Admin wants the government to force parents to make their kids sick by forcing them to re breathe CO2 all fucking day. statement has more credibility because there are studies that show this. Until these studies became retracted right when the governments were pushing it.

Where as everyone knows wearing a mask doesn't stop you from being exposed to his claim that masks prevent exposure isnt backed by science. It's just peddled by media and even Fauci knows this.

So he is degrading parents and accusing them of putting their kids in harm's way because they violated HIS media/political opinions in favor of their pediatricains....and that's a crime. They should shut up and make their kids sick, because leftists demand it.

I'm not saying kids should never wear masks. I'm saying not even in the medical field...working with infectious disease and patients with immune issues do people wear masks all day everyday and doing do is not going to be healthy. At all. Even surgeons dont wear a mask for 8 hours a day. They remove them everytime they exit the OR. In between patients. Et.
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I can understand why people would nt want to get the COVID vaccine.

I still have side effects from the first shot and they haven't gone away five weeks later.

However, if yer not gonna get the shot, then don't be an idiot either.

And be prepared to pay the price of having to quaraintine or self isolate in order to protect yourself.

At least non-vaxxers should not be like thiese people in Missouri who refuse to vaccinate, and then go out on an orgy of drinking & stupidity:

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Lol @ "Good to know".

You're the patron saint of faggotry and spend most of your pension in those sort of establishments.
no yuo are, you mind numbingly stoopid 3rd world creature.

Europe is the third world? Lol, no doubt you were too busy sucking cock at school to have found the time to learn basic geography.
You're not in Europe dumbass, have you forgotten that whole Brexit dealio?
Not only - but Britz don't think they are part of Europe because...theChannel.
See - it's separate. They're special. If you don't believe me..see: FaeryAnn. He's very "special".

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Lol @ "Good to know".

You're the patron saint of faggotry and spend most of your pension in those sort of establishments.
no yuo are, you mind numbingly stoopid 3rd world creature.

Europe is the third world? Lol, no doubt you were too busy sucking cock at school to have found the time to learn basic geography.
You're not in Europe dumbass, have you forgotten that whole Brexit dealio?
Not only - but Britz don't think they are part of Europe because...theChannel.
See - it's separate. They're special. If you don't believe me..see: FaeryAnn. He's very "special".

N1gger, English isn't even your first language, so wtf are you on about?


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
I can understand why people would nt want to get the COVID vaccine.

I still have side effects from the first shot and they haven't gone away five weeks later.

However, if yer not gonna get the shot, then don't be an idiot either.

And be prepared to pay the price of having to quaraintine or self isolate in order to protect yourself.

At least non-vaxxers should not be like thiese people in Missouri who refuse to vaccinate, and then go out on an orgy of drinking & stupidity:

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Lol @ "Good to know".

You're the patron saint of faggotry and spend most of your pension in those sort of establishments.
no yuo are, you mind numbingly stoopid 3rd world creature.

Europe is the third world? Lol, no doubt you were too busy sucking cock at school to have found the time to learn basic geography.
You're not in Europe dumbass, have you forgotten that whole Brexit dealio?
Not only - but Britz don't think they are part of Europe because...theChannel.
See - it's separate. They're special. If you don't believe me..see: FaeryAnn. He's very "special".

N1gger, English isn't even your first language, so wtf are you on about?
Oooo - seems Sergeant Shultz got a bee in her bonnet and anties in her panties.


Domestically feral
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United states
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This article directly explains why people are not trusting any official narratives and this is why other people are being driven to conspiracies.

We really are in a huge mess and there is really no solutions, especailly with a leftwing so obsessed with control and power.


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This article directly explains why people are not trusting any official narratives and this is why other people are being driven to conspiracies.

We really are in a huge mess and there is really no solutions, especailly with a leftwing so obsessed with control and power.
Biden's going to close the CDC - just watch.
...anyway - CDC did say their little Massachusetts study is too little to draw conclusions.
Says so right in the article/report.

"The SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant is highly transmissible (1), and understanding determinants of transmission, including human behavior and vaccine effectiveness, is critical to developing prevention strategies. Multipronged prevention strategies are needed to reduce COVID-19–related morbidity and mortality (4).

The findings in this report are subject to at least four limitations. First, data from this report are insufficient to draw conclusions about the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines against SARS-CoV-2, including the Delta variant, during this outbreak. As population-level vaccination coverage increases, vaccinated persons are likely to represent a larger proportion of COVID-19 cases. Second, asymptomatic breakthrough infections might be underrepresented because of detection bias. Third, demographics of cases likely reflect those of attendees at the public gatherings, as events were marketed to adult male participants; further study is underway to identify other population characteristics among cases, such as additional demographic characteristics and underlying health conditions including immunocompromising conditions.*** MA DPH, CDC, and affected jurisdictions are collaborating in this response; MA DPH is conducting additional case investigations, obtaining samples for genomic sequencing, and linking case information with laboratory data and vaccination history. Finally, Ct values obtained with SARS-CoV-2 qualitative RT-PCR diagnostic tests might provide a crude correlation to the amount of virus present in a sample and can also be affected by factors other than viral load.††† Although the assay used in this investigation was not validated to provide quantitative results, there was no significant difference between the Ct values of samples collected from breakthrough cases and the other cases. This might mean that the viral load of vaccinated and unvaccinated persons infected with SARS-CoV-2 is also similar. However, microbiological studies are required to confirm these findings."
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
This article directly explains why people are not trusting any official narratives and this is why other people are being driven to conspiracies.

We really are in a huge mess and there is really no solutions, especailly with a leftwing so obsessed with control and power.

Meanwhile, Pfizer is nw pushing a 3rd or booster shot, emphatically stating that we all need it t combat the Delta Variant.

But the Head Doctor and other physicians in the US have stated that this is not needed at this time:

Also one of them actually stated that she's apprehensive to approve a 3rd shot because of unknown side effects and that they have not been properly tested.

So Pfizer appears to be pushing a vaccine primarily for profit, not safety - even AGAINST the recommendations of the top registered board Physicians educated at the best medical schools in the United States.

You can't trust Big Pharma.
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Domestically feral
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United states
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This article directly explains why people are not trusting any official narratives and this is why other people are being driven to conspiracies.

We really are in a huge mess and there is really no solutions, especailly with a leftwing so obsessed with control and power.
Biden's going to close the CDC - just watch.
...anyway - CDC did say their little Massachusetts study is too little to draw conclusions.
Says so right in the article.

You guys dont read people very well at all. You know why? You guys constantly look for arguments and you manufacture them where they dont exist.

I clearly stated the reason I posted that article. But you have apparently read something that isnt there. You guys like to make shit up.

Honestly if you guys care about the country at all, what you should do is stay in your leftwing bubbles, keep your medias nicely sealed into those bubbles with you. Because all guys do is damage. You guys just drive the worst. Half the country will not get this shot and you guys are only going to ensure they never will. The gross and dramatic propaganda is so transparent and it doesnt work. Objective information and respect of autonomy would have yielded better vaccination results. But you guys fuck up EVERYTHING you touch. That nasty controlling and dishonest shit....just sabotages any efforts.

People do not trust your party. Or your media. With good reason, too.

Really we should just have succession.


I know, right.
...and one could wonder what factors might make this local outbreak so different from other areas where vaccines proved effective with respect to the Delta variant.
Personally, I'm hoping an extra dose of marijuana and booze will be a sufficient as a booster.

"The SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant is highly transmissible (1), and understanding determinants of transmission, including human behavior and vaccine effectiveness, is critical to developing prevention strategies. Multipronged prevention strategies are needed to reduce COVID-19–related morbidity and mortality (4).

The findings in this report are subject to at least four limitations. First, data from this report are insufficient to draw conclusions about the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines against SARS-CoV-2, including the Delta variant, during this outbreak. As population-level vaccination coverage increases, vaccinated persons are likely to represent a larger proportion of COVID-19 cases. Second, asymptomatic breakthrough infections might be underrepresented because of detection bias. Third, demographics of cases likely reflect those of attendees at the public gatherings, as events were marketed to adult male participants; further study is underway to identify other population characteristics among cases, such as additional demographic characteristics and underlying health conditions including immunocompromising conditions.*** MA DPH, CDC, and affected jurisdictions are collaborating in this response; MA DPH is conducting additional case investigations, obtaining samples for genomic sequencing, and linking case information with laboratory data and vaccination history. Finally, Ct values obtained with SARS-CoV-2 qualitative RT-PCR diagnostic tests might provide a crude correlation to the amount of virus present in a sample and can also be affected by factors other than viral load.††† Although the assay used in this investigation was not validated to provide quantitative results, there was no significant difference between the Ct values of samples collected from breakthrough cases and the other cases. This might mean that the viral load of vaccinated and unvaccinated persons infected with SARS-CoV-2 is also similar. However, microbiological studies are required to confirm these findings."

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..anyway - time for a nice hike.
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Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
This article directly explains why people are not trusting any official narratives and this is why other people are being driven to conspiracies.

We really are in a huge mess and there is really no solutions, especailly with a leftwing so obsessed with control and power.

Meanwhile, Pfizer is nw pushing a 3rd or booster shot, emphatically stating that we all need it t combat the Delta Variant.

But the Head Doctor and other physicians in the US have stated that this is not needed at this time:

Also one of them actually stated that she's apprehensive to approve a 3rd shot because of unkonwn side effects and that they have nt been properly tested.

So Pfizer appears to be pushing a vaccine primarily for profit, not safety - even AGAINST the recommendations of the top registered board Physicians educated at the best medical schools in the United States.

You can't trust Big Pharma.


And if that wasnt bad enough.....people are attacking, degrading and calling people "murderers" if they are uncomfortable.

I swear. If the left didnt exist.....there would be thousands of people alive today and more people vaccinated.

NO ONE wants to comply with these people.

We need succession. People need to be allowed to ask questions and see transparency and that's just not possible with psychotic control freaks who just hate half the country.