Criminal Cops Going To Prison

knife wielder

knife wielder

Factory Bastard
"How many people has this cop "fined" (robbed at gunpoint) for doing the exact same thing he does here... rolling through a stop sign?"

"Not "good guys"-- the Blue Line Gang"

knife wielder

knife wielder

Factory Bastard
"Pretending that cops and politicians are important to society- or worse, that they somehow define society- is like pretending tapeworms define the person and that the person depends on them.

Parasites are parasites. Don't put them on a pedestal. Parasites are not in a symbiotic relationship with you- they harm you, but they can't exist without harming you. Letting them continue to feed off of you is the most destructive form of welfare.

Expel them and let them writhe on the ground, dry up, and die. It's more consideration than they have earned."



Rest In Peace Boyd
Bayou counrty
knife wielder

knife wielder

Factory Bastard
"Law is what you do when you have poor reasons.

Or, more likely, no reasons at all.

If you believe you need to make a "law" you are admitting you don't have a good reason, so you will have cops shove their guns in people's faces instead. You are admitting you can't hold your own in a debate. You can't convince people to go along with you. Your way isn't better, so you can't afford to let people choose, because they might choose to ignore you. So, like a bad loser, you throw a tantrum and pull a "law" out of your... somewhere smelly, humid and, stifling... and then attack people who don't cooperate.

Of course, you are too cowardly to attack in person, so you hire bullies- cops- to do your attacking for you. It keeps you safe from the consequences of your evil actions.

There are only two kinds of "laws": the unnecessary and the harmful.

Laws against aggression and property violations are unnecessary. You already know these things are wrong. You need no "law" to allow you to defend yourself from them. Does murder or armed robbery have to be illegal for you to know it's wrong? If it does you have an ethical problem. A "law" adds nothing but an excuse to let government punish people. And punishment is NOT justice. Especially when the lie is told claiming "the State" is somehow the innocent victim, and owed fines or the pleasure of caging the offender.

Laws against- or mandating- anything else are harmful. These "laws" are counterfeit. They whittle away at the foundations of civilization.

"Laws" are for losers."

knife wielder

knife wielder

Factory Bastard
"Law Enforcement officers are held to a higher standard of character and moral judgment and they should live up to it or get another job. Police officers have more powers than the average citizen, they have the power to arrest, seize property and use deadly force, etc. When they fall short of those standards they should be fired and prosecuted, not suspended or given probation. They should also have their “peace officer license” taken away. Keep in mind it’s not hard for a police officer who has a tarnished record to move to another city and get a job as a police officer."

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knife wielder

knife wielder

Factory Bastard
“Indignities to an AGW”

"If oink! oink! is now a crime, how about a frown? “Failure to smile,” perhaps?"

"Whatever your view of the laws being enforced these days, hopefully everyone can agree there is no justifying the enforcement of laws which don’t exist – regardless of the hurt feelings and bruised ego of an armed government worker."

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"It ought to go without saying that a person whose ego is so fragile that they will resort to bullying people whom they know (or ought to know) haven’t broken any laws but just because they can – because they are armed – is the sort of person who has as much business carrying a loaded weapon as a pedophile priest has being in a kindergarten."
knife wielder

knife wielder

Factory Bastard
Cops are Gangsters

"I’m saying something additional: cops are literally criminals. That’s not an epithet or an insult; it’s a plain description. Cops have the parasitic vocation and the lumpen outlook of gangsters, violently preying on civilians to build themselves up. That’s their social and psychological character. It’s their class."

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knife wielder

knife wielder

Factory Bastard
Cops are Gangsters

"I’m saying something additional: cops are literally criminals. That’s not an epithet or an insult; it’s a plain description. Cops have the parasitic vocation and the lumpen outlook of gangsters, violently preying on civilians to build themselves up. That’s their social and psychological character. It’s their class."

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"Like other gangster forces, cops recruit heavily from the ranks of high school bullies, sadists and losers. Military drop-outs and children of cops also gravitate towards policing. All these people have a good idea of what they’re getting into. They want to become cops precisely because they get paid and rewarded for intimidating, assaulting and shooting people. San Antonio cop Daryl Carle could be the poster child. He bragged on Facebook that he loves his “job” because he can “kill people and not go to jail.” His bosses did think that was a little indiscreet of him. But nevertheless he’s still out there on street patrol with a badge and a gun."


Undeniably Plausible
Site Supporter
The Third Rail
Criminal cops absolutely should go to pound-them-in-the-ass-until-they-prolapse prison. They're not "made men" (and women), and law enforcement is not supposed to be a mafia. When they fuck up, they ought to pay for it, but hard.
knife wielder

knife wielder

Factory Bastard
Cops are Gangsters

"I’m saying something additional: cops are literally criminals. That’s not an epithet or an insult; it’s a plain description. Cops have the parasitic vocation and the lumpen outlook of gangsters, violently preying on civilians to build themselves up. That’s their social and psychological character. It’s their class."

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"Like other gangster forces, cops recruit heavily from the ranks of high school bullies, sadists and losers. Military drop-outs and children of cops also gravitate towards policing. All these people have a good idea of what they’re getting into. They want to become cops precisely because they get paid and rewarded for intimidating, assaulting and shooting people. San Antonio cop Daryl Carle could be the poster child. He bragged on Facebook that he loves his “job” because he can “kill people and not go to jail.” His bosses did think that was a little indiscreet of him. But nevertheless he’s still out there on street patrol with a badge and a gun."

This article is a really great read, btw.
knife wielder

knife wielder

Factory Bastard
It is a longer article, however. People with short attention spans might get discouraged or not read the whole thing.