US Military prepares for War....


Vape Nation
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Halfway Up Ben Nevis
That's interesting, another one of your reliable sauces claimed that it was just maintenance work...

Hmmm, what to believe?
You have no credibility, so why don't you go post Rammstein videos somewhere, and let the adults discuss reality. No one called it Maintenance work, you retard.
"let adults discuss reality" bahaha yeah like how Kyle's a hero that got found not guilty in a court of law, that kind of reality? You've become so anti-Brit recently there's got to be a reason behind it, who done hurted you?

The daft twat doesn't even know the difference between England and Scotland.
Even the Japs know more haha
I dunno why England gets lumped with bad food though...


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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Factory Bastard
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I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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This is why I own thermal optics.
You own thermal optics because soldiers practice at being Soldiers? all right then Big Chief Potatoe.
I bet you dont even make what I spent on that scope in a month! PWN3D!
Wow really? You must be like a Grey Fox Sniper or sumpin!
Is that some kind of faggit code? :Popcorn:
It's a code for something you don't have the first clue about.


Factory Bastard
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Democrats want to corrupt and make partisan every institution so they can control everything. The justice department and the FBI have already been turned into partisan tools so the law is only selectively enforced. This is 3rd world type shit and regular Democrats cheer it because they think it means their side is winning.

It means America as a whole is losing.


Domestically feral
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United states
Democrats want to corrupt and make partisan every institution so they can control everything. The justice department and the FBI have already been turned into partisan tools so the law is only selectively enforced. This is 3rd world type shit and regular Democrats cheer it because they think it means their side is winning.

It means America as a whole is losing.


Regular dems/progs have been poisoned against other Americans and cheer these things on because they really do think their "side" is winning.

Theyve lost the plot in so many ways. Its NOT even supposed to be a battle of "sides". Now that it rages on cold civil war levels, our rights are being attacked and they either dont see it or dont care because they think as long as its us...their "enemies"....its a win.

Have you noticed how dems/progs generally dont really understand how this country works? How it's set up to honor the rights and voices of every individual? That the people have more power here than they would in a full democracy BECAUSE of things like the electoral college and filibuster?

They way they view the country is so twisted. How could anyone ever think rioters....people destroying communities ..literally destroying the communities and property of innocent people... could ever be a way of "fighting the system"? Its delusion and a blatant lie. More so when you see the government sanctioned it. That was the system punishing the people....trying to scare people into voting a certain way.

Hence why we see these violent antics around election years only.


Domestically feral
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United states
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If you laugh at and wont read Briebart or any "right wing" links.....why do you think people should read your corporate leftwing ones?

Really? This source is so incredibly bias and dishonest it's a waste of time to read it.

Did you use those "how to spot fake news" tips you posted the other day? Or do you think you dont need to because your sources are the "correct" ones and it's just other ones that are bad?