10 CONs spent 2 hours with Biden

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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Never forget, the idea for 2k checks came from our Departed God Emperor.
what I wont forget is how libs purchased the vote in Georgia by promising those backwards hicks 2000.00 stimulus checks and are now giving them the shaft with a 1400.00 proposal so that they can have more money for illegals and other pork pet projects

The checks should be 2k. Agreed, 100%. But CONs are holding out for less than 1400. They don't want people to get anything. They want it all to go to the rich.
Trump wanted 2k. Said so many times

I know. (He was pandering to voters, just like Biden did). But Trump's not prez anymore.
You find a way to make everything he did bad


When Trump keeps promises or does something like push for 2k....its pandering.

He cant even represent or do what people elected him to do without getting slammed.
Truly amazing.

He could cure Alzheimer's and because the areas of the brain damaged by it are a darkened color he'd be labeled a racist.


Yeah, except Trump didn't do anything like that, did he? He didn't even get 2k checks to the people, did he?
Yeah peloton blocked him to skew the election. Duh. Pay attention

Yeah. Pelosi is a complete monster, as I have said time and again.

Still, if he meant it, he should have done an executive order. And Biden should do one now. But neither one of them meant it. They were both pandering.

And everyone in Congress who is trying to block it now should get primaried. Every single one.
no, you've got it all wrong. Everyone in congress trying to bundle in irrelevant pork with a relief bill should be expelled from congress immediately.

A relief bill should be exactly that, a relief bill. Targeted payments to Americans WITH a verified work history, direct payments to struggling businesses to offset their loses and funds to combat the virus itself. NOTHING ELSE should be in there if it does not help America combat THIS crisis. End of. I don't give a fuck if you tell me there needs to be funds to feed starving children in Africa. NOT in this bill. Craft a separate bill and we'll vote on it. Period.

If these assholes believe in the merits of their little projects they should craft bills targeted accordingly and not try to pass them under the umbrella of relief. THAT is what is really happening here and it was the democrats in the house responsible for these unnecessary inclusions

I already told you I agree on the prok shit.
Well then, you agree that the bill in a format that includes such "prok shit" should not be signed by a law abiding congressperson who takes their oath seriously. No matter costs. Anything else is tantamount to negotiating with a terrorist


Factory Bastard
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Our leaders should be forced to take transgendered studies in Iran. To return, they should have to toss a tranny off a hotel roof.