Bullshit On TBC-AKA The BF Forum Gossip Thread


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I agree we have a huge gun problem here. Why are Canadians wanting guns though? Don't they see what's happening here? Is it legal for them to bring guns into Canada?
We hunt in Manitoba lol
Some collect and go to a range, it’s a much more mature mentality compared to our retarded counterpart that we sit on top of ha ha
I’m sure it’s not legal to smuggle guns right, it’s more lucrative then drugs these days, the American gang culture has also been imported hence the desire for weapons the bikers are working with street level gangs to ensure every gangster got one


peace through anarchy
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Who said ban them fuck donkey, make them hard to get like in Canada and once you stem the flow your shithole could stop polluting our beautiful country with weapons your the fucking retard who thinks he has the right to own a gun that sits there for the people not coming for you go suck your orange saviours wang retard

Well make them hard to get then, fuckface!

I love when people compare gun stats in Canada to USA.

You have 33 million people, we have three fucking hundred thirty million people plus another 20 mill in illegal immigrants.

No comparison.

I don't even own a gun you twat. I had a hunting rifle once when I used to deer hunt.

So your idea is make guns harder to own?

Make drugs harder to own?

Make murder harder to murder?

Are you seeing a pattern?

Murder IS illegal.
Illegal drugs are illegal.
Guns aren't something you just grab off the shelf at the store, son.
Hell, most of the time a felon commits another crime, they have a gun they weren't allowed to possess because they are a felon.

Not only that, you guys have this fucking obsession with what you call "assault rifles" or even what looks like an "assault rifle."

Handguns kill more. Suicides are thrown into gun death stats by noobs like you.

Fuck assault rifles. A colt arms "AR" "assault rifle", could just be a glorified hand gun with a backstock and longer barrel to make it look scary and for fucksakes it's only 22 caliber.

Make better arguments.
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peace through anarchy
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I agree we have a huge gun problem here. Why are Canadians wanting guns though? Don't they see what's happening here? Is it legal for them to bring guns into Canada?

No other country can be compared because we are a melting pot with 330 million folks here. Any country with mixed races doesn't have our population count and any country like China which surpasses our population count, is not in any way a melting pot.

I'm honestly tired of people comparing gun death stats of US with other countries. It's a wash.

You have a good idea? I'm all ears. This bullshit that Canada works will never work for us because we are far more large and far more diverse.

And I'm hearing in Canada and/or UK there are are just more knife and blunt object attacks to make up for gun crimes, so what the fuck?

Maybe Reagan did fuck us by eliminating funding for mental institutions, but if liberals aren't even ballsy enough to force homeless out of camps off the streets, like Gavin Newsom did (AFTER CONSERVATIVE SUPREME COURT TOLD HIM IT'S OKAY), then if we don't have enough mental institutions and enough guts to force those refuse to take their medication into them, what is the solution?

Guns exist. Drugs exist. They will always be around.

If mental health is the problem then stop taking the easy way out by blaming every single inanimate object that so happens to be a drug or a gun. Okay?


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Well make them hard to get then, fuckface!

I love when people compare gun stats in Canada to USA.

You have 33 million people, we have three fucking hundred thirty million people plus another 20 mill in illegal immigrants.

No comparison.

I don't even own a gun you twat. I had a hunting rifle once when I used to deer hunt.

So your idea is make guns harder to own?

Make drugs harder to own?

Make murder harder to murder?

Are you seeing a pattern?

Murder IS illegal.
Illegal drugs are illegal.
Guns aren't something you just grab off the shelf at the store, son.
Hell, most of the time a felon commits another crime, they have a gun they weren't allowed to possess because they are a felon.

Not only that, you guys have this fucking obsession with what you call "assault rifles" or even what looks like an "assault rifle."

Handguns kill more. Suicides are thrown into gun death stats by noobs like you.

Fuck assault rifles. A colt arms "AR" "assault rifle", couls just be a glorified hand gun with a backstock and longer barrel to make it look scary and for fucksakes it's only 22 caliber.

Make better arguments.
So, if murder was legal I bet the numbers would be much higher
If drugs were totally legal bigger problem see where I’m going simple one
At least make the fucking effort to curb the problem what happens after that much like murder and drugs you try to control it you’ll never stop it but you’re trying


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
No other country can be compared because we are a melting pot with 330 million folks here. Any country with mixed races doesn't have our population count and any country like China which surpasses our population count, is not in any way a melting pot.

I'm honestly tired of people comparing gun death stats of US with other countries. It's a wash.

You have a good idea? I'm all ears. This bullshit that Canada works will never work for us because we are far more large and far more diverse.

And I'm hearing in Canada and/or UK there are are just more knife and blunt object attacks to make up for gun crimes, so what the fuck?

Maybe Reagan did fuck us by eliminating funding for mental institutions, but if liberals aren't even ballsy enough to force homeless out of camps off the streets, like Gavin Newsom did (AFTER CONSERVATIVE SUPREME COURT TOLD HIM IT'S OKAY), then if we don't have enough mental institutions and enough guts to force those refuse to take their medication into them, what is the solution?

Guns exist. Drugs exist. They will always be around.

If mental health is the problem then stop taking the easy way out by blaming every single inanimate object that so happens to be a drug or a gun. Okay?

The mentally ill can't take out groups of people without weapons.

The truth is there are too many easily accessible weapons in this country.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
So, if murder was legal I bet the numbers would be much higher
If drugs were totally legal bigger problem see where I’m going simple one
At least make the fucking effort to curb the problem what happens after that much like murder and drugs you try to control it you’ll never stop it but you’re trying

The standard isn't "If we can't eliminate it, why bother at all?" When we had an "assault weapons ban" mass shootings decreased precipitously.
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The mentally ill can't take out groups of people without weapons.

The truth is there are too many easily accessible weapons in this country.
And that is the bottom line that these retards REFUSE to accept ffs there’s never enough


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peace through anarchy
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We hunt in Manitoba lol
Some collect and go to a range, it’s a much more mature mentality compared to our retarded counterpart that we sit on top of ha ha
I’m sure it’s not legal to smuggle guns right, it’s more lucrative then drugs these days, the American gang culture has also been imported hence the desire for weapons the bikers are working with street level gangs to ensure every gangster got one

I was just listening to Manitoba's Wild Kingdom.

The singer is Handsome Dick Manitoba and the band was formed in 1986.

If not for them I never would have heard the word Manitoba in my life before you just dropped it in your post.

I feel like in America since the 2nd Amendment exists we should teach gun safety in schools and no offense to die hard libertarians here but, like Israel, the United States should have at least one forced year of miltary service after high school.

Basically age 18 to 19 should be gun safety and military service so everyone can learn and appreciate service to your country before servicing yourself.

Way too much instant gratification me me gen z tiktok failures now who think they are owed a living wage. Fuck off to them.

Give yourself, before you expect to be given anything else.

Country before party? Hell, I would push for humanity before every fucking thing.

If you can't be bothered to give... Then when you want to talk about what you can take or what you are owed... you can fuck right off.

America doesn't have a gun culture problem as much as it has a me first problem with guns being a multiplying factor of failure.


peace through anarchy
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The standard isn't "If we can't eliminate it, why bother at all?" When we had an "assault weapons ban" mass shootings decreased precipitously.

Wikipedia states the stats were inconclusive but some argue the ban wasn't in effect long enough to measure better stats, but nary a mention of the precipitous decreases you tout.

I'm not making fun of you. I'm saying, don't overplay your hand.

I'm saying the term "assault weapons ban" sounds fantabulous. And the yellow cancer awareness wristlet on Lance Armstrong's wrist seems amazing on its face but he is just a cheater so it's all for naught.

Substance over style.

If you truly think it did anything then lobby for it again.

I am of the humble opinion that the greatest threat to humanity, is humanity.

Guns are objects.

People need fixing vs guns need banning.

Feel me?

I'm being a Biden and reaching across that aisle so hard right now I think I dislocated my shoulder & common sense.


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No other country can be compared because we are a melting pot with 330 million folks here. Any country with mixed races doesn't have our population count and any country like China which surpasses our population count, is not in any way a melting pot.

I'm honestly tired of people comparing gun death stats of US with other countries. It's a wash.

You have a good idea? I'm all ears. This bullshit that Canada works will never work for us because we are far more large and far more diverse.

And I'm hearing in Canada and/or UK there are are just more knife and blunt object attacks to make up for gun crimes, so what the fuck?

Maybe Reagan did fuck us by eliminating funding for mental institutions, but if liberals aren't even ballsy enough to force homeless out of camps off the streets, like Gavin Newsom did (AFTER CONSERVATIVE SUPREME COURT TOLD HIM IT'S OKAY), then if we don't have enough mental institutions and enough guts to force those refuse to take their medication into them, what is the solution?

Guns exist. Drugs exist. They will always be around.

If mental health is the problem then stop taking the easy way out by blaming every single inanimate object that so happens to be a drug or a gun. Okay?

You mean you would have trouble following a law LMFAO you made following a law so complicated


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
You mean you would have trouble following a law LMFAO you made following a law so complicated

He actually thinks "fixing" people is easier than banning weapons.

This is, by far, the dumbest shit I've read in the last year.

And he has plenty of competition when it comes to dumbasses.


peace through anarchy
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He actually thinks "fixing" people is easier than banning weapons.

This is, by far, the dumbest shit I've read in the last year.

And he has plenty of competition when it comes to dumbasses.

"We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard." - John Fitzgerald Kennedy

Fixing people isn't easier. But in a classical liberal point of view, fighting for people is far & away better than just banning an inanimate object you loathe.

I'm like Tron. I fight for the user.

You go on banning everything you think is dangerous.

I will fight for humanity and attempt to curb them away from being dangerous.

You think a gun is more dangerous than a human.

I think every human is way more dangerous than any gun if not loved.

Prove me wrong.


peace through anarchy
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Lily, you don't even know.

Assholes don't exist just for waste elimination and to be hated for opposing views. Assholes exist because challenge to a thinking mind is far more a building block than a roadblock.

You think, your way or the highway. I stand in the middle of your road like a Stop All Oil protester.

You must deal with me. I must deal with you. Garraty who doesn't see your posts because of the lazy ignore function has to deal with you, whether he knows it or not. Because you exist.

Rather than post to the echo chamber Admin, why don't you post to me?

Even if mutually assured destruction, we can be mutual.

Admin is easily offended. I"m never offended. Because I'm open more than a book with blank pages.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.

Lily, you don't even know.

Assholes don't exist just for waste elimination and to be hated for opposing views. Assholes exist because challenge to a thinking mind is far more a building block than a roadblock.

You think, your way or the highway. I stand in the middle of your road like a Stop All Oil protester.

You must deal with me. I must deal with you. Garraty who doesn't see your posts because of the lazy ignore function has to deal with you, whether he knows it or not. Because you exist.

Rather than post to the echo chamber Admin, why don't you post to me?

Even if mutually assured destruction, we can be mutual.

Admin is easily offended. I"m never offended. Because I'm open more than a book with blank pages.

I don't care about those that play chicken and hide in their coops. I just don't.


peace through anarchy
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I don't care about those that play chicken and hide in their coops. I just don't.

Good pun, hun, but coops is co-op.

Cooperative. Hand in hand. A tug of war won by people with differing opinions casting aside those opinions to grab a rope & pull because doing > thinking of doing.

You don't care about those who play chicken & hide in their coops and Garraty doesn't care about garbage in garbage out.

I care about everyone.

I'm not full of myself nor my ego.

I"m full of everyone being themselves to the fullest extent of humanity's full potential.

You should care. Above all else. See Mary Chapin Carpenter for reference & reverence.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Good pun, hun, but coops is co-op.

Cooperative. Hand in hand. A tug of war won by people with differing opinions casting aside those opinions to grab a rope & pull because doing > thinking of doing.

You don't care about those who play chicken & hide in their coops and Garraty doesn't care about garbage in garbage out.

I care about everyone.

I'm not full of myself nor my ego.

I"m full of everyone being themselves to the fullest extent of humanity's full potential.

You should care. Above all else. See Mary Chapin Carpenter for reference & reverence.

Why should I care about anyone that likes to take shots at people and then hide behind the "ignore" function?

This is a forum, I only have interests in those that don't pretend they're not playing a game here. I can't abide a chickenshit disingenuous douche.


peace through anarchy
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Why should I care about anyone that likes to take shots at people and then hide behind the "ignore" function?

This is a forum, I only have interests in those that don't pretend they're not playing a game here. I can't abide a chickenshit disingenuous douche.
Garraty hides behind the ignore function. You hide behind the private profile function.

Let it go.


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"We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard." - John Fitzgerald Kennedy

Fixing people isn't easier. But in a classical liberal point of view, fighting for people is far & away better than just banning an inanimate object you loathe.

I'm like Tron. I fight for the user.

You go on banning everything you think is dangerous.

I will fight for humanity and attempt to curb them away from being dangerous.

You think a gun is more dangerous than a human.

I think every human is way more dangerous than any gun if not loved.

Prove me wrong.
Bro, are you on crack LOL