Ask The Next Poster A Question ?



Factory Bastard
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I post here cos I’m a sad cunt with nothing else to do in the morning.

What one noise would you like to cut out of your life right now ?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Squid. It was chewy and cold and gross.
What the most disgusting thing you've eaten by accident?


lol sounds like u had it sushi style ^^ but fried calamari is awesome
i suppose the grossest thing i ever had was tripe

do u get your pet a christmas present?


Undeniably Plausible
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The Third Rail
Don't currently have a pet. Last pet I had was a cat that I didn't so much adopt him as he adopted me. Was abandoned by his previous owner in the apartment complex I lived at, so he would just walk right into my place, plop down, and sleep. Eventually just gave up and started buying him food. Named him Nero. Little fucker would always try to drink my rum. On holidays I'd let him get a few licks of it before I shooed him off it. So that was his present, I guess.

In your last relationship, how long was it before you and your other would fart in front of each other without trying to hide it?

knife wielder

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
To interact with like-minded individuals. For entertainment. To prevent boredom.

Do you prefer message boards like Bastard Factory or social media sites like Facebook and Twitter?

Edit: Disregard this post. I was replying to another question on the previous page.
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If my dog doesn't like you, I probably won'teither
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Helps pass time in the morning and sometimes in the afternoon if nothing else is going on plus I like the drama from some- - - - - -

Have you ever had someone's cooking and tell it was good when in fact it taste like shit !

PS-answer to: Why do you post here?


If my dog doesn't like you, I probably won'teither
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[QUOTE="TheHaze, post: 27933,

Do you prefer message boards like Bastard Factory or social media sites like Facebook and Twitter?

I only visit BF and some car sites so guess it is yes- - - - - - -

Do you like soul(black people fixings) food ?


Undeniably Plausible
Site Supporter
The Third Rail
Never had it that I'm aware of, except where it overlaps with just "southern" food, but most of it sounds utterly revolting. Chit'lins, for example -- pig guts, really? When you could have bacon?

Ever found yourself sitting in a fairly nice establishment -- restaurant, bar, what-have-you -- or at a nice dinner at a friend's place, and suddenly had to suppress an overwhelming urge to do something totally random and completely inappropriate like brandish your eating utensils, scream, "Forr zee glory of Fraunce!" and attack the meal of the person sitting next to you? Not asking whether you've done something like that -- no sane person would. But have you ever had a bizarre impulse like that wash through your mind and have to resist it?


Cold as Ice
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East of the Rockies West of the rest
Never had it that I'm aware of, except where it overlaps with just "southern" food, but most of it sounds utterly revolting. Chit'lins, for example -- pig guts, really? When you could have bacon?

Ever found yourself sitting in a fairly nice establishment -- restaurant, bar, what-have-you -- or at a nice dinner at a friend's place, and suddenly had to suppress an overwhelming urge to do something totally random and completely inappropriate like brandish your eating utensils, scream, "Forr zee glory of Fraunce!" and attack the meal of the person sitting next to you? Not asking whether you've done something like that -- no sane person would. But have you ever had a bizarre impulse like that wash through your mind and have to resist it?

Once peed in a fountain at an uppity lounge. (was drunk)

Have you ever been banned for life at an establishment?


Meaty Beaty Big and Bouncy
Avatar & User Title Hack'd
Not shoes, that's gross, I don't like even stepping on other people's carpeting in my me the heeby jeebies ..
Got lots of jeans from thrift stores and T-shirts, tons of those .

Have you ever genuinely had your heart broke ?

Bastard Factory

Chairman of the Bored
Vegas Strip
Discouraged, but not ruled out.
Most people can't handle the one.
If it's trash it will be taken out.

What was life like before the internet?
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Put your glasses on!
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If you wanted to research something, you had to go to the library. If you wanted to hang out with friends, you went to their house, and hoped they were there, if not, you tracked them around the neighborhood til you found their bike in a yard. Friends actually hung out with each other and did things outdoors. If you wanted to look at porn, you had to find the "stash". If you wanted a recipe for something, you had to dig through a cookbook, and hope it was a good recipe. You had to use your imagination, like a stick could be a gun or a sword. You had to go to a mall to shop for something. Arcade! Man I miss the arcade. I can go on and on lol.

Next poster, same question!


Meaty Beaty Big and Bouncy
Avatar & User Title Hack'd
An arcade ?? where you played games and hung out with actual friends instead of holed up in a room or basement with earphones on oblivious to all natural life around you ?? No way !
A place where peoples opinions stayed where they belong ... TO THEM FUCKING SELVES ! LOL Imagine no platform in which to launch polished turds of 'wisdom' .. what thaaa ' ??

Please continue next poster ....


If my dog doesn't like you, I probably won'teither
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Pretty much the same answer and will add that when I was a kid there was no malls or supermarkets and you could buy a hamburger at Tic Toc's for 10 cents- - - - - - -

What is the most daring thing you have done ?


Put your glasses on!
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I use to have one in my left ear, but I quit wearing it.

How many tacos can you eat?


Undeniably Plausible
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The Third Rail
(EDIT: Oops. Took so long writing this answer that a few more questions got answered and asked while I was doing it. So this is re: what was life like before the Internet) As a middle aged mammal, I have a vast store of pre-internet stories.

There was no Wikipedia. There was the library, and the "search box" was a huge cabinet indexed according to the Dewey Decimal System. "Error 404" was the book not bein' on the shelf.

There was no GrubHub, DoorDash, or PostMates -- there was the McDonald's down the street, and the delivery worker was you and your bike pedalin' ya skinny little ass down there.

Console gaming was a thing, but it was the Nintendo Entertainment System -- and if you wanted to know about cheat codes or easter eggs, you found about about it by going to the nearest AM/PM and if they had the latest issue of Nintendo Power magazine, you'd flip through that and see if it had the info you wanted. If it did, you wrote the cheat code on your forearm before the pimple-faced teenager behind the counter told you to buy somethin' or get out.

People still watched television... on television sets.

There were no remakes, reboots, repukes, none of that. Hollywood was still making new movies back then. Presidential scandals actually were scandalous, like when Janet "Man Face" Napolitano had the ATF burn a cult compound to the ground with women and children inside it, or when FBI sniper Lon Horiuchi shot a northern Idaho survivalist's unarmed wife in the face while she held their newborn baby in her arms.

Even light Presidential gaffes were more interesting -- ask anybody over 40 who it was that said, "Read mah lips" and they can tell ya who it was and the three words that came next, or who it was that said, "Ah feel yore pain."

Before the internet, Hillary Clinton still had her Arkinsaw accent, by the way, and didn't yet look like exposure to the One Ring was slowly turning her into a revenant.

Pontiac was still a current brand of car, and had not yet produced the hilarious monstrosity branded the Aztek. The Sunfire was pretty close to as bad, though, and we enjoyed pointing and laughing at that pretty well.

Next question:

What do you predict will be the big thing after the internet as we know it today?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Flying taxi's. There's talk of it on our local news occasionally.

But since this is a very good question, I'll continue with it for the next poster...

What do u predict will be the next big thing 'after' the internet as know it today?


Factory Bastard
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I would accept it gracefully.

Do you blokes really think woman like their inbox full of dick pics ?


Undeniably Plausible
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The Third Rail
Based on complaints I've read on FB from female friends of mine swamped by dick pics from random drooling mongoloid Paki primitives, they do not.

What do you predict will be the next offensive, vulgar and disgusting thing random drooling mongoloid Paki primitives will do after unsolicited dick pics?


Undeniably Plausible
Site Supporter
The Third Rail
(Sorry, by the way, if the way I phrased that struck anybody as offensive. Not that I mind offending people, I simply prefer to do it on purpose rather than accidentally. That phrasing was simply intended to be a general, though generally accurate, portrayal of the screenshots of offending males I've seen from female FB acquaintances.)


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I’ve had dick pics, only about a year ago I got an arse with a banana half way up it, it’s was a brown arse !

If you was female, what would you do in retaliation?