I Jihad on You!

Mohamed Kablewy

Allaahumma fashhad
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Most Merciful

May Allah(swt) have mercy upon all our Muslim brothers and sisters who died at the hands of the kafirs.
Insha'Allah we will have victory soon.
Allahu Akbar!!!!

Allah! destroy the american army.
Allah! Make the ground shake in an earthquake from under them.
Allah, they do not glorify you, show them the blackest day of their lives, as you showed the People of Aad and Thamud.
Allah, destroy them all, not leaving anyone to escape.
Allah make their wives widows, their children orphans.
Allah! Grant victory to our brothers and sisters in Gaza and everywhere in the world, Yaa Allah!
Allah! Have mercy on their widowed women and their orphaned children!
Allah! Whoever died from them, enter them into Jannat Al-Firdows with your Mercy!
Allah! Forgive us, forgive us, forgive us, for doing nothing but watch.

Allahumma Hal Ballaght.
Allaahumma fashhad.
Mohamed Kablewy

Mohamed Kablewy

Allaahumma fashhad
americas only allies join up with them because they are either too weak to say anything or they pity america so much, its saddening.

america is also like the schoolyard bully who loses a fight and gets into more fights in an attempt to regain their social status as a bully, but ends up losing again anyway.

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The Deep Space
Bacon just might could bring peace to the Middle East. Two no bacon eating societies at war...

Studies show that bacon is the most universally adored taste among humans (and dogs, including muslim men one presumes). It's something to do with the combination of protein, fat, and salt. If muzzies would only allow themselves this simple pleasure perhaps they would not be so mean, and peace would reign in the ME.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Studies show that bacon is the most universally adored taste among humans (and dogs, including muslim men one presumes). It's something to do with the combination of protein, fat, and salt. If muzzies would only allow themselves this simple pleasure perhaps they would not be so mean, and peace would reign in the ME.

Many Jews don't eat bacon either, just sayin'


I'm in jail, send hamberders
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My x-wife did. She absolutely loved that stuff. Personally I don't eat it - it isn't what I regard as a healthy food.
I befriended a Jewish kid in college, he loved to have a Ham Sandwich now and then. His family did not officially eat pork, but even his parents would indulge now and then.
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