No Transgenders or Drag Queens were involved in the PLEASE ASS BOX ME!/Rape of this Child.


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The only reason that this asshole got caught is because the 14 year old heard a sex education lecture by camp counselors. Sex education is anti-PLEASE ASS BOX ME!.



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Domestically feral
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United states
Wtf is your argument here?

Are you just finally glad a case of rape and assault wasnt a tranny so you can pretend to care about that again?

Hey! He isnt fucking Arab either is he? Yet....I was STILL violently attacked and raped by an adult Arab.

So....what's the fucking point of pointing out a MALE raped someone as if that somehow makes MALES less rapey when they wear skirts and anally rape females in locker rooms?

Thanks for showing us that MALES rape. We didnt know that. Slow fucking clap for you. Glad you found a case you can FAKE care about because you think it magically erases all the fucking groomers and rapists flooding the denocrat/prog platform.


Who am I? I am over Two Billion in Saudi Cash!
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Wtf is your argument here?

Are you just finally glad a case of rape and assault wasnt a tranny so you can pretend to care about that again?

Hey! He isnt fucking Arab either is he? Yet....I was STILL violently attacked and raped by an adult Arab.

So....what's the fucking point of pointing out a MALE raped someone as if that somehow makes MALES less rapey when they wear skirts and anally rape females in locker rooms?

Thanks for showing us that MALES rape. We didnt know that. Slow fucking clap for you. Glad you found a case you can FAKE care about because you think it magically erases all the fucking groomers and rapists flooding the denocrat/prog platform.
I knew it woul soar over your pointed little head, the "argument" is the overwhelming vast majority of sex abusers are not members of the Drag Queen LGBTQ+ community, not by a long shot, yet you shriek and scream about that miniscule percentage of the population of abusers.

And please link us to all those child abusers given cover by Democrats. Pro Tip Denny Hastert was NOT a Democrat.


Domestically feral
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United states
I knew it woul soar over your pointed little head, the "argument" is the overwhelming vast majority of sex abusers are not members of the Drag Queen LGBTQ+ community, not by a long shot, yet you shriek and scream about that miniscule percentage of the population of abusers.

And please link us to all those child abusers given cover by Democrats. Pro Tip Denny Hastert was NOT a Democrat.

Nothing is "soaring" over my head. You are literally using a case showing male sexual violence against a child to argue for removing sex based protections from women.

Admin what do the sex offenders all have in common? They are MALES. YOU are just arguing for allowing "TQ" predators access to female spaces.

In reality ANY male can now say he identifies as a woman, because woman has no legal definiton, and THIS male could be placed in a female prison.

You are so stuck in your partisan hatred you refuse to see what you are supporting. And you refuse to see it's your own fucking team who started pushing back on this.

You wanna involve actual LGB people when they were the first to start opposing this because they see how dangerous this is. You know that, right? Or do you just file everyone under "right wing hate group" who says anything against thos attack on women and girls?


Domestically feral
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United states
Admin thinks this case is somehow a nonissue because males are predators anyway I guess so we may as well remove protections from women and girls.

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Domestically feral
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United states
"Look at these male predators! This is why you should let males in female spaces when they claim to be women! Since males who dont claim to women rape you should let males who do in!"

The bottom line is, MALES commit the vast majority of violent crime. And sexual crime. MALES. This is why women and girls fought for and have their own sex segregated spaces for our safety and our dignity. Forcing women to tolerate males with dicks in spaces where we are vulnerable is disgusting and EVER case of MALE predatory violence shows WHY women need protections based on our BIOLOGY.

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
I knew it woul soar over your pointed little head, the "argument" is the overwhelming vast majority of sex abusers are not members of the Drag Queen LGBTQ+ community, not by a long shot, yet you shriek and scream about that miniscule percentage of the population of abusers.

And please link us to all those child abusers given cover by Democrats. Pro Tip Denny Hastert was NOT a Democrat.
This stupid faggot clearly doesn't understand the word "proportion". Of course in total there are more hetero sex abusers, due to the fact that heteros make up an overwhelming majority of the population.

However, what Fagmin either doesn't understand or is trying to conceal, is that a disproportionately large number of child sex abusers are from the LGBT community and prey on young boys, as opposed to girls.



Domestically feral
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United states
MALES commit these crimes. MALES. Doeant matter if they are gay or straight or living a fetish claiming to be women or gender dysphoric or not......MALES do this.

And this is why women need their own segregated spaces.

I dont understand WHY Admin doesn't see the cruelty of MALES using their power and privilege to take away the meaning of "woman" and decide it's okay to let MALES with DICKS come into female spaces regardless of how women feel about it.


Domestically feral
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United states
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Anything like this line up of perverts Dovey

They are males. Do you want these guys being able to "identify" as women and enter women's facilities?

Right now they could if they wanted and even Trump said males can use female facilities in his properties. Before Biden destroyed women's protections and laws based on our female biology by including males as "women".


Factory Bastard
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Dinky Dianna is much better equipped to answer such questions. I’ve never been confronted or experienced any type of bathroom confrontation. Maybe it has to do with where I live.


Domestically feral
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United states
Dinky Dianna is much better equipped to answer such questions. I’ve never been confronted or experienced any type of bathroom confrontation. Maybe it has to do with where I live.

You are a guy, Sea. You dont have to worry about men coming into locker rooms and bathrooms to be perverts. Women do worry about that and experience it.


Bastard of the Century
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This stupid faggot clearly doesn't understand the word "proportion". Of course in total there are more hetero sex abusers, due to the fact that heteros make up an overwhelming majority of the population.

However, what Fagmin either doesn't understand or is trying to conceal, is that a disproportionately large number of child sex abusers are from the LGBT community and prey on young boys, as opposed to girls.

Vanguard America is an American
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organization. The organization is also a member of the
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. The group gained significant attention after it was revealed that
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had marched with them at the
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before being arrested on murder charges. The group has its roots in the
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. (source: Wikipedia)

You're such a transparent shill, Scouse.

No surprise there, I suppose.


Domestically feral
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United states
Vanguard America is an American
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Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
organization. The organization is also a member of the
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
. The group gained significant attention after it was revealed that
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
had marched with them at the
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before being arrested on murder charges. The group has its roots in the
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. (source: Wikipedia)

You're such a transparent shill, Scouse.

No surprise there, I suppose.

Literally every organization that isnt democrats or pro Democrat causes gets label "white supremacists/neo nazi/fascist".

Let's pretend THIS time the label is true though. Is the info they gave FALSE? Can we see a counter?

Because two plus two is still four even if a fascist neo nazi says it. Js.

Speaking of shills Wiki is a known heavily bias source and has had issues in the past regarding their heavy bias.


Ceedoobie's #1 Fan
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He's clearly on the wrong side of the political spectrum.

These pervs should just wait a little, in a few years, all the "transitioning" of kids will open the "dialogue" to make PLEASE ASS BOX ME! completely normal in the US.


Domestically feral
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United states
"AllSides uses Wikipedia frequently as a source on our balanced
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, and it is the 13th most popular website in the world, so Wikipedia’s bias is worth discussing. Sanger has
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, and some have noted the site’s entries related to communism and socialism fail to mention the
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. Studies have found Wikipedia employs left-wing bias in its
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, relies more on
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, and sanctions conservative editors at a
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. People typically point to five studies that have found evidence of Wikipedia’s left-wing bias; AllSides hasn’t found any claims of conservative bias leveraged at Wikipedia; the encyclopedia
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was created in response to purported
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Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Vanguard America is an American
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Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
organization. The organization is also a member of the
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
. The group gained significant attention after it was revealed that
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
had marched with them at the
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before being arrested on murder charges. The group has its roots in the
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. (source: Wikipedia)

You're such a transparent shill, Scouse.

No surprise there, I suppose.
Quotes from a biased leftist source to counter a statement made by a right wing one.... bravo Blurt, bravo.

Just because so called "nazis" make a claim, it doesn't automatically mean it's false.

Don't get me started with James Fields, the poor twat was royally ass fucked by the American (aka jewish) court system...


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Somewhere on the planet, a racist neo nazi said that water is wet.

That means water is DRY.

And if you are gonna call someone a shill.....try to not be a shill in your post calling out another shill.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
You are a guy, Sea. You dont have to worry about men coming into locker rooms and bathrooms to be perverts. Women do worry about that and experience it.
It’s just hard to visualize what you’re saying, although I don’t doubt it’s happened. I’m just not around it.


Bastard of the Century
Site Supporter ☠️
Quotes from a biased leftist source to counter a statement made by a right wing one.... bravo Blurt, bravo.

Just because so called "nazis" make a claim, it doesn't automatically mean it's false.

Don't get me started with James Fields, the poor twat was royally ass fucked by the American (aka jewish) court system...
Why are you putting the word "nazis" in quotes?

Just curious.


Who am I? I am over Two Billion in Saudi Cash!
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Follow the money.
Somewhere on the planet, a racist neo nazi said that water is wet.

That means water is DRY.

And if you are gonna call someone a shill.....try to not be a shill in your post calling out another shill.

Cookie Monster

One of the cool Kids.
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TERF Island.
Vanguard America is an American
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Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
organization. The organization is also a member of the
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
. The group gained significant attention after it was revealed that
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had marched with them at the
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before being arrested on murder charges. The group has its roots in the
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. (source: Wikipedia)

You're such a transparent shill, Scouse.

No surprise there, I suppose.

1. Try not to use wikipedia as a source on contraversial issues, some have about 50 or more edits a day.
2. The alt-right existed briefly and you ask 50 people you get 50 definitions.
3. Vanguard has "rebranded" into the United Front(I think), those tards in beige trousers and with shields that got mass arrested at some demo. Most of them are glowies and apparently they spend 90% of their time trying to weed out glowies.

A bit like the IRAs anti-infiltration unit which turned out years after all of them had been tapped up and turned by MI5.


Ceedoobie's #1 Fan
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"AllSides uses Wikipedia frequently as a source on our balanced
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, and it is the 13th most popular website in the world, so Wikipedia’s bias is worth discussing. Sanger has
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, and some have noted the site’s entries related to communism and socialism fail to mention the
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. Studies have found Wikipedia employs left-wing bias in its
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, relies more on
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, and sanctions conservative editors at a
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. People typically point to five studies that have found evidence of Wikipedia’s left-wing bias; AllSides hasn’t found any claims of conservative bias leveraged at Wikipedia; the encyclopedia
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was created in response to purported
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Big Tech is extremely leftist

Especially the ones based in western countries.

And yet, a simple look at their actions show they they are simply hypocrites that fool only the most idiotic ones.

Like Apple, for example. They love to play the "earth's friend" role, but their electronics are among the hardest ones to fix. Not only they use assembling techniques that make the devices hard to open and have the parts exchanged, they also make the replacement parts "incompatible" with the device by putting all sorts of triggers in the software.

A lot of e-waste that they produce are devices that could still last a few more years, but they don't because Apple makes sure they get obsolete quickly. Not to mention the updates they do in the OS, that turn devices that run just fine into sluggish, buggy pieces of crap.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Why are you putting the word "nazis" in quotes?

Just curious.
Because they no longer exist, other than in the disfunctional minds of jews and leftists. Most of them died in the 30's and 40's, the rest retreated to south America and Antarctica. *SNICKER*

There are nazi sympathisers alive today, like myself. However I don't consider myself a Nazi, because they're from a bygone era. I'm a White Nationalist, who has a deep respect and admiration for NS Germany.


Who am I? I am over Two Billion in Saudi Cash!
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Follow the money.
Because they no longer exist, other than in the disfunctional minds of jews and leftists. Most of them died in the 30's and 40's, the rest retreated to south America and Antarctica. *SNICKER*

There are nazi sympathisers alive today, like myself. However I don't consider myself a Nazi, because they're from a bygone era. I'm a White Nationalist, who has a deep respect and admiration for NS Germany and Hitler's vision.
What if a Jewish Transgender Woman was pregnant and you were the father, what would you do?