KM returns and bidness picks up


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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The nearest Taco Bell
It's like I'm a magnet for fucking retards or something.

Welp, there's more traffic here then at the incel forum currently.

Maybe they need to make a few more alts and keep a window open on their laptops or something....


Face it, fucktards, since your all over here now, you shit bags will never be me, will never drive traffic like I do, and will never succeed when yours truly is still around. I OWN you stupid bitches without even trying and you just can't stop looking at anything I post.

And since you fuckers are just that stupid, I'll even tell you what I'm going to do because you dimbulbs wouldn't know how to pull it off;

I am going to turn Bastard Factory into social media. I am going to make members here earn money for their content.

2024 is the Year of Martini

Learn to love it now...but from afar. Nobody wants your incel asses here


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
He should definitely reconsider his presence here. IMHO we just aren't good enough for him.

PS: Seriously though, the guy doesn't even know how to spell bidniss. LoLz
What‘s this “we” shit you little fucking nobody!? This isn’t your fucking forum arse_cake! Take your fucking leftarded crew the fuck off @Bastard Factory and don’t come back! You’re scaring away clientele with your repetitious stupidity.

I was here first…and I’ll be the last to leave. Cunt!


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Waan’t the Loonaroo the first to bandwagon jump the migration of the brotherhood of the skid marked underpants to made in China dot net?

“Oh Biggie please let me surgically implant my lips to your ginormous fat ass while you compare the skidzies on your tightey whities to Dovid’s remaining toofs.”

I hope BF blows his load in your eyeball after what you did, ya little biatch.


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
Waan’t the Loonaroo the first to bandwagon jump the migration of the brotherhood of the skid marked underpants to made in China dot net?

“Oh Biggie please let me surgically implant my lips to your ginormous fat ass while you compare the skidzies on your tightey whities to Dovid’s remaining toofs.”

I hope BF blows his load in your eyeball after what you did, ya little biatch.
Take your drugs you lunatic!


> you
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. o O

I hope BF blows his load in your eyeball after what you did, ya little biatch.


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
If you have a forum you should spend more time on it instead of stinking up this place. I promise, in any case, I will not visit your forum. I am quite content here on mine.
You’re content? Are you sure? You’re a little snowflake that puts in multiple reports you whiny little fag. Go lick your Admin’s mudflaps while he’s sucking cock you leftist sodomite. Get the fuck off my forum…you penniless supporter of shite! Harharhar…


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
I bet he outlives youo. He takes good care of himself, unlike you. And unlike you he isn't in danger of dying from abject stupidity.
Oh shut up you fucking idiot. Im physically and mentally fitter than anyone on your leftarded crew, and this entire forum for that matter. Stop brown-nosing for once in your miserable life. The creepy old cunt lives in Shitsville.