Another Plus for AI. Wait...


Factory Bastard
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Checkr, the company Doordash uses to do background checks, does that checking with AI. Fuck that bullshit.
Its all being done in the name of corporate profits and to boost share prices so AI has ta be good @LotusBud

You’ll love the ‘new & improved’ fo sho!

I hope Europeans arent as gullible as North Americans. At least they have a history of beheading their leaders or hanging them upside down if they go too far with this chit


Factory Bastard
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Its all being done in the name of corporate profits and to boost share prices so AI has ta be good @LotusBud

You’ll love the ‘new & improved’ fo sho!

I hope Europeans arent as gullible as North Americans. At least they have a history of beheading their leaders or hanging them upside down if they go too far with this chit
Well, the EU is also much more proactive about internet privacy. Every single site you go to, you have to allow the use of cookies. You can disallow them and still access the site, so some American sites are blocked here as a result. For what that's worth regarding AI, I do not know.


Factory Bastard
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Well, the EU is also much more proactive about internet privacy. Every single site you go to, you have to allow the use of cookies. You can disallow them and still access the site, so some American sites are blocked here as a result. For what that's worth regarding AI, I do not know.
Its almost as if our leaders have decided to deploy this weaponized technology to make war on their own citizens.

I dunno. Maybe they fear the masses will rise up and revolt so AI will keep them in their place. Somehow I forsee AI driven robots in our streets one day or AI robots patrolling our neighborhoods too


Factory Bastard
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Its almost as if our leaders have decided to deploy this weaponized technology to make war on their own citizens.

I dunno. Maybe they fear the masses will rise up and revolt so AI will keep them in their place. Somehow I forsee AI driven robots in our streets one day or AI robots patrolling our streets too
No doubt they will do that. They didn't hesitate to put cameras everywhere, so why will they hold back with AI shit?


Factory Bastard
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This series about the havoc government can wreak with video manipulation is very sobering. Good, clever show.



Factory Bastard
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No doubt they will do that. They didn't hesitate to put cameras everywhere, so why will they hold back with AI shit?
Big protests in Hollywood these days

AI is putting many people in that industry outta work. Vancouver used to have a thriving movie industry too but I heard its kinda dead now too

AI will write all our movie scripts & produce or mass produced entertainment soon so eventually everything we watch will be fake

Asia has already used fake news reporters in their broadcasts to endure 24/7 news reports

Some if the top music hits in China were all made entirely with AI


Factory Bastard
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This series about the havoc government can wreak with video manipulation is very sobering. Good, clever show.

Its all about social control

And some if the elites pushing or funding AI arent even from North America or Europe

So our societies may eventually be run by foreigners whove no interest in democracy or human rights

Thats what we are giving up if we accept AI into our lives


Factory Bastard
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AI is essentially a modern form of feudalism with the objective of putting all the wealth and power in the hands of the elites and reducing the masses to serfdom.

Even the computers we use and the cars we drive will eventually be run and controlled by AI. So the software we can/ could buy/own or the cars we could once fix ourselves will soon be a thing of the past

In fact they can’t get rid of them fast enough. Control the future by erasing the past. And future generations won’t know any better since they won’t know what the past was like

Its like some science fiction nightmare scenario only it’s becoming more real every day

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
It is funny to me when non-technical people throw around the term "AI".

The software being used by Checkr is not AI, even if their marketing department says it is.


Bastard of the Century
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Personally, I can’t wait for the Singularity.

If we can ever manage to combine Cybernetics, Advanced Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, and Nanotechnology, the universe will be our oyster!

Today I heard that the good folks at Lawrence Livermore managed to create a fusion reaction with a net energy gain for the second time this year.

Not sure how a source of limitless energy will figure in the advent of the Singularity, but I’m hoping it’ll play a part.

Alan Turing is dead. Long live Alan Turing!

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Today I heard that the good folks at Lawrence Livermore managed to create a fusion reaction with a net energy gain for the second time this year.

I heard about this and I cannot say that I understand it on a real detailed technical level.

But "Net Energy Gain" has me thinking "Releasing Potential Energy That They Did Not Know Existed".

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Not sure how a source of limitless energy will figure in the advent of the Singularity, but I’m hoping it’ll play a part.

Well, one thing it would do is lessen the urgency to kill off a large percentage of the human population.

So there would be some people thinking "Shit, we pulled that whole Covid-19 scam for nothing."


Bastard of the Century
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I heard about this and I cannot say that I understand it on a real detailed technical level.

But "Net Energy Gain" has me thinking "Releasing Potential Energy That They Did Not Know Existed".

Oh, they know it exists. It’s just that fusing two atoms requires more elbow grease than splitting one atom.

They—we—will get there one day.

The real Holy Grail remains how to harness the power of cold fusion.

Surely AI—true AI, once achieved—will help us get there.

Neither can we discount valuable input from quantum computing.

The future’s so bright I gotta renew my pledge to the Cyborg Manifesto.


Factory Bastard
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It is funny to me when non-technical people throw around the term "AI".

So, what makes you suitably qualified to comment upon AI @The Prowler ?

Are you even remotely aware about the social implications of AI?

Do you have advanced academic training in this field of computing specialization?

What are your degrees, certifications?

Do you even have a BsC in Computing Science or Computer Engineering?

Please elaborate more on your qualifications.

Thank you.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
So, what makes you suitably qualified to comment upon AI @The Prowler ?

Are you even remotely aware about the social implications of AI?

Do you have advanced academic training in this field of computing specialization?

What are your degrees, certifications?

Do you even have a BsC in Computing Science or Computer Engineering?

Please elaborate more on your qualifications.

Thank you.

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In my day, it was not called "Applied Mathematics with Scientific Computing" but "Applied Mathematics with Computer Science".

It is a degree in Mathematics, not Science. BSc is handed out by schools that are not at the same level in their mathematics/computer science programs.

Not only that, Senile @Joe, I have decades of real world experience.

Not only that, Senile @Joe, I have approximately 65 IQ points on you.


> you
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. o O
so prowler doggie, what's ur iq then? mine was tested @ 147


Factory Bastard
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Well, one thing it would do is lessen the urgency to kill off a large percentage of the human population.

So there would be some people thinking "Shit, we pulled that whole Covid-19 scam for nothing."
And you profited from vaccines you labled as ‘depopulation devices’ while others such as nurses doctors policemen & firemen sacrificed their health & sometimes lives to protect the public including you.

You’re such a hypocrite @The Prowler

They used to call that profiteering

I refuse to profit from pandemics while others died in my place to protect me

I guess we’re different in that regard


> you
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. o O
mine was in 4th grade, are you sure Joe has an IQ? seems like a vegetable to me ;)

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
And you profited from vaccines you labled as ‘depopulation devices’ while others such as nurses doctors policemen & firemen sacrificed their health & sometimes lives to protect the public including you.

You’re such a hypocrite @The Prowler

They used to call that profiteering

I refuse to profit from pandemics while others died in my place to protect me

I guess we’re different in that regard

I think a large percentage of the population dying would be a very good thing.

If there were a way to only eliminate evil people, that would be ideal.

As far as investing in Big Pharma goes, maintaining healthy personal finances may help me survive. You cannot do any good if you do not survive. You said recently that you get overheated at any temperature above room temperature. It sounds like you are unhealthy and a prime candidate to die for the good of mankind.
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Factory Bastard
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I think a large percentage of the population dying would be a very good thing.

If there were a way to only eliminate evil people, that would be ideal.
….so in that case why don’t you die you puke, @The Prowler? I find you quite evil

Yer a sad parasitic excuse for a human being, among them profiting from the sacrifices from others during a pandemic

You should do us all a kind favor and kill yourself by hanging like Judas did.

The planet needs a good cleansing of your kind. The fact that you show no guilt or remorse demonstrates your sociopathic streak

Your departure would add not subtract from this world
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The New Holliday

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The Deep Space
….so in that case why don’t you die you puke, @The Prowler?

Yer a sad parasitic excuse for a human being, among them profiting from the sacrifices from others during a pandemic

You should do us all a kind favor and kill yourself by hanging like Judas did.

The planet needs a good cleansing of your kind. The fact that you show no guilt or remorse demonstrates your sociopathic streak

Joe, what's with all the negativity?
.. Don't you want your mental essence uploaded into a self replicating/repairing forever robot having free access to really hot chick bots? What kind of a man are you?

That's the future, baby.
Be there or be square.