100 year old ww2 vet cries because libs have ruined our country


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Most people find out how fucked the world is to late - - - - - -
And behind it all Is Greed !

The Scoundrel

Total Twat
Happy Valley
You don't need to be 100 (he was born June 29th same as me so he must be cool) to feel emotional at the disgusting state of the world. He fought for a free world where tyranny no longer existed and a man was free from shackles. You've all given him the opposite whilst disguising it as freedom. How sad that most of you truly believe you are democratic (with a small d) when you are fuckin fascists. I'd say you should be ashamed but you're fuckin blatant with it. I rarely post in political threads here as the majority are so dim witted it would be a better use of my time debating the budgie. He chirps a better party line than any of you and never spams whilst desperately trying not to lose face when defending his viewpoint.

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
Fella WTF are you on about?

Do you seriously believe that us little people have any real say in politics and world events?

You should be directing your anger and disdain towards Globohomo and it's minions.
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Domestically feral
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United states
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"I want the young kids to realize that freedom comes with a heavy price,” Dekle said in an interview with Plant City Courier & Tribune in 2009. “It isn’t given to people out of the goodness of others. It’s something you have to fight and sometimes die for.”"

That freedom and the responsibility that it requires is exactly what the left hates. The whole issue is that they want the government to regulated and micromanage everything.

And they claim it's to solve socail ills.....but the policies they support now that cause or worsen existing socail ills? They completely fucking ignore when it doesnt work.

They are FINE with suffering and abuse and exploitation if its the results of something their "side" supports. It's a good thing they do not have full on control of the country.

It scares me for real how when they lose some of that control they meltdown and call it fascism. Like the Roe issue. It's literally the government stepping out and they are screaming about being "controlled". And they are unreasonable.

I dont want them running the country for the same reasons I dont let my 5 year old drive.


Domestically feral
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United states
You don't need to be 100 (he was born June 29th same as me so he must be cool) to feel emotional at the disgusting state of the world. He fought for a free world where tyranny no longer existed and a man was free from shackles. You've all given him the opposite whilst disguising it as freedom. How sad that most of you truly believe you are democratic (with a small d) when you are fuckin fascists. I'd say you should be ashamed but you're fuckin blatant with it. I rarely post in political threads here as the majority are so dim witted it would be a better use of my time debating the budgie. He chirps a better party line than any of you and never spams whilst desperately trying not to lose face when defending his viewpoint.

We actually vote AGAINST the fascists. We oppose centralized power and big government.


Domestically feral
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United states
did he fight so Trumpf can grab poosy ?

As opposed to Biden finger raping Tara Reid and signing away womens sex based rights and protections his first day in office?

What does Trump grabbing pussy have to do with government policies?


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did he fight so Trumpf can grab poosy ?

As opposed to Biden finger raping Tara Reid and signing away womens sex based rights and protections his first day in office?

What does Trump grabbing pussy have to do with government policies?
because the vet weeps for your cuntry /... for what idiots like you and biden have done to et .. ffs is it too late to save the palce er wat ?


Domestically feral
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United states
did he fight so Trumpf can grab poosy ?

As opposed to Biden finger raping Tara Reid and signing away womens sex based rights and protections his first day in office?

What does Trump grabbing pussy have to do with government policies?
because the vet weeps for your cuntry /... for what idiots like you and biden have done to et .. ffs is it too late to save the palce er wat ?

I dont support Biden. Or the policies that ha e brought us to this place.


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did he fight so Trumpf can grab poosy ?

As opposed to Biden finger raping Tara Reid and signing away womens sex based rights and protections his first day in office?

What does Trump grabbing pussy have to do with government policies?
because the vet weeps for your cuntry /... for what idiots like you and biden have done to et .. ffs is it too late to save the palce er wat ?

I dont support Biden. Or the policies that ha e brought us to this place.

oh because he bares sole responsibilty ffs BE QUIET ! :LOL3:


Domestically feral
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United states
did he fight so Trumpf can grab poosy ?

As opposed to Biden finger raping Tara Reid and signing away womens sex based rights and protections his first day in office?

What does Trump grabbing pussy have to do with government policies?
because the vet weeps for your cuntry /... for what idiots like you and biden have done to et .. ffs is it too late to save the palce er wat ?

I dont support Biden. Or the policies that ha e brought us to this place.

oh because he bares sole responsibilty ffs BE QUIET ! :LOL3:

Did I say that?

I said I dont support Biden OR the policies that brought to this place.


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did he fight so Trumpf can grab poosy ?

As opposed to Biden finger raping Tara Reid and signing away womens sex based rights and protections his first day in office?

What does Trump grabbing pussy have to do with government policies?
because the vet weeps for your cuntry /... for what idiots like you and biden have done to et .. ffs is it too late to save the palce er wat ?

I dont support Biden. Or the policies that ha e brought us to this place.

oh because he bares sole responsibilty ffs BE QUIET ! :LOL3:

Did I say that?

I said I dont support Biden OR the policies that brought to this place.
oh, well then say so, you said that ha e brought us here LOL


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
did he fight so Trumpf can grab poosy ?

As opposed to Biden finger raping Tara Reid and signing away womens sex based rights and protections his first day in office?

What does Trump grabbing pussy have to do with government policies?
because the vet weeps for your cuntry /... for what idiots like you and biden have done to et .. ffs is it too late to save the palce er wat ?

I dont support Biden. Or the policies that ha e brought us to this place.

oh because he bares sole responsibilty ffs BE QUIET ! :LOL3:

Did I say that?

I said I dont support Biden OR the policies that brought to this place.
oh, well then say so, you said that ha e brought us here LOL

What I said is still up there. I said I do not support Biden or the policies that brought us here.


Site Supporter
did he fight so Trumpf can grab poosy ?

As opposed to Biden finger raping Tara Reid and signing away womens sex based rights and protections his first day in office?

What does Trump grabbing pussy have to do with government policies?
because the vet weeps for your cuntry /... for what idiots like you and biden have done to et .. ffs is it too late to save the palce er wat ?

I dont support Biden. Or the policies that ha e brought us to this place.

oh because he bares sole responsibilty ffs BE QUIET ! :LOL3:

Did I say that?

I said I dont support Biden OR the policies that brought to this place.
oh, well then say so, you said that ha e brought us here LOL

What I said is still up there. I said I do not support Biden or the policies that brought us here.
no I know you support idiots with guns until it turns yer ccountry into a shithole I know I get it ...


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
did he fight so Trumpf can grab poosy ?

As opposed to Biden finger raping Tara Reid and signing away womens sex based rights and protections his first day in office?

What does Trump grabbing pussy have to do with government policies?
because the vet weeps for your cuntry /... for what idiots like you and biden have done to et .. ffs is it too late to save the palce er wat ?

I dont support Biden. Or the policies that ha e brought us to this place.

oh because he bares sole responsibilty ffs BE QUIET ! :LOL3:

Did I say that?

I said I dont support Biden OR the policies that brought to this place.
oh, well then say so, you said that ha e brought us here LOL

What I said is still up there. I said I do not support Biden or the policies that brought us here.
no I know you support idiots with guns until it turns yer ccountry into a shithole I know I get it ...

And I know you support criminals with guns and rapists and want us all to be able to defend yourself.

So all those thousands and thousands of defensive use of guns incidents that will become innocent people being raped(like in inner cities where no one can protect themselves) beaten, murdered, have their home invaded.

Only idiots think gun regulation stops gun violence.

You are supposed to be a MAN, X. Instead you wanna curl up in daddy governments lap and suck your thumb and remove peoples rights so you FEEL safer.


Vape Nation
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Halfway Up Ben Nevis
did he fight so Trumpf can grab poosy ?

As opposed to Biden finger raping Tara Reid and signing away womens sex based rights and protections his first day in office?

What does Trump grabbing pussy have to do with government policies?
because the vet weeps for your cuntry /... for what idiots like you and biden have done to et .. ffs is it too late to save the palce er wat ?

I dont support Biden. Or the policies that ha e brought us to this place.

oh because he bares sole responsibilty ffs BE QUIET ! :LOL3:

Did I say that?

I said I dont support Biden OR the policies that brought to this place.
oh, well then say so, you said that ha e brought us here LOL

What I said is still up there. I said I do not support Biden or the policies that brought us here.
no I know you support idiots with guns until it turns yer ccountry into a shithole I know I get it ...

And I know you support criminals with guns and rapists and want us all to be able to defend yourself.

So all those thousands and thousands of defensive use of guns incidents that will become innocent people being raped(like in inner cities where no one can protect themselves) beaten, murdered, have their home invaded.

Only idiots think gun regulation stops gun violence.

You are supposed to be a MAN, X. Instead you wanna curl up in daddy governments lap and suck your thumb and remove peoples rights so you FEEL safer.
He ain't no MAN! He's lived off the government for years, a disability the old phantom back injury because he was always bending over 1000000% he couldn't dodge jobs just being unemployed on benefits for 8 years!! ... Workshy,, does fuck all but sit about depressed smoking rollups,
  • LOL
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Factory Bastard
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Libs are disgusting vermin filth

they are irredeemable at this point
did he mention libs ?
or that America isnt what it was

Yeah I don't think he ever mentioned liberals either. He seemed to be criticizing American Youth who take too much for granted.

I suppose life has been too easy for the post war generation compared to the times he lived in.

I had a uncle who served in World War II and grew up in the Great Depression.

Life was really tough back then. We have it a lot easier than they did. I think that's what he's pointing out and how today's generation is throwing all the opportunities away that he fought so hard to give to them.


Factory Bastard
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I read the "article." He doesn't mention liberals in there. IMO, he is crying about all the mass murders. Committed by CONs.
At 100 years old he is surely very conservative. There were no trannies on Dday...

That's an absurd claim. My oldest living relative is 96, and he's a total lefty. More lefty than me. And a WWII vet.
And he isn't thrilled with the progressive social changes of his lifetime?

Doctor Admiral Rachel Levine doesn't make him happy to still be waking up every morning?


Factory Bastard
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I read the "article." He doesn't mention liberals in there. IMO, he is crying about all the mass murders. Committed by CONs.
At 100 years old he is surely very conservative. There were no trannies on Dday...

That's an absurd claim. My oldest living relative is 96, and he's a total lefty. More lefty than me. And a WWII vet.
And he isn't thrilled with the progressive social changes of his lifetime?

Doctor Admiral Rachel Levine doesn't make him happy to still be waking up every morning?

He isn't thrilled with the racism, the violence, or the rampant malignant capitalism.