Speaking of states decending into third world status


Queenie Weenie
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La La Land
L.A.'s skid row is by far the worst I have ever seen. We are talking miles and miles and miles of tents, human feces, urine, used needles, and trash every where. The stench is horrible. Even the priest who runs the L.A. Mission (the largest homeless shelter in the western hemisphere) scrapped his leg on something and got an nfection soba they had to cut his leg off.
IKR? You would think those with nothing, would rather spend the winters in Northern Wisconsin or Minnesota instead of some place where it's warm and sunny most of the time.

he lives in Cali… he just can’t afford to live where I do lol


Factory Bastard
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Around three years ago a friend and I went up to L.A. in order to eat at Phillipe's The Original and to go visit a book store called The Last Book Store (we also wanted to visit the L.A. Central Library because they were having a special showing of theor rare books collection). The whole of downtown L.A. is a shit hole but we made a wrong turn and ended up on skid row. Yep, worse than advertised. Far worse.

BTW don't shake their hands because a common scam is to shake hands and then refuse to let go of your hand until you give then a dollar.


Factory Bastard
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L.A.'s skid row is by far the worst I have ever seen. We are talking miles and miles and miles of tents, human feces, urine, used needles, and trash every where. The stench is horrible. Even the priest who runs the L.A. Mission (the largest homeless shelter in the western hemisphere) scrapped his leg on something and got an nfection soba they had to cut his leg off.
IKR? You would think those with nothing, would rather spend the winters in Northern Wisconsin or Minnesota instead of some place where it's warm and sunny most of the time.

he lives in Cali… he just can’t afford to live where I do lol

Where do you live? I bet I have a more expensive house and if not then I bet my four houses certainly add up to more than your house. Also, I live in one of the few remaining nice parts of the state. Also my primary residence is laid off while I owe just $300,000 collectively on the other three.

So who cannot afford what?


Queenie Weenie
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La La Land
I live in a 2800 sq ft beach shack about 6 blocks from the beach north of where they filmed Threes Company.

Im going to renovate my house with ca$h… hence my business meeting with my father recently, who was willing to bankroll my adventure with one of his commercial properties… but I don’t feel like arguing with all of my brothers when he goes… so I’m going to do it on my own and avoid a reconveyance to remain grandfathered in on tax circa 1949.

I could have rented this place for $11,000 per month if I took his offer… and stayed in Seattle. I loved Seattle, but I missed the sunshine. I prefer to be around the upper middle class too. Less homeless issues.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
L.A.'s skid row is by far the worst I have ever seen. We are talking miles and miles and miles of tents, human feces, urine, used needles, and trash every where. The stench is horrible. Even the priest who runs the L.A. Mission (the largest homeless shelter in the western hemisphere) scrapped his leg on something and got an nfection soba they had to cut his leg off.
IKR? You would think those with nothing, would rather spend the winters in Northern Wisconsin or Minnesota instead of some place where it's warm and sunny most of the time.

he lives in Cali… he just can’t afford to live where I do lol

Where do you live? I bet I have a more expensive house and if not then I bet my four houses certainly add up to more than your house. Also, I live in one of the few remaining nice parts of the state.

Santa Monica


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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L.A.'s skid row is by far the worst I have ever seen. We are talking miles and miles and miles of tents, human feces, urine, used needles, and trash every where. The stench is horrible. Even the priest who runs the L.A. Mission (the largest homeless shelter in the western hemisphere) scrapped his leg on something and got an nfection soba they had to cut his leg off.
IKR? You would think those with nothing, would rather spend the winters in Northern Wisconsin or Minnesota instead of some place where it's warm and sunny most of the time.

he lives in Cali… he just can’t afford to live where I do lol

Where do you live? I bet I have a more expensive house and if not then I bet my four houses certainly add up to more than your house. Also, I live in one of the few remaining nice parts of the state.
Show me a picture of your bicep then. Unless your a poosie!


Domestically feral
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United states


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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Skid Row.

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There just down by the Ports waiting for all those high paying jobs that Trump is bringing back.

Which isnt gonna happen on YOUR watch!!!

Slow clap for shitting away school choice. Inner city minority kids were almost able to learn literacy. Close call there.

Simp's don't understand that "School Choice" is just Segregation with a fresh coat of paint.


Queenie Weenie
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La La Land
Skid Row.

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There just down by the Ports waiting for all those high paying jobs that Trump is bringing back.

Which isnt gonna happen on YOUR watch!!!

Slow clap for shitting away school choice. Inner city minority kids were almost able to learn literacy. Close call there.

Simp's don't understand that "School Choice" is just Segregation with a fresh coat of paint.

we all put our kids in private catholic school here in LA


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
L.A.'s skid row is by far the worst I have ever seen. We are talking miles and miles and miles of tents, human feces, urine, used needles, and trash every where. The stench is horrible. Even the priest who runs the L.A. Mission (the largest homeless shelter in the western hemisphere) scrapped his leg on something and got an nfection soba they had to cut his leg off.

How is San Diego?

Any worse? Any Better?

Or do most of them live outside the City Limits?

most of the 2nd generation locals had to move outside of the area I live in… a lot of the more entitled children took over north county San Diego and are trying to keep everyone out lol

Most of my old high school and college friends also had to move out. Even I chose to move inland as the coastal area was too expensive by the time I hit my 20's. Still, north county and central county still have nice places which were affordable in the 90's and 00's. You are right that NIMBYism is strong here.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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Skid Row.

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There just down by the Ports waiting for all those high paying jobs that Trump is bringing back.

Which isnt gonna happen on YOUR watch!!!

Slow clap for shitting away school choice. Inner city minority kids were almost able to learn literacy. Close call there.

Simp's don't understand that "School Choice" is just Segregation with a fresh coat of paint.

we all put our kids in private catholic school here in LA

A very wealthy Jew I worked for way back in the day, sent his kids to the local Catholic Schools.


Domestically feral
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Skid Row.

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There just down by the Ports waiting for all those high paying jobs that Trump is bringing back.

Which isnt gonna happen on YOUR watch!!!

Slow clap for shitting away school choice. Inner city minority kids were almost able to learn literacy. Close call there.

Simp's don't understand that "School Choice" is just Segregation with a fresh coat of paint.

Right! Because letting parents get vouchers to attend better schools OUT of the inner city so they can get an education is somehow "segregation!"

Yeah just repeat this insane retarded shit.

I guess this is your way of saying poor minorities need to stay in their shitholes.

I'm sure when they grow up illiterate and prison for gang and drug crimes they will thank you all for making sure no "segregation" occurred.


Factory Bastard
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There just down by the Ports waiting for all those high paying jobs that Trump is bringing back.

Which isnt gonna happen on YOUR watch!!!

Slow clap for shitting away school choice. Inner city minority kids were almost able to learn literacy. Close call there.

Simp's don't understand that "School Choice" is just Segregation with a fresh coat of paint.

That is completely backwards. Without school choice poor kids are literally stuck in shitty schools. With school choice they can pick which school to go to including private schools or charter schools. That is real choice where as you are advocating actual segregation, you ignorant know nothing.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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Skid Row.

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There just down by the Ports waiting for all those high paying jobs that Trump is bringing back.

Which isnt gonna happen on YOUR watch!!!

Slow clap for shitting away school choice. Inner city minority kids were almost able to learn literacy. Close call there.

Simp's don't understand that "School Choice" is just Segregation with a fresh coat of paint.

Right! Because letting parents get vouchers to attend better schools OUT of the inner city so they can get an education is somehow "segregation!"

Yeah just repeat this insane retarded shit.

I guess this is your way of saying poor minorities need to stay in their shitholes.

Oh aren't you just precious!


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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Skid Row.

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There just down by the Ports waiting for all those high paying jobs that Trump is bringing back.

Which isnt gonna happen on YOUR watch!!!

Slow clap for shitting away school choice. Inner city minority kids were almost able to learn literacy. Close call there.

Simp's don't understand that "School Choice" is just Segregation with a fresh coat of paint.

That is completely backwards. Without school choice poor kids are literally stuck in shitty schools. With school choice they can pick which school to go to including private schools or charter schools. That is real choice where as you are advocating actual segregation, you ignorant know nothing.

Walk us through how that will work, K?


Domestically feral
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United states
Skid Row.

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There just down by the Ports waiting for all those high paying jobs that Trump is bringing back.

Which isnt gonna happen on YOUR watch!!!

Slow clap for shitting away school choice. Inner city minority kids were almost able to learn literacy. Close call there.

Simp's don't understand that "School Choice" is just Segregation with a fresh coat of paint.

That is completely backwards. Without school choice poor kids are literally stuck in shitty schools. With school choice they can pick which school to go to including private schools or charter schools. That is real choice where as you are advocating actual segregation, you ignorant know nothing.

He is a fucking idiot and doesnt give a shit about other people.

These people dont even read Bill's. They wait for whatever bullshit other left wingers spew and run on that and ignore everything. I really am getting to where I hate them. They destroy everything.....even education.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
L.A.'s skid row is by far the worst I have ever seen. We are talking miles and miles and miles of tents, human feces, urine, used needles, and trash every where. The stench is horrible. Even the priest who runs the L.A. Mission (the largest homeless shelter in the western hemisphere) scrapped his leg on something and got an nfection soba they had to cut his leg off.

How is San Diego?

Any worse? Any Better?

Or do most of them live outside the City Limits?

It got a bit bad here as well because of that idiot judge in Idaho who made it illegal to move the homeless and prevent encampments unless you had free shelter to offer them first. Under our former Republican mayor he spent a lot on building shelter space and forcing homeless to either use it or keep moving along. Leftists hated him for that but it worked and the homeless population actually went down by double digits each year he was mayor.

Then covid hit, the CDC gave its horrible let people build encampments every where order, and encampments just exploded. Leftists thought this was a humanitarian victory and celebrated. Then when crime, public drug use, exploded and both tourists and locals started complaining now Dems are back tracking and timidly trying to stand up to the left wing extremists who wanted it to just be a free for all.


Queenie Weenie
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La La Land
I worked hard so my children received the best catholic education. My daughter graduates USC this year… with a masters. She will have 3 degrees total. I’m a proud Trojan mama.


Factory Bastard
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@Biggie Smiles ~ you’re THEE biggest boohoo’er about the homeless… now you’re applauding liberals for vandalizing a home of a mayor trying to do something about the homeless pandemic…. Yet you piss and moan about Antifa vandalizing shit DAFUQ *smh*

What do you imagine Garcetti has done to help the homeless? He hasn't done anything new and even the bonds he issued to supposedly pay for new below market public housing have mostly been pilfered by his cronies without a single new unit ever actually getting built. Plus their idiotic requirements and regulations has meant the cost to build a one bedroom apartment by the L.A. Housing Authority is around $800,000 due to all the graft and waste.

He is a corrupt joke and the dems themselves set up a ton of fake "nonprofits" where they suck up bills in public contracts, produce nothing, waste all the money even though nothing gets built, then as the head of the "nonprofit" they pay themselves $1 million a year plus. The California Insider by the Epic Times has covered this very well.

The sad truth is, BOTH parties do this kind of graft. Liberals learned very well from CONs, starting with Con-Lite Clinton. California isn't over-priced and crooked because of liberals. It's over-priced and crooked because of corporate grifters on both sides of the aisle. Both parties are ruining the country. Cons just do a much better and swifter job of it. They turn out more uneducated poor people than blue states do, and they're more experienced at peddling hate.


Around three years ago a friend and I went up to L.A. in order to eat at Phillipe's The Original and to go visit a book store called The Last Book Store (we also wanted to visit the L.A. Central Library because they were having a special showing of theor rare books collection). The whole of downtown L.A. is a shit hole but we made a wrong turn and ended up on skid row. Yep, worse than advertised. Far worse.

BTW don't shake their hands because a common scam is to shake hands and then refuse to let go of your hand until you give then a dollar.
Who the hell would ever shake a bums hand???


Domestically feral
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United states
Skid Row.

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There just down by the Ports waiting for all those high paying jobs that Trump is bringing back.

Which isnt gonna happen on YOUR watch!!!

Slow clap for shitting away school choice. Inner city minority kids were almost able to learn literacy. Close call there.

Simp's don't understand that "School Choice" is just Segregation with a fresh coat of paint.

That is completely backwards. Without school choice poor kids are literally stuck in shitty schools. With school choice they can pick which school to go to including private schools or charter schools. That is real choice where as you are advocating actual segregation, you ignorant know nothing.

Walk us through how that will work, K?

If you were not a hyperpartisan bot you could have walked your damn self through by reading the actual bill rather than just puking out the idiotic shit told you by other low info partisans.

Inner city schools are garbage. They are unsafe, and they are not even equipped to teach literacy. Hence the academic scores being so low.

School choice is SO needed so that parents cam have education options to send their children to better schools, and the vouchers redirect the tax funding to pay for that child. This ALSO puts pressure on the inner city schools to STEP UP.....which people have been fighting for for a long time.

In Detroit it's really bad, with kids as young as 9 joining gangs.

But I'm sure this all "right wing propaganda".

Your Jim Crow Joe Biden supported segregation. He said he didnt want schools to be "racial jungles" and fought against inner city minority children attending other schools.

Segregation is removing School Choice, forcing these kids to stay in these failed inner city schools. So basically YOU are the one forcing segregation by taking away the option for these kids to attend out of district suburban schools or private ones. You have it backwards.

But I dont believe you care at all about these kids, and only care about fighting with others.


Factory Bastard
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Skid Row.

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There just down by the Ports waiting for all those high paying jobs that Trump is bringing back.

Which isnt gonna happen on YOUR watch!!!

Slow clap for shitting away school choice. Inner city minority kids were almost able to learn literacy. Close call there.

Simp's don't understand that "School Choice" is just Segregation with a fresh coat of paint.

That is completely backwards. Without school choice poor kids are literally stuck in shitty schools. With school choice they can pick which school to go to including private schools or charter schools. That is real choice where as you are advocating actual segregation, you ignorant know nothing.

Walk us through how that will work, K?

I know you are stupid but even you should be able to figure this out. Yes, the top schools will remain competitive but religious schools generally are not as are most private schools. Where as local charters still serve and given area but freed from the regulations and political garbage of the local teacher's unions they offer another option for local parents.

Where as in your system all parents are stuck with their loc school no matter what. If it is a shit hole then there is no escape unless the parents can afford to move to a better area. More choice means more competition and more freedom for parents and students to find what suits their children.


Queenie Weenie
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La La Land

4 generations of my family have lived here. We watched the transplants come in and try to take over what my grandparents’ generation built… we buckled down and planned financially for the worst and now it will eventually work out in our favor. I hope no one can afford to live here when it’s over.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
@Biggie Smiles ~ you’re THEE biggest boohoo’er about the homeless… now you’re applauding liberals for vandalizing a home of a mayor trying to do something about the homeless pandemic…. Yet you piss and moan about Antifa vandalizing shit DAFUQ *smh*

What do you imagine Garcetti has done to help the homeless? He hasn't done anything new and even the bonds he issued to supposedly pay for new below market public housing have mostly been pilfered by his cronies without a single new unit ever actually getting built. Plus their idiotic requirements and regulations has meant the cost to build a one bedroom apartment by the L.A. Housing Authority is around $800,000 due to all the graft and waste.

He is a corrupt joke and the dems themselves set up a ton of fake "nonprofits" where they suck up bills in public contracts, produce nothing, waste all the money even though nothing gets built, then as the head of the "nonprofit" they pay themselves $1 million a year plus. The California Insider by the Epic Times has covered this very well.

The sad truth is, BOTH parties do this kind of graft. Liberals learned very well from CONs, starting with Con-Lite Clinton. California isn't over-priced and crooked because of liberals. It's over-priced and crooked because of corporate grifters on both sides of the aisle. Both parties are ruining the country. Cons just do a much better and swifter job of it. They turn out more uneducated poor people than blue states do, and they're more experienced at peddling hate.

Conservative isnt a party. It's a value system.

Democrat, Republican and Libertarian are the major parties.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Around three years ago a friend and I went up to L.A. in order to eat at Phillipe's The Original and to go visit a book store called The Last Book Store (we also wanted to visit the L.A. Central Library because they were having a special showing of theor rare books collection). The whole of downtown L.A. is a shit hole but we made a wrong turn and ended up on skid row. Yep, worse than advertised. Far worse.

BTW don't shake their hands because a common scam is to shake hands and then refuse to let go of your hand until you give then a dollar.
Who the hell would ever shake a bums hand???

He was a fellow vet so usually I will if it appears safe. I was at the VA La Jolla just this morning getting my annual blood draw for my yearly physical. I saw one obviously homeless vet who was asking about the grant per diem program and the VASH program so I offered to show him the right floor and office.

After I was done with the blood draw I saw the guy again and offered to buy him breakfast at the Patriot Cafe (V.A. Cafeteria). They have a decent breakfast for around $5. I do stuff like that.
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Domestically feral
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United states
Skid Row.

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There just down by the Ports waiting for all those high paying jobs that Trump is bringing back.

Which isnt gonna happen on YOUR watch!!!

Slow clap for shitting away school choice. Inner city minority kids were almost able to learn literacy. Close call there.

Simp's don't understand that "School Choice" is just Segregation with a fresh coat of paint.

That is completely backwards. Without school choice poor kids are literally stuck in shitty schools. With school choice they can pick which school to go to including private schools or charter schools. That is real choice where as you are advocating actual segregation, you ignorant know nothing.

Walk us through how that will work, K?

I know you are stupid but even you should be able to figure this out. Yes, the top schools will remain competitive but religious schools generally are not as are most private schools. Where as local charters still serve and given area but freed from the regulations and political garbage of the local teacher's unions they offer another option for local parents.

Where as in your system all parents are stuck with their loc school no matter what. If it is a shit hole then there is no escape unless the parents can afford to move to a better area. More choice means more competition and more freedom for parents and students to find what suits their children.

They dont give a fuck. They'd serve feces to these families before letting another party accomplish something good for them.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
L.A.'s skid row is by far the worst I have ever seen. We are talking miles and miles and miles of tents, human feces, urine, used needles, and trash every where. The stench is horrible. Even the priest who runs the L.A. Mission (the largest homeless shelter in the western hemisphere) scrapped his leg on something and got an nfection soba they had to cut his leg off.

How is San Diego?

Any worse? Any Better?

Or do most of them live outside the City Limits?

It got a bit bad here as well because of that idiot judge in Idaho who made it illegal to move the homeless and prevent encampments unless you had free shelter to offer them first. Under our former Republican mayor he spent a lot on building shelter space and forcing homeless to either use it or keep moving along. Leftists hated him for that but it worked and the homeless population actually went down by double digits each year he was mayor.

Then covid hit, the CDC gave its horrible let people build encampments every where order, and encampments just exploded. Leftists thought this was a humanitarian victory and celebrated. Then when crime, public drug use, exploded and both tourists and locals started complaining now Dems are back tracking and timidly trying to stand up to the left wing extremists who wanted it to just be a free for all.

Why would anyone hate shelter space for homeless? Wtf is wrong with them?


Skid Row.

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There just down by the Ports waiting for all those high paying jobs that Trump is bringing back.

Which isnt gonna happen on YOUR watch!!!

Slow clap for shitting away school choice. Inner city minority kids were almost able to learn literacy. Close call there.

Simp's don't understand that "School Choice" is just Segregation with a fresh coat of paint.

That is completely backwards. Without school choice poor kids are literally stuck in shitty schools. With school choice they can pick which school to go to including private schools or charter schools. That is real choice where as you are advocating actual segregation, you ignorant know nothing.

Walk us through how that will work, K?

I know you are stupid but even you should be able to figure this out. Yes, the top schools will remain competitive but religious schools generally are not as are most private schools. Where as local charters still serve and given area but freed from the regulations and political garbage of the local teacher's unions they offer another option for local parents.

Where as in your system all parents are stuck with their loc school no matter what. If it is a shit hole then there is no escape unless the parents can afford to move to a better area. More choice means more competition and more freedom for parents and students to find what suits their children.

They dont give a fuck. They'd serve feces to these families before letting another party accomplish something good for them.

Libs are totally beholden to teacher unions. And nobody hates children more than those unions.