You cannot be a Christian


Factory Bastard
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The truth is his intention for most of humans is the planet earth.... only a certain number are going to heaven... He made the earth for men and to be inhabited .... I am not going to write every scriptures backing my comments.... Adam lost that eternal future for himself and his family through sinning but Jesus brought it back with his obedience,.... It is true that Jesus was speaking to his joint heirs (who will die and go to heaven) while he was on earth but he alluded in John 10:16 his "other sheep, not of this fold; I must bring them also" <<<<<< he is talking about all the people who died before he was born and Ascension and basically everyone who has died since..... Another main scripture is of course, The meek shall inhert the EARTH, Psalms 37:11 and Matt 5:5

Jesus has been granted Kingship to the Kingdom but once everything is brought back to a paradise earth with perfect people, he hands back the keys to Jehovah and everyone who is faithful and righteous will have a personal relationship with God.... something we dont have now unless we go though our mediator Jesus Christ...

it sounds like a fairytale but that is the Bible's story.

There is a preacher in the USA called Joyce Meyers ... who achieves something I could never do... She forgave her father for constantly raping her and looked after him in old age..... I couldn't forgive like that so I probably won't make it... and I think God asks too much..... Am I wrong...?

The other thing I feel guilty about cutting my mother inlaw off.... I wish I could turn off her miserable bitchy mouth but I can't. I don't want to have anything to do with the old bag. But her crimes dont even rate comparing what Joyce Meyers endured by her incestuous father.
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Domestically feral
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United states
Believing in the resurrection makes one a better person how?

I dont believe anyone is better than anyone. That's you guys who believe that shit.

If someone isnt a globalist they are shit person, right?

The bible says no one is good.

You are inserting your biases and judging people. You think that people who believe in the resurrection think they are better people...that's not the truth but that's what people who hate Christains push.


Domestically feral
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United states
My daughter is a lesbian. She is absolutely way more safe around Christains ....even as they believe she is sinning, and they treat her with love and respect, she is safer and more cared for by Christains than she will ever be with the LGBT.

Christianity is believing our sins before God are covered by the shed blood of Christ. And those who redeemed are those who put their faith in Christ. Its not about being "better" than anyone because the bible says none are good. All fall short. And the only hope is Jesus.

If my daughter doesnt agree that biological males can be lesbians and isnt willing to date or sleep with a biological male who claims to be a woman? She is a bigot transphobe who is "literally murdering trans people", a TERF that deserves rape and death. She will be harrassed and doxxed and abused by trans activists.

Just like the LGB Alliance is called a "hate group" because they wont change their sexual orientation to accommodate trans people because its homoSEXual....not homoGENDERal.

If any group of people thinks they are better people than everyone else? Lotus you are in that group. Most leftists have a disturbing hatred of anyone who views the world different and they label, spew hatred and attack. And you wonder why people cant stand the left anymore. Everyone is a racist, white supremacist, bigot, xenophobe, homophobe, transphobe....everything....if they dont support the left. Even leftists who deviate are attacked and treated terribly.

No civil discourse. No respect for opposing views at all. It's always anger and hate. You guys literally view us as subhumans. Admin wont even try because to you guys I'm "hopeless". Because I dont agree with your views and I talk about why. I dont get angry and hate people because they disagree with me. You guys are willing to look past actual brutality and violence and say that a kid who you associate with the right is murderer because he defended himself. That's disturbing and heartbreaking because I dont believe any of you even see human beings anymore.

If any of my daughters ever have to defend themselves against a mob or a male claiming to be a all will want her whole life destroyed and have her pay some price. Because you see yourselves as above everyone else to the point where our rights dont matter.
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Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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God works everything for our good and His glory.
We have a VERY limited view of existence. To us death is a tragic thing. God doesnt share that sentiment. When something dies that part of the curse.... God IS life. Nothing lives outside of Him.

Humans shaking their little fists at God because we dont see the bigger picture. My toddlers were mad and felt slighted when I took them shots....its kinda like that.
I disagree with this. There is nothing glorious or praiseworthy in what happened in Turkey or in any of the other human tragedies around the world.

God does not get involved. At all. Job is NOT a suitable example here as this was a specific example of Satan's belief he could strip anyone of their integrity and God allowing it to happen pretty much for the same reason he has allowed the earth to exist for thousands of years after the original sin. It has nothing to do with God getting involved with the types of day to day human affairs we humans mostly bring on ourselves. Natural disasters such as an earthquake being an exception obviously.

The bible specifically states time and time again that one is to look to his kingdom as the ultimate source of salvation NOT any saving that could be had on this world. This includes saving us from any type of calamity in this life.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Believing in the resurrection makes one a better person how?
Sure beats believing thugs and child rapists have free reign to descend on communities at will free of consequence which is obviously the belief held by low life scum such as yourself


Factory Bastard
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If anyone is under the delusion God doesnt hate evil and evil doers.... there are tonnes of scriptures on the subject

God Hates Wicked People​

Psalm 11:5 puts it bluntly: God hates wicked people. “The LORD tests the righteous, but his soul hates the wicked and the one who loves violence” (Psalm 11:5). He hates wicked people from his soul, from the very depth of his being. God hates their ways (Proverbs 15:9), their thoughts (Proverbs 15:26), their worship (Proverbs 15:8), their actions (Proverbs 6:18), and their evil deeds (Psalm 5:5). He singles out as a special object of his hatred the blasphemous deeds of the Nicolaitans, those who seduced God’s people with idolatry and sexual immorality. “Yet this you have: you hate the works of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate” (Revelation 2:6).

Lol what is a Nicolaitan?


Domestically feral
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United states
I disagree with this. There is nothing glorious or praiseworthy in what happened in Turkey or in any of the other human tragedies around the world.

God does not get involved. At all. Job is NOT a suitable example here as this was a specific example of Satan's belief he could strip anyone of their integrity and God allowing it to happen pretty much for the same reason he has allowed the earth to exist for thousands of years after the original sin. It has nothing to do with God getting involved with the types of day to day human affairs we humans mostly bring on ourselves. Natural disasters such as an earthquake being an exception obviously.

The bible specifically states time and time again that one is to look to his kingdom as the ultimate source of salvation NOT any saving that could be had on this world. This includes saving us from any type of calamity in this life.

I'm not sure we are saying the same thing. I do believe God is soveriegn and nothing can exist without Him. Or live.

But also I'm not saying that anything here can save us. But sometimes God does things for His own purpose and glory....whether its allowing disaster or letting someone come back from death.

The natural disasters that kill people are terrible...right now in my temporal view where we view death as a tragedy. The bible says death has no sting and its defeated. In Christ we live forever.

So yeah no nothing here in the physical realm is going to save anyone. God does work through nature and the body of Christ though.

I love how the movie Passion of the Christ made people turn themselves for murders they got away with.

God moves and works to reconcile His flock to Himself. But we are still gonna have suffering and a physical death. God Himself in flesh did it harder than anyone.

We dont really know anything about the nature of the universe really. It's a very vast existence.


Domestically feral
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United states
If anyone is under the delusion God doesnt hate evil and evil doers.... there are tonnes of scriptures on the subject

God Hates Wicked People​

Psalm 11:5 puts it bluntly: God hates wicked people. “The LORD tests the righteous, but his soul hates the wicked and the one who loves violence” (Psalm 11:5). He hates wicked people from his soul, from the very depth of his being. God hates their ways (Proverbs 15:9), their thoughts (Proverbs 15:26), their worship (Proverbs 15:8), their actions (Proverbs 6:18), and their evil deeds (Psalm 5:5). He singles out as a special object of his hatred the blasphemous deeds of the Nicolaitans, those who seduced God’s people with idolatry and sexual immorality. “Yet this you have: you hate the works of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate” (Revelation 2:6).

Lol what is a Nicolaitan?

"Jacob I loved. Esau I hated"


Factory Bastard
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7 Things God Hates​

There are six things that the Lord hates,
seven that are an abomination to him:

haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,

a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil,

a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers.


Factory Bastard
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What’s wrong with LB?

When she is talking about saving the environment.... nothing. When she wants the wealth more evenly distributed... nothing wrong with that either

But when she is siding with criminals, that's not good....and being an apologist if people are non white, that isn't good either ... AND thinking people with genuine concerns about other cultures, calling them "racist" doesn't solve any of the problems and those problems cost everybody.....

Telling people they cannot protect themselves is negligent but hoping a resolved case is overturned and smugly stating thus smacks of a twisted personality.

I dunno, what do you think?


Factory Bastard
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When she is talking about saving the environment.... nothing. When she wants the wealth more evenly distributed... nothing wrong with that either

But when she is siding with criminals, that's not good....and being an apologist if people are non white, that isn't good either ... AND thinking people with genuine concerns about other cultures, calling them "racist" doesn't solve any of the problems and those problems cost everybody.....

Telling people they cannot protect themselves is negligent but hoping a resolved case is overturned and smugly stating thus smacks of a twisted personality.

I dunno, what do you think?

I don’t think she sides with criminals. She’s a Lib like me. This is the main issue for her enemies.


Factory Bastard
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MMM.. the Gatekeeping.
What qualifies as Christian?

Monotheists like to gate keep who joins their club, Christians, Muslims, Jews... all worshiping the same desert god out of the middle east.
If someone wants to worship an Undead Jew as their Master and grand redeemer, have at it. Just keep it to yourselves.
Next thing you know you'll be getting your dicks cut up to prove your fealty, or some such.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
When she is talking about saving the environment.... nothing. When she wants the wealth more evenly distributed... nothing wrong with that either

But when she is siding with criminals, that's not good....and being an apologist if people are non white, that isn't good either ... AND thinking people with genuine concerns about other cultures, calling them "racist" doesn't solve any of the problems and those problems cost everybody.....

Telling people they cannot protect themselves is negligent but hoping a resolved case is overturned and smugly stating thus smacks of a twisted personality.

I dunno, what do you think?
you have a child defending himself ON VIDEO with dozens of eyewitnesses and even alleged victims testifying on his behalf and STILL she wants to see the kid sunk for no other reasons than him being white and allegedly conservative

It's that type of smug dismissal of fact, reason and integrity which makes her so loathsome in the eyes of many


Factory Bastard
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She is only 31 and it is child number 5.
So many children so early in life.

Now if a guy sired that many children at that age society'd either put a vacuum cleaner to his wallet or put im ta work in mill real fast.

Ironic how women can attain a respectable social status by becoming mothers but men cant by becoming dads.


Factory Bastard
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Christains definately believe in the resurrection, Cas.

That's one of the fundamentals of following Christ.
Maybe most Christians are decent @Dove.

But the last one I interacted with stole my money, posessions and deliberately overcharged me for his services. Turned out he was like a huckster for Jesus.

So subsequently I became turned off with Christianity and decided to worship Nature instead because it is real & non-negotiable. So if we worship it we won't destroy it either.

Since that time I dont trust Christians anymore. Sorry. But a bad experience with one left me cold.


Domestically feral
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United states
Maybe most Christians ate decent @Dove.

But the last one I interacted with stole my money, posessions and deliberately overcharged me for my services. Turned out he was like a huckster for Jesus.

So subsequently I became turned off with Christianity and decided to worship Nature instead because it is real & non-negotiable. So if we worship it we won't destroy it either.

Since that time I dont trust Christians anymore. Sorry. But a bad experience with one left me cold.

Joe.....would you like a list of things I've had done to me from people who are NOT Christian?

It's hilarious how secular people ot atheists do terrible things to other people all the time but you have no issue with that. You arent gonna say "I had bad experiences with non religious people"

You dont say that because you know that the issue is with people in general. But if someone who claims to be Christain does it, you think it gives you an excuse to criticize all Christains. Really your problem is the standards God has that none of us meet. You know you are guilty as everyone else.

I always roll my eyes when people play this "bad experince with Christains" card because all it is is an excuse to shit on Cheistains. I was raped at 14 by a nonChristain. Why dont you just come to terms with the fact that people are sinful, fallen beings who do horrible things and make mistakes. You would actually be half way to the Christain world view.

Lol and then you guys call is judgemental when Christains call out sin and tell people to repent of their you guys always want it both ways.

Get to know the source of all that lives. Not the stuff that source CREATED. Nature is created just like you and you are here to steward it. Not worship it. If you were put off by an imperfect Christain wait until you see the shit imperfect pagans do to other people. Have fun with that.
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Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Maybe most Christians are decent @Dove.

But the last one I interacted with stole my money, posessions and deliberately overcharged me for his services. Turned out he was like a huckster for Jesus.

So subsequently I became turned off with Christianity and decided to worship Nature instead because it is real & non-negotiable. So if we worship it we won't destroy it either.

Since that time I dont trust Christians anymore. Sorry. But a bad experience with one left me cold.
you know what cracks me up?

The very same people who will condemn a white dude for having reservations about black people due to a single or maybe even a few poor experiences with them will be the very same people who will have no problem whatsoever with a person hating on all of Christianity because of the actions of one person who professed to be a christian but really wasn't

and that's the integrity part I was speaking of when I said so many people mock Lotus for a very good reason.


Domestically feral
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United states
you know what cracks me up?

The very same people who will condemn a white dude for having reservations about black people due to a single or maybe even a few poor experiences with them will be the very same people who will have no problem whatsoever with a person hating on all of Christianity because of the actions of one person who professed to be a christian but really wasn't

and that's the integrity part I was speaking of when I said so many people mock Lotus for a very good reason.

It's an excuse.


Domestically feral
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United states
It's interesting to me how Christainity is the faith of societies garbage since it was established.

Since this day when the entire human time line was altered and God broke the temple and split the veil from the holy of holies (where the ark was kept). That was so significant because God made the way for humans to come to Him directly. Before that....there was a whole tedious and fearful sacrificial system in place.

(Side note....if Turdock looks, that roman soldier falling to his knees was the actual beginning of the Roman church. The first roman converts who saw it with their own known as Catholism, as wrong as they are dogmatically they definately worship God and Jesus is God in moron. They were literally present at the crucifixion and the resurrection)

It's been the faith of thieves, the poor, the outcast. It was always associated with rebels and cast aways. Its banned in many countries because Christians do not obey tyranny and unjust laws. They reject the authority of humans.

And in the western world that was flipped on its head somewhat and a certain stereotype was formed based on the American prosperity heresy. I think people HIDE behind that to reject what they know deep inside themselves.

All you have to do to be a Christain is believe this. God gives faith and belief. And from there is a messy process. God draws near to all who draw near to Him. It's simple as that. You'll start seeing how broken we all really are and if anything it makes you a more humble person. None of us deserve the grace of God and we all have abused it. When you see through the lense of the holy standard of understand why people are praising Him even as they pull bodies out of rubble.
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