Criminal Cops Going To Prison

knife wielder

knife wielder

Factory Bastard
AGW Hut! Hut! Huts! His Girlfriend

"That a guy who gets paid to Hut! Hut! Hut! people he doesn’t know would Hut! Hut! Hut! someone he does know. Armed government workers are not only violent by trade, they have among the highest rate/incidence of domestic violence."

"A rabid raccoon doesn’t know how to “turn if off”- and neither do AGWs."

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If my dog doesn't like you, I probably won'teither
Site Supporter
It is a longer article, however. People with short attention spans might get discouraged or not read the whole thing.

When it comes to you my attention span is maybe 1/2 second at best !
knife wielder

knife wielder

Factory Bastard
You better not speak out against abuse of power and corruption. It's very controversial and not very patriotic.

Oliver Shagnasty

Honky Tonk Nigger
Site Supporter
Why do you hate cops? Would you call them in an emergency?
He hates cops because when he was little his mother banged the entire local police force and then made him lick her furrburger clean.
Ever since then he can't get the taste of cop jiz out of his mouth.
Sad little fanny bandit.
knife wielder

knife wielder

Factory Bastard
knife wielder

knife wielder

Factory Bastard
Cops are Gangsters

"I’m saying something additional: cops are literally criminals. That’s not an epithet or an insult; it’s a plain description. Cops have the parasitic vocation and the lumpen outlook of gangsters, violently preying on civilians to build themselves up. That’s their social and psychological character. It’s their class."

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"For their part, police unions are notoriously rabid defenders of cop illegality, loudly demanding an absolute free hand in terrorizing the population. Cop “labor contracts” are full of provisions preventing prosecution—or any accountability at all—for the most sadistic elements in their ranks. Still, the tendency to identify cops as salt-of-the-earth uber-workers is remarkably persistent, suggesting it is deeply rooted in u.s. class politics.

No matter how many videos and eyewitness accounts of racist, murderous cops come to light, no matter how many popular political leaders are railroaded and assassinated, no matter how many picket lines and demonstrations are viciously beaten down, there’s still a loyal audience that clings to a narrative of heroic “good cops” who are being undercut by ungrateful civilians and unfairly tarnished by a few “bad apples.”"
knife wielder

knife wielder

Factory Bastard
Youse betters not have a problem with it or else youse has no bizness calling them whenever yer in trubble.
knife wielder

knife wielder

Factory Bastard
The Police Were Created to Control Working Class and Poor People, Not ‘Serve and Protect’

"The police were not created to protect and serve the population. They were not created to stop crime, at least not as most people understand it. And they were certainly not created to promote justice. They were created to protect the new form of wage-labor capitalism that emerged in the mid- to late-19th century from the threat posed by that system’s offspring, the working class."

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knife wielder

knife wielder

Factory Bastard
Fixing The Cop Problem

"Those wearing state-issued uniforms enjoy something called qualified immunity – an obnoxious doctrine that sets them apart as a special class under the law. A protected class.

Which inevitably becomes an entitled class. Armed to the teeth – and turned loose on us.

Is it surprising that excesses occur?

Cops have every incentive to behave badly. Are rewarded for being irresponsible."

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knife wielder

knife wielder

Factory Bastard
Fixing The Cop Problem

"Those wearing state-issued uniforms enjoy something called qualified immunity – an obnoxious doctrine that sets them apart as a special class under the law. A protected class.

Which inevitably becomes an entitled class. Armed to the teeth – and turned loose on us.

Is it surprising that excesses occur?

Cops have every incentive to behave badly. Are rewarded for being irresponsible."

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"We’re often told (by
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) that government is a necessary evil because if left to their own devices, most people would otherwise run amok. Beat others up, kill them – take their stuff. It is only the prospect of consequences for reckless and criminal actions that keeps most people in check.

If true, why does the same principle apply less to cops?

Especially to cops?

Who, after all, are given life and death authority over other people. The bar ought to be higher – not lower. A prizefighter who uses his fists and skills to beat up a guy on the street faces much more serious legal consequences than a cop who does the same thing. Even though it amounts to the same thing."
knife wielder

knife wielder

Factory Bastard
Fixing The Cop Problem

"Those wearing state-issued uniforms enjoy something called qualified immunity – an obnoxious doctrine that sets them apart as a special class under the law. A protected class.

Which inevitably becomes an entitled class. Armed to the teeth – and turned loose on us.

Is it surprising that excesses occur?

Cops have every incentive to behave badly. Are rewarded for being irresponsible."

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"An ordinary citizen who acquires a concealed handgun permit is held to a much higher standard than an armed cop. Merely to reveal that one is armed (perhaps to encourage a potential assailant to back off and thereby defuse what might otherwise have been a violent encounter) can result in a felony “brandishing” charge. But a cop can draw – and point – his gun at you over a traffic stop. If he feels his “safety” was threatened – a standard so low you might as well say just because – he can shoot you and kill you and probably the worst that will happen is a few weeks of paid vacation until the Judge Dredd-esque summary execution is deemed “justified.”"
knife wielder

knife wielder

Factory Bastard
Fixing The Cop Problem

"Those wearing state-issued uniforms enjoy something called qualified immunity – an obnoxious doctrine that sets them apart as a special class under the law. A protected class.

Which inevitably becomes an entitled class. Armed to the teeth – and turned loose on us.

Is it surprising that excesses occur?

Cops have every incentive to behave badly. Are rewarded for being irresponsible."

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"Cops have contempt for the law because it largely does not apply to them. Hence the all-too-familiar sight of a cop driving his car well in excess of the posted speed limit – usually, not “buckled up” for safety – just because he can. Citizens have no legal authority to effect an arrest – even for egregious “speeding” (such as driving 80 or 90 MPH in a posted 60 MPH zone) that would result in any of us being issued a several hundred dollar fine, and quite possibly arrested on the spot and carted off to jail."
knife wielder

knife wielder

Factory Bastard
Fixing The Cop Problem

"Those wearing state-issued uniforms enjoy something called qualified immunity – an obnoxious doctrine that sets them apart as a special class under the law. A protected class.

Which inevitably becomes an entitled class. Armed to the teeth – and turned loose on us.

Is it surprising that excesses occur?

Cops have every incentive to behave badly. Are rewarded for being irresponsible."

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"Ordinary people are not permitted to blow away someone’s puppy because they “felt threatened” – or even to step onto private property without permission. They have no power to randomly halt and rifle people’s pockets, kick down doors – often the wrong doors – and get away with it.

Cops do this and worse as a matter of routine.

And this is why the people, increasingly, feel contempt for cops. They are enforcers of laws that do not apply to them. Hypocrites – and bullies."
knife wielder

knife wielder

Factory Bastard
Fixing The Cop Problem

"Those wearing state-issued uniforms enjoy something called qualified immunity – an obnoxious doctrine that sets them apart as a special class under the law. A protected class.

Which inevitably becomes an entitled class. Armed to the teeth – and turned loose on us.

Is it surprising that excesses occur?

Cops have every incentive to behave badly. Are rewarded for being irresponsible."

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"Throw qualified immunity for anyone in the woods. Uniformed or not, if you murder someone, it’s murder. Not six weeks’ paid leave. Cops – like anyone else – should be encouraged to think twice before doing something of questionable legality – knowing that they could be sued into penury if they play fast and loose. Why not? The same pressure is on us – and we’re not armed and given authority over our fellow men."
knife wielder

knife wielder

Factory Bastard
Hands Up!

"Nationally, cops killed an estimated 1,029 people last year (see
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). Far more than in any European country or indeed, all of Europe combined.
More than in communist China – a country that also has four times the population.

No one knows the precise number of “officer involved” killings in the U.S. because there is no single reporting standard at the national level and because many of these are effectively swept under the rug. But the long and short of it is that American cops are ventilating civilians in the low four figures annually, at least. Statistically – and realistically – speaking, you are far more likely to find yourself dead at the hands of a cop than at the hands of an ululating “terrorist.” Have any of you reading this ever been accosted by a “radical Muslim”? Almost all of us, on the other hand, have been menaced at least once by these armed-and-dangerous strangers known as police. Who literally wield life-and-death authority over us. And seem to know it."

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