OK Groomer, Bye groomer.

Adam Hitler

Factory Bastard
Where the Aryans are
Accepting that people should be free is about as American as you can be.

Trying to deny people freedom is unAmerican.
Slippery slope, Chunkita. What next, "MAP" rights?

The LGBT movement has proven to be a pervert's bandwagon, which most are happy to hop aboard in order to normalise their personal fetish.


Hello dad, I'm in jail, Hi dad, Happy Birthday Dad
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the things you own end up owning you
So my question to the resident Political Endocrinologists, wtf does Gender Dysphoria have to with your twisted "groomer" fantasies?



Hello dad, I'm in jail, Hi dad, Happy Birthday Dad
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the things you own end up owning you
As of May 30, 2024, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) (The actual association of Pediatricians) has about 67,000 members in the United States, Canada, Mexico, and other countries. The AAP is a professional organization of pediatricians and pediatric medical and surgical subspecialists who work in chapters across the country. Their mission is to promote the health and well-being of infants, children, adolescents, and young adults

While The American College of Pediatrics has maybe 700 Members

700/67,000 = .0104% Less that one one hundredth of a percent of all Baby Doctors are members of this fringe rw political action group.
Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

One of the cool Kids.
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TERF Island.
Flawed Research, theres going to be a lag between surgery and regret, especially after the old timers are phased out of the data. Added to that is the medical companies who finance the lazy research.

oh and dont reference me a library database refence the research company that entered it FFS.
Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

One of the cool Kids.
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TERF Island.
As of May 30, 2024, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) (The actual association of Pediatricians) has about 67,000 members in the United States, Canada, Mexico, and other countries. The AAP is a professional organization of pediatricians and pediatric medical and surgical subspecialists who work in chapters across the country. Their mission is to promote the health and well-being of infants, children, adolescents, and young adults

While The American College of Pediatrics has maybe 700 Members

700/67,000 = .0104% Less that one one hundredth of a percent of all Baby Doctors are members of this fringe rw political action group.

Science doesn't work like that. if it takes a purely biological scientific reference to child care its going to have a different profile in members and numbers to those more geared to socio-economic and clinical psychology.

This is just smearing and projection by leftwing activist groups, wtf does the splc know about medicine.

As I said before All your political positions have been scrutinised and trashed in the UK, the tranny organisations have been either banned or shut down.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
As of May 30, 2024, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) (The actual association of Pediatricians) has about 67,000 members in the United States, Canada, Mexico, and other countries. The AAP is a professional organization of pediatricians and pediatric medical and surgical subspecialists who work in chapters across the country. Their mission is to promote the health and well-being of infants, children, adolescents, and young adults

While The American College of Pediatrics has maybe 700 Members

700/67,000 = .0104% Less that one one hundredth of a percent of all Baby Doctors are members of this fringe rw political action group.

You think 700 is less than 1% of 67,000?

How fuckin' stupid are you?


Hello dad, I'm in jail, Hi dad, Happy Birthday Dad
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the things you own end up owning you
Flawed Research, theres going to be a lag between surgery and regret, especially after the old timers are phased out of the data. Added to that is the medical companies who finance the lazy research.

oh and dont reference me a library database refence the research company that entered it FFS.
The dipshit citing a statistically insignificant minuscule fringe opinion, talk’s validity of data!!!


What a maroon!

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Flawed Research, theres going to be a lag between surgery and regret

That is what they do. Shit, flawed studies...and then they just quote the results. Of course when they are asked if they regret getting the surgery right after getting the surgery that everybody told them they were nuts to get, they will say that they do not regret it. That is just human nature to want to say "I was right."

But check back in a year or two.
Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

One of the cool Kids.
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TERF Island.
The dipshit citing a statistically insignificant minuscule fringe opinion, talk’s validity of data!!!


What a maroon!
Thats called a sampling bias. oh and measurement bias.

a sample 25 is the minimum for statistical significance, 700 would be quite robust. As we are dealing with a sub group specialising in biological science it would be considered very robust.
Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

One of the cool Kids.
☠️Private Forum Access
TERF Island.
You think 700 is less than 1% of 67,000?

How fuckin' stupid are you?

you want to know how stupid he is? I have an MA in Experimental economics, a large chunk of that is examining research methods. IOW I'm a credited expert in spotting bullshit and propaganda and can hang the likes of Admin out to dry all day.

So to see how stupid he is watch him keep going regardless of what i just posted.:LOL3:


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
A non accredited hatred lobbying group? Erm like the southern poverty law center? LOL Get the actual fuck out of here clown.

You can't. Its useless. His politically motivated groups are real science and other politically motivated groups are not.

Meanwhile there are tons of people transitioned as minors who regret it and their lives have been completely destroyed. Mostly gay children are being exploited by this gender shit.

I'm so glad my oldest daughter just missed this as a child. She wanted to be a boy....thought she was supposed to be boy. Turns out she just didn't like girly stuff and enjoyed things seen as "boy things". All it took was telling her there is NO correct way to be a girl or woman. That's just our biological sex. We are all individuals and it's okay to like MMA over ballet.

The new sexist religion pushes gender roles so hard that if you are a boy who likes make up....you better get on hormones and destroy your ability to ever have an orgasm.


Hello dad, I'm in jail, Hi dad, Happy Birthday Dad
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the things you own end up owning you
you want to know how stupid he is? I have an MA in Experimental economics, a large chunk of that is examining research methods. IOW I'm a credited expert in spotting bullshit and propaganda and can hang the likes of Admin out to dry all day.

So to see how stupid he is watch him keep going regardless of what i just posted.:LOL3:
I got an B + On my Senior Thesis on how to plate Shit On A Shingle!

Pew pew pew!

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
700/67,000 = .0104% Less that one one hundredth of a percent
You think 700 is less than 1% of 67,000?

How fuckin' stupid are you?
Do you even math?
Here let me help, you fuckwit: 1% of 67,000 equals 670.


700 is greater than 1% of 67,000

You idiot.
Fuckin' @Admin. is scrambling for his calculator.

What an idiot.

@Admin. then leaves this thread for approximately 5 hours until I summon the poor fucktard back.

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

One of the cool Kids.
☠️Private Forum Access
TERF Island.
I'm so glad my oldest daughter just missed this as a child. She wanted to be a boy....thought she was supposed to be boy. Turns out she just didn't like girly stuff and enjoyed things seen as "boy things". All it took was telling her there is NO correct way to be a girl or woman. That's just our biological sex. We are all individuals and it's okay to like MMA over ballet.

The new sexist religion pushes gender roles so hard that if you are a boy who likes make up....you better get on hormones and destroy your ability to ever have an orgasm.
My sister held her head in her hands when i asked if she was pleased her son missed all this when her son liked playing dress up as princesses with his sister and her friend aged about 5 or 6. I said at the time to not sweat it and there would be a 90% chance he will grow out of it as he grows up, which happened as he is now hyper normal but his mum has the pictures for leverage.

She is a bit leftish but so pleased that the system didn't get their claws into him, I am so fucking glad its beginning to come apart now but so much damage is being done because f this gender theory bullshit.


Factory Bastard
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I don't think this was about PLEASE ASS BOX ME!, but I'm glad that this policy is coming out of the medical field.

Children shouldn't be making decisions about their gender. They don't have the maturity or life experience to make these judgments.
If either of my kids had expressed any desires in that direction, I would definitely have told them to wait for their bodies to mature, but I certainly don't agree with making other options illegal.