63 Congresspersons Unabashedly Express Their Support for Transputinist Autocracy


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  • he House overwhelmingly approved a resolution expressing support for NATO on Tuesday.
  • The resolution passed 362-63, with support from 143 Republicans and 219 Democrats.
  • Sixty-three members of the GOP caucus voted against the measure.
More than 60 Republicans on Tuesday voted against a resolution expressing support for NATO and calling on President Joe Biden to strengthen the organization's committement to defending democracy.

The resolution, introduced by Rep. Gerald Connolly, a Democrat from Virginia, was backed by a majority of the GOP caucus and every Democrat who voted.

Citing the threat posed by "authoritarian regimes" as well as "internal threats from proponents of illiberalism,"
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calls on the Biden administration to uphold NATO's "founding democratic principles." It also advocates the creation of a "Center for Democratic Resilience" within NATO's headquarters in Brussels, with the center providing member states assistance to strengthen their own democratic institutions.

The vote comes not only amid a war in Ukraine that has sent millions of refugees into neighboring NATO states, but
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of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who has faced international criticism for his relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin and assaults on civil society. Orban, who was endorsed by former President Donald Trump, has won praise from some right-wing pundits in the US for his hostility to immigration and LGBTQ rights.

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Tuesday's resolution included most of Trump's most loyal defenders in Congress, among them: Reps. Lauren Boebert of Colorado; Madison Cawthorn of North Carolina; Matt Gaetz of Florida; Paul Gosar of Arizona; Marjorie Taylor-Greene of Georgia; and Jim Jordan of Ohio.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
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  • he House overwhelmingly approved a resolution expressing support for NATO on Tuesday.
  • The resolution passed 362-63, with support from 143 Republicans and 219 Democrats.
  • Sixty-three members of the GOP caucus voted against the measure.
More than 60 Republicans on Tuesday voted against a resolution expressing support for NATO and calling on President Joe Biden to strengthen the organization's committement to defending democracy.

The resolution, introduced by Rep. Gerald Connolly, a Democrat from Virginia, was backed by a majority of the GOP caucus and every Democrat who voted.

Citing the threat posed by "authoritarian regimes" as well as "internal threats from proponents of illiberalism,"
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calls on the Biden administration to uphold NATO's "founding democratic principles." It also advocates the creation of a "Center for Democratic Resilience" within NATO's headquarters in Brussels, with the center providing member states assistance to strengthen their own democratic institutions.

The vote comes not only amid a war in Ukraine that has sent millions of refugees into neighboring NATO states, but
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of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who has faced international criticism for his relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin and assaults on civil society. Orban, who was endorsed by former President Donald Trump, has won praise from some right-wing pundits in the US for his hostility to immigration and LGBTQ rights.

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Tuesday's resolution included most of Trump's most loyal defenders in Congress, among them: Reps. Lauren Boebert of Colorado; Madison Cawthorn of North Carolina; Matt Gaetz of Florida; Paul Gosar of Arizona; Marjorie Taylor-Greene of Georgia; and Jim Jordan of Ohio.

Any who voted against this resolution is un American.


Domestically feral
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United states
63 Traitors to Truth, Justice And The American Way.

War, authoritarianism and anti liberalism is not the American way.

I think you all have lost your minds and have become a sort of mindless threat to everyone including yourselves.

Partisanship was never meant to be a thing here. This is why.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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63 Traitors to Truth, Justice And The American Way.

War, authoritarianism and anti liberalism is not the American way.

I think you all have lost your minds and have become a sort of mindless threat to everyone including yourselves.

Partisanship was never meant to be a thing here. This is why.
Pro Tip: WW1, WW2. 20 years apart. The EU & NATO 70 War Free Years in Europe, till now. NATO has saved lives, Cheerleading a thug is causing historic death and destruction. eta, on a Biblical level
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63 Traitors to Truth, Justice And The American Way.

War, authoritarianism and anti liberalism is not the American way.

I think you all have lost your minds and have become a sort of mindless threat to everyone including yourselves.

Partisanship was never meant to be a thing here. This is why.
Pro Tip: WW1, WW2. 20 years apart. The EU & NATO 70 War Free Years in Europe, till now. NATO has saved lives, Cheerleading a thug is causing historic death and destruction.
Done a fine job holding the line against authoritarianism, and anti-Liberalism.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
63 Traitors to Truth, Justice And The American Way.

War, authoritarianism and anti liberalism is not the American way.

I think you all have lost your minds and have become a sort of mindless threat to everyone including yourselves.

Partisanship was never meant to be a thing here. This is why.
Pro Tip: WW1, WW2. 20 years apart. The EU & NATO 70 War Free Years in Europe, till now. NATO has saved lives, Cheerleading a thug is causing historic death and destruction.

It's frightening what these people didn't learn and now rely on internet bozos to form their opinions.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Remember just a few years ago when democRATs were in a tizzy about Eurotrashian NATO members not paying their fair share? Pepperidge Farms remembers, bitches!


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
63 Traitors to Truth, Justice And The American Way.

War, authoritarianism and anti liberalism is not the American way.

I think you all have lost your minds and have become a sort of mindless threat to everyone including yourselves.

Partisanship was never meant to be a thing here. This is why.
Pro Tip: WW1, WW2. 20 years apart. The EU & NATO 70 War Free Years in Europe, till now. NATO has saved lives, Cheerleading a thug is causing historic death and destruction. eta, on a Biblical level

That's extremely surface. So you dont think NATO has become a business?

Admin, people being against making moves that would contribute to WW3 is NOT "cheer leading a thug".

Think about wartime propaganda and consider how the whole "agree with us and consent to war or you are pro putin" is propaganda. Do you REALLY believe that any Americans who just do not want our country in war are "cheerleading a thug"?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
63 Traitors to Truth, Justice And The American Way.

War, authoritarianism and anti liberalism is not the American way.

I think you all have lost your minds and have become a sort of mindless threat to everyone including yourselves.

Partisanship was never meant to be a thing here. This is why.
Pro Tip: WW1, WW2. 20 years apart. The EU & NATO 70 War Free Years in Europe, till now. NATO has saved lives, Cheerleading a thug is causing historic death and destruction.
Done a fine job holding the line against authoritarianism, and anti-Liberalism.

Says the authoritarian who thinks that peoples bodies belong to the community and that liberalism doesnt mean "you can do whatever you want!", so its okay to force medical interventions because if the government isnt making our medical decisions we are not "truly liberal".


Yep, conservatives know who marjorines their bread.
Keep Big Pharma profitable. To hell with the suffering masses.

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Now, the House
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a measure to cap the price of insulin at $35 a month. And yet the loudest MAGA-ites all voted against HR 6833—the Affordable Insulin Now Act. Take a look at the roll call. Marjorie Taylor Greene voted “nay.” Madison Cawthorn and Lauren Boebert? Nay, nay. Paul Gosar, Louie Gohmert, and Matt Gaetz? Nay, nay, and nay.

You can argue that politicians of many different ideological hues are often corrupt (or simply insincere) and
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. And that’s true. But these are supposed to be the hardest core—the GOP’s equivalent of Bernie or the Squad. And they couldn’t even vote to throw the tiniest bone to suffering people at the expense of corporate profits. (37.3 million Americans, or one in every 10 Americans, has diabetes,
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. etc...


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Yep, conservatives know who marjorines their bread.
Keep Big Pharma profitable. To hell with the suffering masses.

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Now, the House
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a measure to cap the price of insulin at $35 a month. And yet the loudest MAGA-ites all voted against HR 6833—the Affordable Insulin Now Act. Take a look at the roll call. Marjorie Taylor Greene voted “nay.” Madison Cawthorn and Lauren Boebert? Nay, nay. Paul Gosar, Louie Gohmert, and Matt Gaetz? Nay, nay, and nay.

You can argue that politicians of many different ideological hues are often corrupt (or simply insincere) and
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. And that’s true. But these are supposed to be the hardest core—the GOP’s equivalent of Bernie or the Squad. And they couldn’t even vote to throw the tiniest bone to suffering people at the expense of corporate profits. (37.3 million Americans, or one in every 10 Americans, has diabetes,
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. etc...

The guy we voted for HAD insulin prices WAY down. But Biden had to "pause" that.

And NOW you guys are gonna pretend to care about insulin prices... and just so you know, that's a joke to those of us who plead this case over a year ago to avail.

You got yourselves to thank for that. It's your fault. Your vote did it.

As far as pharmaceutical corps go you should have gotten a pay check for your ghoulish corporate shilling in forcing/coercing vaccines on the public while blathering how "liberal doesnt mean you can do what you want....derpa derp your body belongs to the state!".

H you are just a partisan hack who really doesnt care about anything other than your weird and irrational hate of "cons"(and you dont even really know what cons are).


Yep, conservatives know who marjorines their bread.
Keep Big Pharma profitable. To hell with the suffering masses.

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Now, the House
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a measure to cap the price of insulin at $35 a month. And yet the loudest MAGA-ites all voted against HR 6833—the Affordable Insulin Now Act. Take a look at the roll call. Marjorie Taylor Greene voted “nay.” Madison Cawthorn and Lauren Boebert? Nay, nay. Paul Gosar, Louie Gohmert, and Matt Gaetz? Nay, nay, and nay.

You can argue that politicians of many different ideological hues are often corrupt (or simply insincere) and
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. And that’s true. But these are supposed to be the hardest core—the GOP’s equivalent of Bernie or the Squad. And they couldn’t even vote to throw the tiniest bone to suffering people at the expense of corporate profits. (37.3 million Americans, or one in every 10 Americans, has diabetes,
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. etc...
for example:

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Was it Part of the Platinum Plan one wonders? :LOL3:

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Domestically feral
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United states
Everything goes up under democRATs while they mew about helping "the little guy".

Yep. And they justify it as their corporate media instructs them.

It's ridiculous.

They dont give a single shit about the "little guy". All they care about is their cold civil war with other views. They want to stomp out and destroy any views opposing their own. So they constantly demonize and lie.

Look how they react to views about the Russian invasion of Ukraine and that situation that oppose the corporate media narrative about it. They dont even hear it out. They jump right to "omg pro putin! Cheer leading a thug!"

Do they not realize this is how CULTS operate? Politics should be an open topic with rational and civil discourse. What they do instead with this attacking and gaslighting....taking every disagreement or other perspective in bad faith because the elites tell them to....is how a cult works. It's made clear that anyone who questions or opposes will be smeared and attacked.
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Domestically feral
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United states
Everything goes up under democRATs

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Gasoline has doubled and my pay has been cut nearly in half under biden. My pay nearly doubled and gas was half what it is today under Trump.

But an opinion piece from an establishment propaganda arm says you are big dumb, Lok.


Factory Bastard
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They are refusing to pass anything in protest to Biden ending Title 42 and letting any and all illegals into the US while refusing to deport any illegals for any reason.

Funny how Biden is blocking Ukrainians, Cubans, and Venezuelans though. Actually, no, it isn't as those nationalities tend not to vote for socialists so Dems want to keep them out


Domestically feral
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United states
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I mean with this, you can literally check all the data and see who is doing better.

Some stupid article about "Democrats vs Republicans" that leaves out important nuance and details when you can literally compare states (which gives you a more clear picture) just shows your only goal is trying to win some partisan argument.

And it kinda fails to show how the republican party is changing and becoming more authentically republican. It's the rino "repukez" that the media and establishment approve of are not the ones we throw support behind.

A label doesnt mean much. You need to look at what they actually DO and get it from multiple sources. But that's for people who still genuinely care about the actual country.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Listen up insurgents, this man personally has had 6 Bankruptcies, I think you better listen to him.

Is the economy better under biden? No. Was the economy better under onigger? No. The economy did ok under Clinton for most of his term. The economy SOARED under Reagan.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Listen up insurgents, this man personally has had 6 Bankruptcies, I think you better listen to him.

And that's been addressed so many times but for you guys just keep repeating this. I mean it just ignored at this point because you guys only use this to show why you think "Trump bad!" and you wont hear anything else.

And whatever you guys decide to use to persecute your opponents you will over look and forgive when it comes to people with the proper label.

So for you this is about something else entirely than it is for us


Factory Bastard
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When my kids drove back to Florida, ever state, Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia, and Florida had cheaper gas than Illinois. My other kid drove back to Ohio....guess what? Indiana and Ohio have cheaper gas than Illinois.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Oh WE are the "frightened flock"?

Shall we revisit all the factually false hysterics and claims from the real frightened flock who screams about people "killing people" and "putting them in chains" if we defend individual rights?

Like how parent rights are gonna kill all the gays?


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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Oh WE are the "frightened flock"?

Shall we revisit all the factually false hysterics and claims from the real frightened flock who screams about people "killing people" and "putting them in chains" if we defend individual rights?

Like how parent rights are gonna kill all the gays?
Shouldn't you be at the local library looking for books to ban?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Oh WE are the "frightened flock"?

Shall we revisit all the factually false hysterics and claims from the real frightened flock who screams about people "killing people" and "putting them in chains" if we defend individual rights?

Like how parent rights are gonna kill all the gays?
Shouldn't you be at the local library looking for books to ban?

Shouldnt you be at your local elementary school handing out Hustler mags and condoms?

Two can play that, Admin. You cant really complain about who is misrepresenting views like that.