Dont you scumbag liberals think you owe them an apology?

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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I mean you are here dancing around like silly ballerinas over their most recent decisions yet you lack the personal fortitude to give them the apology which is owed to them for all the mud slinging, slander, hate speech and venom which came out of you rotten loathsome scumbag libtards during their confirmation hearings.

Both Brett And Amy voted in opposition to their own party and against the man that appointed them.

That took courage.

I may not agree with their decision but I have the utmost respect for the personal integrity it takes to go against the grain and rule in favor of the opposing party when you truly feel it's the right thing to do. Especially after that very same party dragged your name and family through the mud.

Ruth Dildo Ginsburg never had such personal strength to rule against her party & I can only take comfort in the fact that she is rotting in hell where she belongs right now.

Don't you scumbags think you owe these two patriots an apology?

NO you don't. And that is exactly why you needed to consort with china to steal this election and 75 million real Americans hate your fucking guts.

You liberals are lower than rodents.


Factory Bastard
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I mean you are here dancing around like silly ballerinas over their most recent decisions yet you lack the personal fortitude to give them the apology which is owed to them for all the mud slinging, slander, hate speech and venom which came out of you rotten loathsome scumbag libtards during their confirmation hearings.

Both Brett And Amy voted in opposition to their own party and against the man that appointed them.

That took courage.

I may not agree with their decision but I have the utmost respect for the personal integrity it takes to go against the grain and rule in favor of the opposing party when you truly feel it's the right thing to do. Especially after that very same party dragged your name and family through the mud.

Ruth Dildo Ginsburg never had such personal strength to rule against her party & I can only take comfort in the fact that she is rotting in hell where she belongs right now.

Don't you scumbags think you owe these two patriots an apology?

NO you don't. And that is exactly why you needed to consort with china to steal this election and 75 million real Americans hate your fucking guts.

You liberals are lower than rodents.

You seem very angry about the outcome of the election, Bigly.


Domestically feral
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United states
Ruth Dildo Ginsburg
Your politeness tr0all lost a bit of traction, there.

Nah. She voted against banning partial birth abortion.

May she rot in fucking hell. I hope shes experiencing every partial birth abortion that occurs in this country. That its HER feeling every one of them instead of the defenseless little victims.


Factory Bastard
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Ruth Dildo Ginsburg
Your politeness tr0all lost a bit of traction, there.

Nah. She voted against banning partial birth abortion.

May she rot in fucking hell. I hope shes experiencing every partial birth abortion that occurs in this country. That its HER feeling every one of them instead of the defenseless little victims.

You present some compeliing arguments to support your position, Dovey.

However, there's also this thing called overpopulation which is gradually stripping the planet of what remaining resources we have left & is impacting our quality of life.

And yeah...all those migrants who wanna get into the USA cuz they think its roads are paved with gold.

So I hope you support birth control too.


Domestically feral
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United states
Ruth Dildo Ginsburg
Your politeness tr0all lost a bit of traction, there.

Nah. She voted against banning partial birth abortion.

May she rot in fucking hell. I hope shes experiencing every partial birth abortion that occurs in this country. That its HER feeling every one of them instead of the defenseless little victims.

You present some compeliing arguments to support your position, Dovey.

However, there's also this thing called overpopulation which is gradually stripping the planet of what remaining resources we have left & is impacting our quality of life.

And yeah...all those migrants who wanna get into the USA cuz they think its roads are paved with gold.

So I hope you support birth control too.

Well, I've already said we can solve that.

Everyone who is worried about overpopulation to the point where think some humans need to die can easily kill themselves.

It's the only real ethical way to handle it. If you are that worried about the population....than its selfish to continue sucking resources that we can provide our youngest.

So.....what's stopping you?


Factory Bastard
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Ruth Dildo Ginsburg
Your politeness tr0all lost a bit of traction, there.

Nah. She voted against banning partial birth abortion.

May she rot in fucking hell. I hope shes experiencing every partial birth abortion that occurs in this country. That its HER feeling every one of them instead of the defenseless little victims.

You present some compeliing arguments to support your position, Dovey.

However, there's also this thing called overpopulation which is gradually stripping the planet of what remaining resources we have left & is impacting our quality of life.

And yeah...all those migrants who wanna get into the USA cuz they think its roads are paved with gold.

So I hope you support birth control too.

Well, I've already said we can solve that.

Everyone who is worried about overpopulation to the point where think some humans need to die can easily kill themselves.

It's the only real ethical way to handle it. If you are that worried about the population....than its selfish to continue sucking resources that we can provide our youngest.

So.....what's stopping you?

But do you think that birth control programs are a viable option to abortion?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Ruth Dildo Ginsburg
Your politeness tr0all lost a bit of traction, there.

Nah. She voted against banning partial birth abortion.

May she rot in fucking hell. I hope shes experiencing every partial birth abortion that occurs in this country. That its HER feeling every one of them instead of the defenseless little victims.

You present some compeliing arguments to support your position, Dovey.

However, there's also this thing called overpopulation which is gradually stripping the planet of what remaining resources we have left & is impacting our quality of life.

And yeah...all those migrants who wanna get into the USA cuz they think its roads are paved with gold.

So I hope you support birth control too.

Well, I've already said we can solve that.

Everyone who is worried about overpopulation to the point where think some humans need to die can easily kill themselves.

It's the only real ethical way to handle it. If you are that worried about the population....than its selfish to continue sucking resources that we can provide our youngest.

So.....what's stopping you?

But do you think that birth control programs are a viable option to abortion?

Preventing pregnancy and killing a human are not the same.

I dont care what people do to themselves. Have yourself sterilized. Have your uterus removed and made into truffles.

I oppose killing existing human beings.

People SHOULD be personally responsible for themselves.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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Hey peeps, I've never been in this shithole thread have a meme,



Have kink will travel.
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I hope Roberts, Brett K, and ACB get infected genital warts and rot in fucking hell for cowering and shirking their duties.


Domestically feral
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United states
I really think there needs to be an audit in the swing states.

For the health of the country.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I really think there needs to be an audit in the swing states.

For the health of the country.

The USA needs to implement a National Voting system along with verification/tracing of all votes cast.

The voting system has become too unwieldy and inefficient for a nation which has as many people as the continent of Western Europe.

The current is outdated and unsuitable a country as large as the United States.

It needs reform and a massive overhaul.
  • Agree!
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Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I really think there needs to be an audit in the swing states.

For the health of the country.

The USA needs to implement a National Voting system along with verification/tracing of all votes cast.

The voting system has become too unwieldy and inefficient for a nation which has as many people as the continent of Western Europe.

The current is outdated and unsuitable a country as large as the United States.

That wouldnt work here. We are not set up for that.

Each STATE votes for the president. Not the "people".

We have verification and tracing. The problem is the states in question are refusing to do it. That's what an audit would do.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I really think there needs to be an audit in the swing states.

For the health of the country.

The USA needs to implement a National Voting system along with verification/tracing of all votes cast.

The voting system has become too unwieldy and inefficient for a nation which has as many people as the continent of Western Europe.

The current is outdated and unsuitable a country as large as the United States.

It needs reform and a massive overhaul.

Well, the electoral college ought to at least be divided as a % of a party's popular vote.

Republicans in your state didn't receive any electoral votes despite officially receiving nearly 48% of the vote.

If they got that many votes, then they should get that many votes in the electoral college.

In the case of Michigan, they'd get 7.648 electoral votes out of 16 possible.

I'd do that to every state, alot the EV's according to popular vote right down to the decimal, and then add them up at the end of the night.

I'td yield a much fairer result.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Preventing pregnancy and killing a human are not the same.

I dont care what people do to themselves. Have yourself sterilized. Have your uterus removed and made into truffles.

I oppose killing existing human beings.

People SHOULD be personally responsible for themselves.

Still, I've yet to see you come up with a viable plan for birth control.

And if people want to save every baby in the world, they better prepared to pay for it.

More Kids require more daycare spaces. More food.

Mothers need help too. More money is needed to help them.

And if the population problem is not addressed in the poorer countries, then they will come a knocking at our doors/shores. Whether they come as legal immigrants, refugees or illegal immigrants, this is inevitable if theor populations keep increasing.

Here's a video which a conservative Christian friend sent me which is a reminder that our resources are finite & if we attempted to take in all the poor and hungry from the poorer countries, the wealth from the rich countries would be insufficient.

Not only is it impossible to have enough to feed them, we'd go broke doing it and wouldn't be able to provide for ourselves.

That's why the population problem needs to be addressed now rather than later or never.


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OP needs a dick to beat, just to pass the time so not to be on the netz crying so fucking much :LMAO: :LMAO: :LMAO:

OMfuckingG does this dude have bionic tear ducts ffs

WE GET IT MORON .. you no likey da twump you fuck headed retard :rightON:
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Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Preventing pregnancy and killing a human are not the same.

I dont care what people do to themselves. Have yourself sterilized. Have your uterus removed and made into truffles.

I oppose killing existing human beings.

People SHOULD be personally responsible for themselves.

Still, I've yet to see you come up with a viable plan for birth control.

Why is that my responsibility? I have to step in for another adult to make sure they avoid pregnancy?

You dont think the individuals choosing to have sex should be expected to be responsible for that?

Also there are thousands of pro life ministries, resources, out reaches and programs. I dont ever see or hear of pro abortion advocates ever helping pro lifers help women and children. I see and know of tons of pro lifers who help with expenses, food, housing, adoption, transportation ....anything the mother needs.


Site Supporter
Preventing pregnancy and killing a human are not the same.

I dont care what people do to themselves. Have yourself sterilized. Have your uterus removed and made into truffles.

I oppose killing existing human beings.

People SHOULD be personally responsible for themselves.

Still, I've yet to see you come up with a viable plan for birth control.

Why is that my responsibility? I have to step in for another adult to make sure they avoid pregnancy?

You dont think the individuals choosing to have sex should be expected to be responsible for that?

Also there are thousands of pro life ministries, resources, out reaches and programs. I dont ever see or hear of pro abortion advocates ever helping pro lifers help women and children. I see and know of tons of pro lifers who help with expenses, food, housing, adoption, transportation ....anything the mother needs.

In Canada they give you $6oo a month EACH kid ... ffs it made my life SO easy

Imagine these Somali sand nigs here with 9 fucking disgusting offspring


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Preventing pregnancy and killing a human are not the same.

I dont care what people do to themselves. Have yourself sterilized. Have your uterus removed and made into truffles.

I oppose killing existing human beings.

People SHOULD be personally responsible for themselves.

Still, I've yet to see you come up with a viable plan for birth control.

Why is that my responsibility? I have to step in for another adult to make sure they avoid pregnancy?

You dont think the individuals choosing to have sex should be expected to be responsible for that?

Also there are thousands of pro life ministries, resources, out reaches and programs. I dont ever see or hear of pro abortion advocates ever helping pro lifers help women and children. I see and know of tons of pro lifers who help with expenses, food, housing, adoption, transportation ....anything the mother needs.

In Canada they give you $6oo a month EACH kid ... ffs it made my life SO easy

Imagine these Somali sand nigs here with 9 fucking disgusting offspring

And abortion is legal at ANY point of pregnancy in Canada.

I know of Choice42 in Canada that helps women in a crisis pregnancy.


Site Supporter
Preventing pregnancy and killing a human are not the same.

I dont care what people do to themselves. Have yourself sterilized. Have your uterus removed and made into truffles.

I oppose killing existing human beings.

People SHOULD be personally responsible for themselves.

Still, I've yet to see you come up with a viable plan for birth control.

Why is that my responsibility? I have to step in for another adult to make sure they avoid pregnancy?

You dont think the individuals choosing to have sex should be expected to be responsible for that?

Also there are thousands of pro life ministries, resources, out reaches and programs. I dont ever see or hear of pro abortion advocates ever helping pro lifers help women and children. I see and know of tons of pro lifers who help with expenses, food, housing, adoption, transportation ....anything the mother needs.

In Canada they give you $6oo a month EACH kid ... ffs it made my life SO easy

Imagine these Somali sand nigs here with 9 fucking disgusting offspring

And abortion is legal at ANY point of pregnancy in Canada.

I know of Choice42 in Canada that helps women in a crisis pregnancy.

I know, nothing to be proud of


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Preventing pregnancy and killing a human are not the same.

I dont care what people do to themselves. Have yourself sterilized. Have your uterus removed and made into truffles.

I oppose killing existing human beings.

People SHOULD be personally responsible for themselves.

Still, I've yet to see you come up with a viable plan for birth control.

Why is that my responsibility? I have to step in for another adult to make sure they avoid pregnancy?

You dont think the individuals choosing to have sex should be expected to be responsible for that?

Also there are thousands of pro life ministries, resources, out reaches and programs. I dont ever see or hear of pro abortion advocates ever helping pro lifers help women and children. I see and know of tons of pro lifers who help with expenses, food, housing, adoption, transportation ....anything the mother needs.

In Canada they give you $6oo a month EACH kid ... ffs it made my life SO easy

Imagine these Somali sand nigs here with 9 fucking disgusting offspring

And abortion is legal at ANY point of pregnancy in Canada.

I know of Choice42 in Canada that helps women in a crisis pregnancy.

I know, nothing to be proud of

The one thing the government(s) try to avoid and down't seem to allow are women with children to go homeless in Canada.

So, while there are certainly homeless people, there are practically no homeless mothers.

For better or worse, the Canadian government(s) will actually intervene on their behalf because they don't want to create a bunch of homeless children.

So the system in Canada actually favours women with children over men.

Therefore, you generally don't hear about women with children living in homeless shelters or weekly hotels in Canada like you do in the United States such as those living in the States:

Also, at least where I live, poor children are often provided with a $50-100 bag of groceries every week to take home to their families, so those who live in social housing so they don't go hungry.

And since there is socialized universal healthcare, they will always get medical help when they need it.
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