Artificial intelligence discussion


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
What will happen if we put machines to work and people out of work?
I thought the first wave of computing which began in the 1980s has done that to a large extent. Made industries more efficient at the expense of lowering wages and putting people out of work.

At least in the US with a declining middle/working class the results have been self-evident. Drug addiction and despair.

So expect more of the same only worse if this 2nd wave begins to ramp up.
ie - the US Midwest aka the rust belt.

People living through technology also has undesirable results. They become addicted to fantasy, not reality. So they turn to drugs and extreme behaviour

all those idle people will make the situation even worse.

Perhaps cybersex industries will experience major growth, unless ai bots put those peole out of work too.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
I thought the first wave of computing which began in the 1980s has done that to a large extent. Made industries more efficient at the expense of lowering wages and putting people out of work.

At least in the US with a declining middle/working class the results have been self-evident. Drug addiction and despair.

So expect more of the same only worse if this 2nd wave begins to ramp up.
ie - the US Midwest aka the rust belt.

People living through technology also has undesirable results. They become addicted to fantasy, not reality. So they turn to drugs and extreme behaviour

all those idle people will make the situation even worse.

Perhaps cybersex industries will experience major growth, unless ai bots put those peole out of work too.

The thing is that you can only displace so many workers before the economic systems collapses. There are entire sectors of employment that will collapse, i.e., "journalism", jurisprudence, libraries, engineering, education and probably dozens more I'm not thinking about in the moment.

If people don't have jobs, how will they support the economy with no money to spend to buy goods and services that keep the economy buzzing?

Yes, all the despair will continue to grow and maybe at exponential rates. It's something to think about. Some people that live in a fantasy world are afraid of the machines, as in Matrix or Terminator type dystopias. That's not what I'm afraid of...why would machines want to kill us to begin with...?

I fear two things with AI, catastrophic nuclear wars, as a consequence of deeply entrenched human conflicts and the role technology can play in them; the other is total economic collapse and the conflicts that that scenario can create.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Technology will make workers more efficient, so less workers will be required in most sectors.

A 40 hour work week should be a thing of the past. A 24-32 hour work week will be the norm.

The people not employed in traditional manufacturing/service sectors will work in new and expanded life-enhancing services.

There will be more availability and support for recreational athletics. People wanting to play a sport or several sports will have many affordable options.

There will be more music instructors, more dance instructors, more visual art instructors, more opportunities for people to participate in the performing arts, more opportunities for people to attend live performances, more art shows, etc..

There will be less pollution as some people will be responsible for pollution control and cleanup.

There will be more healthy food and better treatment of livestock. Factory farming will be a thing of the past as more people will be available to engage in traditional, more humane farming.

Infrastructure will be vastly improved as more workers are available to enhance and maintain it.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Technology will make workers more efficient, so less workers will be required in most sectors.

A 40 hour work week should be a thing of the past. A 24-32 hour work week will be the norm.

The people not employed in traditional manufacturing/service sectors will work in new and expanded life-enhancing services.

There will be more availability and support for recreational athletics. People wanting to play a sport or several sports will have many affordable options.

There will be more music instructors, more dance instructors, more visual art instructors, more opportunities for people to participate in the performing arts, more opportunities for people to attend live performances, more art shows, etc..

There will be less pollution as some people will be responsible for pollution control and cleanup.

There will be more healthy food and better treatment of livestock. Factory farming will be a thing of the past as more people will be available to engage in traditional, more humane farming.

Infrastructure will be vastly improved as more workers are available to enhance and maintain it.

I certainly hope that's the case. It's not often that the private sector has changed the work force to improve people's lives. Not voluntarily in any case.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
That will only happen if the current political system is dismantled and re-built from the ground up.

There are too many stupid people with nice smiles in politics. We need innovative thinkers who not only understand that there has never been technology this powerful in the history of mankind, but that utilizing it properly (to maximize the benefits to society) demands new ideas and solutions.

Democracy is always bound to fail. The brightest minds drive the creation and evolution of technology, but it is the average minds that decide how it is utilized.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
That will only happen if the current political system is dismantled and re-built from the ground up.

There are too many stupid people with nice smiles in politics. We need innovative thinkers who not only understand that there has never been technology this powerful in the history of mankind, but that utilizing it properly (to maximize the benefits to society) demands new ideas and solutions.

Democracy is always bound to fail. The brightest minds drive the creation and evolution of technology, but it is the average minds that decide how it is utilized.
Given your dystopian views, I sure hope you're not given a say in how this 'Brave New World' will be run.

You write and think like a Nazi @The Prowler

From what you've written in the past, I think you have no conscience nor compassion fo r others.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
That will only happen if the current political system is dismantled and re-built from the ground up.

There are too many stupid people with nice smiles in politics. We need innovative thinkers who not only understand that there has never been technology this powerful in the history of mankind, but that utilizing it properly (to maximize the benefits to society) demands new ideas and solutions.

Democracy is always bound to fail. The brightest minds drive the creation and evolution of technology, but it is the average minds that decide how it is utilized.

You believe in autocracy?


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
What will happen if we put machines to work and people out of work?
Who’s “we” ??? People choose not to work. It’s very simple to create work for oneself. The problem with most nations around the world, particularly yours, is that you’re bone-idle…lazy as fuck in other words. Pick your game up…