As defence minister for the B/F Alphas I am declaring meltdown a nigger free zone


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
More hysterical bs.... I mentioned you once over on BC and you haven't shut up about it.

Anyway, quit deflecting.... WTF is "meta data" and why have you been attempting to mine PI ?

Yano, after this little revelation, I'm not sure that you can be trusted with a mod panel...

I wonder what @Bastard Factory thinks?

You mentioned me once? Think again moron. You've mentioned myself and Lily over 24 times. Now that's more than once you feeble minded fuck.

How would I mine P.I. if you're too fucking stupid to erase the meta data. I didn't have to mine it, it's just there trying to shake my hand.

The meta data on your photos have nothing to do with me being a mod as all the information is in your graphics.

Here's your third attempt at trying to get BF involved because you can't handle being outted.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
You know damn well this IS the only attention he gets from females. Funny how I'm an alleged guy but he still follows me like he does you and claims to have a life and to have had an actual real girlfriend.

This guy must have very low self-esteem.
I follow you around? GTFO you ridiculous twat. You're in every god damned thread and are basically impossible to get away from, more so now than ever since becoming a mod.


Let's meAT...hehe!!!
Site Supporter ☠️
MeNs tOiLEts
@Lily preparing for a BF forum fight right now
