This thread is not about Dovey!


Domestically feral
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Took a minute but here it is :LOL3:

More proof that you do indeed post details of your private life.


Well if this is so private (lmgdao) maybe he shouldnt have drug it to the forum.

You think? You stupid fucking retard?

How fucking DUMB do you have to be to find that picture too "private" fucking idiot. This isnt private. I took this FOR the public board. Its fucking hilarious. Your hysterics over it are REWARD you stupid fucking retard.

Everyone plainly sees(and you can ask) that Scrotini made a huge fucking scene and blasted everything on the forum and ended up looking like a ghoulish unhinged retard. He completely humiliated himself.

And your retarded fucking ass spending three years desperately trying to make him look better about it has done the exact fucking opposite. Your captain save a broke retard routine isnt helping him.

Fucking retard.

Perhaps you shouldn't have posted it to get even, as you don't take the forums seriously...?



Why would I NOT have posted it?

Boom WHAT?

Fucking retarded moron. I'm GLAD I posted it. It is fucking FUNNY as fuck. You think your anger over it makes me REGRET? Bahahaha retard that's the REWARD. I WANTED you dipshits mad and wailing.



Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
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Took a minute but here it is :LOL3:

More proof that you do indeed post details of your private life.


Well if this is so private (lmgdao) maybe he shouldnt have drug it to the forum.

You think? You stupid fucking retard?

How fucking DUMB do you have to be to find that picture too "private" fucking idiot. This isnt private. I took this FOR the public board. Its fucking hilarious. Your hysterics over it are REWARD you stupid fucking retard.

Everyone plainly sees(and you can ask) that Scrotini made a huge fucking scene and blasted everything on the forum and ended up looking like a ghoulish unhinged retard. He completely humiliated himself.

And your retarded fucking ass spending three years desperately trying to make him look better about it has done the exact fucking opposite. Your captain save a broke retard routine isnt helping him.

Fucking retard.

Perhaps you shouldn't have posted it to get even, as you don't take the forums seriously...?



Why would I NOT have posted it?

Boom WHAT?

Fucking retarded moron. I'm GLAD I posted it. It is fucking FUNNY as fuck. You think your anger over it makes me REGRET? Bahahaha retard that's the REWARD. I WANTED you dipshits mad and wailing.



As you "don't take the forums seriously," you illiterate slut.

I know you're glad you posted it. It goes to show what a fucked up person you really are.

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Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
People actually have to HAVE something to get used

Fucking Scrotini has been carrying on for the past 3 years bragging how he manipulated me into doing all this shit and wasting MY money and he trolled me so he could make CONTENT. And I was so, so gullible.

Yet retard Flynn screams about how literally nothing is POOFERS fault and HE was used. He isbt responsible for ANYTHING. He just some big 50 year old victim.

So WHO is right?

Bahahaha. Fucking idiots c

I get it. So because the guy you let put his dick in you acts like a fucking tool, that's your excuse to be a shitty person???

I guess you really don't take the forums seriously. (That was me being sarcastic) Google the word, "sarcastic."

Make sooooo much sense. You fucking idiot.



Such is life...
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Great Southern Land


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Is it just me or does Poofer get more pathetic everytime Flynn goes on rants trying to explain why the retarded fucking slob isnt responsible for any of his bad choices?

Like pawning his kids switch and being unable to get it out and EXPECTING other people to do it FOR him?

Christ. What a fucking LOSER. Trying to twist it into some act of charity to get 12 stinking bucks to save the day and pay for my Flomax and ten norcos lmao.

And then demanding I pay 108 dollars to get it out for him. Refusing to even send the money or pay for shipping.

And this stupid fucking entitled retard is fighting so hard to sell that its MY responsibility, NOT Poofers.

Unbelievable. These are the perfect democrats. It's always someone ELSES responsibility to take care of THEM.

I like how it's everyone elses fault yet again.

See how you fucking retards do not even understand what personal responsibility even IS?

Yes, the Switch situation is 100 percent on HIM and only a huge fucking entitled loser would say otherwise.

You can spend the next 20 years trying to make excuses for that dead beat piece of shits BAD CHOICES but all you do is make both of you look like the childish, entitled fucking cock roaches you are.

You both know it, too. Hence you are the fucking people all pissed off still raging about it three years later desperately trying to make excuses for a 50 year old man who pawned his KIDS switch and is actually such a fucking BETA he DEMANDED other people played for it and got it.

Any ACTUAL man would not have even LET someone else take care of HIS business.

It's so funny how hard you try to plaster all Scrotinis traits onto me. Its desperate.

Dont worry about MY families income. We have one. WE paid for HIS sons switch and got it back to the kid because he couldnt. He couldnt even get himself back to his shit shack or feed himself.

And looky who is entitled enough to make OTHER people responsible for his stupid decisions.

Yeah things look exactly how they should, dont bruise that mangled meth addled lump in your skull trying to figure it out.

Fucking retard.

Now. Again. It's EVERYONE'S fault.

No, see this is where it becomes very clear you are a fucking stupid retarded, ENTITLED leech.

HIS kids switch was HIS responsibility. See....all the OTHER adults understand this.

YOU being the fucking arrested development inflicted fucking loser you are cannot grasp this because there is something WRONG with you.

People nearing 50.....shit even teenagers get this....understand they are RESPONSIBLE for their CHOICES.

That wasnt MY kids Switch, WAS IT?

It was his fucking responsibility and he is such a bottom feeder he threw it on the good graces other people, people he was pissing off, to take care of it FOR him.

He has absolutely NO ONE to blame but himself.

This isnt debatable and frankly you just show what an entitled and inept over grown child you are trying to argue this and flip the narrative.

Give it up. A 50 year old man has no business pawning his kids toy and being unable to handle it and see to it his child get the thing back. He is LUCKY I'm a decent person and paid his bill to get it out and shipped back to his kid.

End of. You are a fucking RETARD trying to argue this and defend that lying entitled slob in his little scam he tried to pull making a quick 112 dollars and playing the "good guy".


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
People actually have to HAVE something to get used

Fucking Scrotini has been carrying on for the past 3 years bragging how he manipulated me into doing all this shit and wasting MY money and he trolled me so he could make CONTENT. And I was so, so gullible.

Yet retard Flynn screams about how literally nothing is POOFERS fault and HE was used. He isbt responsible for ANYTHING. He just some big 50 year old victim.

So WHO is right?

Bahahaha. Fucking idiots c

I get it. So because the guy you let put his dick in you acts like a fucking tool, that's your excuse to be a shitty person???

Excuse me?

His kid got the Switch back, correct?

That entitled piece of scammy shit is lucky I'm NOT a shitty person.

See how entitled and ungrateful you shit bags are? I had ZERO obligation to do fuck all.

It's because YOU are shitty scum bags who think other people are obligated to pay for and cater to your dumb shit decisions.


Vote blue!


Domestically feral
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United states
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Took a minute but here it is :LOL3:

More proof that you do indeed post details of your private life.


Well if this is so private (lmgdao) maybe he shouldnt have drug it to the forum.

You think? You stupid fucking retard?

How fucking DUMB do you have to be to find that picture too "private" fucking idiot. This isnt private. I took this FOR the public board. Its fucking hilarious. Your hysterics over it are REWARD you stupid fucking retard.

Everyone plainly sees(and you can ask) that Scrotini made a huge fucking scene and blasted everything on the forum and ended up looking like a ghoulish unhinged retard. He completely humiliated himself.

And your retarded fucking ass spending three years desperately trying to make him look better about it has done the exact fucking opposite. Your captain save a broke retard routine isnt helping him.

Fucking retard.

Perhaps you shouldn't have posted it to get even, as you don't take the forums seriously...?



Why would I NOT have posted it?

Boom WHAT?

Fucking retarded moron. I'm GLAD I posted it. It is fucking FUNNY as fuck. You think your anger over it makes me REGRET? Bahahaha retard that's the REWARD. I WANTED you dipshits mad and wailing.



As you "don't take the forums seriously," you illiterate slut.

I know you're glad you posted it. It goes to show what a fucked up person you really are.


Yep yep. Consensus says its fucking hilarious though. It was funny. Glad I did it.

It was well deserved considering that fucked up person wanted the whole thing plastered on the boards in the first place yanno? SOME ONE had to make it funny.



Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
People actually have to HAVE something to get used

Fucking Scrotini has been carrying on for the past 3 years bragging how he manipulated me into doing all this shit and wasting MY money and he trolled me so he could make CONTENT. And I was so, so gullible.

Yet retard Flynn screams about how literally nothing is POOFERS fault and HE was used. He isbt responsible for ANYTHING. He just some big 50 year old victim.

So WHO is right?

Bahahaha. Fucking idiots c

I get it. So because the guy you let put his dick in you acts like a fucking tool, that's your excuse to be a shitty person???

Excuse me?

His kid got the Switch back, correct?

That entitled piece of scammy shit is lucky I'm NOT a shitty person.

See how entitled and ungrateful you shit bags are?

It's because YOU are shitty scum bags who think other people are obligated to pay for and cater to your dumb shit decision.


Vote blue!

Excuse me?!

How many fucking times did you threaten to flush it? How many times did you threaten to destroy it? How many times did you say you sent it but never did??? It was only after the intervention of some of the posters here that you did send something back that was NEVER yours.

Now you're patting yourself on the back for something a normal and sane person would do. Wow that's some funny ass shit right there!


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Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Is it just me or does Poofer get more pathetic everytime Flynn goes on rants trying to explain why the retarded fucking slob isnt responsible for any of his bad choices?

Like pawning his kids switch and being unable to get it out and EXPECTING other people to do it FOR him?

Christ. What a fucking LOSER. Trying to twist it into some act of charity to get 12 stinking bucks to save the day and pay for my Flomax and ten norcos lmao.

And then demanding I pay 108 dollars to get it out for him. Refusing to even send the money or pay for shipping.

And this stupid fucking entitled retard is fighting so hard to sell that its MY responsibility, NOT Poofers.

Unbelievable. These are the perfect democrats. It's always someone ELSES responsibility to take care of THEM.

I like how it's everyone elses fault yet again.

See how you fucking retards do not even understand what personal responsibility even IS?

Yes, the Switch situation is 100 percent on HIM and only a huge fucking entitled loser would say otherwise.

You can spend the next 20 years trying to make excuses for that dead beat piece of shits BAD CHOICES but all you do is make both of you look like the childish, entitled fucking cock roaches you are.

You both know it, too. Hence you are the fucking people all pissed off still raging about it three years later desperately trying to make excuses for a 50 year old man who pawned his KIDS switch and is actually such a fucking BETA he DEMANDED other people played for it and got it.

Any ACTUAL man would not have even LET someone else take care of HIS business.

It's so funny how hard you try to plaster all Scrotinis traits onto me. Its desperate.

Dont worry about MY families income. We have one. WE paid for HIS sons switch and got it back to the kid because he couldnt. He couldnt even get himself back to his shit shack or feed himself.

And looky who is entitled enough to make OTHER people responsible for his stupid decisions.

Yeah things look exactly how they should, dont bruise that mangled meth addled lump in your skull trying to figure it out.

Fucking retard.

Now. Again. It's EVERYONE'S fault.

No, see this is where it becomes very clear you are a fucking stupid retarded, ENTITLED leech.

HIS kids switch was HIS responsibility. See....all the OTHER adults understand this.

YOU being the fucking arrested development inflicted fucking loser you are cannot grasp this because there is something WRONG with you.

People nearing 50.....shit even teenagers get this....understand they are RESPONSIBLE for their CHOICES.

That wasnt MY kids Switch, WAS IT?

It was his fucking responsibility and he is such a bottom feeder he threw it on the good graces other people, people he was pissing off, to take care of it FOR him.

He has absolutely NO ONE to blame but himself.

This isnt debatable and frankly you just show what an entitled and inept over grown child you are trying to argue this and flip the narrative.

Give it up. A 50 year old man has no business pawning his kids toy and being unable to handle it and see to it his child get the thing back. He is LUCKY I'm a decent person and paid his bill to get it out and shipped back to his kid.

End of. You are a fucking RETARD trying to argue this and defend that lying entitled slob in his little scam he tried to pull making a quick 112 dollars and playing the "good guy".

"My dude" <HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!


Here we go with, it's everyone elses fault. Dovey did nothing wrong because it's everybody else that is crazy and retarded. Everyone is just blaming shit on you Dovey because you're such a stand up citizen

Now that kind of thought is worthy of you being a true "narcissistic" sociopath.

I'm glad we got that straight.



Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
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Took a minute but here it is :LOL3:

More proof that you do indeed post details of your private life.


Well if this is so private (lmgdao) maybe he shouldnt have drug it to the forum.

You think? You stupid fucking retard?

How fucking DUMB do you have to be to find that picture too "private" fucking idiot. This isnt private. I took this FOR the public board. Its fucking hilarious. Your hysterics over it are REWARD you stupid fucking retard.

Everyone plainly sees(and you can ask) that Scrotini made a huge fucking scene and blasted everything on the forum and ended up looking like a ghoulish unhinged retard. He completely humiliated himself.

And your retarded fucking ass spending three years desperately trying to make him look better about it has done the exact fucking opposite. Your captain save a broke retard routine isnt helping him.

Fucking retard.

Perhaps you shouldn't have posted it to get even, as you don't take the forums seriously...?



Why would I NOT have posted it?

Boom WHAT?

Fucking retarded moron. I'm GLAD I posted it. It is fucking FUNNY as fuck. You think your anger over it makes me REGRET? Bahahaha retard that's the REWARD. I WANTED you dipshits mad and wailing.



As you "don't take the forums seriously," you illiterate slut.

I know you're glad you posted it. It goes to show what a fucked up person you really are.


Yep yep. Consensus says its fucking hilarious though. It was funny. Glad I did it.

It was well deserved considering that fucked up person wanted the whole thing plastered on the boards in the first place yanno? SOME ONE had to make it funny.


Notice how you stated, "consensus."

That furthermore reinforces what I say about you wanting attention. You care more about what other anonymous people think on a fucking forum. You'll pretty much do anything for the attention and drama, no matter what.

And you say you don't take the forums seriously. Liar.. Liar...Loose pussy on fire!!!


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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Is it just me or does Poofer get more pathetic everytime Flynn goes on rants trying to explain why the retarded fucking slob isnt responsible for any of his bad choices?

Like pawning his kids switch and being unable to get it out and EXPECTING other people to do it FOR him?

Christ. What a fucking LOSER. Trying to twist it into some act of charity to get 12 stinking bucks to save the day and pay for my Flomax and ten norcos lmao.

And then demanding I pay 108 dollars to get it out for him. Refusing to even send the money or pay for shipping.

And this stupid fucking entitled retard is fighting so hard to sell that its MY responsibility, NOT Poofers.

Unbelievable. These are the perfect democrats. It's always someone ELSES responsibility to take care of THEM.

I like how it's everyone elses fault yet again.

See how you fucking retards do not even understand what personal responsibility even IS?

Yes, the Switch situation is 100 percent on HIM and only a huge fucking entitled loser would say otherwise.

You can spend the next 20 years trying to make excuses for that dead beat piece of shits BAD CHOICES but all you do is make both of you look like the childish, entitled fucking cock roaches you are.

You both know it, too. Hence you are the fucking people all pissed off still raging about it three years later desperately trying to make excuses for a 50 year old man who pawned his KIDS switch and is actually such a fucking BETA he DEMANDED other people played for it and got it.

Any ACTUAL man would not have even LET someone else take care of HIS business.

It's so funny how hard you try to plaster all Scrotinis traits onto me. Its desperate.

Dont worry about MY families income. We have one. WE paid for HIS sons switch and got it back to the kid because he couldnt. He couldnt even get himself back to his shit shack or feed himself.

And looky who is entitled enough to make OTHER people responsible for his stupid decisions.

Yeah things look exactly how they should, dont bruise that mangled meth addled lump in your skull trying to figure it out.

Fucking retard.

Now. Again. It's EVERYONE'S fault.

Here we go with simple rinse and spin and recycle. Sure, moron it's all the fault of others, because they control what you fucking do. Because everyone made you cheat on your husband and post all the intimate details on a forum full of idiots.

Do you ever stop blaming others for you insipid lifestyle? I mean the only thing you haven't blamed for your shortcomings is God. I'm sure that'll be next when you get boxed into a corner. You just want the attention, negative or good; but it's not your fault because you acted on your own accord? Did I get that right?

Well in that fucking case, why not just go around blaming others for EVERYTHING. Maybe you can blame the State for you being a heroin addict? You can blame the birds for your failed relationships? You can blame the bees for having your children taken away as well.

Let you tell it, it's a global conspiracy against you, almost a pandemic of sorts.



If only they knew how empowering it is to take responsibility for what we do control, it's liberating.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Is it just me or does Poofer get more pathetic everytime Flynn goes on rants trying to explain why the retarded fucking slob isnt responsible for any of his bad choices?

Like pawning his kids switch and being unable to get it out and EXPECTING other people to do it FOR him?

Christ. What a fucking LOSER. Trying to twist it into some act of charity to get 12 stinking bucks to save the day and pay for my Flomax and ten norcos lmao.

And then demanding I pay 108 dollars to get it out for him. Refusing to even send the money or pay for shipping.

And this stupid fucking entitled retard is fighting so hard to sell that its MY responsibility, NOT Poofers.

Unbelievable. These are the perfect democrats. It's always someone ELSES responsibility to take care of THEM.

I like how it's everyone elses fault yet again.

See how you fucking retards do not even understand what personal responsibility even IS?

Yes, the Switch situation is 100 percent on HIM and only a huge fucking entitled loser would say otherwise.

You can spend the next 20 years trying to make excuses for that dead beat piece of shits BAD CHOICES but all you do is make both of you look like the childish, entitled fucking cock roaches you are.

You both know it, too. Hence you are the fucking people all pissed off still raging about it three years later desperately trying to make excuses for a 50 year old man who pawned his KIDS switch and is actually such a fucking BETA he DEMANDED other people played for it and got it.

Any ACTUAL man would not have even LET someone else take care of HIS business.

It's so funny how hard you try to plaster all Scrotinis traits onto me. Its desperate.

Dont worry about MY families income. We have one. WE paid for HIS sons switch and got it back to the kid because he couldnt. He couldnt even get himself back to his shit shack or feed himself.

And looky who is entitled enough to make OTHER people responsible for his stupid decisions.

Yeah things look exactly how they should, dont bruise that mangled meth addled lump in your skull trying to figure it out.

Fucking retard.

Now. Again. It's EVERYONE'S fault.

Here we go with simple rinse and spin and recycle. Sure, moron it's all the fault of others, because they control what you fucking do. Because everyone made you cheat on your husband and post all the intimate details on a forum full of idiots.

Do you ever stop blaming others for you insipid lifestyle? I mean the only thing you haven't blamed for your shortcomings is God. I'm sure that'll be next when you get boxed into a corner. You just want the attention, negative or good; but it's not your fault because you acted on your own accord? Did I get that right?

Well in that fucking case, why not just go around blaming others for EVERYTHING. Maybe you can blame the State for you being a heroin addict? You can blame the birds for your failed relationships? You can blame the bees for having your children taken away as well.

Let you tell it, it's a global conspiracy against you, almost a pandemic of sorts.



If only they knew how empowering it is to take responsibility for what we do control, it's liberating.



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Notice how you stated, "consensus."

Consensus at a place that's called "Bastard Factory". Whoa...amazing!

Wanna take a guess who makes up this "consensus?"

-Biggie Smurf

What a fucking SURPRISE!!!

What is "People with iqs that are less than 75" for $400 Alex?

Who is every person on that "consensus" list?

Bingo! Aah, the best game for people with iqs less than 75...


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
Notice how you stated, "consensus."

Consensus at a place that's called "Bastard Factory". Whoa...amazing!

Wanna take a guess who makes up this "consensus?"

-Biggie Smurf

What a fucking SURPRISE!!!

What is "People with iqs that are less than 75" for $400 Alex?

Who is every person on that "consensus" list?
You can be on the empirical consensus too if you were nicer. More love-heartish kinda like and stuff. No more relationship drama for a start! Sweet?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
If it has to even be explained it's a fucking lost cause.

These are the kinds of people that dont pay their bills and then get mad and all sanctimonious when their utilities get shut off.

Then they get pissed off if no one "helps" them.

I bet before they go to their shitty job, they hop on socail media and post things like "Time 2 get dat $$$" and "only God can judge me" and shit like that. And the ole "You know who your friends really are when shit gets real" lmao

:LOL3: :LOL3:
Last edited:


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
People actually have to HAVE something to get used

Fucking Scrotini has been carrying on for the past 3 years bragging how he manipulated me into doing all this shit and wasting MY money and he trolled me so he could make CONTENT. And I was so, so gullible.

Yet retard Flynn screams about how literally nothing is POOFERS fault and HE was used. He isbt responsible for ANYTHING. He just some big 50 year old victim.

So WHO is right?

Bahahaha. Fucking idiots c

I get it. So because the guy you let put his dick in you acts like a fucking tool, that's your excuse to be a shitty person???

Excuse me?

His kid got the Switch back, correct?

That entitled piece of scammy shit is lucky I'm NOT a shitty person.

See how entitled and ungrateful you shit bags are?

It's because YOU are shitty scum bags who think other people are obligated to pay for and cater to your dumb shit decision.


Vote blue!

Excuse me?!

How many fucking times did you threaten to flush it? How many times did you threaten to destroy it? How many times did you say you sent it but never did??? It was only after the intervention of some of the posters here that you did send something back that was NEVER yours.

Now you're patting yourself on the back for something a normal and sane person would do. Wow that's some funny ass shit right there!



Perhaps the adult who was in charge of it should have been able to handle it himself.

Then all this trauma you stupid retarded fucks have been suffering for 3 years wouldnt have happened.

You really are pathetic crying like a victim over such a SELF INFLICTED trauma.

No one can relate to your outrage here. Mostly because none of us have ever pawned something that belonged to our kid and than had to rely on other people to get it back.

I'd say grow up but you guys are AARP qualifiers by now.

Fucking irresponsible and entitled retards.
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Bastard of the Century
Site Supporter ☠️
When this thread reaches page 100, I'll pop that bottle of Veuve Cliquot and toast Martino's ability to provide content even as he remains in the background.