The Joy of Confirmation Bias



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Anything Lotus writes that starts with "IMO" is an instant scroll bomb straight to a comment of disdain... Feel my disdain Lotus, feel it!!

Triggered ^^^^^

LMAO. Mission accomplished.
Wait, you've replied to my comment already now you're back again because you're clearly still thinking of said comment and I'M the one who's triggered? Makes sense... :Confused4:

Oh. Could you point me to the rule that says I have to remember your stupid posts from day to day? See, because I read it a second time and had a thought the second time I read it. But if that's against the rules, good to know!

All my posts trigger you.



Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
IMO, only people really far into the spectrum are capable of being unbiased observers and consumers of information (yes, a lot of scientists are on the spectrum).

That simple idea (and probably fact) being expressed, I also believe CONs are more often guilty of obvious and even gross instances of confirmation bias than are normal people. Hence, I LMAO when I see all the cons here posting, with great umbrage, about confirmation bias. Ah, the blindness.

I imagine the recent heavy "confirmation bias" activity on this site is due to a recent talking point distributed far and wide on the usual channels.

Everyone has biases, Lotus. You guys are the only ones who pretend you dont.

You shouldnt be mad at me because I pointed out your confirmation bias in the negative OPINIONS people in other countries have about Americans(to the exclusion of positive ones people in other countries also have)

It's like you guys actually think that if people do not agree with you, they are the bias hacks. Because you guys are so right all the time that anyone who doesnt agree must be bias or partisan. That's how you approach this. You get mad very easily as well.

You guys are impossible to talk to. Democracy literally involves being able to communicate and have civil discourse and willingness to stretch and understand others and compromise and work with others. It doesnt mean we all just do what you guys say we should regardless of the problems we see with it.

But, Dove, you've been teaching us a lot about civil discourse. Why you mad that we mimic you?

PS, I don't believe pointing out in the very first sentence of my op that we ALL have biases is equivalent to me pretending I don't. Do you?

I dont know who you try to convince with this. People complain that I still try and tell me constantly it's a waste of time and I'm inclined to agree with them.

If anything I think you are just liars. No one can lack this level of self awareness. Literally every exchange is in text and can be looked at. Perhaps you should spend some time reviewing how we all got to this point.

Trying to have discussions with you guys is impossible. And it's because you guys prefer name calling and anger. You can tell yourself its us and you are "mimicking" us all you want but the truth is we are mimicking YOU.

Your post was "liked" by a man who responded to many attempts at civil discourse by calling me a "disgusting pig" when I cited a policy I supported. Claiming the policy was lies and I was a disgusting pig. Responding to me posting what inalienable rights are(not granted by government) by saying he "despised my kind". A guy who makes extraordinary claims and compensates for his inability to back them by spewing insults and bragging about his hate of others.

That's who liked your post.

I guess your definition of "civil discourse" is slamming "cons" with people who agree with you but any challange to that is unacceptable. Because the minute anyone makes arguments against something you guys post....the response is ALWAYS anger and insults.

Remember how Big USED to try discussing things but now he basically just calls you guys stupid and calls Admin a cock sucker? It's because you guys are unreasonable and refuse to discuss anything.

If you take disagreement personal and consider opposition "uncivil" and thusly flinging shit and insults is the way to respond.....just admit that.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
IMO, only people really far into the spectrum are capable of being unbiased observers and consumers of information (yes, a lot of scientists are on the spectrum).

That simple idea (and probably fact) being expressed, I also believe CONs are more often guilty of obvious and even gross instances of confirmation bias than are normal people. Hence, I LMAO when I see all the cons here posting, with great umbrage, about confirmation bias. Ah, the blindness.

I imagine the recent heavy "confirmation bias" activity on this site is due to a recent talking point distributed far and wide on the usual channels.

Everyone has biases, Lotus. You guys are the only ones who pretend you dont.

You shouldnt be mad at me because I pointed out your confirmation bias in the negative OPINIONS people in other countries have about Americans(to the exclusion of positive ones people in other countries also have)

It's like you guys actually think that if people do not agree with you, they are the bias hacks. Because you guys are so right all the time that anyone who doesnt agree must be bias or partisan. That's how you approach this. You get mad very easily as well.

You guys are impossible to talk to. Democracy literally involves being able to communicate and have civil discourse and willingness to stretch and understand others and compromise and work with others. It doesnt mean we all just do what you guys say we should regardless of the problems we see with it.

But, Dove, you've been teaching us a lot about civil discourse. Why you mad that we mimic you?

PS, I don't believe pointing out in the very first sentence of my op that we ALL have biases is equivalent to me pretending I don't. Do you?

I dont know who you try to convince with this. People complain that I still try and tell me constantly it's a waste of time and I'm inclined to agree with them.

If anything I think you are just liars. No one can lack this level of self awareness. Literally every exchange is in text and can be looked at. Perhaps you should spend some time reviewing how we all got to this point.

Trying to have discussions with you guys is impossible. And it's because you guys prefer name calling and anger. You can tell yourself its us and you are "mimicking" us all you want but the truth is we are mimicking YOU.

Your post was "liked" by a man who responded to many attempts at civil discourse by calling me a "disgusting pig" when I cited a policy I supported. Claiming the policy was lies and I was a disgusting pig. Responding to me posting what inalienable rights are(not granted by government) by saying he "despised my kind". A guy who makes extraordinary claims and compensates for his inability to back them by spewing insults and bragging about his hate of others.

That's who liked your post.

I guess your definition of "civil discourse" is slamming "cons" with people who agree with you but any challange to that is unacceptable. Because the minute anyone makes arguments against something you guys post....the response is ALWAYS anger and insults.

Remember how Big USED to try discussing things but now he basically just calls you guys stupid and calls Admin a cock sucker? It's because you guys are unreasonable and refuse to discuss anything.

If you take disagreement personal and consider opposition "uncivil" and thusly flinging shit and insults is the way to respond.....just admit that.

Oh, so if someone who dissed you liked my post, my post is invalid?

What about Strapon? He likes your posts and all he ever does is call me really vile names. Don't tell me. I know already. It's all good when your side calls people names far worse than "pig," but its unacceptable when it comes from the left. Gotcha, Dove. BTW, that's the definition of hypocrisy.

And, no, I do not remember when Strapon tried to discuss things. He has been calling me vile names for years now. I never once saw him try to have an intelligent and fair discussion. NOT ONE TIME. And he calls me things far, far worse than "stupid." Can you actually not read? Is someone reading this stuff out loud to you and changing it up? Every single post he ever makes is vile name calling. I actually try to have discussions. Read my posts and compare them to Strapon's. He's a damn pig.


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Anything Lotus writes that starts with "IMO" is an instant scroll bomb straight to a comment of disdain... Feel my disdain Lotus, feel it!!

Triggered ^^^^^

LMAO. Mission accomplished.
Wait, you've replied to my comment already now you're back again because you're clearly still thinking of said comment and I'M the one who's triggered? Makes sense... :Confused4:

Oh. Could you point me to the rule that says I have to remember your stupid posts from day to day? See, because I read it a second time and had a thought the second time I read it. But if that's against the rules, good to know!

All my posts trigger you.



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Anything Lotus writes that starts with "IMO" is an instant scroll bomb straight to a comment of disdain... Feel my disdain Lotus, feel it!!

Triggered ^^^^^

LMAO. Mission accomplished.
Wait, you've replied to my comment already now you're back again because you're clearly still thinking of said comment and I'M the one who's triggered? Makes sense... :Confused4:

Oh. Could you point me to the rule that says I have to remember your stupid posts from day to day? See, because I read it a second time and had a thought the second time I read it. But if that's against the rules, good to know!

All my posts trigger you.




Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Anything Lotus writes that starts with "IMO" is an instant scroll bomb straight to a comment of disdain... Feel my disdain Lotus, feel it!!

Triggered ^^^^^

LMAO. Mission accomplished.
Wait, you've replied to my comment already now you're back again because you're clearly still thinking of said comment and I'M the one who's triggered? Makes sense... :Confused4:

Oh. Could you point me to the rule that says I have to remember your stupid posts from day to day? See, because I read it a second time and had a thought the second time I read it. But if that's against the rules, good to know!

All my posts trigger you.




Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
IMO, only people really far into the spectrum are capable of being unbiased observers and consumers of information (yes, a lot of scientists are on the spectrum).

That simple idea (and probably fact) being expressed, I also believe CONs are more often guilty of obvious and even gross instances of confirmation bias than are normal people. Hence, I LMAO when I see all the cons here posting, with great umbrage, about confirmation bias. Ah, the blindness.

I imagine the recent heavy "confirmation bias" activity on this site is due to a recent talking point distributed far and wide on the usual channels.

Everyone has biases, Lotus. You guys are the only ones who pretend you dont.

You shouldnt be mad at me because I pointed out your confirmation bias in the negative OPINIONS people in other countries have about Americans(to the exclusion of positive ones people in other countries also have)

It's like you guys actually think that if people do not agree with you, they are the bias hacks. Because you guys are so right all the time that anyone who doesnt agree must be bias or partisan. That's how you approach this. You get mad very easily as well.

You guys are impossible to talk to. Democracy literally involves being able to communicate and have civil discourse and willingness to stretch and understand others and compromise and work with others. It doesnt mean we all just do what you guys say we should regardless of the problems we see with it.

But, Dove, you've been teaching us a lot about civil discourse. Why you mad that we mimic you?

PS, I don't believe pointing out in the very first sentence of my op that we ALL have biases is equivalent to me pretending I don't. Do you?

I dont know who you try to convince with this. People complain that I still try and tell me constantly it's a waste of time and I'm inclined to agree with them.

If anything I think you are just liars. No one can lack this level of self awareness. Literally every exchange is in text and can be looked at. Perhaps you should spend some time reviewing how we all got to this point.

Trying to have discussions with you guys is impossible. And it's because you guys prefer name calling and anger. You can tell yourself its us and you are "mimicking" us all you want but the truth is we are mimicking YOU.

Your post was "liked" by a man who responded to many attempts at civil discourse by calling me a "disgusting pig" when I cited a policy I supported. Claiming the policy was lies and I was a disgusting pig. Responding to me posting what inalienable rights are(not granted by government) by saying he "despised my kind". A guy who makes extraordinary claims and compensates for his inability to back them by spewing insults and bragging about his hate of others.

That's who liked your post.

I guess your definition of "civil discourse" is slamming "cons" with people who agree with you but any challange to that is unacceptable. Because the minute anyone makes arguments against something you guys post....the response is ALWAYS anger and insults.

Remember how Big USED to try discussing things but now he basically just calls you guys stupid and calls Admin a cock sucker? It's because you guys are unreasonable and refuse to discuss anything.

If you take disagreement personal and consider opposition "uncivil" and thusly flinging shit and insults is the way to respond.....just admit that.

Oh, so if someone who dissed you liked my post, my post is invalid?

What about Strapon? He likes your posts and all he ever does is call me really vile names. Don't tell me. I know already. It's all good when your side calls people names far worse than "pig," but its unacceptable when it comes from the left. Gotcha, Dove. BTW, that's the definition of hypocrisy.

And, no, I do not remember when Strapon tried to discuss things. He has been calling me vile names for years now. I never once saw him try to have an intelligent and fair discussion. NOT ONE TIME. And he calls me things far, far worse than "stupid." Can you actually not read? Is someone reading this stuff out loud to you and changing it up? Every single post he ever makes is vile name calling. I actually try to have discussions. Read my posts and compare them to Strapon's. He's a damn pig.
You stupid lying bitch I REMEMBER him engaging you in a reasonable fashion and every once in a great while, he'll fuck up and engage you again. You never fail to be an idiot tho so right back to the rape dumpster you go.

BTW, shitbags like you are FAR FAR WORSE than the names you get called! FACT!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
IMO, only people really far into the spectrum are capable of being unbiased observers and consumers of information (yes, a lot of scientists are on the spectrum).

That simple idea (and probably fact) being expressed, I also believe CONs are more often guilty of obvious and even gross instances of confirmation bias than are normal people. Hence, I LMAO when I see all the cons here posting, with great umbrage, about confirmation bias. Ah, the blindness.

I imagine the recent heavy "confirmation bias" activity on this site is due to a recent talking point distributed far and wide on the usual channels.

Everyone has biases, Lotus. You guys are the only ones who pretend you dont.

You shouldnt be mad at me because I pointed out your confirmation bias in the negative OPINIONS people in other countries have about Americans(to the exclusion of positive ones people in other countries also have)

It's like you guys actually think that if people do not agree with you, they are the bias hacks. Because you guys are so right all the time that anyone who doesnt agree must be bias or partisan. That's how you approach this. You get mad very easily as well.

You guys are impossible to talk to. Democracy literally involves being able to communicate and have civil discourse and willingness to stretch and understand others and compromise and work with others. It doesnt mean we all just do what you guys say we should regardless of the problems we see with it.

But, Dove, you've been teaching us a lot about civil discourse. Why you mad that we mimic you?

PS, I don't believe pointing out in the very first sentence of my op that we ALL have biases is equivalent to me pretending I don't. Do you?

I dont know who you try to convince with this. People complain that I still try and tell me constantly it's a waste of time and I'm inclined to agree with them.

If anything I think you are just liars. No one can lack this level of self awareness. Literally every exchange is in text and can be looked at. Perhaps you should spend some time reviewing how we all got to this point.

Trying to have discussions with you guys is impossible. And it's because you guys prefer name calling and anger. You can tell yourself its us and you are "mimicking" us all you want but the truth is we are mimicking YOU.

Your post was "liked" by a man who responded to many attempts at civil discourse by calling me a "disgusting pig" when I cited a policy I supported. Claiming the policy was lies and I was a disgusting pig. Responding to me posting what inalienable rights are(not granted by government) by saying he "despised my kind". A guy who makes extraordinary claims and compensates for his inability to back them by spewing insults and bragging about his hate of others.

That's who liked your post.

I guess your definition of "civil discourse" is slamming "cons" with people who agree with you but any challange to that is unacceptable. Because the minute anyone makes arguments against something you guys post....the response is ALWAYS anger and insults.

Remember how Big USED to try discussing things but now he basically just calls you guys stupid and calls Admin a cock sucker? It's because you guys are unreasonable and refuse to discuss anything.

If you take disagreement personal and consider opposition "uncivil" and thusly flinging shit and insults is the way to respond.....just admit that.

Oh, so if someone who dissed you liked my post, my post is invalid?

What about Strapon? He likes your posts and all he ever does is call me really vile names. Don't tell me. I know already. It's all good when your side calls people names far worse than "pig," but its unacceptable when it comes from the left. Gotcha, Dove. BTW, that's the definition of hypocrisy.

And, no, I do not remember when Strapon tried to discuss things. He has been calling me vile names for years now. I never once saw him try to have an intelligent and fair discussion. NOT ONE TIME. And he calls me things far, far worse than "stupid." Can you actually not read? Is someone reading this stuff out loud to you and changing it up? Every single post he ever makes is vile name calling. I actually try to have discussions. Read my posts and compare them to Strapon's. He's a damn pig.
You stupid lying bitch I REMEMBER him engaging you in a reasonable fashion and every once in a great while, he'll fuck up and engage you again. You never fail to be an idiot tho so right back to the rape dumpster you go.

BTW, shitbags like you are FAR FAR WORSE than the names you get called! FACT!

Link, you lovely breath of fresh air.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
IMO, only people really far into the spectrum are capable of being unbiased observers and consumers of information (yes, a lot of scientists are on the spectrum).

That simple idea (and probably fact) being expressed, I also believe CONs are more often guilty of obvious and even gross instances of confirmation bias than are normal people. Hence, I LMAO when I see all the cons here posting, with great umbrage, about confirmation bias. Ah, the blindness.

I imagine the recent heavy "confirmation bias" activity on this site is due to a recent talking point distributed far and wide on the usual channels.

Everyone has biases, Lotus. You guys are the only ones who pretend you dont.

You shouldnt be mad at me because I pointed out your confirmation bias in the negative OPINIONS people in other countries have about Americans(to the exclusion of positive ones people in other countries also have)

It's like you guys actually think that if people do not agree with you, they are the bias hacks. Because you guys are so right all the time that anyone who doesnt agree must be bias or partisan. That's how you approach this. You get mad very easily as well.

You guys are impossible to talk to. Democracy literally involves being able to communicate and have civil discourse and willingness to stretch and understand others and compromise and work with others. It doesnt mean we all just do what you guys say we should regardless of the problems we see with it.

But, Dove, you've been teaching us a lot about civil discourse. Why you mad that we mimic you?

PS, I don't believe pointing out in the very first sentence of my op that we ALL have biases is equivalent to me pretending I don't. Do you?

I dont know who you try to convince with this. People complain that I still try and tell me constantly it's a waste of time and I'm inclined to agree with them.

If anything I think you are just liars. No one can lack this level of self awareness. Literally every exchange is in text and can be looked at. Perhaps you should spend some time reviewing how we all got to this point.

Trying to have discussions with you guys is impossible. And it's because you guys prefer name calling and anger. You can tell yourself its us and you are "mimicking" us all you want but the truth is we are mimicking YOU.

Your post was "liked" by a man who responded to many attempts at civil discourse by calling me a "disgusting pig" when I cited a policy I supported. Claiming the policy was lies and I was a disgusting pig. Responding to me posting what inalienable rights are(not granted by government) by saying he "despised my kind". A guy who makes extraordinary claims and compensates for his inability to back them by spewing insults and bragging about his hate of others.

That's who liked your post.

I guess your definition of "civil discourse" is slamming "cons" with people who agree with you but any challange to that is unacceptable. Because the minute anyone makes arguments against something you guys post....the response is ALWAYS anger and insults.

Remember how Big USED to try discussing things but now he basically just calls you guys stupid and calls Admin a cock sucker? It's because you guys are unreasonable and refuse to discuss anything.

If you take disagreement personal and consider opposition "uncivil" and thusly flinging shit and insults is the way to respond.....just admit that.

Oh, so if someone who dissed you liked my post, my post is invalid?

What about Strapon? He likes your posts and all he ever does is call me really vile names. Don't tell me. I know already. It's all good when your side calls people names far worse than "pig," but its unacceptable when it comes from the left. Gotcha, Dove. BTW, that's the definition of hypocrisy.

And, no, I do not remember when Strapon tried to discuss things. He has been calling me vile names for years now. I never once saw him try to have an intelligent and fair discussion. NOT ONE TIME. And he calls me things far, far worse than "stupid." Can you actually not read? Is someone reading this stuff out loud to you and changing it up? Every single post he ever makes is vile name calling. I actually try to have discussions. Read my posts and compare them to Strapon's. He's a damn pig.
You stupid lying bitch I REMEMBER him engaging you in a reasonable fashion and every once in a great while, he'll fuck up and engage you again. You never fail to be an idiot tho so right back to the rape dumpster you go.

BTW, shitbags like you are FAR FAR WORSE than the names you get called! FACT!

Link, you lovely breath of fresh air.
LOL! As if I catalog every post here. My word is ALWAYS good enough, cunt! PWN3D!

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
LOL! As if I catalog every post here. My word is ALWAYS good enough, cunt! PWN3D!

It is good enough. Joo is obviously much more intelligent than this LettuceButt idiot.

You can look just earlier in this thread and my last post. She engaged me; I schooled her; she does not even have enough integrity to address me and admit to her failings.

At least she understood what I was teaching her because in her very next post she went on to try to explain her rationale, which is what I told her was missing earlier.