This thread is not about Dovey!


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
What is with the Audi hate?

Big has one.


Can you imagine not liking a car because you do not like someone who has one?

These people are not exactly strong thinkers.
I own a BMW too

so that's two brands for them to scratch off their little lists

not that one of these liberal soytards or a mutant like flynn could afford either of those cars anyway

Flynn cant even afford a bus.

All his income(disability benefits) is in his wallet :LOL3:
No wonder he weeps so hard over the 3K

that's like a lifetime supply of airplane glue, paper bags and cough syrup for him


That's a lot of money to that fucking retard. An offensive amount of money.

He would be white nig rich with that money. And I just had it given to me for being cute :D
he might actually be able to fix the two tone construction boots with the talking soles he found in a land fill with paper like that

imagine not having to pick shards of glass out of his feet anymore as he prowls around looking for his next hit

Just the total audacity of pawning your kids switch, and NOT being able to get it out. And DEMANDING other people do it FOR you and playing the victim because you cant be responsible for yourself.

That level of entitlement is ingrained. They've been scamming and leeching off other people for a LONG time.

But hey those 8 coffee cups. Lmao

Aren't you the one that hung a Switch over your motel room toilet?

Because you don't take the forums seriously! You make this sooooo easy!!!



That's fucking right. I dangled that stupid shit over the toilet.

It was hilarious and well deserved.

How was that "taking forums too seriously"? I wasnt the one having a tantrum over the stupid switch on the forums.

I just made it funny lmgdao.

Fucking retard.

And BTW....HOW did I end up with the Switch to even dangle it over a toilet? Bahahahaha. Stupid fuck.


That's a "Deranged" person that does that you psychotic bitch. Then you fucking lied about sending it, which makes you look even more "Deranged."

I like how the Switch was pawned so you could get your much needed pain pills you selfish cunt.

See. I don't really need to post much here because you do it for me you stupid backwoods cunt.



P.S.-I can oly imagine how you treated your own children before they were taken away.


Well stupid, maybe he shouldnt have pawned it?

What kind of stupid irresponsible retard pawns a Switch in another state and cant even get it out?

HIS Switch, HIS responsibility.

If you guys were not such epic fucking entitled leeches who dont understand PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY, this wouldnt have been such a traumatic event for you.

Why the fuck would I care about that stupid ass Switch? It wasnt my problem. It could have floated in that toilet for all I fucking care.

Fucking cuck retard.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Wait.....this stupid retard actually believes Scrotine pawned his Switch to pay for MY script?

Yeah....that 2 dollar copay I have with my insurance is REAL steep.

What a fucking HERO.

Hear that guys? Poofer is so broke he had a pawn a switch to give me a 2 dollar copay. Wait my bad it was 12 whole dollars for 4 meds. I desperately needed 12 bucks for meds and didnt have it. And neither did Scrotini(he really didnt) so he SAVED the say by pawning his KIDS switch so he could give me 12 whole dollars:LOL3:

Sure let's go with THAT.

What a fucking retard.
Last edited:


Domestically feral
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United states
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Took a minute but here it is :LOL3:

:LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: I remember him shitting his pants when you posted that

He never stopped.

Look at Fuckhead still outraged over it bahahaha

Dont be mad at me, stupid. Be mad at that overgrown toddler that pawned it and had to rely on other people to get it.

Stupid fucking retards :LOL3: :LOL3:

It was just part of his MASTER TROLL. Two grown ass retards who have ZERO concept of responsibility. Pathetic.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Taking the forums too seriously is having a gotdamn public shit fit for three years over shit you read on the internet lmao

Calling things "PI" that are not "PI".

Fucking retard.

Which is why you fucked and have had relations with "people" off the forums? Which is why this has turned into your life. Which is why you've posted pm's and pictures and P.I., right??? Because you certainly don't take the forums seriously, RIGHT! Because, people who don't take the forums seriously do these things, RIGHT?


You're in denial you fucktard!!! Holding a Switch over the toilet isn't a sign of mental illness or of someone who doesn't take the fucking forums seriously, RIGHT???

"My dude," (HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!) you're a fucking moron that doesn't know real life from the forums as both those worlds are combined. I know you think about the forums when you're logged off and can't wait to log back on like some fucking ghetto junkie whore.

You'd rather post your P.I. so you can have all the added drama, because you're uneducated and can't talk about anything else except your fucking sad self. We see what happens when you try to talk politics and use words over your food stamp pay grade.



Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Taking the forums too seriously is having a gotdamn public shit fit for three years over shit you read on the internet lmao

Calling things "PI" that are not "PI".

Fucking retard.

Which is why you fucked and have had relations with "people" off the forums? Which is why this has turned into your life. Which is why you've posted pm's and pictures and P.I., right??? Because you certainly don't take the forums seriously, RIGHT! Because, people who don't take the forums seriously do these things, RIGHT?


You're in denial you fucktard!!! Holding a Switch over the toilet isn't a sign of mental illness or of someone who doesn't take the fucking forums seriously,

Okay retard so you are saying if you meet someone OFF the forum, that MUST mean you take THE FORUM seriously?

How does that work, stupid fuck?

If you meet someone at a grocery store, does that mean you take the grocery store super serious? How about a comedy club? If you meet someone there does that mean you take that seriously too?

Fucking retard. Doesnt even know what PI is. Avoid all this as if no one notices how fucking STUPID you are.

Look at the fucking retarded drama whore who has been wailing and hyperventilating for three years over shit his dumb ass read in a forum accusing other people of what ONLY he does. Fucking idiot. Lmao!


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
What is with the Audi hate?

Big has one.


Can you imagine not liking a car because you do not like someone who has one?

These people are not exactly strong thinkers.
I own a BMW too

so that's two brands for them to scratch off their little lists

not that one of these liberal soytards or a mutant like flynn could afford either of those cars anyway

Flynn cant even afford a bus.

All his income(disability benefits) is in his wallet :LOL3:
No wonder he weeps so hard over the 3K

that's like a lifetime supply of airplane glue, paper bags and cough syrup for him


That's a lot of money to that fucking retard. An offensive amount of money.

He would be white nig rich with that money. And I just had it given to me for being cute :D
he might actually be able to fix the two tone construction boots with the talking soles he found in a land fill with paper like that

imagine not having to pick shards of glass out of his feet anymore as he prowls around looking for his next hit

Just the total audacity of pawning your kids switch, and NOT being able to get it out. And DEMANDING other people do it FOR you and playing the victim because you cant be responsible for yourself.

That level of entitlement is ingrained. They've been scamming and leeching off other people for a LONG time.

But hey those 8 coffee cups. Lmao

Aren't you the one that hung a Switch over your motel room toilet?

Because you don't take the forums seriously! You make this sooooo easy!!!



That's fucking right. I dangled that stupid shit over the toilet.

It was hilarious and well deserved.

How was that "taking forums too seriously"? I wasnt the one having a tantrum over the stupid switch on the forums.

I just made it funny lmgdao.

Fucking retard.

And BTW....HOW did I end up with the Switch to even dangle it over a toilet? Bahahahaha. Stupid fuck.


That's a "Deranged" person that does that you psychotic bitch. Then you fucking lied about sending it, which makes you look even more "Deranged."

I like how the Switch was pawned so you could get your much needed pain pills you selfish cunt.

See. I don't really need to post much here because you do it for me you stupid backwoods cunt.



P.S.-I can oly imagine how you treated your own children before they were taken away.


Well stupid, maybe he shouldnt have pawned it?

What kind of stupid irresponsible retard pawns a Switch in another state and cant even get it out?

HIS Switch, HIS responsibility.

If you guys were not such epic fucking entitled leeches who dont understand PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY, this wouldnt have been such a traumatic event for you.

Why the fuck would I care about that stupid ass Switch? It wasnt my problem. It could have floated in that toilet for all I fucking care.

Fucking cuck retard.

He pawned it so you could have your pain pilks you fucking drug addict. You were fucking in withdrawals and needed some opiates. Then instead of thinking of the little child who it belonged to, you fucking held it hostage and then held ot over a cheap toilet at a drug ridden motel as to assert power over someone on the forums, the forums which you don't take seriously, amirite?

Of course it wasn't your problem as drug addicts like yourself only take and take. Even the shit that's not even theirs. You feel entitled because you couldn't or wouldn't better yourself with any kind of education, that you'd rather sponge off other people and the state. Thats very apparent with how many baby daddy's you got going on.

You'd rather lay on your back rather than getting off the smack and getting a job and keeping it. Yeah, sister, tell me more how it's EVERYONE ELSE that is the fucking problem. No one. I mean no one has pulled the shit you've pulled. You've used the forums as your little scamming grounds and at the end you're not even with Biggie Deer-Nuts and he's even smart enough to keep your sorry ass at arms length.

Look what you have. Absolutely nothing. You don't have Biggie Buffoon and you don't have your kids. Sounds like maybe you should maybe look for another loser to "date" so you can at least hang something else over the toilet when that "relationship" also goes south as well. And on top of this, you're still jealous of Mudcock.

Now you self serving cunt, tell me how you just don't take the forums seriously?



Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
^^^ this cunt needs to be tapped on the head and buried head first in the mud. Fucking septic cunt!

Isnt he a fucking stupid wackjob?

He has been wailing like an antagonized infant for three fucking years about the SAME shit.

It cracks me up how easy it is for me to flip this unhinged drooling fucking retard out.



Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
What is with the Audi hate?

Big has one.


Can you imagine not liking a car because you do not like someone who has one?

These people are not exactly strong thinkers.
I own a BMW too

so that's two brands for them to scratch off their little lists

not that one of these liberal soytards or a mutant like flynn could afford either of those cars anyway

Flynn cant even afford a bus.

All his income(disability benefits) is in his wallet :LOL3:
No wonder he weeps so hard over the 3K

that's like a lifetime supply of airplane glue, paper bags and cough syrup for him


That's a lot of money to that fucking retard. An offensive amount of money.

He would be white nig rich with that money. And I just had it given to me for being cute :D
he might actually be able to fix the two tone construction boots with the talking soles he found in a land fill with paper like that

imagine not having to pick shards of glass out of his feet anymore as he prowls around looking for his next hit

Just the total audacity of pawning your kids switch, and NOT being able to get it out. And DEMANDING other people do it FOR you and playing the victim because you cant be responsible for yourself.

That level of entitlement is ingrained. They've been scamming and leeching off other people for a LONG time.

But hey those 8 coffee cups. Lmao

Aren't you the one that hung a Switch over your motel room toilet?

Because you don't take the forums seriously! You make this sooooo easy!!!



That's fucking right. I dangled that stupid shit over the toilet.

It was hilarious and well deserved.

How was that "taking forums too seriously"? I wasnt the one having a tantrum over the stupid switch on the forums.

I just made it funny lmgdao.

Fucking retard.

And BTW....HOW did I end up with the Switch to even dangle it over a toilet? Bahahahaha. Stupid fuck.


That's a "Deranged" person that does that you psychotic bitch. Then you fucking lied about sending it, which makes you look even more "Deranged."

I like how the Switch was pawned so you could get your much needed pain pills you selfish cunt.

See. I don't really need to post much here because you do it for me you stupid backwoods cunt.



P.S.-I can oly imagine how you treated your own children before they were taken away.


Well stupid, maybe he shouldnt have pawned it?

What kind of stupid irresponsible retard pawns a Switch in another state and cant even get it out?

HIS Switch, HIS responsibility.

If you guys were not such epic fucking entitled leeches who dont understand PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY, this wouldnt have been such a traumatic event for you.

Why the fuck would I care about that stupid ass Switch? It wasnt my problem. It could have floated in that toilet for all I fucking care.

Fucking cuck retard.

He pawned it so you could have your pain pilks you fucking drug addict. You were fucking in withdrawals and needed some opiates. Then instead of thinking of the little child who it belonged to, you fucking held it hostage and then held ot over a cheap toilet at a drug ridden motel as to assert power over someone on the forums, the forums which you don't take seriously, amirite?

Of course it wasn't your problem as drug addicts like yourself only take and take. Even the shit that's not even theirs. You feel entitled because you couldn't or wouldn't better yourself with any kind of education, that you'd rather sponge off other people and the state. Thats very apparent with how many baby daddy's you got going on.

You'd rather lay on your back rather than getting off the smack and getting a job and keeping it. Yeah, sister, tell me more how it's EVERYONE ELSE that is the fucking problem. No one. I mean no one has pulled the shit you've pulled. You've used the forums as your little scamming grounds and at the end you're not even with Biggie Deer-Nuts and he's even smart enough to keep your sorry ass at arms length.

Look what you have. Absolutely nothing. You don't have Biggie Buffoon and you don't have your kids. Sounds like maybe you should maybe look for another loser to "date" so you can at least hang something else over the toilet when that "relationship" also goes south as well. And on top of this, you're still jealous of Mudcock.

Now you self serving cunt, tell me how you just don't take the forums seriously?


Yeah you stupid fucking moron.

Scrotini PAWNED his KIDS switch because he didnt have 12 fucking bucks. Bahahahaha

This somehow makes the broke loser fuck a HERO and thusly makes HIS kids switch someone ELSES responsibility.

Oh and I was in withdrawals so a DOCTOR prescribed me opiates? Ahahahahaha. Is that how it works? You just go to a doctor in withdraws and they just give you drugs?

What a fucking stupid retard you are with your constant bullshit. Bahaha. You really think this shit is believable. It's not.

Scrotini is a fucking 50 year old man who pawned his KIDS Switch because he is fucking broke. He claimed he "forgot" his bank card and begged me to pawn his stupid switch because he didnt even have ID.

And then he couldnt even get it out and threw temper tantrums on an internet board about why OTHER PEOPLE should pay HIS bill and get the switch out FOR him because his kids were disowning him because he is such a fucking loser.

So basically he is a scammer who tries to manipulate people to get money out of them. Shocker!

Glad I sent it back to KID it belonged to. Otherwise it would have just stayed at my house because I paid for it.

Spin it all youd like. No one buys your dumb retarded bullshit.

Since you take forums so fucking seriously that you e been having a baby fit unhinged tantrum over what you read on a forum getting all emotional and enraged lmao

Fucking retard.


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
^^^ this cunt needs to be tapped on the head and buried head first in the mud. Fucking septic cunt!

Isnt he a fucking stupid wackjob?

He has been wailing like an antagonized infant for three fucking years about the SAME shit.

It cracks me up how easy it is for me to flip this unhinged drooling fucking retard out.

It’s a pathetic, snivelling little idiot. I’d hold it underwater until it gasps it’s last breath just to film it shitting itself miserably. An absolute waste of space.


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Taking the forums too seriously is having a gotdamn public shit fit for three years over shit you read on the internet lmao

Calling things "PI" that are not "PI".

Fucking retard.

Which is why you fucked and have had relations with "people" off the forums? Which is why this has turned into your life. Which is why you've posted pm's and pictures and P.I., right??? Because you certainly don't take the forums seriously, RIGHT! Because, people who don't take the forums seriously do these things, RIGHT?


You're in denial you fucktard!!! Holding a Switch over the toilet isn't a sign of mental illness or of someone who doesn't take the fucking forums seriously,

Okay retard so you are saying if you meet someone OFF the forum, that MUST mean you take THE FORUM seriously?

How does that work, stupid fuck?

If you meet someone at a grocery store, does that mean you take the grocery store super serious? How about a comedy club? If you meet someone there does that mean you take that seriously too?

Fucking retard. Doesnt even know what PI is. Avoid all this as if no one notices how fucking STUPID you are.

Look at the fucking retarded drama whore who has been wailing and hyperventilating for three years over shit his dumb ass read in a forum accusing other people of what ONLY he does. Fucking idiot. Lmao!


Hey dummy over here. When you make the forum your life and start cheating on your husband and start posting the ins and outs of your sad affair, and hang a Switch over a motel room toilet just to get the much needed attention you think you deserve, then yes you fucking illiterate slag.

Even more when you YOURSELF start bringing up the Switch. No one brought that up til now. YOU DID. You brought it up so I would stop making fun of your transparent stupidity and all the fucking attention would be on YOU once again. Without the forums, you're just another low income drug addict that can't even get her life together to help yourself out, because you'd rather have others do it for you.

You're fucking lazy and stupid. So when you're looking to blame someone for your shortcomings, you should look in the fucking mirror.

Yes. Do indeed look at the "fucking drama" that YOU created by posting P.I. and all the intimate details of all your ruined "relationships." And yes asshole, when you start investing fake feelings for others off a forum to see how much you can take IS taking the fucking forums seriously you fucking clown.

Tell me Dovey, who else has done what you've done? Has Lily held something that didn't belong to her over a fucking toilet from a relationship off the forums? Has Flea cheated on her husband with two losers off the forums? Has Raven been evicted from her home days before Christmas?

All you have are excuses, and because you're sooo fucking stupid all one has to do is read every post that you've posted about your relationships that always end in fucking failure. Gee. I wonder why that is?



Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
And fuck yeah if its between me and that stupid fucking retard Poofer?

Fucking right I'm gonna serve ME. I dont owe him SHIT.

I suppose him targeting a married woman, executing his MASTER TROLL for content, manipulating said woman to do all this shit and than bragging about hard you trolled that person and how gullible they are isnt self serving as fuck eh?

And pawning his KIDS switch and trying to pass the responsibility to other people, being completely unable to handle your own business AND trying to spin it into some heroic act (apparently to get a 12 script of opiates that a doctor just gave me for my addiction lmao) isnt self serving at all.

Not in stupid retard narcissist lala land.

Fucking retard.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
^^^ this cunt needs to be tapped on the head and buried head first in the mud. Fucking septic cunt!

Isnt he a fucking stupid wackjob?

He has been wailing like an antagonized infant for three fucking years about the SAME shit.

It cracks me up how easy it is for me to flip this unhinged drooling fucking retard out.

It’s a pathetic, snivelling little idiot. I’d hold it underwater until it gasps it’s last breath just to film it shitting itself miserably. An absolute waste of space.

It really is.

And this stupid fucker actually says he is "kicking" peoples "asses in".

Like in his stupid retard head he really thinks that. Bahahahaha.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Taking the forums too seriously is having a gotdamn public shit fit for three years over shit you read on the internet lmao

Calling things "PI" that are not "PI".

Fucking retard.

Which is why you fucked and have had relations with "people" off the forums? Which is why this has turned into your life. Which is why you've posted pm's and pictures and P.I., right??? Because you certainly don't take the forums seriously, RIGHT! Because, people who don't take the forums seriously do these things, RIGHT?


You're in denial you fucktard!!! Holding a Switch over the toilet isn't a sign of mental illness or of someone who doesn't take the fucking forums seriously,

Okay retard so you are saying if you meet someone OFF the forum, that MUST mean you take THE FORUM seriously?

How does that work, stupid fuck?

If you meet someone at a grocery store, does that mean you take the grocery store super serious? How about a comedy club? If you meet someone there does that mean you take that seriously too?

Fucking retard. Doesnt even know what PI is. Avoid all this as if no one notices how fucking STUPID you are.

Look at the fucking retarded drama whore who has been wailing and hyperventilating for three years over shit his dumb ass read in a forum accusing other people of what ONLY he does. Fucking idiot. Lmao!


Hey dummy over here. When you make the forum your life and start cheating on your husband and start posting the ins and outs of your sad affair, and hang a Switch over a motel room toilet just to get the much needed attention you think you deserve, then yes you fucking illiterate slag.

Even more when you YOURSELF start bringing up the Switch. No one brought that up til now. YOU DID. You brought it up so I would stop making fun of your transparent stupidity and all the fucking attention would be on YOU once again. Without the forums, you're just another low income drug addict that can't even get her life together to help yourself out, because you'd rather have others do it for you.

You're fucking lazy and stupid. So when you're looking to blame someone for your shortcomings, you should look in the fucking mirror.

Yes. Do indeed look at the "fucking drama" that YOU created by posting P.I. and all the intimate details of all your ruined "relationships." And yes asshole, when you start investing fake feelings for others off a forum to see how much you can take IS taking the fucking forums seriously you fucking clown.

Tell me Dovey, who else has done what you've done? Has Lily held something that didn't belong to her over a fucking toilet from a relationship off the forums? Has Flea cheated on her husband with two losers off the forums? Has Raven been evicted from her home days before Christmas?

All you have are excuses, and because you're sooo fucking stupid all one has to do is read every post that you've posted about your relationships that always end in fucking failure. Gee. I wonder why that is?


Welp retard maybe 50 year old man shouldnt be pawning his kids stuff and throwing tantrums on an internet for real adults with money to get it out for him?

Yeah I'm so lazy and stupid that I'm the only reason that poor kid got his switch back that his lazy dead beat "father" pawned during his MASTER TROLL where he messed around with a married women.

Maybe the fat retarded slob should have stayed home and invested his time into his kids instead of hitting them up for their game toy and pawning it in another state and needing other people to fix his fuck up.

Fucking stupid entitled retard.


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
^^^ this cunt needs to be tapped on the head and buried head first in the mud. Fucking septic cunt!

Isnt he a fucking stupid wackjob?

He has been wailing like an antagonized infant for three fucking years about the SAME shit.

It cracks me up how easy it is for me to flip this unhinged drooling fucking retard out.

It’s a pathetic, snivelling little idiot. I’d hold it underwater until it gasps it’s last breath just to film it shitting itself miserably. An absolute waste of space.

It really is.

And this stupid fucker actually says he is "kicking" peoples "asses in".

Like in his stupid retard head he really thinks that. Bahahahaha.
Surely it’s on the jenkem!?


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
What is with the Audi hate?

Big has one.


Can you imagine not liking a car because you do not like someone who has one?

These people are not exactly strong thinkers.
I own a BMW too

so that's two brands for them to scratch off their little lists

not that one of these liberal soytards or a mutant like flynn could afford either of those cars anyway

Flynn cant even afford a bus.

All his income(disability benefits) is in his wallet :LOL3:
No wonder he weeps so hard over the 3K

that's like a lifetime supply of airplane glue, paper bags and cough syrup for him


That's a lot of money to that fucking retard. An offensive amount of money.

He would be white nig rich with that money. And I just had it given to me for being cute :D
he might actually be able to fix the two tone construction boots with the talking soles he found in a land fill with paper like that

imagine not having to pick shards of glass out of his feet anymore as he prowls around looking for his next hit

Just the total audacity of pawning your kids switch, and NOT being able to get it out. And DEMANDING other people do it FOR you and playing the victim because you cant be responsible for yourself.

That level of entitlement is ingrained. They've been scamming and leeching off other people for a LONG time.

But hey those 8 coffee cups. Lmao

Aren't you the one that hung a Switch over your motel room toilet?

Because you don't take the forums seriously! You make this sooooo easy!!!



That's fucking right. I dangled that stupid shit over the toilet.

It was hilarious and well deserved.

How was that "taking forums too seriously"? I wasnt the one having a tantrum over the stupid switch on the forums.

I just made it funny lmgdao.

Fucking retard.

And BTW....HOW did I end up with the Switch to even dangle it over a toilet? Bahahahaha. Stupid fuck.


That's a "Deranged" person that does that you psychotic bitch. Then you fucking lied about sending it, which makes you look even more "Deranged."

I like how the Switch was pawned so you could get your much needed pain pills you selfish cunt.

See. I don't really need to post much here because you do it for me you stupid backwoods cunt.



P.S.-I can oly imagine how you treated your own children before they were taken away.


Well stupid, maybe he shouldnt have pawned it?

What kind of stupid irresponsible retard pawns a Switch in another state and cant even get it out?

HIS Switch, HIS responsibility.

If you guys were not such epic fucking entitled leeches who dont understand PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY, this wouldnt have been such a traumatic event for you.

Why the fuck would I care about that stupid ass Switch? It wasnt my problem. It could have floated in that toilet for all I fucking care.

Fucking cuck retard.

He pawned it so you could have your pain pilks you fucking drug addict. You were fucking in withdrawals and needed some opiates. Then instead of thinking of the little child who it belonged to, you fucking held it hostage and then held ot over a cheap toilet at a drug ridden motel as to assert power over someone on the forums, the forums which you don't take seriously, amirite?

Of course it wasn't your problem as drug addicts like yourself only take and take. Even the shit that's not even theirs. You feel entitled because you couldn't or wouldn't better yourself with any kind of education, that you'd rather sponge off other people and the state. Thats very apparent with how many baby daddy's you got going on.

You'd rather lay on your back rather than getting off the smack and getting a job and keeping it. Yeah, sister, tell me more how it's EVERYONE ELSE that is the fucking problem. No one. I mean no one has pulled the shit you've pulled. You've used the forums as your little scamming grounds and at the end you're not even with Biggie Deer-Nuts and he's even smart enough to keep your sorry ass at arms length.

Look what you have. Absolutely nothing. You don't have Biggie Buffoon and you don't have your kids. Sounds like maybe you should maybe look for another loser to "date" so you can at least hang something else over the toilet when that "relationship" also goes south as well. And on top of this, you're still jealous of Mudcock.

Now you self serving cunt, tell me how you just don't take the forums seriously?


Yeah you stupid fucking moron.

Scrotini PAWNED his KIDS switch because he didnt have 12 fucking bucks. Bahahahaha

This somehow makes the broke loser fuck a HERO and thusly makes HIS kids switch someone ELSES responsibility.

Oh and I was in withdrawals so a DOCTOR prescribed me opiates? Ahahahahaha. Is that how it works? You just go to a doctor in withdraws and they just give you drugs?

What a fucking stupid retard you are with your constant bullshit. Bahaha. You really think this shit is believable. It's not.

Scrotini is a fucking 50 year old man who pawned his KIDS Switch because he is fucking broke. He claimed he "forgot" his bank card and begged me to pawn his stupid switch because he didnt even have ID.

And then he couldnt even get it out and threw temper tantrums on an internet board about why OTHER PEOPLE should pay HIS bill and get the switch out FOR him because his kids were disowning him because he is such a fucking loser.

So basically he is a scammer who tries to manipulate people to get money out of them. Shocker!

Glad I sent it back to KID it belonged to. Otherwise it would have just stayed at my house because I paid for it.

Spin it all youd like. No one buys your dumb retarded bullshit.

Since you take forums so fucking seriously that you e been having a baby fit unhinged tantrum over what you read on a forum getting all emotional and enraged lmao

Fucking retard.

You're a fucking liar and you continue to lie. You needed fucking opiates because you're nothing more than a conniving drug addict that saw a mark in Chin Martini and Biggie No-Brains.

How did all that work out for ya? You're not with Biggie Dickhead and will never be. You managed to con King Idiot to pawn his child's Switch so you could have your much needed opiates. Gee, what a win. You should feel really proud. Afterall, that's what drug addict sociopaths do. Take and take.

I noticed that you never even attempted to pay Biggie Sucker back.

And off all things, you're green with envy in regard to Mudcock. You are fucking pathetic. You're not even human.

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Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Love your avvy @Dove ;)

Thank you Break!

Wanna fuck?
Pink is gonna explode lmao
Hey dude….pipe down. You’ve had more than enough time to do something about it. I’m sorry that you were born in tame America. It ain’t my fault. Just sit back and grab tips whenever. Love you long time too xx
Let me know when you’re done strangling him with his turkey neck pouch.

stream it. I’ll laugh


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Is it just me or does Poofer get more pathetic everytime Flynn goes on rants trying to explain why the retarded fucking slob isnt responsible for any of his bad choices?

Like pawning his kids switch and being unable to get it out and EXPECTING other people to do it FOR him?

Christ. What a fucking LOSER. Trying to twist it into some act of charity to get 12 stinking bucks to save the day and pay for my Flomax and ten norcos lmao.

And then demanding I pay 108 dollars to get it out for him. Refusing to even send the money or pay for shipping.

And this stupid fucking entitled retard is fighting so hard to sell that its MY responsibility, NOT Poofers.

Unbelievable. These are the perfect democrats. It's always someone ELSES responsibility to take care of THEM.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
And fuck yeah if its between me and that stupid fucking retard Poofer?

Fucking right I'm gonna serve ME. I dont owe him SHIT.

I suppose him targeting a married woman, executing his MASTER TROLL for content, manipulating said woman to do all this shit and than bragging about hard you trolled that person and how gullible they are isnt self serving as fuck eh?

And pawning his KIDS switch and trying to pass the responsibility to other people, being completely unable to handle your own business AND trying to spin it into some heroic act (apparently to get a 12 script of opiates that a doctor just gave me for my addiction lmao) isnt self serving at all.

Not in stupid retard narcissist lala land.

Fucking retard.

Oh. It was between you and the Poofer, huh???

Which is why you made it everyone's fucking business by posting the intimate details of what went on in said so relationsip? Posting a fucking picture of the Switch over your cheap motel room toilet on a forum??? Is that because it was just between you and the Poofer, retard?

You're either insane or you're a fucking sociopath. Or both. You're the only selfish fuck that thinks that way.

Yet, you decided to make the relationship public knowledge you contradicting cunt. Now it's between you and the fucking Poofer, but you posted all the what exactly does that say about you??? You want and need the attention so you can cry about others springboarding off what you, yourself posted.

Fuck. You are truly on a Godly level of fucking stupid.



Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Taking the forums too seriously is having a gotdamn public shit fit for three years over shit you read on the internet lmao

Calling things "PI" that are not "PI".

Fucking retard.

Which is why you fucked and have had relations with "people" off the forums? Which is why this has turned into your life. Which is why you've posted pm's and pictures and P.I., right??? Because you certainly don't take the forums seriously, RIGHT! Because, people who don't take the forums seriously do these things, RIGHT?


You're in denial you fucktard!!! Holding a Switch over the toilet isn't a sign of mental illness or of someone who doesn't take the fucking forums seriously,

Okay retard so you are saying if you meet someone OFF the forum, that MUST mean you take THE FORUM seriously?

How does that work, stupid fuck?

If you meet someone at a grocery store, does that mean you take the grocery store super serious? How about a comedy club? If you meet someone there does that mean you take that seriously too?

Fucking retard. Doesnt even know what PI is. Avoid all this as if no one notices how fucking STUPID you are.

Look at the fucking retarded drama whore who has been wailing and hyperventilating for three years over shit his dumb ass read in a forum accusing other people of what ONLY he does. Fucking idiot. Lmao!


Hey dummy over here. When you make the forum your life and start cheating on your husband and start posting the ins and outs of your sad affair, and hang a Switch over a motel room toilet just to get the much needed attention you think you deserve, then yes you fucking illiterate slag.

Even more when you YOURSELF start bringing up the Switch. No one brought that up til now. YOU DID. You brought it up so I would stop making fun of your transparent stupidity and all the fucking attention would be on YOU once again. Without the forums, you're just another low income drug addict that can't even get her life together to help yourself out, because you'd rather have others do it for you.

You're fucking lazy and stupid. So when you're looking to blame someone for your shortcomings, you should look in the fucking mirror.

Yes. Do indeed look at the "fucking drama" that YOU created by posting P.I. and all the intimate details of all your ruined "relationships." And yes asshole, when you start investing fake feelings for others off a forum to see how much you can take IS taking the fucking forums seriously you fucking clown.

Tell me Dovey, who else has done what you've done? Has Lily held something that didn't belong to her over a fucking toilet from a relationship off the forums? Has Flea cheated on her husband with two losers off the forums? Has Raven been evicted from her home days before Christmas?

All you have are excuses, and because you're sooo fucking stupid all one has to do is read every post that you've posted about your relationships that always end in fucking failure. Gee. I wonder why that is?


Welp retard maybe 50 year old man shouldnt be pawning his kids stuff and throwing tantrums on an internet for real adults with money to get it out for him?

Yeah I'm so lazy and stupid that I'm the only reason that poor kid got his switch back that his lazy dead beat "father" pawned during his MASTER TROLL where he messed around with a married women.

Maybe the fat retarded slob should have stayed home and invested his time into his kids instead of hitting them up for their game toy and pawning it in another state and needing other people to fix his fuck up.

Fucking stupid entitled retard.

Well how about not posting details about your retarded life, then crying about how it was just between you and the fucking Poofer..YOU posted the details, so don't fucking cry when people bring that shit up. After all YOU FUCKING POSTED IT. DON'T LIKE IT? THEN STOP POSTING PERSONAL DETAILS DUMMY!!-

How clear was that??? Clear enough even for your wickedly stupid ass???



Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
And fuck yeah if its between me and that stupid fucking retard Poofer?

Fucking right I'm gonna serve ME. I dont owe him SHIT.

I suppose him targeting a married woman, executing his MASTER TROLL for content, manipulating said woman to do all this shit and than bragging about hard you trolled that person and how gullible they are isnt self serving as fuck eh?

And pawning his KIDS switch and trying to pass the responsibility to other people, being completely unable to handle your own business AND trying to spin it into some heroic act (apparently to get a 12 script of opiates that a doctor just gave me for my addiction lmao) isnt self serving at all.

Not in stupid retard narcissist lala land.

Fucking retard.

Oh. It was between you and the Poofer, huh???

Which is why you made it everyone's fucking business by posting the intimate details of what went on in said so relationsip? Posting a fucking picture of the Switch over your cheap motel room toilet on a forum??? Is that because it was just between you and the Poofer, retard?

You're either insane or you're a fucking sociopath. Or both. You're the only selfish fuck that thinks that way.

Yet, you decided to make the relationship public knowledge you contradicting cunt. Now it's between you and the fucking Poofer, but you posted all the what exactly does that say about you??? You want and need the attention so you can cry about others springboarding off what you, yourself posted.

Fuck. You are truly on a Godly level of fucking stupid.


Hey stupid.....quote where I was the one who shared all the "intimate details" of any of it?

It was your retarded fat broke slob who plastered it all in shitcasts and all over the fucking boards. It sure the fuck wasnt me. In fact that was definately one of the reasons why I dropped him. I asked him MANY times to CHILL and STFU.

And hey stupid? He even goes on about how it was all his MASTER TROLL for content. So this was ALL his. He did it for CONTENT.

Just because I took my own shots back doesnt mean IM the one who plastered "intimate details" on the forums. This is all on the boards because of HIS stupid ass. Not that I really give a shit. You guys want to yelp and scream about it for years fine. You dipshits are the ONLY ones that do.

And guess what mongoloid.....just because things get posted on a board DOES NOT mean you gotta spend three fucking years obsessed and enraged and shitting yourself over it.

Get a fucking GRIP.

Stupid fuck.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Taking the forums too seriously is having a gotdamn public shit fit for three years over shit you read on the internet lmao

Calling things "PI" that are not "PI".

Fucking retard.

Which is why you fucked and have had relations with "people" off the forums? Which is why this has turned into your life. Which is why you've posted pm's and pictures and P.I., right??? Because you certainly don't take the forums seriously, RIGHT! Because, people who don't take the forums seriously do these things, RIGHT?


You're in denial you fucktard!!! Holding a Switch over the toilet isn't a sign of mental illness or of someone who doesn't take the fucking forums seriously,

Okay retard so you are saying if you meet someone OFF the forum, that MUST mean you take THE FORUM seriously?

How does that work, stupid fuck?

If you meet someone at a grocery store, does that mean you take the grocery store super serious? How about a comedy club? If you meet someone there does that mean you take that seriously too?

Fucking retard. Doesnt even know what PI is. Avoid all this as if no one notices how fucking STUPID you are.

Look at the fucking retarded drama whore who has been wailing and hyperventilating for three years over shit his dumb ass read in a forum accusing other people of what ONLY he does. Fucking idiot. Lmao!


Hey dummy over here. When you make the forum your life and start cheating on your husband and start posting the ins and outs of your sad affair, and hang a Switch over a motel room toilet just to get the much needed attention you think you deserve, then yes you fucking illiterate slag.

Even more when you YOURSELF start bringing up the Switch. No one brought that up til now. YOU DID. You brought it up so I would stop making fun of your transparent stupidity and all the fucking attention would be on YOU once again. Without the forums, you're just another low income drug addict that can't even get her life together to help yourself out, because you'd rather have others do it for you.

You're fucking lazy and stupid. So when you're looking to blame someone for your shortcomings, you should look in the fucking mirror.

Yes. Do indeed look at the "fucking drama" that YOU created by posting P.I. and all the intimate details of all your ruined "relationships." And yes asshole, when you start investing fake feelings for others off a forum to see how much you can take IS taking the fucking forums seriously you fucking clown.

Tell me Dovey, who else has done what you've done? Has Lily held something that didn't belong to her over a fucking toilet from a relationship off the forums? Has Flea cheated on her husband with two losers off the forums? Has Raven been evicted from her home days before Christmas?

All you have are excuses, and because you're sooo fucking stupid all one has to do is read every post that you've posted about your relationships that always end in fucking failure. Gee. I wonder why that is?


Welp retard maybe 50 year old man shouldnt be pawning his kids stuff and throwing tantrums on an internet for real adults with money to get it out for him?

Yeah I'm so lazy and stupid that I'm the only reason that poor kid got his switch back that his lazy dead beat "father" pawned during his MASTER TROLL where he messed around with a married women.

Maybe the fat retarded slob should have stayed home and invested his time into his kids instead of hitting them up for their game toy and pawning it in another state and needing other people to fix his fuck up.

Fucking stupid entitled retard.

Well how about not posting details about your retarded life, then crying about how it was just between you and the fucking Poofer..YOU posted the details, so don't fucking cry when people bring that shit up. After all YOU FUCKING POSTED IT. DON'T LIKE IT? THEN STOP POSTING PERSONAL DETAILS DUMMY!!-

How clear was that??? Clear enough even for your wickedly stupid ass???


How about taking responsibility for YOURSELF and the content you CHOSE to consume?

No one owes you a trigger warning, you stupid fucking spazztic moron.